THE NEWMARKET ERA NOVEMBKR 131868- V A4TrtlWBieBU V PrBr T J DkrtM Fan Al Trmi Ilnlag A Haadfiwii ClMbiaCE- 8pan Tnia Tl BtTa irket A Ttr ia 4 tar ink pUeaaa loel7 i kwM IM MTug Mail Trata I Mr Wabb ThaUfcTrirr ba aul Klaelof on hii behalf aball Jamaad 1 lriirLlLhSrrrSi atuad u Bn Bwan MlfU Sar yPi twa turMoi laf mkM am 14 niii baa tba atu him- 5 14 p IB 7pB iii ani yll 659 pin fftllind taJ ua 6iffraic r jit lEri vmkrkM trilar T tb FubUt Hlriof racaalljr caada larga adJiiioDa to ur Jobbing Dartinanl including Mtojr of iba lalaat aljlaa of rocial Md 000 laliar a ara now pra- pftrad 10 aiaula Book and Jub PriMiog PUiO ao OrsanMnlal tn a ivpaiior maonar and lib iba iaeraaaad taelliiiaa potMai CO iba abortaat Miaarbla aotiet TbUofica ia saw lha largMtatid BOM cooplai io tha Coualjr and OO paioa will ba aparad la raiidar ottra aaliifactioD boib u ragarda aljrlo of xeulon and prica Oi dara by rotili at haresorote will alta proapl aDd caraful auapdo Sal lilla priocfd al ihia oSica will raeaiva a graluiloui noliea ihrough iba oolamoa of iha Bra ibarabjt pladag lha aiiDooncacnaoi in lbs basda of t ihojand dilTtrfnl fani- liaa All lha D Kjriaa of Intiis- lioo Carda for aocial aatembliaa eoMUBil 00 htod logaibar aiih a gaofral atoeh of Wrapping Ilpar die e Sing Township Conneii Tba abovaCoaned mai al lha Tampar- ea iitll Kalilabf OD Saturday lail All Iba mambari prawnl Tli llaara 3 P Walli taq ill lh ci 3 Ilutaa uf he amouDl paid b b fur a Licaoaa 19 karp a liouaa of Public KoUriaiDrnant io lha ViHaga of Sebum barg aaeo moolha and a balf of iba Iieanta yaar bating aijirad bafura iba aaid houia waa raadj fur iba racapliou of lha public CarcM aoaaD or uciaii iirccTot Oa nalita of Mr Tbciapoa Mcoadad by Mr Wabb lha CnaiKl laaolnl il- aalf lalo a Board of L aapaalara Mr Ihilifi ia iba bair A palilioa wat praaaaUd ia fatoar af graMiafa carliicala a bcaaa lo krap a llaaaa af Pklic Catailaiamcal lo Wai Haroaa of NoWvlao Tba lafatlir a taporl Ml li ferik Iba btaia abaaa ivfarrad lo poswaati all iba aecaalalioa raairaJ by Iba Uy af iba Tuwatbip Oaaodua a cart4cala aat diraclaJ lo ba iawad ia lavar Wa Haraaoi lor a licaaM apao bia payiag tka occry Subarqitallj t raduelioa oi wn madr a a gnaKr part of Iba Uraia yaar bat cijHred Tba Uoatd iken ajoarotd covcii axaiMi Tba llaata ia Iba chair Mr MeMiaa aaJa appliealioa e IcaM a rerlaia potiao of rtt raad allowaaca brtam lha aad Sr CocaaHchalf aa aera 11 taid it as nol ud or re quired foi the accaiaaJloa of Iba pab Iw i but ka had baill oa il aol ksswia etaelly obcra tba iio M Covaeil datirad lo leira Iba aalicr ottr for caadrralioa aril celia lha Depaly Ilceie oaaawbila to Dakf ott- tary ewguiry Oa laelioa of iUr Wrbb arcoaded br Ur 8MlMr lha Caaaeil molxd iaclf into a Coaoiilra of ihe Wbnic oo Iba iyLaw iolroilucad by Mr Tbonpano i alao apoo lha aceoaau praaalei Mr I tbiUpa ID Ibc chiir i I eommiluc lha by ii eoaSrmlni- tha width of alioiracies fvr road io ih lOlb Conceaioo raad a aeconJ lima Tba Cunmictea alu recotameoded ihr payneotof tba foltuwiBfr acouBts rii Mirtia Loakard wtulabU fee in Ibc cau of Miller ti CortiorilioB of Kloj 1150 alao Koberl alah for lartey of road in tba lOik Cnneeaalon a1e of Ihilip MeKrniie for nikiag cvSnt fur two deevaied paupers 700- Comioillee thaa roae aod ebsitiuiB re- jxirliil- CuuocI rcecitcd inJ adopted the re MiBuiaa of laal maaiiiig read and adop- 1 pg u 1 motcJ br Mr Webb aecondeJ by Mr Smellier That alen tbii Couiieil aiJ- following day poal up in ha oBea of tb Clark the oamea of the CaadiJalaa n i poi and gie noliea of lha namaa to the KaturBiog OSoer appuintad fur caeb aod all lha aaid Rlaotoral Diiiiof 6 la aM of iba Nowiaalioa of iflofc than ire CaadidaMa and aa Caadidtla aftar tlia Iral Ira aad so Blaator oa kw or thair baball tbas da- aaiiac a Poll aa afurctid tba CItrk or paiaoa w appoialad or Cbairwa ao aho- aaball dearaaaab CaBdidataa til Suiaad aly Mlaetad CoiBoillon tv laria aa afcraaaid 7 Is aaaaola PallbeaaftaodaBaBded lha Kalaraiaf Uflearfcr aaeh XIaeloial UitiaioB ia aaah Towaahip alialt aaaaa a Poll to ba opened at tba P place ap- poiated io aaeb DiriaioD oa tbe Irai Monday in Jaoairy fllowia aad aball take the aalai ia the aasa way aad keep iba Pull open ht llia fall tiaia raqairad k law fur lakiaii otaa in caaaa whare so Kleetsnl INvto fbati be calabtiah- ad 8 Srerj lUtaraiBK OCcer ahall On Iba dy after tbaaloee lha Ioll rtlarn tba IoUBook la iba Townabip Clerk reriled aadar aalh before lha aaid Clerk or aay JtMieaef iha Pnae for Iba Coati- ty or UnioB ofCoaaliaa la whiab tbe iaid fowpahip aay lia lo tba dua and cor- icet takiaff or tba TOlaa for the