THE NEWMARKET ERA MARCH 10 I86S Ktw AdTtrttMlitt O B HMchrrgA ua HMT Tria Tima Heipukct 9Si B m IJSpa 10 p m eoatral ia th of b Road whit pparUiai to tb peaet of Uiu lUick Tbo City of TocooM Udj eoajWerod that It Vooid b a itrj djiagtToat to lot ibeir Stoek ailp fnm bir haodi ioU iba ooBtroi of tboae abo abt perehaDC ba Ktakted by istfrcaU adTcna to tba Bead aad vbieb avbti d brin boal aosa ohaaK la tbc aiaQar of oo daeting iu afaira highly dairiiaratal le tb iatrita of iba CmiAty nf Siaooa nd tba olbar loealiiioa tbnogb wbkb it XONEY TO B 6AY1 Canada ThUtlet Mr STiaron bat itrodaerd Bill u rttaal Iba apraadiaf af CaaaJa Tbiltt I Uppar Caaada Tbroagb Iba kiadarf abr ired I copr rrprialfil afiaf batiag aaicadrd aad patted ibroagk Caiaiillra If lb rbceoea hw it aill act aMlnUl dilTar froa iu proDl laadiaf aad Ibertfara iraaortba a brf ayaapMa af TljfiifiiJinorkrt r0 Ntwiiarktt FndayMtreb lOth 1965 PaMort Syttem AboUahed THE YORK nOADS 1 COSrEDERATON DEBATE litrLCKITtAL PfTtTIOJIi Qccacc March 1865 lQlrne taaehail ba lai aifbi tbai Iba Wihinun CaiBtio had abolUhd Iba paaapoo aaitaoaa by cffieial praelatni IWB yaalaiJay It t aa larataa niw ihal iha Canri af CofnAM Plau baa aoaiaiftad iba lagati a iba poiehaaa of iba Yok Road by ibv CoorHie Vwk and Pl iImI iky aiil Tbadabataa mi CMfdainn baa ba dry and ioipid A e ba raa olotiooa may ba Itkan ai arr lima pafbap lattthl If MS in porcnaM of ih pol apoeKiOttd by iba Miniany on Toay aaoc iba Hmm will pfaeM is lb Tba Graod Tiank AmalfaB l hald fcf ba praaaBt Thara waa fai fon ia iba H nbt ThaOppaaHioawarabaaaii tba pniiMO prvMiMi latftM J B E DH wKbum liDfa par tnaJ faribib by awa tin aiU ekitdrf GaUinf pa againal CoDfcdaialion aignad by Mi waa a cral da lad Iba Orpoainoo enHlc Wy I it Iba daty f accapabl af laad ia Upptr Cauda lo eat nr eaata to ba cai daaa all tka Caaada Thiailaa roin ibaraoa ao tfira ia aacb aad riy yaai aa afaaO ba tnftcttat to prTat iMai goiaf to taad aad fur alat Iba oacar aMor or arcpaal ia rtaderad liabla ira of aot lata baa la aor Bora I taa dailara far fffraa Claaar 2 providta ibat il abat ba diy of tba Orraar o lliibvaya la ibt Iba praiioaa a tbia Acl ara aafi ad by CBlliag or caiiia la ba cat d all ibo Caaada Tbite4 growiag a bbayt ar rvad altoacaa ia Ibair i paeiira difiaioa j aad aery ab otari abalt gita aelica ta wrtliag la tba oi poaar or oeevpaot of any had i hi dtfiatot beroa Caaada Tbitllaa a ba grosiag aad ia daoger of gaiag to rrqoitikg bioi lo caaaa lb aaaM to b doa wiibTa fira daya fro iba aerr tmtk aolica la raa tba owaar or capaal refaaaa ar arkcla la aiuad Iba aetiea iba orarear naal aalcr ai tba taad aad raata aacb Caaada I bialla a BT laad aaB wilb graia w ibat bra aeb Caaada I groia ap aaaradai i aat b Mtcaaary ta gita aar I caliiag dot rlMch fladrnada Mai a Mai I ba Ibr i Caaadi LATBST FROM TOSOXTO THE SILVEE HTJISAHfCE Nr VnadraiiolPi Bcadlocn TRtKtES OF THE TOEK RDAOB toMiiM r Ifc Trei B4f rf Trj Mhid laaatalaj la d ewa lla Siltr QaMtOA- Tbay anydaidliaiarer tM awan iirr diaal afW p Ml la ardar to taka lb bMAi f ibia ar- palilytfHinag lag apna iba bod of 11 R CotDtey la b eai daa In cm of aa- iWl or rtfaal tba otarar nl H gbwayi iwa Iba aaaia aad lb atpanaca ta fad la Iha cotapaay caa R Cooipaay 1 pfaa ai So a Mr VaMlaabatf ia klaia Uali U crwda Taaajaniawfoa ntorrov rtaaibf i bbkpaaraMl aad Georgian Bay Canal and Bail Boad InUreaU in Simeoe W rany iba Cuanly Coacil of en moai fal anabat qar o aaaio tba actKn of iha TroiA CMaaeil aa u ibfir Sfiek in iha Noriharp RaiUay Cwnpasy Il appaara ibat btla ib- Coooail wara ia thr vioCar aaa- ron aoma waba aieea Tarioaa atarpria- h g aid ingaakHia ganilanian aaddanl apyaarad oo ila aeana and rrqalarf wdiaDca iJb lia august body i f lb CcBOCll anaiii iba iniaraau of Iha Gaor- giau Bay Caul Tba aiparl gai tlman wlkad aa Uiutbar Jooaiban baih h Tba biRau kind 1bay pUinad Ihal tbara evld ba ao difieuli io gatiiftg ba ruiaiiaBaadlal a baga- mIU of 7 Mtkar planural jaat rww tbat tba ara fMtif lo gal a aeWa af laar frtMa lb