Newmarket Era, 14 Aug 1863, p. 2

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THB NEWMABKET ERA AUGtST U 1888 InrAdfwttitMiUt Clrrnt Kfjtl Otpk TilslMn AM UniOi 0 Cljf jSPWatket HtviBUkt Friday ix Htk 18 I lyTb PieNic of lb raiplofle lp9tihin R K iBkpUc lemainir i AURHK IV trw trqvt9d 10 annoenft ttii Rwrfing ol NwaMikl Boaiil Ol SHtonl TiMlM 111 1 bflJ lb Rail- toiTHwdj klolt7 TDHc nrli Cbait IS b ukin 18 elKkptump Mr JoaiVH kUiCHix b bn gailicd bnirl lb Cosmjrsl tiivjin placaefMr S tignil M SaisEt liave up Itiis brih to coriirM iho ortff tgalnal ill foimrt niiitet Mi Jirxiox Ths of Jiaat WiiciiT faibliiJti la Iba Piopiinai ol ihi joor- nal ia fiir apology lor nrnatitnJanc ai Coigncil auil oihai mriing doting iha pa lo ihiougbeul ibe Kill VV puMoh an obiUat nuiira of Mi IVriciit iTom Clpb Herald of TaraJ- y lat io anolhac coiuD Ti4 fuiwarJing cpik iba Bl Kwut lumbar njlt named pdoiiicb re aiding in Tofonioi nutfavJ hi ootin labila Ddairoiiftg 10 gal abeaiJa motinft train on klooJaj taal atHl had fnoft of hr toj eiit aff hia mi bjr lira bala tl ilv cara Surgical aii a at erer iwuel trtd Iba rmn h rrporieU to bt JJiivg wall Ila i aboul J fntt of aga Miialcipftl Indebtedneu ft ir italad tbal ibo GorerrtmanI bavo raaolvaJ at anca k aami ih Je hnlin msn lor ih itaiigf il thtf Mnnicil Loan Kunil ol Cpprr nata and ifia Crown 2ignunea anl iia Uiart arroara in Loxr raiiaJa In Uth eciiona of iho protirtre lb aclica to b lakaii will b eiHiigic So aaja corrtapoMlrDt writing frQtn Qubt 10 t Wctlarn aiid tr glad IS Kar II W hat ka Ctlrg OUava PfMeoil Lnn- doetcPvl iiopMd othar luHtia ihal ihey abould feii lb fre ui uf about ou hiilliau dollara at lb eipna of lh eouniry al Uga t Wbjr aiiould iha po- pta of York ho Doar bofrowrd ii prnca from lli Loan Fund ba laxrd lo pay Iha iDlaraat of nwaej haiidtd orar In roirv boroughs lad onerupulovaljr by lKm lakaoaa iha priea ef political uppjrt 10 tha Ul Coalition I Taka the iCiiT of London wbil iia inhabilania ai MArog of Mr Caaitiii oa iia Rap- meelatiTS a Coolilon Miniiier iba eourX la liatd orar 30000 ir pay iba iniaMa Ibcir public dabt atd wbile Niag9tx MMitritniia to iha tg- grnnOtiaweul of Uf CiTiia Uppr Laaadaa Matl aobtia anrmy aa whllr thef faaM Dd faiiaa iha Coalilkxi wira pullara ai pofalie demooaicaiiotia ibc CWDlry for tha paal ihrrajrean haa had to pylba ioiaraM on 9480 000 advaered lo ihat MunltlpalitT- 1LadilauIt io in- Ittaal of Jteaa liilla bankrupt lowna laat ytr arpOuDt 10 oiar 13 000 half ilia ezptoaaa of a whola of Tar hamaril It ia hgb lima n put lop lo ihia ataia of Ihinga eapeeially in Tiaw f Iba emkarraaiad aai of iba fiiMDcn f Iha couDIty Theaa ramarki apply with tua Ibrra to Lowrr Canada Towna rod Ciliaa Thy bata had iha adrnn- tsga of Iba ciocry botfnwad aad ibay ahoulaa ba eonpallad to saka griod rtiair aftaaatcfii lllgbl glad ara wa lo kaar af- iba ittaidad aaiios of ilia Go amataor ud iraal it witt ba lakao ai asao nanily dtaiaa ih bit laat iaaac aa fo- Wa A lo landing dnwi fwnakai va eaTatiliitonlbtcoalAr7 oabaofirqaecl- ly praikad ill ahaMiiill t Sit mi Ij jblVWparitani ladmm Mttf 10 tba Tcry article