Newmarket Era , March 17, 1865, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA MIRCH 17 1865 Itw AdrrtiwmcoU Cvsaiy OrawMf 8cho W It Cbaftii 5riiT 8 F fUnMr LMIWiim WilUtw Tnda Ttae Nvwaarket A fdo ID I UcAlMixvd fiiJUpm Ural Mitral R m Thfoafb MilJ 11 59 am Mail 646 f rn pPaMnri Aurora Rutland ltnl inj matrrkaa ahiit Ii TO TILLAQB SUBSCSIBEBS larr S fTfa rpiMtrf i tt t4Uf aU ftriat iKarvto fa pay Moirotrr lrm llw prbf liir cvtfn bjr Judpa Qp d tlio Uiiicli prear- Allttiirl Wt rfikinrlionorcUliiehiiid J I r 1 M the lill almoit ue f Anjaoiilia kcl pitd II k Br- 1I1 J lit rido Ronnmt b bii pambling tnj pjin Jting td allow lj ioferecic to b drawn lhal ibcir I trunibliap bat Tnronio i trenriai tb MWcrtWn paxioff iMkaa rtfWf thr4 Bapecialt ictiM rrKardtaK CoafJniiia b re- lardrj hj ib traporarjr sdrrm ctioo of New Honiwidi la that na Link Ibej flow ido Tor aboad Ibcjr falitr m ib path ll JebrnM b imjcdri for jfar kilc tr i lagvr voritoBi of Ibc pfopoard Ctedrration prrfvcre and lb Home OTcrBiiirnI approfa of lb KhRic mf arpfrhriid so trRjllHird peri ditl flapM befoia all lbt Maniime rroTiMca ill join cordiaUj is tW dMtn f fofnii oe rrat eoantty oat of tf prrnl aiao part Taking lbi vi e are tail o tee lba lb tloao faif end trt lb of Ibe Minitlrj b role oa Coaft dtrttioo barinf btea eitried a iU fafot b a tTetsbetoiiaf mjoriljr Wr ffsay farther sa tbal tbia baaani bern Joae latMr or wiiboat niot aoipla eoe- Jeratioa bj botb bs Iejitalaft and ibe etODlr Not Ia to approrirg of ibe irracia it it oathed at perfrcl bul it JodbUett Laid to b tba very eald ba dettoed under tba and barinf ecndetaltoo for ibe maay and diTCfte loleretU cohflieiinj ia llie nKocia- lioni dunrtf wbicb Ibe aebeme wat malar- benefit and laosthinK in Ibeir aleevo tba ahirt kibtcd policy and patiene of th Coaaty It it hih liwa tbia iadix- Hunicipal Beform- In eoolinvinp er remarka oo Manicipal and Sasneial reAraiwe ara fally djrll Fr Kawmtrktt FfiOy- l7th i889 Our Tvroiita Spmai Drtpatck The SilTer Question OPENING OF NAVIGATION T Mtreh 16 Thilr lUll el J buiotMcoribe til cnidU- Th bl n r miKh bhined for nl i eompallio wheat botera in the coooJry I arandje3ent o lpfintbUnlhcdrndl I iulead of llowii Ihcm 10 kII Ibe pirtt I to broken at a atnall ahare and eairjins j J ha aapiralioni of the tb ailrer ap iato the cosntry to piy off Nemarkterfloweai1ilofthefteat fjct tha lartLera with Moatof tlia mmhaott jubmittcj ff their cJia and candid bcr k 4 per eeil dicl o 11 ADerteati ailri The ateamer City of Toronto Cptain I KparaUog the Miiloy will beoB her old route beiiraen Ky Toroolo froio the CVaniy Toronto and LcwiatoD by the lat of next compel ihe former eorporatiun i ilhair jut propoition of cxpeitca iocorred iu the adoiioittratia of eiioiiaal and driljilicc braakioR into tho tieket oScc and ah Bat tnppoae for armament aake atraeiiog therefrom in tiUar Four alririnj to nuke Newmarket a Countj whycomplaio if by ao dolog the raepayera of tha Ridinjc cenerally he Doath A raiB named Coonel forroerlf ii employ f ha Norlheto H U Co B hraD at tha reaideocc of hiddaa At 8B eiamiBalioa of caodidalej with io obtaio Ortifalra from tba Board r examinera ol Volantrer OScfta ia tb Prill Shad yealarday fire ieriliea re eeired firat ela aod fuorteea accond claM oertiSeatea Confederation Tbe rreect eleelioat ia Net Orarawick bate denotttraled llial tbe nind f tbe people it BOt fiited to laeeifc tU tcitewe c CoafederMioB wiib ftrdr atyrl Nor if Ilut nvcb o ba nrooJrrrd at uLea e coaaider tba jaatler carefallf Is ibe fiii place Ibe oeceatilf fir arj radical Coa tilaliajat cbanje itererteen more tloul by Iba Bata of be peepla ban bj ibe few wbo bare made Ibe tSim of tbe eoaaliy Ibetr parlicaar tIaJy aot bate long been cooearsed ia itt oreraaen Ideat rf progreea oawaid oatt firtt enter ibe nifld of tbe fw and tbea ti U were flow hick- trard from iba imprett of tbcir altered tboBbt niil Ibe miad of Ibe whole pao pie woiki iradaally into Ibe tana groote With aa bera ia Upper Caaada ibe plan ef Cocfederata wat received by ibe frrater part of tba people from itt vert iatvgarattca at tbe Coalerrace aad ibi vol o BBcb froa aay nora rapd coca d- cratioa of the aatura of tba prpntid acbaoa tkaa bad lakea place ia tUe Mari time Troviacea at from the fact thai a drepeoBTciieB of Ibe abtotale Becetetly of aoae eoailitatioBal cbaae bad hen fiviy rooted ia Ibe taiadt of ibepeopleof Caaada or yeara We da aot aKaa Io afir that Ibe plea of CoaftderaiioB at deTftcpedal the Ceafereoee wat accepted by Vpper CaaadiaDt aa a bole at a cora plela remedy for tbe evila