GovarnaiaM in aid of tba darukiag aay I 0OCOlbai fact Iba eooearo aMgbt ba eoaiidarad arrsaged if tbay coald gt boU of iha Northara RaiUay Suck bald by Coatrty ofSiaaooa wbicb with ama frabkinaa ibayadisiilad venblaa Ib a paewniary of iav Wall tba CoBaalaftar tba aaasar of tba Aborigiaal fathlraof tba oooatry mokad beanly orer tbal and par kapa 4f tba aforaaaid Caaal CoiapaBj partOK flr oartaia Irwatara and aa a raaalttbaa aad than Totad away Coantj Railway Stock to afabla aa conririal prooMtan f lb Canal Tbiagi ia a bnrry ara fraqwfltJy prpcBiad of a kanra aad wa ioaafriaa fb aatiOB rafartad to ia a pWy f trattua of iba oi4 aw Tba Coaaeil appaara to bata baea eoaifWtdy aan ad aTy tbarraoaf of tba awfoya of tba Caaal and baatilyaoaw lad a foaliab aat for wbiob wa doabi Ml Hay an now baartily aooy It aay ba bovavaa tba tbiag ii not attariy irraai- diabU- tba traaafar baa aot u jt baaa ooaapiatad ia aeb aaaa Ibay weaid do wall la raaoaaidar tbcir baaty aiiaa Koloaaliiy iaaa iataraatad lb Col Roll eb rOMdrnl land rvfirmc banot lacaMMfea tr af Kb rHitt laad r 101 lb Maawipalit pajati barfM lo laada aad eIlrcla I lad tba I for II Ctaaaa i iboa bow of tbo I ebargft loo bfh mada by la caa appal to tba Coal I ibiriy bo abail da- lakea it aalaM to ard aaac obteb lbr i r Canada TbMtl r read tba prayer Ibaraof be granted aad lb aam or 10 advanoad fur bar raliaf- 6ih Yoar ooaaiitca foriber raeoa md that Iha aa of 15 ba paid Jaara Millar ia fall of all deaanda np io tha 6tb of Marah Inataat for keapingof Joba Ilaialwo- d a paapar Uapof t wu adopted ia Coaneil and laoiion tha ebair wai raeatcd hr hoar AmtKooR Stttioff Baiinrai reaomcd at 2 p a and tba Cooneil at onoa rtaolrad inio Comaittaa of iba wlhileon Tandra for tba keeping of John llawiwoud a paawrand otbe oaSniabed botioeaaUr omalaar in tbi aad raporlad aa fol r t5 lo ba paid aa a Cuiawiitee Iowa lat With regard to Iha Tandara aob nitled for tba maiaiaaaaaa of Joba llaMlwood a pauper yoar aomtaitta rroomaend lhat iba leader of Jaar Miller La aeecpled aald lender baio fa 2nd Voar ooatnillae raootamend lhat tbaamoont frota tba Bummer ofloa ba paid aiaoaniiax to t 3rd With rard Pr 8cb Ifiild y nnd the aomof difobaro vf the Cvooail adopted MoTcd by Mr Maabfll aaeonded by Mr Matiaia thatMr Ed Paaa ba ao- ihnriiad lo pant ordera and rreaif mon ey from tha Treaaorar In aid of Widow Hawiinfa at 97 par quarter for iba prea- Dt year Carried Mr Monaia gara notioa thi nioetiit of Coanail ho woald introdaoa a raaolation to radooa tha yearly aalary of tba Cark of tbia Mnnidpaliiy to 300 pr annam Mr Webb iatroduoeJ a By Law io blank pfovtding for iba appointag of TowaaLip oSoera for IM5whicb wi read a firat tine and iha Coaaeil wa iotn Cowioiiic of tha whoU oo tha aan fiir tlia parpnae of fiUinjj io lb namaa- Mr Webb in iha ehair We ahall eadearor M Coma a tba oamoa maa and reported tba Oy inded It waa reoeifad and road a tbird tiao and paaaed After anna farther roalina baaiaeaa thCoaaoil adjoornad to aeet again im Uooday Iba 2Jad day of May at No- Uetoa Holland Landing Connoil The abora Coaacil mot ra Iba itb iaat Preaaot Reer aad all tba nem- berf ola of Iaat aeatiag raad and aoa- Tba raport of tba latpaator waa raad which reported Mr MeClttrea and Joha booaea baviag tba required aeooamodatioft an daaaified lbe ra- peetirely No t and 2 Mr Bacon preaented tbapalilion ofC C Sammerrilla atking for a Shop Li- nae which waa granted IoTed by Mr Baoon aeoondad by Mr lapaan and roaolrd That Iba aa bo paid by aay parann taki oat a Lieeaae ia tbia Maaidpality for the year aball ba tweatyf ra dolUra Shop I Carried The Heere praaanted a Bylaw todefine tba datiea of Foand Kaepara ragaUle iba baiiblb of feaeea Aa wbieb paaaed tbroagb ita aareral atagea and beeane law TKa Hecra prcaealad a By law to alUr a time f tba aeating of tbia Coaaeil which alao became law Mr tlaeon praacniad a Bylaw to api point a Collect -r- Tba under for col- ig waa one from J B an al 2 eat and one from J Mdlara at Tba By law in appoinl Collector pataed tbrovtb