Newmarket Era, 6 Nov 1863, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA NOVEMBER 6 1868 CAiiiitviliuTToA Mn liaiiiCK- Cn NVilltvn Ji Coll Willoil tli Li ol LitrNiniikl Llll Liti Aoni WiUnn LonJoci AiiiiuiBu lui 1S0IA llntliMin Fiiiil HHtinCf fcf A HllUdwa lilWl LsiiJ ulllll h Train Tiae Ntwarkot ciprDiiiluit u tjetcJiog lji inconit hoBouWtf ltiljiieo la uul fel li tb wirt eneiUKi of llieir uwn peopi rt lb drinifvsn wlio ifoolii caibitttt aj The Ri in lueh Cm oiiM it one pntcl 10 rdur Ibal riKiaue tipcatiiior bj iboadonlDg expcntite godcrtaking tircijf eoainciicil bal noi aUwIuiclT ncMwary and morenpc- ciiiJ curUiLinj th cXDK of his hoBKliuId So llir Fisaoea Minirr li Ue tolidi newufut roiut pvau pr eiicl tlic aiuc mane lie luwl not rtt aaluficd wilh bortwHoj nionpjr jir trr cir to mwt hh litbiliiic I miller huv rnaooiHe ibc lfni MfliM rfait- 1 but like the prudent ptirstc luao I lie tiinil CC at oncc to pfiJ Urje uigi 00 be rtaliiMiunof deiinlile bul i not abaolutd Drnlful aetiemra anJ jbctc all he mast eut down Itiechafgn of bit houacboM A luchin tbii we oiay nj in a few words hat like elia- rij ceonoiuy abould beio s Inme and rcdocv poedi1 and ihoroohlj be ex- peoM of our Loislalion and jotcm- Bieat It ii nnw on t icale of cxprodi- lire too rail for the oeeJ aod reaoarci- couniry I ii only nce3rT for jraeliesl tuao o tIancc at te items r j idboiI liadjet 10 reiliie he mth of what we aay And be Pinanee To tbo Public I Minister who rcli himself itradilj to work in Ruldiaf the Lepsbture iolo ihis Hariog recnitv mads Isrs addiiions lo ijuu tod Medful aclioo will desern well Mt Jobbing Drparlnnj itieludirg of his euantry tod accure ils riii aup- rrany of ile bini Myleabf innal 1 1- wood leuer we ore nfW ftf Ul ihnjusU the lylccn of oTcrD A uf tini in ll t9P lvk MtSI Trvlii Kipr ii ikii it ft t rf Bitf I frgm rte aliov Iknr Uy A p I lkr9 p iK KoUod 1JIUK nut mith foKiga prrjudi ibc poliuc of Ctoadft VobOOO More Ir win be recollected hat a week or two ato we pnblulied a Proclamation w- aej by Prvaitent Iinculn for UOOOOO raerc TolaDtrm mH dnfled meo Tbli DneunKnt eoniain aereral ileiD which are of ircal fijnilnnc it the preaetit liiiic After prniiiin- the eatiae tod nnxsaily of ho cill lb ulluwiog passage occua t lonhrr pTrlaiitt ibw if any Si hat ftl Ma aBxriiel lo ii by ilii r DpAim uibltf ihi lif JifiBiiwrlipt r i rm I fi ol ili irriMnrj in i qiMXt mft in il Sum or in lh dvNirrcr M 4U Sui T llicir d ie paQpuriioo o ftil ih9 MJ ilrtli vbtl em nic Qn il 5U Jy uT itiiyjtf IS44 There U a deal of TBeftoin bid deft in h aboie words The people of he Northern State are lefV to cboose one of two hina citlicr lofiiluptbe raoks of ihe Kcderal aruies pcaoeably i by Tofantrena or failiog bis to isenr lh inoviuble neoeaaily of beios compelled to po forlh or id other words 0 I Jnilftl Tiiis mode of pulin il 10 he people of tbe North is both poli tic asd UKteiou It auy well be sap- peaed bat with tbe eeruia knowledge of Go ye must haman aalore will God it fir Riorc arreible u do with tgiaee aad ualcnibly cf its uWD free will bat wbich it kaow mast be done under sny eirtunstanoes Hence tfao Proclamalion for roNxrrrrt Wbcdicr bo Sorhcrn ariuic ill be hrcly ieeuiel by tliil Deans bethcr it will fail or only pr- ally succeed ruiains o be aeen Ba j be Pmident ha shrewdly provided a I pared to rxecutn ok rijid Prinling llaiD aixl Uroamiiilal in a auifrter manner and hiIi lbs IncreAsed faciliiiea ks oaaeM on the ahnrirat potiible notice Thit ufTiee is nw ilie lirMtnnd ntosl complele in ihe County and no jaos iil be spared lo reider cliire laiiifiehon bo b na regirda will llni tlnir sore reward in the style of excjlion gfvl O reipee airt and gratitude of tlic unit by PaetioB wo bare ao nnfiruoatcly fallen iatnaipeoeit of party hivins been cared for ioftead of the interests of tbe ooonltj Tie statesoien bo will BOW shake thcmaeltcs free frotn be sor did tramaels sammndios bis unwnrtliy Titers and honestly and Grioly bend ererr effort for ilie material welfare of OD the eoDliDcalof Eaiope tbe rtltlions of the eooteodiai partio Ineludiaf in deed not alona bote oogntrle io vhkh be Kalib laBgaajte is spekta b also oany other peril of tbi world It is a Hd speetMle to oateplie tbi oaoe hippy eoaBtry tors by ctril Siateaiioa iotoliriai la its tiouble do seraljrits owo people Vit ia a Krear or Iaa de- Ipee bounada of Ihe iababiuats of other lands i all that roainl is to bope for B lok forward o ibat fariKbler day when th eoatest aball bare BMiad and when it sty be truly aaid Wih iliM sweet Peace I abandana lMd alint Hei jnyout train and baiJt awake le aeni Diik iideca weare ibeir wabewiibi ibe tinA I Riiti eait the spear he lerrer ol the Mil liij taeD smpeta bow no oiHe afftigkl Tli iilaol ludtwr ami Kpeee gf nil Whitcbanh ud Atitr Arbitrktioa The ArbitraioB between the Corpo- rations of Aurora and Wbitehureh