aader wLic we have bboared Ibroofb tbe woihioK of oar preaeat tytlem bat we do affirm ibal Ibe pecple ef Caaula feaerally ktte ldly Ttttivtd Ike propatad tcheme aa lliC very betl Ibal cotld ba daraed and carried col by ar atattMBra aeder tbe eircaBHiaa eaa aad that trgardip i ia Ibit lifhl ii witj receive tbe aiaeat of bolh Ibe Caaa daa wiiboal aay imporlaal denmr Ia New Braatwiek tbe caae wu widely diSrreal No tveb ttroag reatoat for itfnediala eoaatilutioaal change exitled there aad while Ibe Itidiag pliiicai at the Ccafereace aot oaly became fully cMviaced of Iba advaolagn of beetmag aa ialegral porlioa of tbe proposed great Coafederatioa bat were alao taiitfied with ibe lermt aod eoadillnnt aader wbieb Ibe aboaUl be elected yet wbea the achema cam to ka aabmiiteil to ibe people it was feaad to be impottible Is iaipreu ibeir miad at aace with Ibc viewt wbicb after otacb iboegbt aod dieaoa bad broggbl coaviclMa to ibe miade ef Ibe delefatea Aad at tbe aan Cleelioa comieg oa at oaee tbe prnpoeed cbaage wat aot aebaiited to M craeible of eain aad dttcetaoa bai wai Bade a of ia ila moat abtioMblt aa a wetpoa for eleclioaeariaf par poeaa A graal ckaBgo aoddealy Mget- ad ie alwaya tlarliiagBd tboagb iabe mity good may ofua for the lime beiag ba worked agatatl iti erigiaatort witfe vaiwbelmiag loice eapteially ia at alactioa eoDieat Still if ibe propraed ecbewe ba featibte aad adtaaiageoat ia itaelf a raaeltoa will tpaedily c after aober tbeagbt Iba peopta have well digetled tba aebMU Belierieg iberefore aa wa da that ba pra CMledaraUoa weld ia May raap work advaalage t all tka Calaaiea aad ta aoae aMre tbaa t New Braaawick we tee ao reaaaa Io bcU that tba reeeat eleatinaa there afford certaia iadicia af tha fiaaJ rejactM af iW aahaaa that Pratiaca iliercby beBt6ttcd If fur Riding now eoolrihalce SSOOO pei a iu juit proportitfD of the ratra of the CoanlyaaiJ if by aeparation we coald hare all our preocot adraola for half the aoioBBt il it juat ao moch ofa dirret gain to Ihe ratepvert of iLo Riding and iadrpeodeat of iLe further contideralion that jaal ia proportion at property would be euhiaced io raloe in Ncvraiariet Ly ihit aeliao joat ao tnoch more taxea wotild we pay and iherely Iraico the ratee on the Towalifa to aiy aothlag of tho great advanttei to jarytsea and aiteia of Ihe wliole Laoiacaa oC an Aatite or Coaniy Court ib from three lo daya inttcad of frrm three to live wceka aa at prracbt K eappine jhrfora that Newmarket ahonld be advaataed by tho ehaa can any reatonahia peraoo ba fooad who Toatd that throw away a boon of bo inoobai Jer- ahle Talao to hlmaelf aod the Uidia jtenerally oat of prejadica or iilwill towarda thia or any othrr village io the propoaed Couitty We gave the Snrca iog forth what North York paid Iitl in a preioua article lot to thow bow a Coaoty abont tbe aita aod wealth propoee can maBa their affaira when removed from City iuflueoeea wa qoote tha followiog from tha nrampton Times of tha lOih intlaBt ttare IK4 Eztratttifom fAe ly permiuion PakI Inl toomawialPaMk 23 4C of tbia lliditvg- North York Ag Society A meelngof iha Dit retort of tha above Society wav held at iha North American Hotel on Tuaadajr al Praaeni Mr T L laccck PraaMtnl nod Matara Ironaidea Maehell Soala S fleaeock Willaon and Jackaon After readinfi and confirmiof the minotae iha Board procaadad to diacutt and taka upon iha report adopted ai iha genaral cneaiiag hald m ihe Court Uouaa on Sat j urd ay ihe 4ih of March I card to iha pgrchata of a pirca of Mnd for Iha uteofiha Society upnn he I iBod coadiiiona aet forth in that report einbraeiog alao on or two niodillcationa augatad by La Board A eommiite waa alto apitointed to confarwiih a eom rrnitee from ha vitlaga to coiiplete iht bargain and obtain the dead for the So cieiy Tliey were alao ampowared or atcoring Ihe title 10 tha placa lo advamtr for tendra fur the erection of ihe fence tha indert ti he received for tha work aa n whole ard tbe coDlraclor find ma eriala or for iho maiariil or work aep araty aiid iriiderc to be received by 34iurday the lt day of April Ue uhderaiarid il la not the Inention of ibe Hoard to do RXir thnn feitce ihi properly thia year With the procrod iif neat yeare eihibiln tha purpoee paying pnrt of the cnl of llia nuildii by tha eloe of iIm aeatnii of 1807 lhay atpect to htvc aterything completed and laid for Afier that dte the proceed ariang frnni entrnnca free can be devot ad aaMiiig the pnxe litifur CMnpeii tiua To all human apieranee the So ciety bid fair for a bnght aitd hroui future 1he rorner ttiine for a perm neat