fran which tha aboTt cxlncl ii lakea npt tba iaauli for- Bwrly piTco 10 is tba following Uagoagt Well afiac atwb a naataily dafanea el Iha Old MaxSao Twn adiocalea wa moairara in Wilh OBC itlcke of 1II4 pen be idda inBh 10 injury bal befora iba b be- coBiaa eold daaiea iu paiaroiijr- Thara ia lillla tiaa In holding dtaeaaaaea wilb maa eapabic ofao far alrctcbinglhr Inth or 0 forgetful a to apparvally looae hti oB pertoaal ideatlly alle article from which we take Ibe aben ea iracl lie aaja Wa natrr hare yn Ixgan pTMnaliiri wilb Iha Arrmartifi Lra aa wa ibiuk all uch viiuniahla- Oat of bit own inoulh will wa toadeiDB him for in bia iatae aotLe licue ia Fabm- latt be aaya wbileipaakiog of ibe Kdllo of the Era Ila acoldt Ilka a fiih woman and aif Ilka an atnlogr who tall lotQnaa bf tail anil whila etparlmeniing on lunai aflMti Bpnh InmiaU got itruck am a e4naaUBea liaa baaa otackad aurr ainca Nothing frnnt here of eoarae awordiog 10 the SehonibcrK oiioa nMion I Rul Tcn ia Ibc very arlielefrcm wbtcli we made the firil cxiracli Lemakeainiia ualioBi iIcuUled to mtOcjd hi reader and hcnre I guiliy to al inlenli aod purpoi of the Kora Z la J of untrathfu- niu becauM if pal diilinclly il jnifcX be Rre with a diatinet denial but wben ahtpcd t an rrmct wbtla il eiiledk 11 la ineapabte Of bein fiiirlyioct Tji Iba SetioiDberg toaaa lutiiaiieu io poinL lleaayi W nMM yat went 10 a nitirg and o an alaikia a to Uatwoul ila aBoi 101 orianuoialolion Noa borea tbialaBaga wbile aprak- inj of the Era editor aad would fia Icara Ibe imprtatioB Ihat we on aeme apccia oeeMioS isdulfd is alroBg liqttfi until wewef unable to property copy a rtaolatioB Tbia iaaa baae and eowardfy a lie at waa erer iaaiaaaled by mfftal man Tbera Dtiar wai i liBiiBee we iha phyiician who haa rAvfoity obaeiJ lh of inaalidi ran delei the dtflineoce tn yei it u moai deiriMe thai il aheulil alway hdairrted ort of Iha palleni nhannfi upon Ihia iimoninea Ikt m- jjUt aisic uleeraiion of M mcDita lwe or lAt brMinf dotn of tkf lamct eflhr luigjand Ike fiTnalivn nf Ac laArrranvf rurify Lal ut iiuw paa 10 uiia eonildattioa si tiaatmeni ITyiiv haiateai MiJ nn rhi aaat of Rion la viVkia iha lorp Jariard how inadrqui 1 any rarrmJy whicli iho lunpi aa daapl a Applicaiioni of nira hrnal art ullally uaaloi aaeh ibatvaniaiB of iNaeeriMaeneaer Vnur pbTiCian inforni what I have Fuiii tamely ihal rxi will tradily ur- i ill cute niBl not perBtraa thM dja iifteir nf rilter to tha ince ihay do not e evil Ileta you acalling I rrnacal M it4i yiHirtCffC fl mil to hi rtMl nl h rty Mvnl 4 ihnj iliiy iv your K Ihe unjicpiar uffein2 ihin urulcrpj V9r ih om cmiimi whh prapg fom M itwivkl bv impoiunc bvt iht wiihiu rom 10 Il lhi Mm Cumer hoM maroQf ii booming AfdtentJ Ih ntllji brnnchiftl igbva ctoW ftif oltniciion go on in ervAn until cAfwul be ilrwn ihi rNsnf Ihn btool fioro Cfmif 14 arUru It i of trpirlion lo bl fitm ifnrir 10 k dnfkJ rf r Tht rhng II profuJ la iknR bjr ih ti Neihi arnl cannut ocur 11 ia 4M gfTicteni qgntj Wbvnn MUrahl eiii fn ihp biorchil lobe ihi rir6nA vhich cofliiiulrt ib im piinif iif ih biornJ ia not hail rniiil hni ji it