Mu neialiiiea releling in he dftsiOB of the Clergy Heeerea Funds bat taksn place and reeulted ia ealablishing he kaaia of aeldemen propnsed by tbe ruwnihip of Wbihureh As Batr as we can understaad the eaae Aurora claimed lha at he time of the teparaiioe ihe Corporadoo of Wbitehureb balds cenaiii anoD ofClery RBaetre fuftda io which they at Inhatliants wer rsMo- illy interMted aid detlred a dieid ia proponioa to ihe number of mo- piyera on Ihe roll To thia Whiiehwreb iljtied on llie groartd that the moaiee wfrs received from the OoTernmea djrini a arlea of jetrs on lha ouir of rale payera reporied from yair tu veer and lhai during the Ima ihe Itrgor prifWriioB of teid mniei wa reeaiveo he rate peyera included in the erriiory nlw cMnprlaing the Tillaf of Aurrra as aad eMBferof bee il atteodaact oa tbe eceBin tlafore tho broW Bp lb aaatl vaai of ihaafca la be Ladisa for preeid iBK ae abaadaMly to iba Cbsir asd be CiMwnaB WBre ire aad b Matisi apacat4 Trial of OrMSvood Guanroop ebargsd wilb tbe asDrdarof CaTBAUal W aftr a protastad trial eneadiag orer five dtyi aodelMinf oo Wedaeadtf sight Iwt has bes ierBited Xo OM of ooarse tcloallj witneased be eoamiiaio of tbe deed bat be atiestir nadar Mlow loK be hsie of creBaatal evideoeet of guilt addoeed eaa sortaly belp eoa ing to be eooetosioB that rbare ttDUeb roon for rare soaeioo Tbaebafaof tb Jodga o be Jury Is very Iseid tad eobraoea be ebief feataraa of be omb Greeawood is itUI bald is eottody oa tba ehirge of being acoaasory to tbe eoBeaal- ment of he birth of Citherisa WaUbs child den by ma 1 a herrl p ll wbnlc roontrv J Wo hid intend here to retifir he ceive prompt and caieul nlpniior pnsilinn talcn lv Mr UotT durn Sale nrintrd at ihii olTice ill i i the pit tut receive a gniuiioua nofce llifouyi coinidvrsUe apace oa tbia sol- ihs courniis of ths Em iltere y jrrt will rcucrrp oor remarks on the Ilacinj annrurCfmcnl in itf Kioaoce Miaiititi ulicy natil tnolber binds 1 f a iSousr I i rrUl fiiri i All Ihe II t iiyica of iiiiir Fostoring NfttioDalltics Iiiii nnli fnr xciil ssiciilje euiariily on hsiJ lojeilicr iiti a p many arc tlu tvraliooa of tlicoppt- gMiirnl aiuck I r Urapiin Paper Mtton jioitiril leidcn while cloM in Iiiir wiU rutlov that portioa of lie la lit conntclion wc may jiiK stale that our Trivcllim Mr To sirit io were rompnradvely few end baiica I icUase to Jete seas wiveriniaind ii niiaiia nr cuntrr iirertiTe of mere parlvl y nam IB prrtion o M nuciit 1 L K afur laiiDedittely afttr be extract fullows be tiaiteaot iatiiaation tlio all who do not reapoad to lha Call arc iiablc to he Draft In tlie ProcIaDiation are also tbe fol baViu- aiwadj Il deml etpalient 10 eall eat 300- CO oluoiett I itiiee years or ihe war bowwffer fir more lhao Ibree years It would socm hen that be Federal r7vrrnmrnl is btfiaoio la see be eod oftbis eontcsl Wilbia tbree yean it is almost binled hs alraAle will la tiVinj s rtiroprtti vicv of the fof ih do- ae or disadvaalsn of the Nertb does not appear Whether bis oae wo or ibrce yesii wsrfaro is looked Bpon by the Federal loveromcol at a bloody experiment a last deeperala tltempl to subdue bo Soadi or aj aa rarneil lo other niiinna that the North will btve at leut done iu ulaost 0 tuia tbat cad or whether it is rerdcd ti pregoaat with iirc iiiiralion One day hey try o lm 1 up tcir party by inuendoct arf comtmocc a can- iippooenU ihc ncx tley seek to aing and ccIIcciItij luof tliroub pbijin jiWic farnr ty boaited loynlty- tjc TJnlli uf Kin iKe ernoit s Kjllin- in iiilii- cry of oalieaality i adtsottgts of a local psrr in ih anotlior dreeitirf and being deceived Ridtog ill give hioi a rordi1 ro Mi oiilruii the word and meaning at- ticliin Iu a riliale adruiiiistcrei by he I Iriiiiiicr 0 Mr Ic on acoouot of I the frrjucat 4f he lider o his naiiijlilT in Pailiimeiit the ppoilin pjfj arc oiideiTifiiii by efr ilie mcan iwisl it inio an iosull un Ire land and liitjDinand hereby hopin- to make pnliiiel eipital ainst the Mia- itrjn lhi jliit tbe Toronto Frrt- lUin liaa ODC of lliu sosl jcsoitiial arti cles it baa Ucn our prorinee to pertue tbi many a day Ileasys We iFl thai Il Una jrsunt ann loet- 2 coiiikti a- ijijbcien tf naiionai a r caption Tliocin arnJi itl grca y oblitc by paying up what is iinw doe and rencirin ifcoir nubscrip- lioos foi lLccoiiin yiar Oar Fiaaacial Bolations week We tr0t all whri raloo li e raid and so tbey p from one hioglo aeeeas eanaot i present be known Oae thing however il evident Presi dent Lincoln will prosccale the war until the cipiralioB of 4i term of office Whe ther he will seek reeleetioa is uoeertaia If socb however be bis inteation bis chaneos if succeis would be iameasursbly incrcaed by a sueccsiful tora bciag giren lotheeonteal daring tbe iMst nine or en mnntbs and il is poasible indeed hat his deiia to be re elected may be out motive for a vioront prosecution of bostilitirs