inliluion ta imw being laM ar1 in our opinKii unanimity ol rlfort and jadicinua mtKagemeiit ia all lhai i now rquirad ft elevnie the aaociaiiK to the ircMid dltircinH it thould occujiy aid make h ammontly veaful to tha Agricul lural ccmmiinltv The aincw tba formalioa ef the prea- GoverDBcnt the LtaiUr baa been railaalljr aliJing into oppoeilion firat Mr Biowm and Mr UMllttliliAU ily ahatr hia aaalhenaa bat for the p4t twn wetka tbe naak baa been with drawn almoat entirely and Ihe AltorBcy cneral and olhcra he oaee ao warmly eulotixed come in for a ahara of hia right- wrath Io a late taaae ha driAa vmpletely he arma of McearalDoBtnii ind lioLTO and oea it atrong on Oppoaitioa pUtfgna Ha aaya t There watiri Confereore wiil iammiary awtbortiy fir it baM Neii twiery of i a piormlini Tli wilbbAllmg ofii teauloHina ftem Iba pnb- oelheebiakaiJ- Fonjlh Diviton Court ef Wfaih UAralanaa UiMellaateu Etymii fiSfi M fkiad of pab luatraeltoa X7C 4A PrialMf 14490 siZw73 Now dedaet tba third item paid above of 02IO53e aod we Sad tbe actsal working expeoaei for 186 V of tbe CoBBly of llalton amoOBted 937693te BOt half mtieb u North Vork paid laat year Why dedact the atooBBl paid Wentworth OeeaQte that ia a apaeial debt dae from Moaieipality lo aoother aad bat BotbtBg whatever lo do with tba expesaea f the County Here ia data that each ralepajaroan Qoderataod Now aappoaiiig that we coald work North York aa ahaaply aa tba people of Ilaltoa do that CooBlywa oovld pay all expenaea and pay t3S000 forereetiog Coaalj Dalldtnga ut our ratt ef toxaf ion io tbe period of itx p arrea yen laBy peraona wbo have not givao Ibtt matter roach thonglit fuBoy wa will be raiaad by Coantj oSeiala aod aalaried ofioera Thia ia a mitUkeB DOtioB the 8heriir Clerk of Ihe Peace Coaaly Vtloraey and their AaMtanta ara paid by fee aBowed by ataiBle and iba whole amooBt theae faBCtiooarica from ie exoeeda what woald be paid tbem ia caaa of aeperatioo aa tbe SberiffB aileaga from XoroBlo to ibia place ia aerving JarymeB iu woeld be aaved Tba ofieera ofthe Coaolj CoiB cil aacb aaWardea Traaaorar Gaoler Tarakey Cleik aad Aoditor with per- hapa a Meaaaoger ara tha aalariad faBetkmafiek BOtbiag dielt ta oompre bead Wa bava HBtlily throws oat tbae geaeral biala ao ibat ia caaa wc fail to obtaio jaaUoe from tba City tb people may ba ready ta act promptly aad deei- dedlyia radraaaiBg tbeirgnaraBoaa Up tha prtaaal tiata Toroato iafoeaea baa erpowarad tbe axp riawt of tbe Coaatka CoMil Petiioa after peti baabaeo ftmvardadta iheLegMaiare bat aiiboat araiU The meBiber for Eaat York inirodaaad a Dill to aeparate tte City from tba Cooaty for Jtadicul pvrpoaM i bot Toroato iaf aaitaa baokad 1 lIulliopibeid r Stephcoaoo fbr aceoant ThIa waa a very eom- pliealal Caae Defeodant put io a rceip adaehtd to aecoant ufU6l given by paiBiff ia full and coalcnded that the iroeipt oovered all he owed Plainiiff m4d that tbe receipt referred lo waa i taebed and that the arooant for the pi rioaa year atill remained anaeltled Ve ma have got Ihe yean Irantpoaed whieb tba receipt waa givan bat ibe above ia tha nalore 9f the ct Jod- went for Plaiaiiff Uoullbae fvr PUIntiS Campbell for Pcfeodant Maugbao r Oldham Saod amnoBt of account Defeadaiit got lamber frsm plaioliff loboild a bam aad waa to deliver loea for par which bi proved lo have delivered IlaiotifT ood tcoded the loa delivered wera merely drawn lo be aawn OB tharoa and kai nothing to do with thia aacoaot DaCiB daat howeverahowed there waa a bargain and a judBMnt of noniit wai rendered Bnuli for Plaialiff Campbell far la- fendant Sooler re Taylor Soed for amosnl of aceoant Defendaat pleaded ov charge aa Plaialiff had agreed lo him have the gooda at wholeaale prioea Thit PlaintiA denied and Judgmeat waa given for the amount of the debt rather more tbaa tbe atoal aomber 1 aiKadaoee Not ao macbbwcvr 1 plaialtiTt and dcfendaolt ia 1 aeatet aad ealooke Tba defeaded tbiu McDeroMll v Newioa Sed for prica of piga aold Defended pleaded aa nvrrcharge rbiatiff beiog aaabte ii prove ibe priea ttie overcharge wat de decled aad jedgemeal givea for tbe bat Todd vt Slepheatoa aad MoUy Seed for amoaat of nnt The laat aam- ed defeadaat pleaded aot beiag aoiified b aa eadoraer Plaietifl ptored mailiag a aotice aad jadgeateal wat givea again bth dcfcadaHit bevera for plalaiir Miller for defeadaat Tarocr for Defeadaat pleaded iha goada were never Ol or orrtd by bia- riaiaiifl Kd bat dvfandant had agreed lo teiU the ac eoant whereapoa defeadaat prodoceJ the party lhal cottraeted ibe debt wbo fare tetltmooy to the effect Ibat the