rrt4in1 Bnd Mnl tfriin lhioMji ihr yMrminpe1iAg ih uii- ih biifi nJ iivnQ UriirinK 1tpnnii UinVi iiii ih bCHl tt9 Jfpoird in Uie lijfitfji IliefB Ii wanrig givfn 1 ihv restful ohinise Inch 1 jkiRg place pn foiuh Hlmut 1 ml r oiri avt 0n btiofip tonh ii fiuil in ih chiMffp Inch fTitik ihf Cinujiion ThM Contumpiwn M eoi ii f 01 mlueiinijf by ffluitiOHBpphmiMn loihuihfct Tli InhUtloo System Forlhea weaha wa hara baan pub UahiDg Bomaanisalioo fron Rat TCT fuirrca editor of iho New Yurk Jmrtiai af iXanui o iht and gunder of tba lyilam by which the la Moi ipedieinaa aia uaa o for iha eura af ditaaaea of iha Imgt are applttd in fba form of wr diraetly to the organ aflrcltd Inalaad of doaing the atomaeh Thit pamllar ayCaa of Inhnlotion haa been ullowrd by moai graiiriiig ratwiii during iha pan few yeara mauy of iba aiore ohatiBtta caae under ila oU iraat toeni in act proncuneid ireurale Jftieed lico inhalai ihe efpvttenre atiil rl ha prMTtibe ibem Btaoiad rtii nplanaK nnnwaMary boi t ihr fael ihal oany b wine is nm ftding iha iiaaimari appaiilo hire 401 Iba airoiiiam idea tba lahilation in ead or being limply a node of ptaMicaot admiiualion ol retn lei if aome rpaeifir teinVafiba applietll tv be atoal cppo il ftHtnn of pulmrwary diaaaa Tamake Il aeh ia la rta2tade iijto i1lbaea laval ol roaeliiy If eo er bahmiealy ployed withofli a toll Inswlvilga of all lb ainl faeiifi itid 0a aJtpiaiiea vl t le umiiiii accord riia 611 eVjri sf It roirnl ia le tlaiM aitiuUea vf ihe Itn 1 ripMioiant in ilaeingai nrii a ek 10 alliy lb h aMtelien dtpeni lb ii flimed iiiUra mifiiiteiing medirinet DiMclii i a fail wbicb mad of rtriTi fluid il ball fil wacrd welif arroniin ra9 Tha tnedrcifi aia ihen adiltfl arid itihala tily bil d beinf Crfwl 11 eip Wit host iilM o aaeh pabliabed a ptfici tbaiia gieia a report we omitted t rtaolnlioo nau atavy Ukaa roediciiie ihi dffaw V ltnpl iliil cna m iMnfed ot neeliBg eoaitdered iDpotlanl batona and Ibtl ti al a neetlBg beldal KMIIa- by M eondciBB the School et pt laii SeaaioD ob wfcieh oecaaioo froto he iIbw we left booM ia Ibe Dorsing OBlil oar re nrs at nigbl we Bcilbir riaiicd or aec ibe iaiideof a hotel or olberplaea wbara iBioxiealiag liqaonwereaold ibc Bite iog being beld ia the Teigpeiairee ilall We bare bwo ibw partlcbUr ia order lo Kbow the baieneM of Iba staa eapabla of dewendiag to rxb dark loaiasahoBi tad ioBindoc VbeB r aake aa iaaiaBa- lloa we are prepared b fana Ca Bb- alanliala it He ttyt Berergotio obfuillealed Perbapf sol bat we Ikavc koowa lliBMi4t aUabA a Caf cil neeting in the Townibip of King wilb ba Ttw to report prediBp tod we afterward osBd bio apologiting for Ibe Ifaa of bia dVo ob the road aod wr bare Ibe beat of aDihorily forMyieg tbal Aine pcraon sboBi ibe nte of the berg edilor wt wondCrfally luiil otl iri NcwBtrket BOlnaaj ntootlit aiaea doi lo tty asylbiag abowt a ecrtaia eaaTaaaer io Mr J W tiAUBLtl ioteretl in in tdoining Diriaion Tho edilor of the Schoobet maw aaat afbto tbtl aaj ihrealt of wbat be will do atrd how readily be can tlrelch ibe Iralh will forw oa lo apart liioi when Bieddia wilb Ibioga thai only ooBoern bia iMiglibor