uid KIc- lora Diriaioo 9 Tba Tocailiip Clerk iliall add up lha onaiber uf voteaaat down fxr each Caodidala in llia raapecuta PutlBooki and aKetlain lha afrral aamir oi TOlea aad ihall at the TuwiuLip Hall or ueb other place ai which tbe Sonioaiiun waa held at aoon of ihe diy follewiai ihe retnra of the IuU Uooka pobtiely declare iba aame benoninK wilh the Candidate hiTing tba grcaleit nomber and fo on with the otbin and ahall ifaercBpoo pob- lielj declare Eleetad tha fire CaBdldatra reapeetirely itaadiag tbe hijbst on the Poll 10 I eaae o or etore Candidjlea bate aa equal noisber of tolri tha uil Cletk wbetber olherwiae qoalified or nol ahall pre a tote for one or more of aaeh Candidate ao ai lo decide the Klecliuo ccpud and aa order dtava pM ibe Treaasrer for ibe amooot RepMt adopled aad tha C ad joaroad iMri School TnuUet Tba Reeta Ihao alaed hai ha wai ab il of lha Ui I o adjourned liil the loth IVeenibr acit Ibea to meel al Bloajbi at at Qoabee al ihr li loeeling but he aaw by the tmnutfa ibat it waa inlandad lo proceed day in pMliag a By Law widanlxg ihe road in tbe lOlb coaeaetion Uuriug the OD of Parliameot jutt cloaaO ao An bad been pawed amending the MubicaF Ael ia regard lo TowDahipa dmidrd mio Warda Aecording lo hit Bill a Noi SMioB day reaat ba held whare all ihe eaadidaiaa are pmpoaad aod each alec or baa Iba pritilege of nirig for 6ti en Tbe people tola in ihiir aafec lire Warda aa harelolora lie ibAghi it vould ba wall for iba Council to paa a ByLaw to fit the place for holding lha elect itmi at ihia nwwiing k thai limely Dotica nigbt be giten to atl parti of ihr Towaabip of the cntnge in ihe law ThNawa aoother lubjecl if Ume would pennii ka would urge upoa tha aiianiion al tba Coaaeitnd bal waa proeoring lha aorrey aad eataWiabiog of iba linra tba Towtahip ila alled auenlioD 10 a raeaai nrtay by Mr Proaeer eti dMtl7 to baa faiod aome roda oui of ibx uri place By ihlaaurtay fire or ris bovee ia Springriald ware io ibe Ughway Uolaaatbe Couocil took aocne ia iiiia aiallar ahonly to bate ibe Ihtaa aaublbbed ai near aa poetibia i tbeir praaeBt poaltion noch diffiealty waa iikaly to be iba taagll- lU would be ID farer of briaging ibe aubjct brfort Iba aaaual Mating eo aa to bear what poUa ofialoa waa oo ihe aabjacl Tba Raete lajJ oe the labia ao ae MMI fry Mr HcKessie lor makiBg i Mapla of eoBna for paupera Hr Pbilipe laid oo Ibe table the Sur fj Repiart aod aeeouot of he Boad is tba lOtb Ceneaaaioa Mr Webb praaaoied ao aoeoant from Mr Laekard for eertieci a oaMable Mr Tboapeoo preeanied a By U aBAnDio tbe road reoaotly aurteyed i Iba lOtb CiiBcaaaton aod it wf read irai liaa Tba Clark alao laid before the C U Iba Report ot tba Commiiiae appoioi d W aaute iba ditialon of Clergy Re aarra aaolaa with ibe Corporaiioa ol Bfan Alio tba Dead of road allow aaeo lotto Sad C from Ellia BagbM MrDiekioaoo oo permiaioo beiag gtf laid bafoi tba Cevneil a atau aol witb regard to Ibe neeaMity of altkag eaitabla protiaioo for ao aoior aaooaMd liaslewood HaMi D 0itd o eooaant to uka ebarge of Uio mf loagar Hmd by Mr Webb aaeooded by Mn Philips Tbai iba Clerk ia bareby iMmtad ta forthwith gire iba ooilce NOMbjr it ibal tbe Corporaiioa of Mi TawoAp viUi ai tba oaxi flaMlna af Iba Laftalaiara petiiioo for tba pa tog of ao aet lor tba porpota of aaiab IMUg Iba Sla Road at oaar aa poa Aiai io Iba mm poaitioo aa oo ira- MOai ipoo io dta Tavaabip of Di abo bt a oa aareajr aod eatabliibeem of itoBaaodary Uoaef tba U Cooaai IMvaao ibia Tevoablp aod tba TbMrii o Ao Baaa tban lift ibe 4 lor M baor fer dloaor ArrsuooM aaaoioo All iboi FWUpa Hotel Kinhorn n aoieodnanl waa tooted for the 3lh line by Ml Pbillifie aecooded bjt Mr Thuinwan bat waa lost on a diti- tion anil ihe oriiinal nioiion carried Mr itilrtxiaced a Uy Law proridina fur Ihe plaeea al which lo hold the r b tariooa and for appointiojc Uelorning Offieera llpaaaed lhrooh ihrrc tudinj and waa ad7tcd The Cnaocil lba adjooroed We ihall Ihe poUio placet aod tiuie of Nuraioiiion io another iuej Unnioipal Eleotioc Lav Cbaoed- Below will be fsBsd tbe aew ajt altar ing the Maoicipal EleClioB Law ibtowb- ahipe wre tbey ate ditided iato Wardi So far u Norib Vork ia oooeeraed we ba- Here Kiait ia tbe only Township dirided iato Warda bal at Iba Era eirealataa ia aoaie Towubipaaoditidcd aotber Coao liei we site tbe aet ia falL By tba flnt elaoae it will b obearred a Noffliaation Day moat bebed tbe laat Mosda bat one ia Deeeuber at which all the Candi- datea Car Monieipal boobrt maat be pio- poeed- By clane So 7 power ia gitao for eacb Kleetor to tote for re aoi io- tead ofoif aa heretofore where Warda