Present aeeoanl of he state of the belligerents are extremely conflict ng Evea in Waibieglon itself darin he Isle advancoof Lso all maaaer of rumors were prvralcnt At oae lime tbe Coa- federaie leader wu rejyrrted 0 be wilbia not a great maoy mile of drivio General Meade befura him al most immedistety afier be was said to be on the wrong side of ibl Rappabaasook lie is oo BOW however mppooed to hae bsd any desigo upon tba Federal eapial bis lata iB being ooaiidared aa part of a 0 ensnsre Geoeral Meades army i a balde oa roaod of bis owa cboofins or to drire It farther ncrth while reiBfirroemetils were beiag sent to Ursgj Ilowetcr Ibis mty be aellber side appear to be makiag noeh profreas si pmenl The war iadeed leems at far from a faroorsble tormiaatioa for cither party as twel maatfaa ago tbe Wasbinxtoa Ooveromast atoms deter mined to proseeate he strafe asd tbe We made innK rcmiiL a t f weeks sf on he course purucd by the Miaistry duriajt the iate Siini at- eotdinjf hem raueh praie fT thnr nction ia tbe rclaCita with the Oraad Trjnk lut tli with scteral olbar very sslutary cp in tberihtt direetion is only- or ratlier sboald oilv fr wril no lover of his eoanlry be the beyinnjo cf s urriul end and in tiiis Irotiiicc lul mat rtrct it and tbat asd ia tbe placin the finanrrs cf 1 had osr cuteniciary sought ia eoatinu- tb couatry on a basis nut only radifjc- inj hii reoiarks n allay rather than ex- tovy o osrselfi but alw 10 thuse w Vile snl fjn ilf disiiiiclion he art laricely and materially inlemted in hare devrrd instead of osr finsaeial eondxion Vr ihoald he censure Li while with one breath he aeeds of distrust lo our rredi be sunn in ripriKs hi reri with another ho tbo aiiads of osr KnIii crrditir we remarks tbosld reap a wint disaslrout barvcsi 1 Imhrnen ef ei- foici Lp tba oreunt time wc itand well I PI T T J are unAorltiv of yuur race ai wttb the espuhs of treat Htin n J Tbia eoaidenre is apparent in the faei ixntnl bity ihe ixirhw tbat oar Fire ir teoi fork eldom I i4 ii llll jih aKi eniiy lit raa mueb b low a par value which I imgogu- B ilBaJf is a Tcry fliiieriiiK tribute lo he W ihe lanhinaoiKk t J 1 ih h like vtvaiis wt auotDcd o iiMu when ve oonuder te Itre emaMol of lebt ib pi bf like vt llul HOll ty In lliistrlrael wc dineovcr hejesoiti- ktva iacarved in prjoriion to otir wealth fci olc article Why asd populstioa about deploriog and is- now on tba roll or even ararag th numbar during thaso ysars wuud aaa bla lha latter CerKratiua 0 draw un the piiiieipsl over aad sbov tha nilloin hleb it was drawn from ha Oovon- msnl by tbair raiapnyers Whitchooh iherslcra wsnled to ska tba numbar if lais paysri tnd iba amouol drawn 1 each yMr and divide In proportion to tha ratepsyera oo tba roll in h reseiiva years In this siaw hs Arliiiraxirs coincided aad on thia prircila Ihe award was mads Tbis decisi Il makS a diOertiica in ihe sniooni to be raavrd ly Aurors whether iM or wrrD of abou 4100 las ihiD Ihey would ha obtained by steratng the Imsi UitacUl umar ty- A ntetinteftbaNownMiketCeoa- eil will be bsid ea Meodty evebiag nxt St tbe teiul boar io tba Col Heiqaa An aljaraad Bainel iba Board ofhoel Tcusiam will lakaBtsea at Ihe RailroaJ Heial bis Friday avaolng ai na asoa beor See wba Mr LsaSftTTca layi in eur tdvertisiBf oolanas la day and prsfl by il ShoeaB tbo oocaat el Mail ao Tiinoiby Siirna o- Tbe sub iriaaiar for School Mo lire in lha Tewnthip of King Jnaapb Wond Esq deairaa os 10 saaio Ibat ih ralaieao ihe LitaUlivt tirani 10 Swbool raacben in lhai Manieipaliiy will bo paya ba on anJ sfier ids 7ih iueiaat say bal afiar ait iho Meaieau people aiSI- ply dastsa aaauTlen le FraM Tba Polish raaaica iiiesl cbaaga- Tha Leada Timaa pabliabaa iatior bjr the wstlbaowB artasfwodaet Mya- lariasi aMMoniing Bpon aad abawisg IMimporUBoaof tba aeinreof Ibsstesm rs in iMMatsay asprassisf tba balial Ibal Iba peblia willsiaod by ibaOaverB- ant ia tbair dMarmiaaliaa 10 dafaal fraud ulerl coslnraaees Mr UM had ttaas aposklBg at Birkas bead detandtof bit eoBMO io Iba MUar of ba AlabaaB ke Tha Eotpeior Napoleon had tteeivad toJ rongratulaiad ba Maxioaa dopaialipB 00 tberr aseceae Tbe Psis boarW coeiiBBat hasvjr St Paiarbor aeesaata say it is tba fesa aJ balisf lbi ihara will ba a diplenaiie ropiwe baiwa Roasia sad tba WaaB ewais balara ChriMmas Tlera ware loaurs of a ihraaieninf siiaaliso ef adaira between Russia and Tuikey n Tba LoBiloiiraale lo dayoaolaln little of intareau Ie Timea bas sa adiieritl holding Bp in iDovinf lonce iba tbceateniac paeitioo ol affairs tbiBuihooi iba world aal urxiac ibs it is the plaw doiy of Cof Itiid to aeixe aad ua all tha appgrfuoilias of bt Mie aadasiaibiitatar atkaaodkaep peare whiMeha esa Tbe Navy and Araf Gataiia eoasiders lha eaasa mara bepefol now ibsn for sooia iiae past sndihinks tbsl if sini- Isr apaiby ar nonaa ea iba pan ef ihe redataieaboald mark