or when be tpeaki diaparagingly of ewmafkel or iu inhabilafilj neither will bia pertonti intioaaliona prertBl tu from expocing the boUowDcai of hi crareB heart wheaerer be atepa oot of bia way 10 bav a tlog at hit loeabtj Chrlitjf nialstreli AliFiough iha noiiea wti ahiti com- pariiialy and Ilia aaaaoo t buay on Inr Ih lurrounding enuolry ili Concan on Iuaiday frMag li wn a bompar Of courit me wr ou of iiwn but we learn tvtrjihing pnitcd oO 0 tha awi faction of itw larg and raipaciaijic audi coca aarmbled thai In fan il wa nl- pitig I r palljii throu eiilum in tl rr aTcnrnl rT all il itie Irmnly ditct totbeor- ean or patt affrtcleit uaa wiha rn jelKirii blirer piirgarie and mi luiiti tft ihi principle 1 piimiHiaty diAeae rha aann rule Imld guul bin linr aia we la apply il We caunmi aolulaoi Ouidi lir eaiiy No but by irt I reach rhnruughly and aa eei aiioiicd wiiliia lb alt- uf ih I la inhaUlkm t Tli war J Ir ani ihtf of inapiiins Irawmc Ili a biralh Ik medical pailar iiBaiiaa aaotfe tf admitxlailng molirir y brathiig ihrrn THiii wa lay I hala a rocdiclna at wuld ay ro tviiig bieathrd wSijeiba ailiei i nnUod Weara ihoa In order tahw thai a LL medicine inbaled Ito the ling are nM alike ao ninr ihan atl nirdii inra taken Into the Momarh arl hence ibl iba benelili tsbe for ihii haltlloil c Iwrajly all dn ruh aoil call What thru aelf lately 1 raat dipRd ojion ol the phypie I ihoiiUI b ihMl ilteolji we imBiiun on which ia aooihe and heil The mariner of ad by iiihdaiion ii Waj Til inhaler d hotdi about t lh uuld lol to ih nauie bf the ptpAieil lir a rloM palieit iUicclid i pit ini6 the loni mj iii cht well lolenre The ftulJ baing meil rated thDiiigbly Irppregnaiei the air with iti prnprtUea Eech iiihala- lien il coiitmued lurifiee len tt fifteen minutea aa nay lie necait and lekrn iKrie Uniia dir lrfice iDeal iiiAgi 11 hi mm an 1 prHlired b k fueei iiiiy uBtllaiaid by aimrrt day net eeeiy 1 flCt thai medicine ii cbain Willi a dgiea xf T aoy other rnaihod of Your olwdleol ibieiiit RODERTIIUNTERMD Phyilvlan Tor Diai uf ib ling kc 63 Bay Siien Toronto Jul 1S63 Noti Tha wrlier of i ahoi derniva Ilia iwntiiin r icliiivy lo I rieaimeiit if TCtMiiia id ilia Tin Luiaiid tall be cat Hod pareei l y iciter A Trip to Orllli 7b t rlp e VraiariW Kt M K A trip to Orillla nrj Iake iincne it tlwara pleaaanl in itlm nier but aa the cool brecxet of the Lak lly ei Iha mill ia a tiBtll DTOpalltr b Mr Sage for tearing 10 ugt ts tba nill Ueb ia tha rear and itnwiBg away Mrtk- ward roB bog laabw btre lie eereral lUioM ef feM tvaitiog tbipMMAy tba NarttMifc Bill there it tba Emily aBd IV ionip oo bewd Wf0 JS Beat aod eoBiMdow Biab aalooBi aad terllie hay Is a aba mereljtw for wood wharf and diaebtraea a tiWit frnrtt Thenee paMiag ost Mtwem 8e lanad and Cadirlaland tba foraMrofwbieb alanda a aaog Indiao Tillage tlw lorai eaalerlT eallins tl Jtektoet Foist a farourila pic Bie groBBd Port BoUter and UeamtOB Ktcnag sear the there tbe teentrr It af an iBlcnatlag dea- cription npeeiallj near Bet rirtoa where fur tnine distance rnirth aod tbalh well oltivatiM farma wilb Beat boildingr deep tirceo bay aod