ita aareral readinga iba blank waa Bilad wilb the Ju UcClara aad beaanM law Baooa a Bylaw to TaremLioeneaa lo certain peraona tiberain naaiad wbieb beaBa law By tbia Bylaw Maaara MoClora and 8bep- nard wara aatboriaed to obtain Tararn Xing Conneil March 6tb 1865 Tba above Coaaeil mat at Bloagbi Ilotrl King Horn tbia day Praaent Maaara Tboaaon Webb Haaball aad Maaaie Tba Reera being abaant in aoaaaqaaaoa af baviag aat iib aa aeei daat Mr- Alaiandar Tboiaaoa Depaty Reeva took tbe ebalr Mioateaof prariooa aoetlag raad aad afirwad Tba Cbainaan laid oa tba table aa ao- coaatfron Dr Playter hr aedlaal at Mra klaOiaaU aad Wiirua Cbadick Caaa of iaaadty Macbell praaentad aaaoooant from Mr J Rowe and olbara fbr faaeral at penaea atteadiag tba barial of Wo 8yl ater an indigent peraoa Tendera were alao laid npon tba labia for tba keepiag of Joba Daidwood i paaperfrom Jaaaa Millar aad Joba Ho gaa I of Nonb York Agriaoltaral Snotaty aaking aid lewarda tba arectioa of partaa Mat bwldinp for aaid Boeiaty By laaea Conaaii Mr- Kowe with drew bu applicatioa fur iba oftea of Clerk of Coaaail praaaatad at a prariooa aaat- hia Coaaal tWa raaoleed iato Cpa- aittaa of tbo wboia on iba rariona dooa aani praaa aa wall aa nalaiabad baaiaaaa of prarioaa Moatiag Mr- Ma all ia tba obair Coaaittaa roaa aad rtportad aa fbl- fowa lat Wilb regard lo aoaoaat of Dr PUytar yoar aoaaitlaa raoooiBaad tita aoMbaM Sad- la raraaoa tioa from Mr PUytar year ooaiaittca eaaaot reeoaaaad agraat for tba par- Tear eoaaittao racoaawad tba prayer of tba patition of Joba Maaabaw graaiad aad tba aaa of 6 apropri atad to aid Janm Cez aow ia ladit iib itb ragard to tba aaaoaat of J H Rowa aad oStara Ibr aspaaaa auaad lag tba intaroaant of Waa SyUaa yaar taaa for iba yaai abair Raport aa foilow Fiaaaoe Maaara Willaoa Tborae Chapman Roada A Bridgea Meaara Wilboa Cbapoaa Baooa ByLawa Maaara WiUmb Tborae Cbapaaa Baort aaa adopted ia CoaaciL Moved by Mr Baooo aeaoadad by Mr Cbapmaa llial tba Coaiautaa on By- lawa ba reqaira4 aa aooa aa poaaiMa to Taiaa and prapara for pabltcalioa aareral of the prinetnai ByUwaaitd Ibat theaa Bylawa ahall ba priatad ia a paapblet fora- Carried Mored by Mr Tboraa aeeoadad Mr Baeloa That wbaa ihia Coanoil jnarna it ataada a4oarBad till at8day 15ib day of April to aeet at tba boar the NorUiara Railway aalba Coaaty f 5tb Witb retard to tba patitioa f aad it wara wiaa la tkat Caoatyl Eiabard aad otbara aaktag aid tba right Itfcitt tba Agriealtoral Society Meeting A general aeeting of the neabera of tba Nortb York Agriealtoral Society bald in tba Coart Hoaaa oa flalarday Uai for tba parpoaa of taking iato ooa aideratioa tha report of a apeeial ooaetl taa appointail at tba Anaaal Meeting t aake eoairy wilb refereaca ta tba fcaai- bility of parcbaatag a piaaa of groaad for tba Sociaty aaa adapted for boUiag es- hibitioaa Ae Tbe OMmbara ia altaadaaM were all tbiagi aoafldarad aaoaoally large Mr r L Haaaoek tU FmUmi capiad tbe obair bo oallad tba aeatia to order tba Saorrtary than raad tbe Baport of Iba Coaaltlaa The Raport laia Ibrtb Ibat aboat aix eeraa of laad eoald ba obtaiaed lor 400 oa tba Clarka a Uttla aortb of Mi Qiaaa faotory aba that fiir tba ai of aaid groaoda wbaa aot raqairad by tba Boeiaty tba Coeporaiioa of Nevawr kat woold pay 300 ad afUr tba fea oei ara araetad ooatiaaa to keep tbaa in good rapair Tba oaaaling daewlad nnaatiaoaaly tbat it woold ba for Iba iataraal of tba aoaiaty ta aaaaft tbeaa araa aad paaae Intioo racoaatfadtag tba Diraetora to ooaptaie tba amagaaaat or witb aay otbar partiaa wba migbt offer aaally id raatageoaa lama ia loaaliiy Tba aaating tlMa adjeoraad A aaatiag of Di to aoaaidar tba aatUr ia oallad tot Tbaradaj aaxt i t aataak a a uTOOiabla The York Boadi Pros tSa followiog repoit wUab wa extract fna tba Ig iataniea a uf iba it appaara tba partiea wbo pat tba Countiw to roabU oa tha York Roada matter baaa the aotta to pay for ibeir fan From ail we eaa bear wa p asma Maaara Deatty aad Oottoa bara id 8aw Bat ban ia tba aaaoeat of tbe trial