ilwcleaa el the year there shall be a ftaal entaea of the oulb ebuioiag ao armmiae Ind Uiai that aimis- iwe will load ut as siljaaimaa ef iba pre sent deeiibla diSUuli TaeCbiaarepvrisiha she aipariecwed siiaog weMern lalss durieg the pasMga toaBaa Msairrs Laadaa Oe3J Rralaff qeiet and irady Sufsr liird and advenerd 3 la 3 Tea firm leSe amei aad adtancati 6diets Tallow 34 yiirelaum dull London Mooay Maiksi- Loidea Kit 38 CunMla eloaaJ at S31 Inr auoey The bnllMtn in ihe bik ef Eiiglsad bar neieaaed SOUince tbe lasi reium UipuilOvi BrwaasiuffafeDeially qaiei aad a Wakrfleld Kh Co RicbardMMi ft Co lapeil lour alaly end q in- tVbaM qoMi s wiuier rqd TsSJ lw844 Cvta qviiei whiU 90i Ameriean BroloUoa The qaestioni we should now boldly is the face arc do we dcxnt Hreltin ditinctionwf nationality in Soolhtafirail reaWred BOt lo subait iliio country while in lU very act of No doabt before peaee it raslacad Baay bloody fildi most be foBght tad tbou- aands of littasteriBced Il il thought by toma tbat wilb be fall of Cbtrieston aad tba eaptsro of one or two other impnrUbt airoagtwldi totber wih a decisive btUla on tbe KappabaBDoek tba bulk of ibo fighting will have beea dose bst il it ao er- laia Ibal socb would be Ibe oaie Eves if Riebatoad wars ukea Ibe Coofederate Oorerameat would pofaapa betake itaelf to Moatgosary in bo heart of tbe CoBfsderaey aad aa fee Cbarleitoe it is not probable that Qioaral Qilbnera will oblaia mneb mora has ilt miaa Ba both pUeca bare yet lo ba takeo asd it ia extrsmely diSeslt to la oa whiab aide Bsoaat Will attead War it sa vnoertaiB came tad laeeaiaia it dapisda iaw degraa oa siresniUaoto otaor tbas tbe eouraga tad eosdiKl of tbe laadeis of armiM tba OBBldeooe lfoeondueledouJfjo hihnstioB- fsirs tbalprsdeat met will mueb iooccr ftnds tj abhor yn ia aeeori si their fith ir ogr iU and abil- e tienlism T Ihe ity lo snide our fiunril diffltie lo a sBocwafal cod Vod if tlicw ijociics src of discord by cieitin tn- WerediaheneRlive aswefartlie upOiies beiwceu the sational eritia of mi tbeo srisaa he more ioiporUnl Simply t gaia polili- jamtioB still what arc we 0 dn wherebr dujlnpin- io tba end lo wa may maiataia our oredit in its bpelo- 1 pratica men now fairlpoiiion We hate- bittto lnpk- iathl tsangr bora Wthis oeslary goue loo fast Betcliio in iho McG lha Qucbee wary streaglb of ihsl credit wbich bi jccraaysMl Ihsl Mr SAitwifuP WW tad we trait will ever PPW MvctAU has done ia ibit ooobm IbaColoslsofOrstlBnui aud k- irtJy iproaatagaiot pretcn- lemly rtlisBl on bo expaBove turej of OM growiog reaoarm ottr alatasmen tkrir borne a oouatrj fcr aome yasrs hsve piled up debt apon with a waaleful etrelrBcs wbKh iwolerablo fair to swamp our credit hd lar- CanadisBiam ar Can- aiah0BralOmnyadHy unlcas we I KsowNoihingiam bst il would U ODoa Bo ooly ebeek our exlraal ij n to a Ure wtui i MH aiso proTiue some as iMssiory meaaaier tbo paynteat of be Mtadaam we bavo already iaesrred siist have ao isera faoey fiaaa- mtelag BO mora mere ehsnjiBg tbe aaiM of tba tbiag wbila be aama sia- tm tad feiaeipia f wotklBg raMiaa ad above all ao mora borvowiag ef momj lo pay leUrtsi m mora making r graau lo acodleM oalarpciHa wWll Mr ouhaMT ii exbawud tad Mr pabiit credit toticfi ea tbo ywy Mip it iia Ths aCaiis of oar sosa- Uf mmt b ummd ia ths mm vay m mj sua eaU tcsapsnu bU frinii pariliaa v b to country like thu prcfereocea aad aatipa- hiei bavio do beer fosodalioa tbaa diflitreaea of raoe or natioBal eriia Keie wears simply Caaadttoa wilb com- Boa poliiieal figbta aad privilagcsi aad be ia mofc miachiefmakrr ibaa patript wbo weald eal to life oc la aa maaMr parpatuate distiactlosl oa Ibe tear of uatMoalir lattsad of bavisg saraad abaas asd mitnpranalatioa lbs s soa- iiad Ibat lbs Premier ii catitladtosndlt for bia mtsly reritUaes lo the east aad arrsgaaas that eld flood Ctaada villi pamioiii sf lbs Bsaaaat basMt sert Aad wa bsUses tbat aooa will awra isadi- I do bin Jsitiee Ibaa Ujhirilsd aol live of atay ai pcoro lbs pUias of Ital woald bate Ukes Roose ltelf bat br tbe jealoaaiat of a GMtioa at Inme daajii bim be aieea- siry mesoi lo aesomplitb tbsl obyeot i Ciwr dsriBg bis Isvuiea of Britaia wat leveral ima tspolsad owing le bla vast of kaowlsdgs of tba ooootij aad Napalaow it ii psibspi not araanuala lo sapposa would bsro ooaitaarsd Bamts Pol fer tba saoa of M UowsTsr Isi lbs pi ssalast Urai- B fitombl tn whisk sad U oas pcaysr is ssrtaial sebeod b aO iat rasiad aad thai a dassra mlrs tor Pasos I Tba blsaiiag of sab a ooe nald bo Isk sot ealy oa lbs soQ sf iarries aiilUQRstBxituDbat Day of TbanlcsgiTiog The CoKuii GasHU eontsms the iollowiiiK roclanistioii from His Excel Isiey he Uuerior UrnAral raocLtuariON Know Ye iliai lakmg inio Our eon sidration Ihe doty oMch Our luvisg sulgsei uf Oir Pruiiie of Canada ows to Alirigtitv Ood for tha insiiifuld bl sing miich thsy hive recid a Jli hniidi