axiated bat tba polliog will take place la Mch Ward M Baoal Tbe following ia tbe BILL An Aet lo axiead Ibe protineai of Two boodred aad aareBty fifth Seeiioa of tha Act ratioB iba Maaicipal Inililatiooa of Tppar Canada and lo protida for tbe Bleelioti of Cosaeillora 10 lbeieTal Towaabipa of Upper Canada wbaMter lha nme nay be and except io aoch caw no Towniliip Clerk aball tbeo tote at any aoch Klcc- lion 11 Thii Aet abill be taken and read aa part of Iba Ast intitaled An Aet reapcetiag tbe Monieipal loitilaliooa of Upper Canada The Fifth of IfoTomber Tbe DCniorable occaaioa of Kawkra treaaOB asd tincly diaoorcr vaaeeltbra- tad oa the ereoin of tbe tb of Soiem ber at Uolbnd Laodinfr in graod aiyle Dimog tba early part of ibe evauing bon- firea wrro lijjhled oo the prioeipal atreet- while at the Hotelacrowda wereaawisblad to juia ia tbe eelvbratioa of Ihe almoat mi raojlooa deliteraoce wroeght oat by Ibe dueorery of tbo Gunpowder PIoL Mr ilcCluraa liotel wai Ihe aeese of oaeh pleaaara A aanber of friend bad been iariud from Newmarket Bradford Aarora aad otiier placea aod aaaach part drore op io loni they were laaeited with ahonta of wclconie AboBl tea oclock p m ibe part a- labled eoBtiiting of ladiea atd gealle oieo adjooraed to Iho Urge dioiog ball where Biae boat bad ael oat in aaiple ar ray tba tarioaa meau aod fralta of the Saeb a diaplay we bare oot wit neaacd for maoy a d Among tboec preseot we obacrred Meaara Qaoible footer aod Dr Ramiay of Sewmatket the latter aeting aa tleeehairmaa oo tbe oeeauon Dr Hillary aad Mr Salli- Taa of Aartra Mr CoBBoiUieaa Baeoa ilr Keeaed tbe Village Clerk Mr- Clali aad otbara- Mr UeClare tead letterv of apology from aome of tbe Brad ford friesdl expected aaioag otbert Dr Mortoa wbo waa atteadiBg ia a aarere illBaaa Caplala Laagbtea After tba retaoTal of tba eloilL auBe boat wbo oaeopied tbe ebair gate ihe oioal loyal 6oil whieb were draak witb ealbaaiaaa Tbea foUowed Ibe Meory of William Tnooe of Uraage aaaoeiated witb Ihe ereaing tbey celebra ted Drank witb tbrae tinaa tbree Tbe Viae Cbair tbea gate io a few pleaaaat nBaika tbe bealtb eftbe Chair- man Mr MeClare aaaoeiated wilh tbe boetcaa aod family 1raek with all tba boaon aad to ohicb Ur MeClate made a aaitabk reply Tbe Tarioai otber iatereaia were toaat d till alatoft etery aaa aroaad tbe Board wu ealled opoa to reply aad be Board aaet oa Friday ereaiag laat Prteeal Meaara Naradeo Trent bio ban SatberUad aad Jackaoo Miaalai oi laat oiaetiagTtad aad coa- frmad Aceoaala were praeaated fraoi Joaeb MaJony for 38 eerdi wood tM00 Ja- eeb BeHer ftr Whiiewaabiog Seliool lleeaa A 00 i Mr ilaarabaa sa lary fur aix moolha fweefing al20 Oa motioa of Mr Treat aceoodidby Mr Jaekaca ibeCbairmaawaa reqacaud le aater into a aew eonttaet for another yair wilh aoaM party lor eleinisg iweep- tog Ac of ihe School llouK and alao lofaiaiah aaeh arliclta aa were vaired for iboaceonmodatioa of the place Mr Trent from lha Bell Comreittce reported that Meaara Kckardl A Jooea had aopplied a new Bell io place of tbo one formerly oa tbr School Uoaae He alto reported that babad bca io correa- poodaoce witb a adople of Bell Maker lo the Stale aod fhud tbat by diapoeing of Ibe preaeai Uell al aten a uerifiee a oew Bell made of geouine ball metal tibin ItB Iba una Ibat eoald be heard dialinelty io a pan uf ibe laje could be obtainM at a eoat not ex creding t50 lo lb aectin and by add ing about tl5 to 111 aaliry of Ibe party eleaaiog ibe School Houae it could be rang rlarlf ia place of ihe one in tbe Cbareb thereby efvliBg a aaiiag lo the tillage of 12100 per annum The aatiog tboa eSrclcJ ouuld pay tbo diff r- enoe lo three year and al llie tame tim a good Bell lo tlic viilajn- The iLttler wat Kfi over for further coaaideraliua Tbo brongbt before Ibe Board the complaint of Meaara Ironiidi Collin and Pcaraon who had gitea tioe of leatiog Ibe Section laal Jaaaary lo the effect that Ibey felt aggreited at bciog aaacaacd for tbeir portioa o iba bal ance of aiaea leried tbia yaar oot ape- ciatly required for tbia ycart expeaaea of the SchooL Had Ibey parpoaed remaia- iog witb tbe aceiioo and thereby likely to reeeire tbo beaefit of tbe expeaditure tbey wookl hare no objtvlioB to ofler A good deal of diacuaaioa waa bad aa to what coBrae the Board aboold puriue Tbey did not dceire to do injaalieti lo ibcoo ratpayera retiring from ibe Seo- lion bat on tbe oiler hand tbeae par- tie had been bcnefiited by lha yearly rcccipt of Reaerre moaiea lo tbia thereby loaening their aonnal UaatioB and it waa a queatioo if Ifiey bad not bees ibat beoefiltod aa a eaaaenence to a much trger amount