Kait T Tnaa aa Paaif A Taaa anaea Tbti waa aa appUaalloe la qvaab lb bTUriha lTiid iWxmavkb niarwiaa pnrhartbTorliflad Mr Ta7- ffitrta la Tkaor barlnf be iedbe- bi Caari waa fraand M aad Mr Wet alad a rla mM t wbieb Mr Harriaaa id eaeaa Cbiaf ixaiire rWwad Ibe lav ee rtwaaMartatlaagth Tba aaieaartlae waa Ibat Iba bybv aaMid baS aebvhied la W raleMf Tba Cbief JeaikerwMeded e ktaliam ibai ha ibMfbi Ibal lb tMlb aa- m fib wabieipal aa perratliad lb pmr h a iMtt bjr tbe CaeaaiL Tbia apfliea bia tbrrvtira lb mm iita a tba itr tiMNa mada la ChaMarr la Tajrlat aai itala diacbartad wilb Mala ivening by ih U rore Ibe baai h aaa liieralty ta On tbe mbole il waa well den talWoily apokan i irdaring a tba pi ivinead eonaidarati earfal praparaiioo pepl af aoaparaaly a Ibal araand Gkafiil b an iDiaraatiag aad in lal for Elocaiton are wall apani and itartaiu bih hrpea af ibe yavlb beih axaa wbe ihoa apend a pantcaof Rewmrkel CiraKSir ScheoL a aie glad lo Uara the Board uf Tiaa M of the Coantiea Oraaaar Sbool lo cated in this aooceaded in aeea ring a genlUman in tbe peraoa of Mr 0 H VAHDKEiMuaift ia erery way qaali- fted for tbe poaitioa of taacbar as tbe aor of Mr S A MAauNQ Tba Secretary of tbe Board bw faroarad a in asamination of Mr Vaaderania- aena diplomaa Beda oertilcatcf id judging from ibaaa we aay oongrain lata tba palrana of the Inatitatwa apon ibe aelection ibe Board baa aada We ideratand tbe aebool will be re opened in Tew day Now tbat a aew tMcber ia taking charge of tba Oramaar tiabool woold It not ba well to again reaew tbe ffurt IO obuia an anion aalalogoa of all tba Ltbrariea of tba VilVagaT The mar Scbo Library ia wa aader aued loall inlanuaad parpoeca a public and wa alao leern tbe Troateea are qaite willing to allow a free carcaUtioa of the booka aiaoag tba rate paym of tbe Coanty the oouimoa School Board aad tba laatilala Board are anxioaa to hare eatalogoee of tbtir raapectUe librariea primed at onoe for the aaa of IbiM aa- tilled lo aa tbe booka why aobaTrir done ap ia one paapblet The public will be beB8fed aad ia making falare parcKaaea for either library it will enabk aeling to aroid Iha parehaaa of daplicate oopiee We bop the differeai Boarda wll take tba natter in band a Separata Soboola Froa tb ofiee of the Chief Saperintendeot of ation for Vpper Canada wa bave ed a paapbl oppoalog tbe preaeat agilatioa fur larger eon ia fator of Romari CatboUo SaparaU Scboola Ii givee tie htalorr of aedlriaa aelioola id finally ooneludea that if fatlber d maada be now oaade It will be neetaaary lhaa off altogatbar Ia lookiag bark OTcr Iha paat wa ara tbaakfal we ao far ba led away by pfrly u lo back tbe oonceeMn aada la 1863 Of Ibat tiaa Sootta BU waa r- preaeoted u beiag a aa tb oeatiott and aooaa of oar oaaally abrwd accepted it area in Nortb York ao far aa to lapport tb aaiioa of tbea aembar ia rotia fbr it bat we ooaaiderad it waa ealy paring tbaway for fnrtbrr ooBcewoaa aad inoraaaed da- aaadai and ao it baa prored Aa aooa a aoa wUl permit wa aball gira axtraaU froa the paaphlet abora aBaded to ia- dioatiag as It iloaa a woaderfal ebaajt en in tbe riewa of tb Cbiaf Saper- tendeatof Kdaaatioa oa ihia qaealioo Bala Aaylstar tlariUr Marab II A Bat will take pkc M Iha AactUa r Mr T lehl- mm aM dear irrtb Tib Paat OS Dry Oaada Haaiafjr HaUCapa Crvaaiy Sal U c aaaa at I aalaab p ad aba ia tba aatf aoiaaa ai 1 Hb TaroM CMb 1 Parti bating Ibair aaUbillapiaiail will baa Lbair aalaa nauead bra raa Riok bat Badfon saiara far thar did aat rai bay aaaoon la ba daprifad af iba plaaaaci paaiiiae el akaiing mar bad paaaed away ba aar Nawaarknara poaaaaa fMatjoyaaDi N el a Rayal Mweraa aarygnwlpaipa Tbaakalinp ijia la ba aa piaralaai hare aa any aoa eW and tba Maatii Albert ladiaa aia Niing idiM pvAeteaf in h art anma af am ifallin ta itaa traaafaloaae o Ibeir oteminu iba beat akaiata af yout til- a While he ywAg aad ihoaghllaae are ua apendlag ibrir iime aa Iba iae iha arer part raail witb aarnaal bal bnprfal molaaanea iba dvbatea la PariiBeoi I IbaCanMerairtB