good obtained oa hia owa accoaat and de feadaat tkad noihiag whalerer to dn with Tbe Jadgc gave a aoatait Camp bell lor ihe plaialiff McKay v Uera Tbia wat an iaer- pleadrrtOl lotry lheoWBerhp ofcertaiu cbatte aetxed 00 aa eiecaliea agaial be ton of platattff Adjtoracd tiU aeit Hopper vt Dewat Thit wat a feaay K Plaiaiiff taed for tbe price ol a few buthelt of Pcaa- Uerradaat pleaded lhal be got lie peat lat fell oa coadtiiaa U he coald raiiira Ibem nr pay ibe cath per boaknl ia tbe aprirg A be tprwg wat tcaiedv opea yet ha con lead be had Ila cgbt aid la telura Ibe rfy- tntv a witeet JaJgemeal for dcfeirdaot Raid ra Duttoa boed for amooot ot aceoBBt Deieadaat pleaded ba waaaued Iha wrong eoart ta be livad I Mark m IlaintiS tbowed tba order wai given at Sbiroo and waa dated attbai village Tba Jadge raled that tba eon tract waa aot aompletad sbi the aniaie manafaetBrad waa delivered at Markbam deaidad tha eaaa Daring tbe trial tha Jadga atatod aa important fact to bitaineaa naa vU that aboold a r doflt of nsbridga for inataBce aots Newourkel aad rake parebaaea of gooda from aay of oor aerahaBla aad tba utter ahonid to delirer tba aaoM at the reaideaaa of tba Mebtaar tbe debtor eoald Bot ba aoad ia Newmarket at it waa a part of the coatraet to deliver tbe gooda ai Uxbridga Wa giva tbe facti af for tba galdaaca of aBitera in fulara- Boaltbaa toe Daraad for Defendaat llartoB ta NelaoB Saed for aceooat Athoureed for evideoea oa tbe pert of ibai defeaoa Boaltbaa for pUlata Caap I bell for defeadaat I U II 8okea ea Pejcg Saed for anount of lecwuBt DelVndaot dipated gelling Ibe work doae Some little re- ductixB waa made and judgmcbt given for the plainiiff Campbell for Plaintiff Some Olal elaate caaea were then li- pored af and the Court adjohed tbe I lib of May next North GwlUimbury Council Tbe abovn Oouttcil me ai Warrinar Hotel on Siturday ha llth ioatni Preteni Meaia i lvar iioo Toivi- nd DaviJ WilluHghby The Ueeve W Hetiry Bq in he chiir pociiil teetitg called b th IUee fr tho puriHset of nppoiaiag Surrorio run theSHl Liae between Lot Nu 10 eud II 10 Ihe Latte Cnli- order In have the roai rpel aJ Ihit tpriof and m comiKte butine left unfiiiiahcd at the laat meetmg ol tliM CttuiKi in of Ir Willneghby aec- ofded by Mr Glover the lleeva wna enfploy Meatrt lliCan Ai Will P L S to run ho Lino be- Lnta No 10 and 11 iu tiia Lake Caceion inintedatey of Mr Willoughby the Reeve wat authnrixed to gmnt ao order for lh pnyment rf ten dolUra lo ihe of thia Leie P- O- Aiiderr4 lor proviidin file lutnithad by ofder Cunril to Mrt Michael Fioion an Igenl prno wlto lirtt ui ihe neigb- buurhood uf Sutinn Tha Council authorized tha Clerk I mmumcata with J- H Sievannn of Smmn and requotl him lo for th Mra FiDnrr wiih proviajona tuiia- fir her chidren t the amount ol n Hollare and tend hit aeciuut lo the Clerk for payment by tha Cororaion Ca mntioa of Mr WiUo4Uay aeeoad ed by Mr Tnmhan It wat realved ibal tbe iva n of 00 bat be tcl apart from b fiii4 of tbi townahp frr be reief of iW mdigeat poor hereof Aaii We Iteeva wat aalboiizd o grant order Treasurer for tiw fllowiag laist oel f Ihe Poor Uel 01 Fead via 10 Andrew WluKbby for uppertieg MrMrrrf Btt 10 and lo Jao liall- tlvck8tO to at hiM ia Mppilngtn family h being uaabia to woikowmg to Mr Trmliiito mrved teeondej by M tlover hat be followmg named prua b appmatrd comiisioMr to cYpvbillbe nadermeaiiMd aumt of mtncy o the adt of ibi township wnbia be preaenbed for perfOrmiog ly Itoad Div No 3 Jeba Parday 2000 9 Geo Bovair 2000 1 I Vaa Normaa 1000 Id Bicbard Maaa 4000 19 Jao CBMnibam SCr00 23 A Willoagbby 20W 2 IVler Prorr IWfOO 7 Rirhd Sbepperd 3 0aCritieicB 2000 a7 Wm right 4000 38 33 JlhHpoa 4000 42 Jotepb Glover 3000 17 Fraoeia Mortoa 2000 On motion of be Heeve be Clerk aad Mr Willoegbby were appointed new votdt a tow oea tht iaeluded ia aay ditiaioa wih alter be limita of tOBM of bet divtwootal preaeot ia force Mr Willoegbby moved arcooded by of Ibie Coarcil a moiiB ibe Clerk wat reqeired 0 ify Alfred Maaa o appear at tbi Coeaeil cb tbe 2id April oei a thow i why Ibit Corporatroa hold aoi 1 tba road ia froat of bia boea aa to proper plate or wby be Alfred Manii kbnald ant pay far tbe laad b pr pery of lba Coporatioa aow oeeapied Newmarket CoanciL March 13tb 1863 Coancil met thia erening All preicni but tba Itaeva aad oa motioa Mr Mara called to tha chair Mioataa raad aad eoafirned Mr Boadbooae prcaaoted a report frotn tba Inapector alaoaoooBBla from Mr Badge Mr Chant- Icr acd Mr Gill Moved by Mr Trent aecoaded by Mr Satherlaad tbtt tba ia port of be lotpactor be