ihiti Ihe redae- lion ibey now aooglit Tba Dialler waa left oter or further eoDiidtralioa till next meeiioj Tbe Teaebera made applieatioa lo koow wbetber tbeir acrviccs wvold be re quired for tbe cnatiiD year Tbe Board Ibca adjjorned till thi Friday erenin ThAiiktgiTtng Say Wcdntaday wat tery geaerally ob- aerred by tbe peepla of Kevmatket ia accordanoa wilh the tara f Hia Ktael- lencya Pieebaatioo Ditiae Serriee wu bald la Bal of tba Cborebea aad boaiBeaa of all kiada abooal eatiily aa- peoded By a few at leaat tba day will be ktag reBHoibered for a6 laaa tbko tb BMrriageable kaota were ajoatrd oa tbe ooeaalon ia thii plaee Let u hope tbey may enjoy maay happy Rtaraa of an- tamaal ibaskagitinga Intorflitin Loettire By tbe iolieltation of bU friend aad at tbe reroel of many who beald bia laal winter tba Veaerable Arebdeaeoa OKeefc of St Miehaela Calbedral To- roato baa aoaaeoled lo dclirtt a aeeond lecture in ibe Jeebaaica Hall Newmar ket 00 Tocaday ereaiag aext Cbair to be ukea al 8 oelock Tbe Leetarer baa choeen for hia aubjecl Colaaiboa Bd hi Tuyasea a Tery lalereatiag ooe ia- deed and well ealoulated to Call fbrtb tbe brilliaai oratorical powera f the Teaetible geatteoaa Adiitaioa Lady and Oaat 37 eeaia iiagla Ticket 24 aeata Bala EtgUMr Her Majwty br aad with Ibe adtlee and eonient eftbe Legblatita Cooneil aad Aaaembiy of Caaada eitacti aa fuUowt 1 Wbeaerer a Towatbip ia Upper Caaada ia ditided iato Bleetoral Dlriaioaa and Polliag plaeea eatablitbed tbareia aad Ratorelag OSeera appoioted therefor un der aad cy the protiaioa of tbe Tiro AaaJrW aad Sfmlyrk Seotioo of CbapUr Filfonr of the ConfoGdaled Sutota for Uppcv Canada a Deetiag of the Eleetoia for aaeb Towitabip ahall uke pt for tba of Caadidatea tai tbe CoanclUon to be Eleeted for tbe iiid Towaabip al tbe Toiiatbip Hall if there be oaa io tbe aaid Towaabip bat if tbeta be ao Tooadiip Hal tbea al tbe plaee where ib Beat Beetiag of the Coaa- U of tba aaid Towaabip waa bdd tba tbea eorreot yeor eo tbe laat Meaday bot oae ia tbe otoaih of Deeeaber befert tha Aa- asal Eleetio aa prerided by the aaid Aei U tao of tbe doek ta the fore- oooo 2 Tbe Toibip Clerk abaB praaide at eoek mMiac or to aae of bia abaetMa tkroah Kaeaaorotherwiaa Iba Ceaio dl aball appoial a perm to preiida iaba pUaa aod if tbo Clark or Ibe peiaeo appotatad doea oat aitaad tba SiiKSB pneeat aball ebooao a ChairaaB baiag aaeleelar laaAaUtefimo aaaagthaot- aeltaa S Soeb Cbrk or pataao m ed or Cbainotm ao ahaaao Aall ut all Iba powata of Betcnriag Oflear 4 If aolr Ara Oaodidataa Noo baas wiibia eMhov prapaaadby aovaf tba tbe Kbatara pnawt Clirfc arpara a tapraaida ar Chriraa ao abMTO 01 ho eaaa BU ba aUl datlafa mA Oaodidaiaa dolj Btaa- Hd Otooaillaw to avra fa tha oesl M- ba Maaaaal ok Mh wiiltog aod MM pnii4f lkalatiray boon aniTid Tbe eotertaiameal wat grataiworiy by Mr UeClnre aod leag will il be remenbeted by all praeeat oa tbe oeaa aioa Tbe remtrka of Di Raiaaay Mr Keatkady Sqaira Gtiablo Dr Hillary Mr SoBter aad atbera were timelr aad had tbe tetdeaey to e forth tbe betler part of meot natate May tba ereat aetw be aelebratad ia a lae oahecomiag Daaoer VewmArket ConnoQ A mealiag of tba abara CoaoaO took plaee oo Mooday etraiag laal All tka Bcttbci ireia preaaol tbe Raee n tba Miaatea read aod eaalraad Two ar three petitieu were reaeiTad aod read fiMi iodigeot pen raqoea- to be irile Mm tautloik Tboa petitiMialoog witb aaw aa- eouli wan refatad to tbe Fioaoee Cooi iueo f Oo Boliao af Mf Boadbaoao aaaaod- ad by Hr Oaabia ao ofdar la kfer af Ibe CUtMO of tbe Road A Bridfi Can ii be 20 waa piaaed aaid aatooal bal to pay of aaote day laberat Mr Maradao ftaa Iba Fioaoaa Oatib- miUae iepafad to Ikfw ct paylag tba aaaaoBtaBfCbatlatBtdifttd WBaitdao udJTSttkao TT Mr Joite Iba LaaMJp nportad A BoUdiavao aH o fbMd anafl pui oo aM eoibe Mtflatet Mr Oaak baS ptaaiiad le gthaia ortda itt i Ikatmk booo- lii a noliea we publiibad a couple of weaka ago an error occurred with re- Sard lo the anle of certain property in iradforil We were made to aay Ii II Itinghanr llulel bal waa lo be anid wliereae ii abould hare been ihai trzltnn IcU io the aeid tillage of Brad ford would he eid at Bingham HMel We regtei he error excaediogly KicKard field haa a aala oo Lot No i7 ia the 3iid Con of King af Parm Siiick Implainenlt lu oo iba ISih in atani wiibout reetrta 8 Maeball Aucliuneer Mr Jovph fliapbenaonc Slock In lrinnla a will te aiild by auciioti on Ihe 17ih inai on the Lot kaown at the Clarke Farm owr Aurora Th hole will be aold wiihovi rearte B Machell Aociioneer Paiiiea hating tale bill piiotidai ibia will hate ibeir aala ooiieeil a