Schama Miaviiig aa baeooae Gvorga Bowo and Joba K Maar aay aa bai OacaBee ike aabat Mnkiug man wba have weighed ibe atf a- teuUaa beib ada bey eaa oa elbet ay aai lUa didkaliy Aa iby ate naar y ail advoeataa af He m prinripl ibe Era and 6o6ara lb ly ihai bare aafibing like a ihoflfh paihapa bardly ibraagb tba aalaaaa e this papar Xdltsrial iauary- A aaatiag of Eaat Gwilliabary Tbe nest SsMioa of tbe Newtr- kal DIrUaa Coart wM be held at tba Oaart BMaa ea Maadaj aaxi waiaaiag eaiock Bie Haaar Jadga Bara will ptaba biy praetdfc a Aa azaellcat aaetlag f tb Far mW CWb waa b4daa Salarday Iaat la New- market Tbara war a aamber ef MMbara praaeat and aaaaidarbta iaiamt MaUratcd la dM aakjaci diaaaaaad A btk reparl af tba meadag baa baea at aat e Kei aber Dr Laoaux T taaa laeiara tbia erMibic the MaabaaW aaa Aa Iba abjael b a baaeaUat aae aM M tba if at ta a g faaartuwa aabi aadaabtahnaarawd wg aaa am arlliafe 1laaWa aad dw Oatd PiaUa a Vaaa m b a aalaai eeaapjrfaig a gaed deal af taaiiaajwtaaw aad tba paMie wiabaglad ttf Regnlar meeliog of tbe Newaar kat Caaatil eeit Maadajr areaiag wbaa li aeeardaeae tb aaliea tskaa u tbe pab- Ka Maatbi lart vk tba M prabably Uli Ibaariiaaary alepate eawpbute tbe perebeea af Iba land rrqeW far iba Afrleaharal 8a- dly aad ibia ba aUa u dead erar tba aam la Iba aafd af Diraewra at Taaailay A apeaisi MoetinK of tbe Board at Diractam af tbe Ifank Tark Arttlara Itaciaty will U bld at BMlifrda ffartk rieea HutH aa Ttraaday aMa tb Mtb laMatBiaek pok la take laiaaw tb aatiM takea at ibe pahUe ma aabra tba Ut 9tarday- fadaabt e Beard will earr aai tba aflbat maatief and perabaa iba laad r imM for tba eaa af lb Snclatr CntrfSjianifnrD ant AlbdrtCofTMpeadaaaa- bWwing a Tiftad t Whai we bed ibnaa warm pleaaaat daya laai weak paapla began le iraagin thai apring wa appiaecbing bol ihia btigb proapeel waa ijniekly diapellad by tba eaitga af temperaiara and iba aki aayieg a yet likely la pre liee thai winier ia obt etef wkil Maicb taaia iatMile poriaa afiba iNbabitaaia al iiUaga and a fellawed Miae AnnaSalby in the eoag Oay and Happy and being well aaited le bar happy taoa aad hafing iMdiy eoeored Mia Mary Oaler eiecai I ia aapdal aiyla an iarnnint piaea Milled Pilgtim Paibeia Miaa Beat- y allawad with Camiag ihraagb f in bar aMal bappy atyla i imathe iaal ibaufh not laaai pice af the refling A lilile Farm well TiMl by he Q dI aod plaaatng membeiad by many preeent oa lb inter- eaiiug oceaami Maah 7ih 105 ArriTl of Uw City of Baltiira- Toac March t tamar Ciiy af Baliimare uing af Iba III aad QMentowo aa rtd af 7abrary arrived bara lanigbl Tbe ada by ibe Caba eanfiimiag ih eparl lhat ibe peao twgMialtaaa bal fail- id and at4iin that Imparunt mOiiay jrtd 10 ib Caofaderale CotMi Coeo wbiU la Livarpae ihay imparlad mwa airaflgth M Iba Cailaa Harkei elibaagb tb i irtial Tha Phartde ta Loirt deniaa ibe alaia y war veraala in purtaii af iba Ciwfattai- aam lam S mh ajy Tba ClitMi vf TNillatiee diM ta eon or village lhn4ib ibraafb lla Clad i LONGIMANUS Abar tk VrwMarM En a Sib Knewiog thai jae areiniar in Iba welfare af iha pablio ia gene d the iHaarparaiad illagae In panic eeaJis part yoa deelara wlih an atelemalien al priae la H poeeiMe Ihsi ihe Aaeeaaar King Wbiichareh and Eaat Cwillim- baiy baa baen nnable le iid isaabia la Mtglbe waatihy inbabiiania lbra- aai da net wtb la bw abarged relioiiea ef dety I haateB la iti wby ibere ia ao la table iacama ia ifteewaaAraf HAtfcAarrA Tberaaaeo beppiiy Ibal wa bave neiiber law yer dactera nor biieiRg mioiieta witbin i BBDirliiy bal we are bleat witb a mber offolloweTa ef ihe bUaaed Safiaar raoeive freely gire Tere may be a few eebael taaebere who Igbl be lagad lar Ibair inoaae bal mm oar large eebaela are Uaioa Sehlaad iaehrs ara na raaidenie ef tbia tewo abip I waa ia Iba babil af aaaaaaing aar ly year bal lby plamed of il i jealieai ibai ibey and I al caaaa it waa oooaumad a tl ieaafiite Baliaviog d t be aa mjaelf aad by iba aonaeoi and a per pebli men I dMeonunaed it lie and debtai ai ibair fall yalaa