and esiecslly for ihe aboiidsn Uartct riiid ihe roniiiittaiicaoi Peaci iih which lie has bIrsMi Uur asid Province during the present W tinre ihugh IM by the sjiea of Oai luiie Coutivil for Our said Pro vince 10 appoint and Weilo bytha Ojr Iloynl PfOelamiitoii Ipiminl Wio ursoav tho Blvvsiilh day 0 NoveiMbei iiesi as a Day ol General Thanasgmnj 10 Alniighiy GJ for ibeae His Marcn And Wa do earnily exhol all Ou loing suljecu in our said IVnviac b ubre levreiitiilly sid deroutly the said day ol Thankagning In iw nf his PruelamatioD we prs sunia D1 buainasa will ba raiaacled In Newmarket on ibat day Pspla fMB the eouiilry ahould benr this id miod en sa Dot lo be diesppuined Wa are given n uDdemlaod that Disina Serviea will be held in most of tha cburchea In tba llaeabut ha hour will ba annoBoeed from the respective pulps nrSsbbath nxl No mso properly rscogniziug ai iivarruliog aiid guiding Piosidenea bui will bsariilyjoio a ihit cailonal Thaaki giving 10 Ihe Giar of all Good for ibe bleaaingt mercies and priolrgei eon- ferred upoo ue aa a Provinea Wbila blond and earnaga and all ha ooncorai- UDl evile of war have been dasoliDBg ibe neighbOriBg Republic wbila olhsr countries are laboring under civil and iiilerosl eommoiion we have lived id tbe nyoynie and blaaainga of paieaaod the labor of our hands haa been erownsd with ilenty Il la bul maet end rUk itiereTire to j in in bis dsy ef Naianai Tbsuktgiring Social Tea Party A social teaparly la aid ef tbe Cireaii faads was beld ia be W M Cbarck Hollaed Iadis a Tbendsy aveauc last The rdibte were ef laperior quality sad lavishly soppbad relecbog graa credit ea ibe bdy maaagera Tba ebsreb was ttslefsMy deeorsM with erergreeaa wbile lbs arraageowad ef he Cemmit tee appeared etifteary le sU Afler lefreabmeaU bad beea ssreed lb tables ware resNved asd ibta e- mesced he iatellccaal par ef lbs esler laiamral Mr J of Newmarket oecapiad be ckair wbile oa ibe plelCsiss were Revs Mstars SurrLCT Daaxaa asd B Mr SuafLarmaSa a meet admirable apeeab asd wsa lisleaed te King Tewnsbip Ceaaeil meets le meirvw Satarday ai Kenleby One ef Ihe utjMls or wbirh be meeting iske ple IS Ihe paMegeef a ByLw for widen itR Ihe read allewaaea betweea leia and 3 in ib lOiheen ef ibal Tewaabip Mr A 8evtaaeqaasts as le eiala lhai the amuaal ia haadi as the ptwoeeda ol iba last Cbrisiy MinsiiWIs Conoen sfier paying aeressery eipeaiee is tSOOO whieh sao will be develed ba aBBesocad le cbairiable poiposee Ths regnar Qjaiierlv Heating ef Ibe Newmaiket tod Aorera Cireaii lakes place in ihe latter village oa Sabbath oexi Oivios Service commmcee al lOoeteek am A meeting ef ihe Bsiineea Boart will hs held tomorrow Salordsyy ai I oclock p m meatiognlihe biuckbolders ef tbe Nswmailiei Sewiag Msebioe Co will lake placu lemoirow eofliag al tba Railroad Hole Chaii lo ba takeo at B oclock Aiihis ia 10 been inporiaol beeisaesffleai I9C il IS to be hoped every Meekbolder will mske It a poini to attend Waaiaglsd la leers Mr Dinrr bas removed bn fsnea aolhe lews line tosd between the swamp aad Ibe Bib Coat and lhai ihe farinsrs iu that vicimiy are inpioving ihe ruaJway ao aa to m ii Fey to travel Tn hills oo ibis side sf tb natb aie now beiofoat down so that by ibe time alsihin aeia in it will be an eaay mailer lo bnog a good load evar ib satire lioe 11 LockUp 11 ibia village is now aWi cemplrtel aid lbs Building Cem- isiiiee will probably rap on tha same I lha Council oexi Mgoday evening As MWflas the Cuipotaiioo aaa make a few iwciLa y regalaiions ibe Uagislraiee of Ihe placa will be able 10 aamiii tbereie Il is a eubsianiial block biiildo oeniaio- g ibrve eertmems and cesis IIM Tht Lowdim acai AdttHiitr tha oeme of a aew paper paclutwd in Leniea C W by Mr J CsBtaos It i develeii ehiefly 10 iffral and fereign flewa and appear 10 be enmlaeiad with apirii la wliiioa the Adeerfisrr doe not in tend 10 daMe m icii but reserves Iba right of iadspendeni criticism Oa Ibis peiol we are ioelioed le ihiak oor ooiempo rary will fail if al all ladapeodeai aar- naa rieeifa bal aa iadiffereol aappoit from either pariy ami ganarslly falls between tbe we Iriag a period of aifbieao years ws have never koewa aa lodpeiidai aaeslat aawspsper iseeoed Many have siitad aod aa saby failed As a loeal advenisiftg mtdigm Ibe 4dferflter prom- s w gelieal and cbrislits itaimcal asolrsd eombiaed wilb sa easy asd rssdy delirsry riviied b sdSDiioa of lbs siasmbly Tba rtasikaof Ben Msaara Btraiia asd DaiaiiaN were sbort bal pneiicsl asd wets alsa weU iscairid Tba eboir wilb a iMlodsoa aetompasiawBl esoui baud msebie lbs eajsymsBl of lbs oe easios by siagiag s isUeues ef sp prbta masis AUogsibrr K wss a plsaa isg secisi saicilsismcBl- asd rssallsd oaelarily ia sddiag aboal C36 Is lis Ctreait sads Tee BMcb prsias caaaat bs girsa Is Mr 1 Kanscsr Tar bm aatiti surtias ia eadrarsfisg la Mttribals Is Ihc ffi nrfiga k Cnl0nial