reoeivad and idopttfd Carried Oa motioa of Mr SulberlaBd aecooded by Mr Jloadhoaaa tLaTarioBaacooBBta preaeated forrad lo tha ViBaaee Committa Moved Mr Satbarlaad aeaooded by Mr t that thia CogacU pay 20i ia ao eordaooa wilb a ratolalioa paaacd at a pablie maetiag held oa tbe 22ad b t da tho porcbaae of a plot of groaad ad fvr ih I labor with tba North York Agt cataral Society aiid tht tba Reara do iaaae bia draft 00 tba Treaaarer for tba aatoa payable oa tba North York Agrieal- laral foraiahiog a almtlar aowaet Carriad Tbe CooBCil tb adjovraed dey 11 P tpecial aayt Rbmed papert of Moaday are fiM with accooatt af beriaaa atploila ia be vieiaity of Eicbmoad He baa evidaaily created caaateraatiaa asaag tha rebala East Qwiillmbury CoanciL 7he Coaccl riMl thia day at the Man ioa Houae Alt the membera preaani tha Roeva in ihe chair Miuutee itf pravioua oiaating read aod conArmed Mr Keid pratentod a patliion from John Graaawoud jr and otbera on Kixil nnattora Alto from Wm Sum Tafellad oibart praying for a uvart licanaa for JoiiB Htrnfaal Tbe Council went iato Commiiiea of the whole on the palitiooa prateOted Mr Reid In the chair Cemmiitaa ro reported progreaa agaio ButiBeaa returned at two oclock and iha Council ai nnca reaolvad iulo milee Mr field in ha chair o petiiiom preaentad Committae roe and reponad ai foUowa la Thai we hava duly examined tbe jieiitinn ef Wm Sumiterfelt end othere p for a Tavern Licenae for John fitmnitil and find tha nereetary t of pedtionera Yuur Commttiae the By Ltwt of ihit Muncipiliy 2td Yr Comminea rtcommet lb the petition of John Greenwood jr bi granied io an ar aa relataa lo Geofgi Cwka Saiuta Labor Oil ihe queatioo for tha adoption nf the Keiori Mr Diiea called for ibe yee and naya and raeordad hia vote againtl llia aeeond cUuaa of iha report The ruber mambere voting yea afd Ihe port wae adopted Pertooal applirainn waa made for tllance for Hannah Crderrran an ii gani peraiin Moved by Mr Shuitleworlh feeondarj by Mr Halborn lhal wiili reaped to t ppttcattin tor nirt towardv tha mam I oea ol ir nnah Cydarm tD an ii dig leriun thia Cuncil dfiet not feel jjali led in mnbnjj approprialtona fOrs idtida of tbe Jownhip fur any tuch pote the raiepeyara hiving ilecided itietno ech eppropriaiiona aball be made Carried Mr Hwlbrvrn Moved for leave lo in rofca a Uylaw for ntiering Pud imemJing ihe By law hxremfora in fnrca eatablnhieg ihe tmnndanea rif Koad Divition Lae granted and tha Pji il a firal time The Council then reiolved into a Committee of the toa OB the Bnma Mr Shattlawonh iha chair After making conrderable progreaa tha Ovminea roaa and aaked e to ait agnin tba next tnaeiing ol Cuneil Leeve graated apd ihe ncil adjourned lo meet efain la 4lh Saturday In April at a tourt of Reviaiuo of olhor butineta ovr tba oooaiera Some people And gieai lilt at thia aed net anfrequently aak It not ailver tetrr iban paper iDOBey T Bul tey io not pipaity unJrtad the r Jat ao long aa ailver ia reoeivoJ and oaed in the eounlry atwve ita value Irag will Bank refuaate diMeam for onr meichaoia maoofarturert aid bati man thia la cauiing among other hingt ihe ightneta of mooey pieaent lima Ibe Banka refute lo pat their paper in cirealatieu becaoae wiib ailver at ila preaent va ioe ipacelatera aoon get bold of the billa and dntaad gold iherefoi a tbae draining ihe vaolit ef the Bank ef epecie leaving a loreia coia ia circutatioo ioatead thereof Fife On Monday aAeraooo laat a lall tcBement occapi by Mr SaulCI Roaitaox oa Sitneoo Street Weat took fire from a defective atova piva paHiop throttgh the eciiiog On tbe alarm be ing plvcB the firemen and aeigbbora rap idly collected Kncine No 2 and the ed ibere waa plent of enow and Ihe peo ple worked carBrtlly tbe fire Bala Begfiftar Sataiday March 25 n Anetioa Sale wilt Farm Stock Implamvnit aiHl Hoae- lald Perniiera twlongir Joaeph Brckn Terma- ol Fuor Dallara aivl nrMleit Caab ovr that amoant Eleven Mooiba Credit will be fivan Sale te com mence ml twelve oeloek ooott Jamea Kavanagh Aoeiiaoear Pariea btvingiheir aale bilta painted Editorial SaiDmary- The Belt aetaian of ihe DiviatnA Court to be hlien at ihta place it llxaJ for the llih of May nextthe flrlday of the mouth iberefure will te the laat day oi On Wednewtay U white Mr Atraao Biraa of the firm of Soriiia Il Hoaa waa leading bia herae by liter llia ebimal io a playlel mood face tMoahiog tha OB- tier jawbeoa an I aattoaaly catliag bit Dr BaavLCV waa called iftj drea Iba woatdt aid wa leattad yaLy that Mr Bou waa rtniog at well aaBbl be paetetl from the aariooe aatare okia- jory rereived