gcBlle bill rtenl ihem- iclrc in pteaaiog direrai Little eaa be acvD ana tt little taid of Baaeerton it- aelr at it Ilea low tad back from Ibt Ljlie There ia bowertr apparently mucU cood land in tbe vicinity Strik ing out now into Iba body of tba Lake Ills of iolcreat pretenU iltclf ualil ap- proactilny Ihe Narrow where the teenerj It gnol and where dtthing Ihroogh the iwin- bridge in 6ne ttyle with tbe cor- rent we toon find oanrUet ia Lake Quochiebing a laka ISmilea loDg areng iog 5 milea in width and eanuing about i5 iiiaodi of vtriout tiaaa tad N great beauty Our good ttaaaeron tffirotch- Ibei nf IhcaafraJ abruptly lo Ihe wcl and OrHlia liet Uforo oa tad- dcnly lrDUht oat from behiod a poist which had hithetlo hlddea il RiiiB from lh water edge and rtg ity laid out wilh wide aUecii and rce- UnoLr Uueka wilb t baekgroufid ol p rccp wood Orillia preMola a mo beautiful Kppejrance froiu the Lake The nmil tiriking olcet 0 a alrtngcr i lh Oiillta brAtch LonalleAalaB tlanding near the apex of t mall poiDI tl tbe north efidof the rDltge ataalafal brick boild- ing oriinally detigtted ir t boUl bat at the proprietor either foBod or ftoeted il would nol pay tt tacb il wtt before com pleted told to tba OoTeraowa tad 10 tome Client retsodalled tad fiaiabad for the pirai9 il it sow wed Od drawing op at tba wba we Bod tbe little aleatDei Fairy Captaia Ball willing for ptiweBgert for Rtoa and Muikoko fall It tlM lower esd ofLake Qaochicbiog Thoae of oar fellowaa- acngen wbo liava friendt io iba nlliM ar ooa harried off aad are h cotertained but wa wbo btre aol tad ooracire much dlttppoined eitber ol Ihe wo hotcli tnd looking tboot we Saictly eomt to Ibt aoAclauoa bat if irillit could botat ou4 wall kept hotel it woald BOt oaly pay ita pteprietor bet bt a direct tiiraotage o Ibe ritU ia in ducing ioarii tfld pleimre aeeken ally to xpcod oiaeb cf ibair Una la tba enjoynent of boatiag tabiag abooti tnd tccBery titber tcaoad le aooe it Canidt who bow fr waat of aoooo- modatioB tra deterred froA doing to llriwcTer Mr Edilor iat ni tnt walk dowa to titf Alem Aa ibtaa are Ml cicclioB iinca do oaa will lor a Boseat imagine are to bakn tberc Asaaid before tbe balldiax ia ei brick tbrea lotict high wilb atliet ke 1 16 feel wilb two prtjeeiiag wiagt ta froBi be IsrcD which are Terasdabt wbieb I laailser ibiut add maab lo ibe traBeili ly and pleatdre of ba patieoU Ibe view being exlenaiire tad raried Ukiag in tbe lilUgf Lake td teretl itUsd The getieral appeartaie of lb bvJdIy it dii- nificdtndioipoMBg tba projeetiwg wioga bay wiadowt aad biyb roof all aoarey an idea of magaitude tad a Bospleta tb Knee of all ibe oaatl ebtraetert to eotn- looD in Ibe arehiteclora of Atylatnt tad hoapiuU The SBperiBtaadent Dr J Ardah very kiadly tbowt ibroB Iha boildioga kilcboa ItaBOir doitail- loriei daj rooat ik tb wb beiag cbtrsclerised by ta air of comfort cleaa liattt tad order by BometotooDDioo ia lucb iaititaiiont Tbere tre at preaent IJl piiinlt clatuM u fijUowa iT niila and i feaitlea of all age from J2 lo yeart- Wa reeegatta two or ihrt okl aeqaiiattoce wboTcryanxi- IlMly and inlclUeently to all tppearanoe