iizritna stta EaeU The sieamahlp from Livsrpeel 30 b via Qleenaiewn 3ll arriveil tbis p brinta w il Bsefnewi The Lavsai Utraid oenfimis that 1b fmtK uflsrwl le potcbese Ihe rsis ia ih MeiSBtaiid bxi Lauds p iCIIIWlOa aaeb hlaaea lha Sonihera OMmiseioaer was gajn io uglaad ibe gflesl ef W S Liudsey risKfc Frsaee refuses to goaraMee lha Hati- aaa lean aod ibara is ireeble halaaeo Xaximiiao aad lbs FisaeS Oevasamaai ea ihst qaestioe Offlelal eawsfrem Japan auiae ibal la Iba aiiaek ea aad dslBeiiao ef ICageis the Beel Mel 11 liUlBd M weaad Captaisa GMAaaaWilaat waia killed Amrai at tba OMsa Csra Biei Oct 11 Tba Msamsblp s rsMl 10 New Yask al 8 eolask Ibia 8a larday aeaeieg wbats she will ba dae aa Teeeday aazt Tbe Dawa by lha CbtBS ia OMBgra Tbo Loeden Montimg HrttM eay iba caput of Iba ateamar Sa Rsbatl Paet by ibo Fedarala aO ibeRaOraBdeit atoillag aeasiderebl anaBiieB al Lteyds aad prss ssia will bs bresghi apao tba Brkiib Uwv- aiBBMMaa iba aatjasi il bsiag allagad Ibal ibars wa M ib iligbn tessde or be aaitsrs Raaiy Waid Beebrbad bssa piiiMtiil wbb sb sdd by bs ad ia lbs NeBoeafermbt Callagaa B aa ahs asisttlasdstsiarasrsll bctskfasi la Lea 4Mb A Park IsMr wibs Laadw Daily N aalieipai bat tba ifi alllllit praaisf pMoo iU laawliiialy iseaita stdsti i naw Y Oct 31 ftm ba lbs followini Morrit lilaiid oei27 baaey gun bar bd turned ufoa lha l Cbarlaaloa and eaah has ihniwa one a eonisimpg Grdek Irs I iba eery heart of Ibat plae OUwr gaas sra lo open spno the city ible sfieroooD i oot iauaded ai fiisl la naks lbs coo ifwnewnaal of web vigorous opertilteos bul dreomelBtiees have ebsnged lbs prn gramms sntlraly Our bailsrias ars aba at work on Johiiaon Sumpiar and Meal- trie Tba enemy repliae reterrsdly uy day He la ardeoily lakes wKh ear pria ao far as lbs ebalUog of Cbsriss is aiias slthnugh bo bal bed euffioirnt warning PiMir nonitorS ars in puteoe ef liiiilivan Islaad il i uoberatood lh will engage ih ireb wnrke ihie afiarnoon Tb thowa no dieposilion to partietpa bar ropes srsstruDg wUh sailora l Tiaa DBratTaifrrof tbb SocTa O il A asmba of tbe baav guna in vi sgnar and Gregg wars ap on Sumpier itf sad Jeboaoa yaaiarday ntoraing Tha firing was cooiiauad ar regular iaierrals ibrougbowi the dey until derk aad rsaumed Igalu Ihit moraiag Tbe range ef Ihe faoe en Bomiar aod Joboeoo m una third leas ihaa il wa b for tbe capture wf Wagner and The firing on our aid it aioalMai every shot seeming lo ba effeetiva The enemy did not oumirtsee sn snlmsied reply till about nnoo yssta day Ilia practics is inferior 10 at bibited weeks ago Al prwsent ra- meni of writing nol a eaaually baa oe curred on oor eiis and do pere damnga to our w baa b aueUiBsd Tbe artillery it io charge ef tha third Rhode lalaod rsgiman they ha o n the pieces 00 Suitday Tbe The land baiieriea alone are aagagad The ohjaai of fire was e gsi psr feet range of rebel works sad In prasam lbs cidia of aay iatarior be ai Iba loMcdag of say gaoa on Suinpier Fobt M N S tbs Risb mond ifi of uet 31 btt beso rsesivsd bsrs sod eoatains lbs ft d pateb Cbtrleatoa 0l 90 Ths bombard msatofysrt Sumter loy ia lbs bsari ssi Ibat bat svir lakaa pisee Freasssa dowa oe Wsdnssday till inadawa ob Tbarsday 1260 abou from 1fi4aeb mor tars asd 300- Parrots have beea Uirowa lb fert Oar lost is terse weasdsd Tbis srtaiag lbs sasay gieesd ire froa lbs nettar bittst at smais Poisl apes lbs aohh aa aagle ef Ib Cart wbi aaemc lo bs tb ip objesi ef Ibsir atiaal Tb ea batlerias samsd wtra tb ei orsr sod Wagasr lbs eesUa batury aad Comaiog Peiat battery wilb t addiiioa Ibrs aMaiiera Tbs beat bardmisl of Fort Samier slill gm oe bat lbs fire it maab tlaekaead Oer baiuriteflrs slowly aad ddiberaidy Tb st praasai ptjs no tuisiioa to ibsm WasMiacToi Nor 3 Tbe follow lag wa received to tl tbe beadqair sf tba Aimy C Oei 29 Ili- O jv ile Ba shwo figb Ibaaifht ef sbik eaeay bat sol disterbed at Gee ileeksr look swar prisoaer He else caplared lwo Sateld rifies Ilis leas sdo eCcen end me aad waaeded I 4 gu thomas Major Gaaaral fSmUttOi timm Asagcsijeit from Ricbmeed Ike rebel Gsreraaaal satBieg all Ibe beoia tad sloes ia Ibal city for iba ass el Lse wbicb isslmesl barsfeet N Y N S Tbt btrout aaya Mean Hart sad Hsa were gsbMed ysaiarday at Ae Majsr Gta BaiUr bu beea iiiigaid ri ib sraysa d psr ef Vnpsia sad Nerib Ceroliae ia place ef Peeler wbe iiasdmedlo report bars te tba asum Osaaral Ciresmaiaaeea iadcaU ibtl Oea Fea ler will have esmmaad ef iba dafsdses e Watbiagles wamtaotsp Nev ik ifsabl dM pstebiBlbs fffsss Imponsat adrkes ars salisipaisd jssi BOW is prapst qaariars Gea Gitlmers a ipseicl dcspsleb ts lb thumi myt la msgw i Iba bask rapley aad faaasiH bmaty whieb rata sad rata ia ekbmai stctacw Cfeaai ad mlaialratioB of ibe Treasury eiU tlaw le lha world a claar balsace sbeM a ihi Isi efNorsaber Tba ixaiarr vtsHa caa- isia oM saaagh tematt alldsmtadsfay- sble ia seie nf aia