abal ba aenaidarad aa paraMUl poparty aad ii 1 caaaa where lb peiaanal prapeiiy as rede Iba iaceawe er tfce aeraa il ahall ba ikea inaiead wbieb I have eaad i ef Ibe paraoaal if Iha lawaahip gagaaea reel aaiaia ariMya And n a witb a far aaaa liaa sad kaawwftbat yaa bavaarary apponaaiiy aad baiag wall paalad ia aaateipal law lar iha inlwaaliea ef tbe paMie generally od lot ayaell ia partioalar ptaaaa la ia arm aa wbaihar ibe wtaraaia ariaing fraa aongagae ar la ba oartatdarad aa taiabia Ifa faai I ahall ba abaant Miae Kaa Makirk peifwrmed lh Plana accampanimanl Tbn lallnwad ai Inetrnmaaial piaoe by Mia Mary Oaler- etecaied in flna eiyle enfiiled iNOr- pbeaa Piayar Mh Baailay la my ardtlan Ih lar bf ibe aaningaegB M Beaaly wlib a graal daat af aaaa i awAeineea and wae warmly appland Tba Glee Clab bitawed wilb Sweat i a pablic aanrart abana remaikably well aad wa loadlyapplaadod Tbanfellawed ao Inairamaoul plaea by Miae Jem Spraala wilb remarkable eflael Mra F ler ihen aanj Blind Opban Ciil ra rieely and waa daaftedly enoored Miaa Bentiay and Miae Roaa Molock neal aang a dealt entitled Meraorint ee in a vary aatiafactary aanaarand ware warmly enaared Mr Hatcbcrfrli follewad ia lb ibaa lal- TaBrawnMn by Mill puaier e Mr pTM Nll clM aaental piece Midnrgbi tjalvp by iae JeaBiSptealaaad wea wtU reoeivrd ia Beailey iiallawed ia ibat teacbtag ait Home Sweei Home and being ang in Bd liaM aad wiib aaidani faeling wai irmly aacared CaciandOld Kogland by Mr Hatcher k denoe baa iafraati from Mtrbila of Feb 6lb at which tiaH tbe rebirla were iforeemeata and atraogtben- iBithadefeaecs irenrd was iher ea tbe dib ia- apcctlag tte works aad made a apaeeh cpreasleg graat eoafidcooa tbat tbe plane in U held Tbe force ia Mobile is said to ba macb larger tbaa had been generally baliered Qea drabger waa at lenaasela ea tbe llth and taapaeled lb Uoioa troopa T HeraUi axmy f tba Potonae correapoadeoca says ererj freab batch of rebel deserters tbat aoae within oar liass be ststement Mdc by prarieiis lbs rabek ate preparin to arsa- botb Riofaaoad aM Iatarabai March 7 Tbe iteaaabp lya Aa oArer af Cbarlealoa Ukiag iaitMlire alpa ardt rsiateg a rrglmeat of wbtta lroaa The Saaaaab Aaynitaui af ibe 90tb Sberi Calaabia froa ibe Aegeala CoHutihUian at af Fab 27ib daircd fea acititea af Colaakia Il appears ibal tba rebel troope ia I la Iba llooaaafLord aia lank plaea an tb il Lard Lyaedea calli laileraad painiad lo Ih Mwal day far Cbarlatlr Maar Goodwin weal tb aaaa day to el Sbermaa and aarrcndered ibe cily ta a at Bridge Ibrre rndea aat Oa tbe aam day tbe pablc atorea weie irow apra aad erery body helped Ibem- ilrva Na aiore ware bami Sbrrmana srmy ealeted Calaabia ia Ibeaftaraaaa 8aM liae aflerwsrda Ibey eameacad dcatreyiaf paUic prapeity Tbe deporta aad ataeaaU war blow p sad baddiags ta tba aabatba coataia- ig pablic atorea fisd Late ia tb ereamg a pile of eolloa ia M atreet arar Ibe CoagrcM Hoeae look fire froa tba spark sad tba laaaea apread me wooded baiUiagt wbieb aafarta- laecd of eoooi poenda hi iba dafeiice ef bile tba Canadiana aaaM aader- efaBcee af Meairaal and waat- Ul Earl Derby iboaght the poatian af tb ing wbaa Ibr ng prtadioe afly eeoaDiei a brhg delayail lall aam aaked Lorile Malmaabary aad EHenbofaagb al al whilCaaadlai In reply le ih Cad ef Derby Miaiate elMtbalak af iba con Tbe Daily Ana policy 91 Amarioan BeTolntiott W Msreb 4 Tba pteaea- loa rbad tba oapiul at sboal 1145 eloek LOL caaorting tbe Prasidat alflot it a sabsaqaaat parM Iha Vrosiaeat aad ViaaPraaidaat ttbar with lb Jastioas of tba Sopraa CMrt aebsra sad Bombers of Coagrass Ibraiga aibistars lad otbar parsou of distiaotioa aasem 4ad ia tha Seesu obaabar Tbara the Via Prsaidsat aleet taok tbe oatb of ef it by aa sddtaas Cbiaf Jaslioa Cbase adminiMcfad tba oatb ef tba aaatcra partiao wbaa tbe VraeidsBt dalimad bin inaagaral addraaa Tbara jraa a rary larca attandanos and ao wsa oao of aarkad ialraal Waa PcraaTMSVT WACHiNOToa Mar 5 18S5 Ta G D Tbe Mowtag despalcbes id relalii tba repbHed detest of