boia ihiMgh lha edsotaa ol Ibaaeper frt BditeholSiamaty 07 Aa adoaraed oieeliag of tbe Sewinc Macbie Co lafeaa place laaenew tiaoiaf at ihr Rallrwd Heiil Cbair la h lakaa al a aeluek madtcine petae oa preMnta aaMtle of a aare if they ilio No pbylelaa will tMaiand ihai eod lhT M or any eoaifb mialwr er Imk ttr eeapeaaded lie pewer la leioeea Mttarele patify iba bleeilor bealih maeeetiatabraaM area it dfrecf afrlit4 Hdw ibea In ibe fltOM of leaaeti eaa Ibey aaeoaaliab tbeae Heel wbaa ihey are ibdireetjy applied eadlttaataadhaalibTpOnf Kwyaby- aiaian kaawa whea oe Meaeribee laeN ibal lby are oal merd aad nebodr aal iHe paiiaot expaata tbaioto Aaof tt nofa Hatiof explainad wy medieiaa pi by lb tornoah alwaa fwj let ale now tall ya wbai will lak A waah er ae oiutMit applied leadlaaaae ao ibeaoiAM eftbe bod aaceapliehee ita eeie oel by ita aciloa 00 ibaayaieai but by itadireei aeiien oo the nr qjfWad- Tbe aeiae atdkinra lAieb eleai eihe whea iliieeily pplied week do ae leoili aod ofieo a real deal of bafia if llbea Inio ihe ale math Il iollowt iheroa tkl ibe enr depend en iba apliealie Ry diiaetly apilfiofl oMdiciaea we elleci ih cure of inflammalieoi andiileaiaiion of ihe y akin aad oiher ian of Ihe body and by dieeaeeef Ihe neeooa mem- braaa ol ihe loata io lha aameBiaonei wa aeeOmpliih pnciaely ibe aaaa reeolla Tbia Ibea i Ibe leaaan why ii i naeee- aaiy lo atety eaae of pelmeaaty diaeaae to treat Ibepeiteni by Tbe ID wtreleiod by naiiire for ibe leeefaien of off goa or aueur We eaoaei inlie- dee into IbeiB elid er fluii nedieioea bei we cab alwaya raduea ibea aelida and Baida 10 tapoari aad iubala iheaand iby will auaifeal o the lonkt all ibe aiitsea Ibey petaeat if pbyeaiaoa eeoM waabee BLd oiolaaelalalbe iaoei aeifm of the air lobe Ibey wbeld de to la eaaiy caae bai beea ib eaonol do ihit iheydaeert ihe ptiaeipleef dirael ed tiea alfbgetheri aod eodar tba wralehad pteleoae of atrlnag Maaeeapliah ih aaa enda ihieagb ibo eaaeb aaeiilee tbe lift of etery eoaeoaplio intaM wbo aea- fldea bia bealib M Ihelr car Tbe nrdieiiie which it I aeeetaary m Ihe paliant lo faAW are oar kind FfirptelonmtM if expel ibe meeoua eveofl tJalht lo allay irrilaiion ibiid attrimftmt lo diatinlab aeewiea f aod loeih aUtralttt la efaaoce ibe aoiiwi of he diaeaaed mrmbrafiis Tbeae by acting nipiga ColaniDl dieetly oa Ibe parte aCaeiad aet nly no- mMe iBe caie ef Ibe diaeaae bol alao Ibe eoomeoeeaem add glly to Ibe com ton of Ibe palieel by kit mote iioebleaeaeayBpleB Tb eeugh ia le- li d by Ibe expaMieB ol tbe aaeena ttarMtlttnaA ttaiaba wlib ibe e iBstal ef Ibe leel ebairaeiiene aad JUetie dieppeaia wiib lb tabaiileaae of polioe- irfii to KatUtnitefl Oa Ibe flnt paie of tdayt paper we gite the reaoll ofaa ioterealiog appeal oaat reoeatly decided ia Toroalo We need aet bete dilala apoo ibe poiati rtia- ed ai ibey ara plain to tbe caaual reader Bot we aow dcaire lo call atlcn- tioo to aaetlMf arror wbioh Slagiatratea oomoMnly fall iatO wilh regard lo whffl aad where fiaea are paid ia eaaea of aaaulL Dering laat year Dr Pmc at Reere paid tha flnea of certain eaae iato tbe Tillage treaiury Hi early in tbe year aad ahori ly after tbe liat of coarclioot woe pablitbad the Corporaiioa reecited t ooasBoaieatioo f tba Coaoly Treator er makiag a deoaad for tbeae fiaea ted oaliiag spoo tba CaoBciltu remit tbe tame Tba Datler waa rtlerred la tba Fiaaace Coamittae wbeo oo aaqairy it waafiaad Ibat Ihe Coaaty Trataarer wat wrong ia makisg fait deaiaad We gita tbe atatuie below whiebelcarlyaett forth where thae fioee Duat be paid Il ia takes fron the CoLaolidated Statalaa of Caaada 23 tie cap 91 See 37 If aay penoe aalawfally at taalta or beata aay otber peraon aay Jo- tiee of tbe Peaee opoa eomplaiot of the party aggrioted praiag him to proceed tSamarily oader tbia Act awy b aad determiae aeb ofeoee Bee 38 Tbe uffrader ama eoan before lueh Jsalioe aball otfeit aad pay tach fiae aa may to kia meet not exoeeding togelber witb eoala if or dered the aem ol Iwealy dollara sice 39 fioe ahtU be paid to Ibe Treaaarar of tbe Maaioipty ia which the oBeaee waBoaimitud aad abaB make pari tba faada ibvoof or if ibaeoariouoe be bad ia a plaeooot wiib- ia aay Uaaicipaliiy tbe ftsa aball be paid oter to aaeh ofiaar aod b appbaahle to aa parytiaei at otoar and paaaltiio aot apeeitlly appropriated We are eaafldeat fiae hare baaa loet to tbia aad adjoiaiag MaaieipaUtiea froo 0 Mat of fcoowUdga of tbe law io ibia ratpMt aod oar city oflom hata beao aoly too ready to daiab tbe dtoMt with oot aeUiog ha Jooieca rifbt ia tba laat tar 19 Cold weather ia rapidly a ioff but bv rtfrmof to 4r tdttr- orervmua