ctiiuire after their frirnda tl bie- lo one room arc about 30 fcmtlta of til tge uioatly riuployed in tame wty tout ecrahbiag tba fioor otbeie tewing kpit- lioi while olbaf tit wilb ntt Tt- canl ilare dittretaiav to bebold AU 0 whom viiilora arc ailmiltcd aeaa qaie orderly tnd cTidenily rery food of the Dctnr who ihotc amoog tbem trtd chat wilh Ihriu wilb tn eaty faBiiliat air well etlcolaletl to wia their talecm and confidence- The engineroea tltaebcd to Ihe building for beating it by BetPi of leain pipe oexl elaint or atleation aa oUo Ihe pumrlioate for fortiag wtler to capacioua taatt ia tbe atliet wbieb tra bih interealing tnd eoBtribatiag ia a Tsciaura 10 tbe comfort tad beallb of the inmatet A gardea it alto ttltcb- ed in which tha more tttioBtpttienlt find hcilhful eiDpIoyaenl W fietlly arc parliculnrly rcfrcahiog dtiring the leave our natuet tod imretnont of wbtt who toe br ddpty baete tha i lb moM pnwvtfol ef bu bteaoM ibe onbd of hr deai pUoede Ib tiaing nf rha ap aiotnd IM aartli kabtlnily iheli iota ol aaoMrv ia baM apan prinei- platxihiab laB ibaiii lb itwiu tba af aiWr Baiioat bt miliar baw jaal lb eaoaa say ba is Wbteh tbby are engaged Ba wa lave hafi bbtfiniy aa- rouni of bet night bal on leaeant af the high moral ina ef bar eaadoel baaaa her eoia bt baea maikod by iatiani preapiad br tba idom duioiaraawd pbilin tbrnpyiaad I bepa lhaealarti ib ihia narel peclnen Fair Pltjr will ior Iha falBte cetea la rail oat tgaiatt perton implj bacavae ibT enletliin mere exalt ed opiDiona ef Sritiab loyalty ihan he Gaa Boeaar Nawotikel Aag 13 1863 Taparaaea 7b Uti Xditar cf ty Siamt Zra ia Your ceritipeodeni in reply lo Fit Play alai ihtt ht baa kerr betid toy one while tjdteiirng ih mi- mia apeak dlipartginfly f indiidual tmltf It II of thoM who aiawnpgad In th iborainabre triffie of minolariuiing and aollliig liinti tnd itien ihi temarka hie rot been II it bairi I hato Oneipeakrr Mr Br not only eloquent ly deiiunced thettalfic hut alluded to the ViRei and the owner uf tbai proper ly in iiKh a pointed tnd unbeenmlng man net ai lo iaie a faeling ol diigvil If aucb ailacki are not cociildered mean and 10 w- aritly ai Ibeir meetingi I am hapy io My Ihey ar ti any elbr Yorcti pMdaui tdiBiii thai oat ipeakir expteiaed hi ayntfeihie Ty warmly Eeen Ibe Com milt of ib Aeeeeialion beeben compelled putdialy to diaelaim Ibeir le- ponalblliiy wiih ail tb entimenia el- preued al iheir meeiingr which il a good proof of Fait Pla 1 itaiemenU The abu of lb glta aod Ihe abuae of lb loogue at both greai ila TtHPttalict Ncwmaiket Aog II IM k CnlBniiil Arrirkl of tte Bobcaltn The iltamihip BvheiBiar which left Ur etpnni al 10 W on Ibeaaoiniag of ibeSOibi ami UMiTaoJeiiy oa Ibe Slat anirad bet al 1 pm Tb imahp City af Watbiagloa tt- tieeil tl Uittpcol 00 lb afiaieaoB ol lb 99ta Bit New ratam The renfedeiale Leea had again laltpa- ed 3 par cent ea ibw SAb all eleeiBg ai 17 to Ii diacosnl Tb amooDI paid apos 11 ia4i per oaal aad aaeiber l5raBt i due on the Iat of AagaM Jeffetio Davit tppoinled Bohail Daw- ling late Uy Coctwl at Cork agtol at Ibai ciiy or the Confedrrtl Sulea- The London 