Doriffg Tuatay WadneaJay ami yeeierday tbit eaciieA f rooetry experieoo- cBtmaed lAtld aod pattaftba lime rainy weaiher annw baa rapidly ditap- peared and aleighing abeol oaed op- SboelJ xtha tha eoriiniM today we tlut ar ciliiena geoeratly witi rerBove the I aaow aod din remaininf en the aide ilka in froat of their raapaeiive pramita evaiy pait ol tha viitage ao that altev y aon Iha walka will ba clraa and dry or pedeatiiaaa The inflot at eebolart ie ao giaat ai the Commofl Sebeal Newmarket that he TiotteeaaraeaaiempJating ibe emptoyment uf t thud taaehet The eipeoaeaatiaBding iha mantgemeat of ihia inMitaiieo ai noHiplying At ba pveaeut lioMt a large portiao af tbe main building reqeiree nea plattering wbile io erdar la tha employ ment of a third leaeher the aoaib wing kf be Boildiag will hava ta la faraiahad with aew taaia ito Ttie pTtwpaet ia that Ibe School will oael mara taxaiiaa thia tbaa for the Mooicipa parpaeaa ef tba lege PHOToaKAraa Nr FmrATitae baviac perekaeed J pamlta pied tiy Mr Otaigt WaOaee Bather Itra 4aat aerth ef ihe paatoAee aa4 havlag rvftled tba apceialy fiwbia baaloeet kaewprapar ad le xceae all ordaw lor PkotAgrapfct A beatypea LetternfTaph Sce aatiag Jaw wkboat ofbabHa- aallle aatene tbe eoaioaaay peeMaewtlv Mr- Flupanei Waa artiai af aWlny awl et- eeitad aily by a rewHM whbal beiaga ftatlaww ia wltM Iba paWle hare aelaaaudad Dr TaVLoaa kcioie wm wall al- leixJet at the Hall lati Fridey evening Rev Mr- RaMar ocrepied the rhair For aeiily two bonia iba Uarcted Uctaiar kepi the aiiaflliaa ef hie Itrga audimee while hedeteantedapon Britiah CelBatia giving alao many biiorieal and iotereating fAcia wilb regard to Vancoaver and the told Fielda of Cariboo Tba topography af tbe eMiniyqaantiiy af arable laod ita pro docitvnaa tfe o mitMia the viSeaUtea aad hardabipe 10 be anaaunlared chacaa ter of roioert geneiatly 4e windinap wilb a grand peroratioa io commendallon of Britain Biitiab loeiitolaion aod BritarbV fllutitiooa Queeo A voie uf thank ae leodered at he cleae of he Lectara Tbay howeear being neei i ty Ibe pvopie wbi live 1 Oa Satarday the I day of Atil next tba Board of Directortof the NoOh Yoilt Agficoliural Socieiy haa inviti Director of the Townthip Agricniioral Soriietiea ol King VVbitchurch and Eaat Gwillimbaiy o meet them at Newmarkar With the view ofananglpj or holding an Unioa Spring Sbow under he aapicet of all the Societiea The etject it tbia- be able M offer aoeh lerger premiona a avoid ha neceaaity of holdiog two three apalogiao for Spiing Showti and he tame time laaanheeiperMeaieodiag n Tba oljeet ia wonby ofeontidvra- It and we treat Ibe Towntbip Socieiiei I receiva tha propotiiien ia he aamt kind apirit is wbieh i ia made for he mplithiDaa ofpraeiicalgeod by offer a aoQIeieot iiKfueemeM to aao K claaa ef aailre atock to travel the HiJing darisg the prateul eaateo Anetiaan Silver bf all deaeriptiont a beefl cat dawa f or par cent io Torooto Tbie ha oompellad eoi ohante lo fta in the aame cearta of all onpauj aceooD paat year U televa however for caab porchaaea tmall i och at tive ald ten eeft piecee omler orrf0ponlinrf Aurora Correepondence I cwornmva fPAir Ac enpe tVho if lnoramo f Aiin agiated I leally ielie t ai wera il C bw woaU fc aiAl 1 will orMaaaail any onnereaaaiilf NcHhinf eiieontla ami aet down Rathi ivirtf an areoent of iha periiliariii ol extiaoidinary vitft I witt do If any word n mina can ivnfy evila e jmbffc arte let tham teak i lo mke theae remvka in ow4u hearing an npinioti eapTeaet artMiyioaat c tba Huaaer am to aay ah aap- There aaema I iga It looha aaepieiooa to ay tha leaa Mooat Albert Corraapondaaot MatrBT Albmt March 13h IMS If any one thing mere than aBotbar haa eaeaad anneyanca te tha iobabiiantt of till go aod aarrceodiag country In the latt aavan or eight yeaie il ia ihat while ib Poet Offiee waa called Newlaod the vil lege atill retained the aaaM of Meaai Al let Th vlllageta after tacoring a Pa Ofltoa refated to give op tha name of their e a name iow rertdered doobly daai ibegad Piioce Cooeoit ia wbM ir it waa given haa pataed away sitd hia wortB ia becomtng wiora geaerally great deal ef in owinx Iba aiiea of ear village would naiurally eappo ita OSoa bora tha aame near Thanfca buwavar laiha axeriioat of eat la tbie dilBcaby baa baao i a lhal af Maont Alh Thata ia Mhig aitmpmtaaea gaiag ob ieti new lo aitraet aiienliaw Pro A i1at1ie Methodiat 4ryaodMg ealabtily be emaikel Ui ice you gav I the ra ba it oenala ol wbat htaajrt IB detiverhigthaae laoiarae Ibeir effect will ondoabtad ha bafeAeial if he aodarataada hie aotjaar