Gaa Early by Ga Sberidaa aad Ibr esptara af Cbsflalla- rille bara beaa receiTsd by Ibia depart- Gea Sbartdaa aad bis forces camarac ad Ibair aorsaaat Ual Monday tad wen at Staaatoa wbsa Iaal beard froa Ua4a llsacrek waa ii ekarga af Ibe aiddle aitiury dtriMOi dariag tba abaata af Gea 8bardaa baadqaarlara at Wiacbealar E M STANTOX Crrr P Vs 11 a a To Iba llaa M Sttao Deasrtert n ibtt aataia report tbat Sberidaa bad roaied Ewly aad csptared AaUoTtowa Ooaotrt- ar At Mtwrnmiut r Wiibool BNpptng M atat wby ihia srti ig ibat lb Lloydtawa Ceo I in of tbo Epieoapaliaa ParsmafwffcgirTii fbey irjortlaaf Dd was ia eeary way aaeaassfebr Tb Bgcata batiag goae froa ber Eticbasa a filled aad Iba aaaaably aaaaad loraiafarca iurly S GRANT liealGea Crrr Powt Va Fab 5 t r Ta Baa B M Staataa r Dtaerlera fraa erarv af ika liula aacraaakiaaaly fair la say Ibat sbpllT j u bad est peaetieed il aad ealy saag la fiU ba captorad Oa Early aad aesriy bia Iba plM ef a lady aba waa aaaratdabJy I ailira fisraa csatw af 1800 aaa Foar iKigadea were prd aaal ta LyacbSirg 10 gel Ibare bftr Gea Sbeisaaa if poiMble Sigaad U 8 GRANT Ueal Gra Cii Po jtT Vs eb5 4 r M Ta Has E M Sisatea Rafageea coafira Ibe aUlaaeal of ibe aerlera to ibe caplara of Eaily sad irly bia retire fnrca They say plaee as Tbaradat leM between Slaeati aad CbaHolleeiiile aad tbat ibe dafi ta lolat Stgrtad tS GRANT LaBtea Ngw Yoac March 5 The fftraWs Waabingtofl spaaial aaya Antbanii in frraaiiM aei froa Riabaaad bas baea teaetrad ibst 0a 8hrssBs adrsnee hu raaebad Fayetterille N C Tbe deepaloh aleosaya tbat Portsrs guaboats sad tiB k ol daP4t li a kfi oa tbe 17th ie Iba di a of Cbarlone reraer Magraih left oa Ibe 18ib for I of Ibe Suie Uesuiegard ia tb Ig wtnddroie ibca farioaaly dow baib ardea af tba atreet Tb aaM b lae lerrtir Load eiploataaa coa- aallr filled Ibe air Tb reaideacra aad groaad where abakea at if by aa asrib- tvd rsal colamas f amok aud Nlbiag ofaay sccoeat wss ured Gooda prettMeaa aad faraiUre acted to ippaaed placea af reeanly la lbs ttciaHjr era barnrdsa lbs ftre progretead Tbe alakc bvroed oa Maa atreal waa sboal ade sad a balf 1 be fire eitraled fire I taa bock of Maia alreel dc- nyiag ererylbiaf Tb alire baaiaeaa riiM af Ibe eily is ia raia Wade Ha0iptBa baMC waa aatrd aad irea to Ibe eceapaaia ef a Calboic aeai Mry wboae properly wa sccideatally dea Ireyed Jle railroad sboat Calaabts are all a ap All bndgaa la tbe place I dealreyrd All faaedries aad aa aa ahopt are dalreyd Tbe cooatry aroaad tba place ia strip pad of all ralabteaaad IraaapoHatioa All boraot ladcsrriagaaia the ciiy were Tbe cilixeoa are aid to be ta a rary estiiale eoadiliaa Ualeaa aaa relief ia soaa obtsiard bere will b great saftriag aad death ftom tiamiiea Maay aegroea lefl with Sbaraaae ar aore were takea by ferae SWraaa Iboagbt be weU fOt riaii tbo roaalry weat of Broad rirar aad adtied iba Mayor I aead the ciliaeaa there ifaay prirai reaideace wtra ea tered Na oatragrs kaawn ta hate bra aoa- lbe araiy waa aaJar atrial diaaipliaa rii its aarcb ibroogh tbe city 1 ia tb 7- TonAif HH poll saeoa l day Daakias BQU tan majerity D SIsreh 7 At tha d tba poll bi Ipaixht Dunkias Bill was defeated by a aaja QcARTsaStsaiovf Tbe siuii tba Coanu Coart for tbe United aad Coart of Ooaaral Qnarles fi of the Pesds taka pUae ea Fil 4tb iaatsat at twair oalosk Barley who baa sst bees Iha I irU altarwsrdn oSerad htolf Spanish Goaaranaeot to fight agai lae of Liberty ia St Dorarof a illy beeacna a CooCadarale aoljier the Uaiisd Siaiaa autlar aaraad VB4r Oa deaaried ar ta the teacher ia tb West Bad ibooiTwA atock had a tooth extracted od iIm jaw beiag rery painfan ippoar tbat she tiw botilj ber ooa aad bsaaaa iaaadtalalr pi a to raaora it aa aba was fiaad la lailion in Iba aaomia daad tea Yatss a fonaer rcadaat of Nisa id lately fro Loadeo CW very aiaiaw yoong lady 4 Quiaac Marabl Hoe Nr CampbelPs bill le eetbe I auraay of lb towaahip ef Portlaadt and a aeoad liaa aad rafarrad ta a rate Pill Coflamrtto Tba bill 10 a jiboriaa the aaU sal aatai of