ftod iha 7 jek f rml 1 Wa tre rqoeitd to MaU Uul Ih laM n40 w pol a iWmetit b tK Cpoai rtuUBf hU fAcaH U moi Mr D W UoaV CurBtfly of To penool dairioaj ot vmriag pkiaw ireoomBd lttai 19 Mr tKeadraMtCM ofMtJ fimeUM inMnmml ad lb actI f adivr It u 10 soil ib Wie mt fUlgllllf p U 0ir MteU9a Mr KmfATiucs U b mm ID lii bl li atlwra oohlf RfbJ rviwmWrbi galltrj ii WAtWavir Mi tim laaeashire Belief Com Pomaol la aaU af Jf Pm a oom- bar af the tabeenbera to tba fiod OMl at Ibe Coon Hooae eo Mooday ar oilatt te laatrtaia if bay apfroead of dta aatiea cf Iba Oouittaa io daroiiag tba Uuleaw b tbe Tiaiora kaada lo- waidi Iba Towa Llae Boad At CM atip ef tba ataatiig qoito a linly ieaaa eoaomd dorlag tba ibiimna wabaigad vilb mag bm ef eiiae laogoa losoide Iba OaesKtta aod by hia M atreay daolad Thit MtlarlbaaaoMaiBa oo aoa ilwli 10 tba oatioK OouiUae tba Mtt iego4ewi A The Road aad Bridge Coemil ta btta raeeally p tar oav plaak soar tka oratr tl lb Kndf Waler flMet aai are saw eiaireetjag a walk ae Oiriaiie 8 a dk proalaadbyaprecadtafCMieellHMb uaw aid walk baa alM bean laM le ibeceatr afTh tfllaga elan fnm Ptmpti Stmi la aba raa ary aa Oetham Bueat Add M Iheaa ioipfai tU frIBaaf MalaSoeat taiUiae Bnde TiMatby Blia a LoekUa aad Iba paWIe eaa Aea m Idae al th aabakaniUl wark ef ibeCotteeiJ duHaf tba prcantMf UaoTXAH Thia it tbe aaate ef a new Ioat OSoa eatabliabad sear tbe aor ner of foor Towaabipa tix Eaat 0il- limbary Scolt Utbridga aad Wbit- ebureh about tea silaa eaat ef 5awiur ket Mailt for Oartmaa are made op at Newioerkei oa Moodaya asd triday Tbi oftoe will prere gnat aeeeoi daiioo to tbe naideela in thai aaetioa Mr D Tnxr ia Feat Matter wbo it doly aatlioriMd to neeira wb- tonpilBot for thit piper- Ov aobaerilata formerly raeetTlag tbeir papara btuo a tpaeitl peteel lo Sbaroo asd ieiWal at NewUad will beoceftrtb go to Har man naiy iniuiiea aad tfiUiag f Mom aod fMecBeeeaeiheiaeRtBlbe blood i proprtiy oiydi Y aaO iharafure Ibal ibwitataeiilfaMft all the reqoiie- loealfef relief whtb affxdiBg Ihe pailcnt what Booe etbei e a ratiacal bpe ol leaioraiien le beekb Bel il b fraBaetly aakad do tea gite aedlelaee by ike aieoiecb T Cer inly 1 do whea tbey aie teqaitad Ifibe Ciiieal ia bable bm mbji Beb 1 pol ia apea ainof oaotlabiag dial and gite looioaie aid hiadigeaiiee There lit etfaetlona le ihe ate o M Lieer Oil aa oeeiiabnaai aadaf aaeh eiteeoMleoee abboeafa I Sad neb aaupa reaOe freta fai meel qaiie aa beaeSeial aiMl great dral mete pitiable if iB teeetoareeeeBied lha littT lerpidor ibe fuio U Nisfany oiha organ iaped or aappaawd mnliriue mad tie gitan le eorreei ibeA Tb faoe ino of the abdoainal organ aboaU be kept erae more aeiiie ihaa oalaral ladiaw off lion ftoa ibe lunia Agaia ihoae alBirted wilh ibia diaeate bare aaaalty a rrty frtbU cfrtwloffoa wiib lendeeey ta ehiila anl rnnliiraa of ihe fl beaea I erlar tnirm JIaiuul upon tb limba aad tinmg iumUtnUd boU apon iliefae aaU ataroiaa in the epaa air i an indiapenaable leitiWe uf ptoparweal meel All ibeie naaaa are talualtla bihi ooedoetid phiien woald ibiukef nJina Ibea yeiwba are ibey ab atieoiiiM le liifieAa Unaklad by tplaiien ibey oetei yel aflaeied lha cera ef A caae of oooaoiOpiion bat combinml ilb the diiael apileaiian uf eirn lo tlf labarenltr dapoila and the bleoil and wifh the daily inbalaitoo of aiailirioM e an apon Ibe diaaaied airlebea aad eellt ibay benefii tbe genetal kealih and do eel it Ibe laaal ieierfere whb ibe eaialite tniM- aeni applied le tbo leage No prioaple ia madietne ia better eela liebed iban tbti 10 St reie ere naat UM Iba diaeaae ooi iba ayaaprew la o- aonpiiee II We woolil traai ibe ditaa ikepetleiii noal Malt fat ikeie it ae oiber ana of reaebiag iiatwal Treaa- aeni by ihe aoaeeb eaa neter he toon ibaa fomatlte while ibat by labtlaiiea it alwaya radicsfil gatt iha raMdy la Ibe teiy root of Ihoei SBbjact eeaaokiodareieaa infiailata- riMy ef eppoaing InBaeoea aod le idio- eyociaeie both of iod aad body loe atli aac U ael p In iba iiaei seal Ibi ec any oW diaaaee A eea- diliea cf laag vbieh t teamly daageteoa Arrmt of Ibo Niw Yeax Nor 10 Tbe AdrK arrited al oclock wHh 700 paMeaam ToictTB Oct 25 Adtiaea lae here tiroa Corfa atale that Ike loaiaa rbiliaaeal ha beeo prareBed or an oatbc MiTAOet39 Tbe Maltaia paper loedly protael agaiaal be aaaartioa of la Frowa thot diaeooMot eiwat ia Malta Aeeordiai ta adtiaee reeeited beta reieferteeeaM kate baaa teal lo New Zcaleadby tl ladiaa GeteraoMal Paau Oct 36 Tbe Btpcew it et peclad 10 ariite teday at Teulaa Z Frattcf of Ihit eteaiag aolicea ailk regret Kaglaada aad Aaatriaa wal ef daciaioa wiih regard to Polaad