aud baviog It haa oolr joM benn orgHiXl ita litt ef membeia ia aai very long aad altboagh aignifieani taaempaiiaaa tayear Meahan h ie la be hepad tbat it will a towarda lbanalhwataM a repart waa i wae all u I fliiBly be B oirjalated that Newmibei flamoe Tbia liovel that aeaa at ear atiixtaa offered bat dfty datUra that balf af yaor eilbifa WM aa fira Aa fraal aa iba axebaaaM bricbrneeeof ihe fl faara weia abooi lo le realixO IHoarhing a litila nearer aabarptern in i at not Ihe mill bai ita Alieracreat r ibair plaaaaoi dii Bomaa tbaoking PiovidajKa that it waa to LONGIMANUS k CDlonial AniTal of tba Haata I the 11 of Jarob arrivad bare late lati Tha Africa aritved aafe at Livarpaol Lord Lvooa baa bean oompolleO ly of bia health to raaign the poet ef Qdeen Victoria baa emerged from her ilirairtaot and held a giaud ooart oo ibe at day of Febraety a eoy way cesaectad wiib tbe n Utvaipaot March I Floor doll and nominal Wbeat nolet iod ateedy Coro Steady mixed 2 a27 Lardqiiiel Sugar Steady Aatiea t ll toSl IrriTtlef tba ParoTiaa PaaTtaaa Mareh 16 Tba aenhip erufian liom 1 dexyt oa the I i The opeemg ef tha talegrapb lo ladi Bolter tenda dnwowerd American BeTolntion PniLaBKLrata March 11 Tbafiw in bat the fbllowiog deepatch WAaatMrroN Martb II A laitar dated Wilmingron Mercb 0 i received here to day ia whicb It la Mated in poeitiva terme ttet a acuut from Sherman a army had raachad Terry V headuartera who loft otir forcet in ibe occupation nfCheraw 8 C tho termi- of tba Charaw and Carltngtoo mad and bot a very few miat fmm North Carolina Nirg but cavalry akir- miahea had laken placa Thrnrmy had North Carolina wat a certain Thre letter adda Ibat on iHa lt o March tlia acoui ataried lor NewtiArr Uaraihg of tlie occatkm uf Wil mtngion reached that place mocb aoon- The aourca of hit inialligetiea ia per feclly correct VVaaHtxoTOX March II A apeciel devpetch to the Commertial AdfrttiMr aayt Tna ramort of daeanert to Scofiatd igioaiad in a boaaifat daepaich from Bragg published in e Richmond paper claiming thai ha had cbackad him No importaoca wlMtever ia attachad te tba ataiemcnt and It ie believed that bolh Scifield and Sherman are all rigbi Vlta Prnideal Johmon wae ia the eapitol itHlay bul did nnt preida ia the Seoaia Hie health ia mach betiar f a baiila by Scofiald io North Carolina attract increaaad altoB I bot Bottling cao ha aeeriaiiad from eoy reliable erwre They ara evidaaily founded on tha doubtful Uragg daepaich Ihe Richmond papara No reliable newt of Sherman Tel Good nawe baa bwaa raoeived from Sbr Tha ramnania of Earlya lortav hava Bad to tha moontaina Tba Con Jarata araay ia baliavad to ba broken BaLTiMORa Uareb 12 A returned Untea prieonar who carrta into Annipelie i4ay direai frim Rich moadcommunicaiea eema Inaraating in talligetica in ralatioo in tba ataie of al Ricboaoad and Shendtae move Ha aaya he waa coaRaed in Caetla Thander aad ihrovghiba friaod- lineae of Union ctiixane incarceretad there nbtainad much iaformation relative tranepirin aboot wbicb Rich mond paper- era ailrat On Saturday night leet Richmood wa own ifilo inteeae exeiemen by the anoouneameiit that SbaridaA wat aeer the city The alarm bala wera rung ard all Iha home gtiarda and avary available ntan tbat coold be aparad waa hurnadolTto repel Iha Yankaa wh wera atid to ba at Baavar Milla aoaduci tha mam feeder of Kichmoiid The iiemeni coBtinead all nght aid meraat J to a panic ikougbtMt Buoday aad down te Monday llaming wbao ba left the alarm aiill prevailed andervtood that Sberidan had aooceeded in iba delrtctloa af tM iquaduclt blowing it op with gunpow der aod il wwuld take at laaattix miath to repair tbe damage dooa by bin duriag Suiday afiaraeoo Prckata divieaoo paaaad Gatlla Thun great hMta oa tba way to taaat Sheridan Thera waa a ferry near iba aqaedact bd it wee believed thet Sberidaia ptir pflaa waa lo cro the Jamaa aod etnke the Danville road aaar tbe eual fted whara there ia an axianatva bridge de- trov that aad ihut OMBplata tbe de- atrociioB ef tba commuoieatiooa el Kchmoad aod than aMke e junctieo iih Grant Mivemrflie iodtcMing prapi the abandonmant af Kichmobd have been la pmgraaa or aoma lima Tba baevy maiuary fur meaufactoring bean removed aWs tba macblnary of their pareueiac cap minarMteryaadall tha earpaotera io town ware at work filltBg targa Goreraaeat taudara or peekiog5oxea Tba bigb wBiar in tba daiM bad ab aided ae tMch Sbat tba beat wbiah eeo- Ty f riaaaart from Etahtnoad oeU Mt iaa abwva Bat he doing prvtiwHly FrMa ihia ei etaace tl ia thp Aat Skeridgaw teei diifirtiiy In croaaag tba aMai hie