tba lato Lawraact Leaghlia and lo a mea tba an the Qsikss Street rail pnoy war alao rd a aeead nae lb Houaa adyouraad at Iweeiy lalaa Qvaaxe Masab 1 Tba Speaker taok tba ebalr a cliak M lorioQ praatad aavao patH gainat Coaradaratiew Tba faltowMg billa a risoa Te amead the earporattng tha Nortb Wet Ns od Railway coapaay M Perraalt raaamlag tba adj debate oo coofaderalioa afing was ia raaaon al all fur p h haat iba acbaoM under U lb proaoat sdaioiairsi0 would have been no daagwr froa 0 Upper Caaada ef il rnaud fr rapreaeDiattoa br peptriati for ba coald proae by calealniiaaa tsl Iha report of ibe Coaaeinear n Laada blaaalf lhat ia lea hence the populatioa f Lwer Onfl woald be Hy eqaal to tbat af tTi ibal prograaaioa being oM ed by Ih aalaral ia raas af ibe Fm popaUttco and tb Sui of Ih grastar partiea old bad migrated tbere iasirt I ibera during tbe Inat T8 yra iiiuQ of repreaantaiioa by po been a due aader i UacdonaldStcotia adaiiitUiraiia the present Prrwdeai af coald aol avea find ia the Lewr I t lhat time oar aeppwrters ht Manure It w raaariad Ibr iba aot gotamiaeat ta eaaM Cri of adjoam ft M Canter- Ne ao aall ia tbaa Mr A A 0rimi aaid ba b D aijMsruiaeat lt aigbt le eor today lo reply to M Cat tbai geaibtaaa aot beiag ia ba daair to defer bis rsairka Ul i of eoGsididattBg ibe propla attaabad f moDarehical pria I is him that a aoafliat hMwrn Ifa bdqaa i waa raliastrd lhat bis infantry sad illary aambered 70000 No csrslry pMrtica tSMiesd ef beiag aet far Sow tieslio Tba Inllowtag is tba preaUokSlioo tba aabjaet ef psaaperta UuAbTatMT er Stats 3 Waabingtea March 8 Whartea parsoasi lo ibe order of tba Prasideoi of iba United Stsiae directivcM ware iaatMd Irum this Oapartmaat um data t f tb l7ib Dacanber 1M4 reqi ing psaaport froa all lrsllrs olrlBg Iba Uoiied Ststaa except eiaigraat pae- asogera directly aotertag aa Aaa port from a ibreigo eotiairy but wbra inforoaalioft has reeeblly base raeeived wbieb affirds reaaoaabia grouoda lo ex pect that Hf Bfiiannic Majesty a Oot- arameni and the Bxeeailre atid Lea lire branebaa of iba QoaenuBaol oT Ca nada her takea and will oonliaM lo isk aiicb step as may be loksdfor fmm a frieodJy Dalghber and will b aflaetDsl lowsrds preraaling boalile In- vaaienafrem CaosdiaD larrliorr iato ibe Uaited Siata the Preeideat diraela lhat from sod sftar tbie due lbs order abete rafsrrad te rrqahiog pasaporta aball ba modified sad ao ai ibareof aa ralstaa lo peraooa eaianog tbi Caaada aball be rraaiadad saving and r erring Ibe order ia alobr reepeeta in lull force SlgMd W It SEWARD advantages auCeieol voa unioa te make it daalrabie attiiade of the Slates showed tbe a or anl D aadjibe tsvyarabia a of the iwoiber eoaniry enaoaragad t A geaileraaa bad ar that t I twean the proviacsa bad died awayiJ Nut ao A deep sewaa of Iniael malaed Sea fbaad is tbe Mm SieoUa govaraas proof af tba donoMai of Ibe eUia le rvpra not daiaiielj abaadeaed Tba I now bint that we awght psaibly gel preaaaiatkMi by pwwlaiiee if wa tvei tbie achaaa SiKit bints wore presf I waai af faitk Ha dnl oot beiia would be eowaded but 1 waa glad a greater witiea poaed sad wa likely tu be a ed Afier seas rewaarka freoa Maa Mackaasi A A Darioa A sMckei sad Morrai lbs Hooas atnaraadat b pat two LtataLATiri sauiatr Quaasc Feb tti Tb Spaakar look tba bai i ealaek M Darioa praasats4 fcar pedlW aast eoa Oa ef tb froa tbe oity of Moatroal sad bef signstara of tba Baa Loob J Paptafltf sad Iratbeoasad otban tbolargsaiaa bar ba aaid kaewa lo aay paUtieailMV the Uaioa As tbe Idiaialerof AgftHtf tars bad ysatardsy abewa Ua aaxi W bara tbis priatad be M Doriaa mvC aiora its raeaptioa at eaa ia ardsr l glira bia tba aarliaat oppertsai M bow assy keiors tX Moatraai bM it H waa aot afraid la ibiHiati boa oMaber tbat for mf Ma aaaaaa M M Doris lar obaars Mr Holtoa Iboagbt it Iba aeabat froa Meairaal Ka Cartiar to mmt aa ba waa ab petitioa ereaabsd la Parliaaaaata aSeetiag a vary iapgrtaat iasaaa bafota Baas sad wbiab b stjasd a ieawasa asjcriiy owa aoMUT fc Maasrt MOm d Carte mM