Fraoee il eooliuota haa clearly dcfcoed ber eitwt aed far lU rScaeioe form of iilad aelioo abe waela Eogltod aad Au llia lo eoae le a aadeialaodiag n Katbm aeya We kte reetea to beliete Ibal Meaiieai Foolda repen illaiala that bet far ibt Maxieta tx- pedilioi ihe Dadgel woald tbow a larg erplot The of Ibia eieaiai riprodeeea a reaoar ibal tb Emperor bad iaetlad be Qecea ef b lo tiiil Frtaca ia lb eaaaiag apriog 4t i nid that Martbal Iteil will go te S Peleraberg eo ie eatraordieary ti pedilioa detiag lha abacect cf Ibe Duke f MoaUbello LoaooH Oat 36- A Stockbeln oar repcrta a raaaol apeepb of tbe King of lieoaark ib whWh ba dedarad bia twl- ia eaee of bia Sute belageter- p by Oemaay to atari a Harab- lie to eootiM of tba Daoiab latea The Kiog aaid vfU deaetBd tba tbroae io proelaia a Repoblae I am CcoTiaoed tkat oo ia Earope ia more fitted for tba KpoMiaaoaeeptrathao y dear DtoiA PMM Io Hoagary tbe im aritiagftrna tbe Cirtial or total ftiltsre of tba er of ay wbMt Dabe barlqr aed rice ia aatiaittod at 10000000 CoKSTAJiTiiiOPta OetoberSO Tbe qoeatioB ef tbe Bodgel it teitled Tbe turplaa it to reaiiio oediiainithed It baa bera decided tbat tbe Imperial Bank will pay tba Notaaber ditideod am tbo eooBMwtad debt la Loadeo aodParit LeRDOH Oet 27 Tbe aiauoo of Martbal Natl le St Patanborg ia pea- aaaed to be a laat atteapt oo the of Napolaeo M peraoada tha CurAW aa 10 grtol tba Pelea tba eoaoa wbM tha dipioauey ef Korope eaa bith- arte tuled lo ebtaia Cijnfiianinirf Dr Bobort Hntar thoCmif ftl aauzT Owwfttae Lcrraa aa iiv n U dtar AawaaarM Aa SiK I bae already oKlaioad skji ae traaiaent cao poaaibly eoaoi iMeeore UT C eaptlaaa whieb deee ael bfRia ei iha freodailoa by teatetiag ibe Head aid caaainf the aidallam and ab- tuipHia ef ihe rabrrcfta- I peipeao oew 10 thai area bia aaat ba aoaibiBed wilb other maan aaflUienily petewl lo to- aote tbe floated aad HlfKnid caodi- lino ef tbe aaoDM neabraae llalag tba iiabei ot Ibe aocMtm of tbe iooga will alill be bal teOir pertwaed ood aa a eooaeqaeoaa ibe Mt eaa oeiibar be fcipt pera oet labarelaa pretaoted fnal rt ieis la Ibia eliaaiei eateaaaaofCaBoap- lieo arite nAeaM wbiab bare be- cos aagliSi iTVill iheratevbe ooder- oed that io aJI eoeb eaaae e hate ebraaie iaOaaauiiao af the Iniag ef Iba air paaaagea NamU CaComk Sart Huvat Ckrmk Breoebtiiaj oil ex at la a gtaaleiet leaadagiae aad iha aliy- aioias aaet leaere tbas aad btiqg oa Ibe awobraie la beebl i ibey will coaliaoe 0 ebalraet ibe traoabial labaa wiib Maeaaa diaialtb tbaif aix- abeitea lha hrealh aad praraot a aefl eiaat qoBlilT ef air lias Mag laeaimad n btlbabiaed Mta Tbey oio lo faet tbe faa aooee ef Ceoaoaptiao aod ao laof ae Ibey raaaia ihay fimt a iaaieaai hath lha euHm io iha Uead aod iboMer tbt iatha leage- fraai Ihoia laad Ibot aaot it IB ef tbo be waoiplitdf Cartriojy oat bjT do eiM tte tumiib It lo 00 iioani fa a Seal dUaaialba i to pdor Ad mki iota tbo ataaaob br itM oator noM tepiKitfmadt aoM t leage- hoae tioia tbe laodtr cfa oodar- laoa eftbe Ml ekjia af iiaai M oobdat Ibia eotwboreawUilee lattat tea Bon Solafo me perteo nae preee aortal lo aaa Ibat Bel ibe veooethl d whieb bare beaa aad are beiag eflaeied by ihia diiaeiaad pewerfel lieaiaeaiara ia aiafa- tar eeoiraal h ibe aairetaal faihir wbioh haa aueaded lradleai by ibaaia MC ia diaaaaeqfiWoui la labeorloga Hgrediaateteoieay yaaca la dWiaa aoMuf tba paaffa praetiaal aadiailaaal epiaieaeto regaid le tbe ateai aadliaalowel efpolaaanry diaaMae If I OBI ofpalaaanry ditaaaee If I plhbao ae eta ikao to ditaear- Sibe iawid fraa a leliaMo apaa qaaek caofA i etf aod the Btaara ble ayatea eTgfltoieo ea aaaaw t abeotd Mtlleeoiider Ibarl noml a graai CI s bat wbaa 1 Bad m prataalwal breo adepihig ny tfceaneai aad eaa- ataodiagBtpraallee bi ihraiitntlltyaod Mooeae w I aoe Iba dsrtaa tbe ead Iba acpfco liaaioMol baab adopiad ia u lopeealht leaceeai let ligBI wbiab ia 10 gaide tbe pr to taaeaea ia ibe iraa ef eooeeapiieo wbaa I aaa ibe aonaliiy ofeMlaeaBd ef whole aaeoliia diaiaiabedh Ihtiitadt ta a tiagle year by ibedopiiaaefy piaeiiee ia palaa- aaiy eaaae leaaael Mfeet thai ay labora hate bad a higher aod wider raageofwe folBeaa aod aa la p ea BMit t lha rtea but diea iaaW deOKeeerraee aleaaeare bo ragarJeie wilh Ibefear iiaew npitoad iabalaiiMi at a ayaMa ef aoIaaiiBe ptaailoe lake ka plaee aooog ihe oiigbieei dlaemriA l OtedeiB llaea Wilb Ibia I eieae er the ptaaaat ay tariaa a leaertea palaoaary dlaaaaea iheM lore eaaeee aad prom iieeiaeoi ef Ca tarrh reaahfoa aod Ceoeoataiiea maat be faaillar ta all who baaa lead tbea aueotitaly 1 hope le be aUe lo dbtiiU a few lenera ta Jtithma ea