line of atreh- CiTV PoiW Va March Q Ta tla E- M- Staatoa Seej Tha fetlewirg Iietat are takea k loayat tUthmoad papert i Wa have toa good i ea tbie aiM aewa f a ticlety ia Saib CeiC It la aaieaacad ia tba fvllowiag t derpateh from Oca Lee Tboeg detpalcb ia rather Kaat ia ilt particC enoQh ia givea lo tbow tha KilMlfl waa badly werxrd llaaDQcaants Match IQ a Una J 0 Brecbvaridge 8eey ef vjj tea Hamptoa atlaebad G S Ipck at daylight tbia meraiag aad diaS him frem bia eaaip takiag ha Hiaay horaea aad aeveral baadrad prite aad rtlivtiaga great eamber ef ear who had beea captared The geae ead wagaaa ceald aaf brevght of for wt o bfaa aad gg of ibe eaemy wrre kdled aad waaadi Oar teat ia at heavy Lieat C4 j Kiag wat killed Brig Gee Slgaed R E LBE Geaeriu Il wiD be ebterved tbat Iba ItraWyg fight it aot aataed ia tha depig for prodeelial reatnaa ShaM cemmeaicatioa with tbe NertkA it woald be roipradeat te pabliak whaWf wat at h weatd be gitmg aiwt le Giil ef hit progreaa WAUiinorox March 14 11aiiA A MfJ Oe Due Demichet dj fiom dhermaa aad ScbofielJhavt beaatj red Ihit mar Shcrmaia dea it dated March 8 at Laerell ilill N ila aayt Wa ara atl wrH doaa lacly Dctaila atoat omit led Gaa SchAfield ia a depateb diti Newbera Mach 13 tlitee that ea igbt of Ihe I Itb arar Se4b Wett CraA Bngg wat fairly heatea ibal denag dk aifbt ha relrratcd aerote the Nra Kagt a aad dew bod tba baak of 1 tiver at tbat place Sifatd F U STANTO Wioaoa March IL C9llatertabill Detroit reaaivai the ofiial repeal ibe pat port order laat aight thara ia gf Iroeble ia creteiag erer aad lli Uaitad Siatea Coatalt e here it cle tbie atoroiag There ia a geaeral leeK rvjoiciag oa botb tidt ef tbe New York Mareb 13 Tedaya wail from Mexiae beiag fp laxtof the Emperor HaxlUllaBa dA promaWft irat tba eatira taxi af wbioS ia aavl ba firat time traiwlatad fot tbe ikaaodliH Praaa Maximillian Emneror of MaxW ba tag aoBaalted oarXoaeil ef MiBtalMj bartby d tba follewiag Aniala Tha Empire prataata Catholic Apoatoliea Cbarott aa tha ligioo of tbe State Artic2 Free aad ample toieratki ia axeoded tbmaghoat tiie tertilarydr tba Empire to ell raltgiona wWiah aaa Mi oppoaed to awrality civilixatipa aadgail rH kM I for abti ixatioa of the Ooverateal Tba Fall efCbaraato We clip tbe follawiag grapbie aewelt aurreaderiag of Charletloa fre k irrpoBiUaee of tba New York Awid- UI Wheatheatarviag poor peaplakaaA that the paWic tioret ware beiag kara they raa ia grtat crowd covtred where a large eapply af g der wkk ttorvd aad amaaed ibrtaiaMl wilb lovag baadfela ef it lale the 1i p lea ef aollaa SwMaly the commeatcated le the magmxiaa aad fearfal exp took place Tha aid rihd at beieg etiremaly bfirtC ttiotaied by the citiaeaa wardof lAO laaa womea aad n ia tha Atmet aad ibai ere iajarad baraed aad a Powhly i may be aa eiaggeeahl altaute j bat there are ao pabha afttfi yet frem whom tha traih caa be aaeeairfl ed aad raiaar ia wboliy aatrawer4A Tbie frrgbtfal ealamiif occaired al ill NartbKaier llailway depot wbtth m letalty datlieyed Tbe miteraWa vieM vera aeea tamblMg aboat ia8goay1W Jly roaaiiag ahve their wdd aht0 rra appalhe aad aH belp wae hia rnailmd Af Ant PatiADitTffiA Harab 7 Tba Ol traia for New Yort ao tba Traatoa Bd road left aboat oaa adeak tbie morBil baviag waited iMariy bar battra far BaM ara peaaogars It ae of alaadi with poaaaagara and wbaa ttaar SabaaV StatioB it earn ap with a diMbtad Tt4 and poabad it oa abaad At SrtO after reeflhiag Brtatol Statioo tba Wd tBgtoa traia raa iato tba Owl Irala ooliabiog three eare kilKag five pan lad aae woaodiag fSw i te thirty otbara AU tba kilM Ml aeldiara aseept tbe firaaaaa aod eaa iaa TI amaobed ean eaa l the Batoaa ware ptai ai by toa traaaaj BriateL Tbreeaf tba woaadad anil cruabed tbat there it ao bo pe tt nw tbeir liTgh Oaa Batlar ia aaid to ba alrag ptaaBa4MarU all tha aftaitle poait or Cbiai of tba FraadMHO I Much axei exiete ia Orieaae awing to iha dmceverT af a crei eoctaiy elliatad wiih ibe Ceidi ratea LocarotTi Harb IL The Bax eMioa eeaapaaye a rnachinary at thia pleea waa be J nigbi Loea 000 iradfl from fnatieo a be meabinary m Blk SO fpi tiiat botb Uaioaita a CoaWeraleeW oooeaatratiag their feraat with tbe dM eC makiag tbat 8aU tbe laat ditak tl boi Bapabiia O A maa bw baaa a roato for taaaiox 3 aoaatarWt bill tba CotBMratal Beak ef Caaada Bomiaaiioa vhiab tbe baak baa iaaoad SixcrtAB Cowctaisict Mai Mitaeari wbh came tat Ihe Uete getbar aae a fre aad tbe otber a atau rallied the caaatitaiioaal alOT meat abalUtiif alatary aa Iba tba 7tb taaf

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