aeMhs to corns From lb cosiaaes sloe k rceips at mar Ibaa saBcieet 1 pay Iba specie m- Uratiaa tb pablio dibl U it seer B Nor 3 Tb roM is tbis 8UU l4ay wti sem- Crali MaaH bl tb Repablisaa vs Bsdl BStriy a cDmplet iweap ef evsrytbiag le Bcstoo tb oapleU vou fx Mferaer toota aAsdrew 3l r Psvaa 3904 nly for Aadrew S4l7lUpabliesa m rote ef Ittl year 4000 It ii dMbtfal wbebr Ibc eppomiioo bare slsated mar tbsa liz re- pfaseetaikea tetba lagiiUiare sad ibay will irebbly not cleet a sibgn Senaier Laat yaar iM oppeaitioB vola was M000i cow it will barely rtacb SJOOO Wa bava raiBim from 125 eilias sad priaeipal owni of ibe Slae sbowisg lbs llewiag rcauU Aadrsw 46324 Psyne 18230 at- jority for Aadrew 28104 Tbe towat to coma wiUUrKtly iaereate bit majority wbieb will preiisUy eon sp to 40000 aad apwatdt Tb alliag of ofjlbeep- peeitiee vote it moat naarkaUd Evs dty ia tba 8uia give a BaplbtisaB as- jotliy W Nor 4 Tb Ricb- moed of Meaday has tbe fcl- lowiaR t Chirlestnn Oelobct 31 Tb ene mys fir oo Fort Samt last nit oa- liBoied farioos tad iasaasBt ftpm lb land baltarie Thii aorBiofi abtat fosr oeloek a portioe of tbe wall fall i4 bery iBK MBSAtb the ram eoese ims13 art mimtag Th daapawl girsa their oaser anaddt that Ib ware buried by tbe failuit in ef tbe tairrBcks na the tea face of Ihe firt wbc tbey bad beee plecad la potjiioa ler maliag tba parspal ia est of aa iStsuU A fietc btmibsrdmant hu bce kept up all day ea from Iho uwnilors aod laad balleties i Up 10 three oeloek tbii p m bo fsr Iber eacsaltiet have ocetrred Over 1300 tbiii war fired is 34 boaia Tbe firiB wa beary i 1 Iraa CsaUal Aaanik KtatLUOH SAMrART N Y No 1 Tb siaiiag fra Pari aa Plata Oct 0ih tiajfarsad Talk baa arrived She carriad re fge freia Perl as PlaU leCraadTnk Tbe Uam ssd Brcaeseeesslikl lerl aa PUiawtr ptsissfer is ibia pt RelisW sewa by Ikts atrirsi cbafirms presieoa irpodi thai Ibe Spaaiardt aflei he deslracliee of Ibe lews of Saefiace d Cabtllero Iba paBib gsrrtsna wiii i OOO reiaforcemeBts rettealed to Pen as PsU Tbe iaseiKesIa as bsrrssed Ibeir march S le cease a loia ef tbe Spesistda ef 1 00 J la 1200 killvd aad weuedrd Ftesb ar rivsls ef Iroeps rsiuforced Ibsm If iOOO ea yel area Ibeae wer caafiaed la the law by tbe efgri ef eel ever 1040 w rgrBls Th Spaaards did otak i ile rfotl lo diire ef Ikeir edeals TbM aoBimsed uIIOcuS wbee lbs Spsa- ith iroopa rsiired le ibsfertssd ihe lewe wss girea Bp le pdlage Part ef the Bpaswb smhaiked for See De rvdeeieg Ike gtrnaea to l000 Oa lb 4ib lbs sgaia psUagad Ibe law aad tbe Itfmtawaas agaia pillag ad Ibeir teed lo Ibe seme gsm Nearb all Ik bimi d storee wet plada aad socb eeatraU as eoald aai be rame- ed weie dealrayed 600 Spaaiards Ibaa rallied frsm Iba fart aad after a tmre fibi drov lb Deiaiastaaafraa ibelawa ibe Speeitrds were amisled by tbe gsea nf Ihe fori wbicb set firs le tbe le Tbe firs OMilaMd ml lbs dspariura e be Sealiigo dsslreyieg aae elbsr ibiegs h saleable etorvs ef be ceasider able bady of for gs marcbsata la ftei tbe whole owa except lb Waaliysa Mnaaos UeaaeaeAa row ef small bM lags wsa bareed aed il was bsbettd bsl he real ef ll towe weald bs desWeyH The toas by h we firts si 8sai aad Pert sa PUts- wU racb five all- iKe ofdolUra Tbe wbele pepalaliea el he iStler place bad Bed Is Ibteiga csaa Irtes aed bosada bad geaa telbe BHgb eriH tsds eaae ef Ibe aer ebaaU are liiag for ibe Usilsd Aaniber aceeaal frsm lbs T lUsed SunJarduj Ibat aa tbe belli na iarda were ternhly beataa sad dtirea back lo Ibe fart wilb iba lea ef 4fi0 A btiA fit Iroa Ibe fort eiafiUid tbs Oevieirsas le tears lbs tewa Tbe Ooraiameel Reeaa Amerieae ead British Coeaals rsssdeeeea aad Reama Catbelia Cbereb wers aai lb badd logsbaraed lUport mid lb SptairdUald soee evacaaia iba fori as Ihey reUia I acsmsl lbs DemisipBa Ibe aamber 4 000 met a be arig Ibe report ays ihArtntb wdt nl he nited IS ia aaleilBHn lad lb Oomieicaa wb ar7tlad lo bsre jweed iSssia Aaaa bad dessMed bia fia Auieneaa Britiab sail Olbsr Cea- aals bad armed al Gisad Tarfc Canada desa Ear Satj The cry uftha corroplioaltla ibat the Gbvernmeiil wilktini p mar nxmey OB Ihe deleac ol the eiUBtryia eiwriy etteallad lot WUn an ennraoe debi eung ahoat four millhMia uf diillara of iDierMi aBuuelly aod a yearly d6eil var tiUOOOOO we eonaader ibei 400- 000 ia a eery iair outlay Tha Hon Mr Currw eema liiM ngo nsle th l lowioc istereatiiig aanarks lie for eoa wte tot ditpneed ti aland laoMly by wbee either Ihe per r ibe preaa of Bnjiaiid siiaeksd ibe L gislttara or people of Ibia BUir fr not evioaag proper ierl id miliua aflair With a popalailoa ef lese ibao three milliofta Ibey bad oow b olauler fore of 36000 mB well driMd ani lorvad aad aepplied wiib every material for aeii saraiea wbile OrBi Bniain Itself wilb SO mllliona popvletioa lo 1862 bad ooly 163 000 vatiitilaere If Ibay bad tba me prepertloii as Canada liiauera The Ooreromenii