taoM fBiara ilb maar tbabka foe ibe ooanaaia 1 bare r fiwa iba Preea tea Sii Tear ebedieei aataal ROBERT HOKTCR MD Pbytieiaa fcr Pi of ibeLeagiikr KBayBuael Tareaie Net 9 tSBB Nat Or- Haoiar ai fbo oigaoi aaliai- tailaa ef hia fiieodaaad palieaw hat eeo aaated le laapeo bl eSee Ui few werte leoaar bid Ilyar br taoer aotU iba Jtat day af Daaasbar aflat whieb dale Ibaao oader traaltaeoi will aeoilaae aodr tbo prafeeaieoal aaia al hi partaan All paeadk aWaeied er Cbrao lo with dl af tbe laaga tbeabi if petaiMe aawairiiw ally gparaaoal e aad adriaa dartaf tba piaiwi aaatb Ta prarMt lonilHialMlin li h roHda it ouy bt Mil la tealod ibaoi tbai Or iJealaia ptMiM la aoofoed al airaly ta tSmkm af ifca tkfmtmCkmf aSak Hit ate leoialiy IMM i HaTaoa Not B Tba airamar Pis- care arrited oo Susday hating li DomiBgo City eo iha 3Ah she lauded aataeel woaoded and aick at San llap de Cabo oe tha 2Slh but brought M pii aonara wbo bate bero aeol to lha aiooagat ibaoi aararal itd Speniafjda all brought Id Ihartteel wralehad aaia aboa- lata aod balfeiared Still lhara aaanm lo ba no llketibeod of Iba raballioii hrlog pui down Tba eerraapeodant of iba Diare wrriiaa ihai the aiioatien ia f ata Mora iroop ara beiug aHt from Ihia ialaod The mall aieoiitar lale de Coba wia ebariared yeaterday aod left wiib 800 ldMraauda eMrehaW Haa ha beao aeol wilb biu and prutltMAa Tba napbawef ear Capialn aeofat aod bit ouly oMla rtio left boa baeu killed aud Uatiarel Oaoder le raportvi wounded Tba rebel baaa ilwaya been ao fortuoata lo calling ofi tba abia and leodera of ibair eoMiee at to reader tbe report geiMrally beliatad Oaeeral tfooiaiw ia raponed to bare bad a baiila which laatad oo boor aod a balf aod tbo raaoh of vbieb waa otta caoaott aod toyarai pieoaara oaptorad fnm the rabala Tbera appaarato ba aeme deobt aad dryitary to rey lo SaoiOM aod aooM aay polraly tbat be bM beao killed Oa the S7tb Oaoaral Foroy arrirad baro to lia MaoMr PatMota and wta raoaired with graod floorWi of bobon afkar wbiab Maohaidad Iota a mare Preoebaos ood dhwddk Iba riHiaraot Lalngiatorra 0 Tbvratey bbt dload tbo pdaM vlib Mo ataff om oaita aod ei rrUay laA br foaf pM bia way W Franca Wa bite hod oo Uoektda i lately s a aiaopt aoteo aotail Iota I MaianMM no eoHeo baa arrfitadl Prioaa baro aewpaplly gooa op Amerieae BaTQliitloii y PibtMaa Mono Nov Bithtii Warba5lblaaiaa4eo aiat tba foHawtaf dawilibai CiitWTuwiyy Tlht baaAwd aaot ef yn 8aater aaatiaeee fail Ittahapep alilBalai aod i MP geiagootkia aeraiag Prtiiiiat Oarii baa rithed Jaaet Idaad FerU war- toa aad Jebaaea aad all tha batteriia aleag the aber Caiotoami Nor 5 fWi ia alow Brief ldty froa tba eoeayt moilMa ad kid baiteriee M7 bau lata bato fired te tba Utt tweatyfaar bar Na eataalliea eo oor Ma Aooth I joiaad Ike Bret tady Tb IroaaMa alill reaaiatqeiM TWaa aooitera w lakieg ia aaaaaiiiea la day Waaauwro No B Tka etptdi- Ioa ef fTea BarMidoa aray ia tba aatlert eoraar ef reaotaM appaoia to be eompleled Bad tbe paapla ire reported aa oxbihiliH Ihe aaat aaliaCietory ti af loyally Maeral Bvraaide wilb bat ae eaalMardaelirity iiapioea tbe aorcb la wbti diiaciieo teoa appear Caiae No 7 Gaemlltt ealated BlaadtiHa Ky 13 aile froa tbia plaea yatlardty aad caplared a cearMr with a aail Tbi Mtapbii MMa ef ibe Btb ia- Uaot MaiBa ibat Biepbeoa tad Ball ilb a force ef 900 govrillaa an coaecripiiat a rebbiaf io Shelby Fay eileHdiVcetiaa That pan el be ceaatry ia rrpraetatad to he lo i draadfal eowliea HxtDQOAoxtma Awror mx Poro MAO Nor 7 9M Md43eoeral fled adtaaaad lo the ndkaodaroaa- iag whwa ba drato Iba aoaay ta tba lirw aaMaliad aod aaptoiod two ra- doobta aod artilary ea Ui ada laUac a aoabaref priwoari MkcQoo Fraaeb adraoeod io BjUya M MrlK tbo aawjr to aad aorowtem ood kaadzed priioeeo a Uw JNO a ailADl noon DWMjNB 10 Sadgwiik laptfti w tvtoc Uropiaa ttwatlioL Oihiiali fcj oir aya aad orar a bnfal OBaFrilfir Kaen la 8iaad DcaDQOARcaa Mae aatr Rap Yirglaia bh To Major Oaoaral Tbia Mrolag ao dorta I w vaaMtaokm poMiUa le liitrtila M Mioa Iba m if M 001 liU Iba frea Kallyt atd Ibatk kaowD that Iba Book waa etaeoalad ly ia matioe aod tbe tbe Infaatry to Ml tb cattlry bayood Major aaral Sate eiallt Ihe oapiara ite battwfiagiL aai Major Geo Fa Oea 300 killed aad waa tboBt 70 Sgned oeot Naw YeaKOet U tpecial tayaihe oan lo be Ibe meal areoil meoc aroea I of tbo ai Meaile eo iba oaptareby lar ia aray under B- E ituari poMa wilb Caaarol haf ibeir gmiaeat i noniiory eyap 0it of whkb tte Kt Mreleb iron Cheuedk airi RiebiooDd For oMo tharo i cart of aetioa beta loita and aagmMlao able BaroSdof both 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