m INS eoDUiewted Xl2000 for iu veleaiaMs wbua ia ib same yaer Canada eoom- beted balf a mil boa for iba earn puc pon HtbougbiCadamighidomore bci proleawd agaiasi bi4g apbrsldd wilb doing aoibing sad aa eredtl givea aa for what was setsally doM 2 Mr A P Uaadeaeld and oihar peroal I ibe baHding of the Atiasiie sod Graai Weaiera Railwa bare airsady il la ssid sagsged IMO Uboreca is Ciaarli b watk oa ihe ander- lahiDf Al a ceia ale ia New YA ssk a silrrr dellsr e 179k Ils abii4 pries of tiUS D The Ls mssiwie ibejebH f lbs Wtal C2 Soeietfbetpsmedsff tstt tZmS rhe sebseripliess aad eIMnir ed le 3tj000 ty Abbf h bsiiaesa is M bsrdly ea briih lit CM at Sr dry geeds bnsss ii mid n 1 m aoaib sf gs4 stapla 87 Mr J P Clarke ttkMfed m Salarday hea lbs peed sear n rrsity Taresi bs aedel ef s m peHiif powiv a tisaabaau TWV realiee coetisU aflusen le rsplisa preBl paddlswkaah 07- TbaNewOTWsmPiipiu a deplorable piclste ef the ceadHiaa if fisir la thai city Trsdl aed eeaaam le alatoaat Ihe people a e iapesanihf dealiial eaplayaeals ere prseaiiaal a ncceaaity is e hsl sesttbiag doe 0 avert be ieieea safisra tbtealeas le lb ceaie wiar ty- Tbe New Verfe nam Itlgi lieU ea irlsad hiaks ksl Ik lte for ibepeept fkai eeeeiiy is Is a a volados is tbsir cbsrscler ssd ksMt lbs progras of edecaliee A asM of Ike Usioe with ibe gersrasMM Irish Itsdlsrds weald aSiel ae laijSk liee ia thk eoadtlioa ef the pssi XHBaa or Jopea Sicom tl Ivata lom a Maaueal paper itai Juslie Swniie lasaflsriag from a attack sfiUacBe He was eeafi lake te bis bad al tbe elos el Ik iHiB whick has jaa clowd ia ika of llyacisbs Bbere he rsidk 0 Is Ihe lAws of Uaburasa ailiiss4 twe b ys Irced and IB Older o get i at a watk Ibe lis dews Jas as t wm abqi falla dryliab biBia la it aaaf a d filling oirack ne ef Ibe b wlliim Knke aad fncMrsd kfe ItA H life Is despaired ef Oa Seedey last Mr toa of Ouetph hsd tr sbaawarwd II dog Oa Wedaaeday Mr TJF iar had the aeae aeaber datta A iiueber ol ether traer ia Ua rihb rliood hive leal cesoJerabls beis t sheep is Ik aeoa aiser ty TbeOrdsreflhs Seee ef 1 Mranee Wa cw N IBM iere 167 the aaaber tdwilrdl MtBhlp lias brpq I0l20r0s eripts toeeoi p eatij fBMral benefili B1 M099i addiiio la large aaaesa paid ia dniititsat ty- The Kew Terfc TilmH I le Coiaiaiiiiiair ar reelSBf St planialiea ia Mhiwiippi ladb iiM leprvMsl ha he laaAisga tf paid talwr eyeHia ere desldefly sarti aad ftnfitaW A siroaf dispeMM ioe lb perl el Uaie bai laraasfoi Ibe i eiaWw ersaaat ia ibae StaMs A Meairsaler n etas Ike sMmaiaMys Ibal iWei ibeabi sf eatihqaake were Ut by bis l Ibree a tba afuiaeaa ef iba lib 1 beiag iba aassa day bat lwslfa afwr Ibaafb lata SMlqaaht ia Ha dmanbss Ibd Mk ta Ibraw deaa As plMMf ap ie lha ball Il wee eiw Ml at ebalaga Tb Qarf Jtfercwy aaya7 eiiy eaiBwrsrts ht tba tabarftlkf oppoatUoa aresoraly aarptaui ltlji evident favor itb vhwh tbt jHlfl lha MasdoaaM Piifiea riawad ia BngiawA TWvhardly hew to uaai M view abisk mir wMi aeh iMeading liksli 917 doe it eea0 viib lha lipiiMilM paraaMaUy mad by tbe appmai regard la pehlia ijwiiag a lb M of lb Ailaaila 1 Tba f BuiMlfc rea te b daalaiyad by pal waMr oe th tbas aBdbiM si6telaj peimsd ia Bi UBdaBa bail bad all ibABB dadtbaM sSatr fsr saM fsiar vsa aMWil amy mOj aad Usd Iraa lha waalmaat wilb walar b aba niapasd iaw aaaa A saia ralliad aad to 60 asaplstsiy Bxmcvd SvtmuM 4ea C W apan aaatai aeaab if tbs jSwiiiliBi aaoMd Babsrt luM9ra wba Isti arritsd ia tbat afe S8soikBdiAeatMaai aMMsidfUBaaMia ulsofalamt ajiiilil sadiapariiiaa BilaaiktB p Ua to ba aMSI iBiadkf Fai ftmsiM vsrs amds isil ustly tbsgiaiwilbidliij dutdsriag Baasqrs iw eiiy b pee IMM- Iba fraiu ef bk rMBitttia Oe edaedsfslM oad Sasib sf Hroal drastf ddUra frwa eaa af Ika bselU U aad afiBg hai Pkl HfctfTll te bis bepm jested b lacrsld br ibreal krek lkrefbis nbs dlbrfjdjtj lake ks Idb sala bt dsKtaiad esoeey Ua wssdrsggH by 10 wbf re lbs aeaey w iKfeted l robber task ltes baidcad dsBstaB ba wd ikbaswd aadlM C C F AeciBiwr Fi iday a laf a4Bl a bf d DaeidKtllny Uyetr f s a odiig a ibt aacbtM Iba half at 11 II 9ib eaa Opfc lAikt Lioditf ckiaw bw eta wea eoigbl il iti S bath ara aad eeHarJiaa kesa He liafceiediagreeiagBlaW Aa iaqkl was aflcswitM bra W Soitoe coswaer O ee mi die j rare a vatdtcl el laiiiialal firf Ibe pM lad bad jast geaa aeisag is auM Mr Bwert day er twsL iM U or llMUT B JlN U the prima ef bfc m meabersof Vpf Cmfc tai was bar at Bsi 1817 Ills tobefCiptauMl of tbe flil wat lakg s rtidslfCPs- heagWei NfSra ssd Ibaa Mia I ba died eely a sw yian ff eaae le Cassda soee afar- iba FwWr wtr is whirt bs let a i bsthe Ml kit eoaaiiea Wksie bisfffe assbf iag la Kiegsis UbTB atrfsdjy IS be Ace ef Mr He aseer alieaded aaypsblmMb Wff wss sdscaied eelireir brji w a goW aedafcl al ftisity CiJ Ubl a-aaaldW- Eierr 1 5 Jg tr f Ibl Ia Saeaty a piUd laMaACB A

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