67o6e rteiewing ibaAmeri- Ota aitoaiiun coiiifBd lbl ib Cooteder- alcttreftrfreia beconoered lubiak bat Gatiet Lae al Culpepper ie ai mI aer- Unral Craei tlibo Btotl btllllant will lie in ita fruita tetlie immedtal neigbboibood of tha river The M ety il tba Fedaial tt wlae hey will exert ibemeelee lo aecata wbai Ihey have got lrieitiiot7aJidtbandaa iba intmaikle eniMpria ol ubjugiMn la tbe Pelinh qoeaiion it 11 tanoted that Kapeleon haa mid up bit ibIo1 But 10 mtk war aloo Ailvica from Ptrii ittdietl eaaaiderab aebwdenee of war paaia lllet fien Ftanklst Matt aeoey and aiock ntatkat in thai eny arara eiewdy dor- log the belief ibat Ibe Poliab would be aettled by dlfilewiacy- Th London TTtwce alao noticei the pa cific lotiee of a pattletlVir Patii jnirnal II bieb aeeki to lefale tba atguraenta of the waifiaiiy Il it ebteived of ihtl putnalia- ihat he ha got bia bmi ftem ibe aatne tioatter whene e hai ae ofieii ought ihetn We may ilaereftrte eonclade Ihal U Kmpeier doM waa litMn lo f o war unlpMjiirned by CugUadnd Aoiiria La F ranet trvngly stgei the neeeaaily for ilieuniiv if Ih Itiie puweri AnJ layl that Ihe liieal newa from Si Ieterbttrg in- dieata a dipotiaa 00 Iba part ef Buaia 10 ba eonciliaory It il rutneuiail ihil Ptinoa GortichakolT had reiliied Uil il a ppoiJ to be an- IbuiiJetl It it repotted Ihat Ibe Empetor of Atiairia and Ktngrf Iluaaia will meet atCoiteeu aatly In Auguet- Eofllah fundi clnad wlih inereatadllrm- new ConraletwaiiBgapwaHU Meaty iwaibel erniar iivcateoc aatim GkstircATit Jtly SI Tbata wa imall aiiendanoe al lb Liverpnol earn markel Ihii motning- WIteal wai in tinit- ed demand aod ihe lena eaaier Float in freab barl cemmaoded full price oitMi aoria oeglectad Oati tnd oaifitetl ilow ol aak but nni lower Cara io rtaail demand and fully 4d lower Baaaa witboat afcaage 10 value bui in road demaad uiaaoa aaari Weaiher fine Bpptiaamodeetia Seme umpleaol new wbii wbaaTaHd at ovi 6O1 Wheal remtin abaet tba tasa aa ou Monday off tbe Mead bat raihet waaket ofl th coaii Maix beW tl M per tr laobigb BatUy end very ateady Niw YomlAajuii JO Tbt 7- Waabiaftpa iplb y l wtr wilb EagUBd taalelien a titled bt to laealtaa ta irelb TbaffWfi WabigioB dpaih eoMaiw leadfPteb Mr Clay 8 Pelafabarg kai twerred ieto a trtaty wilb Reaiit 00 bekalf of bt Uoid Sttlet tudnag B- bat it Iba araat of wtr bfitg dteUr- ed ailat bar ea bt Pohtb gaatlioa be UaUH Sltte would dicltit ww atitat Frarte tnd Ntkr YoU Ag liTbara ware oma iwabty- BVe eaM of auD nroke id the eiiy yatrdtyt wauj of Ihaoi morttl- Tha draft ii nearly eompltlad ia iba waaltrn part of Ntw Yotk Rtvitiooi of iha aBrolmeot litU haa b ordered in th Artt ditlrkt of th sfltl tmhrae- Ing Ntw Vork dly Long liltnd Wetl chatter Co nod Slalan lilond- The drtft thtriin will itko placa io about two wetki- Jeff Davit it ill tl Richmond tnd doubt uf hi recover are tnitrlalnad il ia ttid thtl ten Lee hst tddtetted I loner to Jelf Davit etlling not lo hong rbe two Federal offictrt now oonhncd in llichmond hi tun W F Lee would in conaeqiieoca be hung Ifihiareiull ad he declared hli inieiilion lo ihmw up hi commiMion Il ii nol belititd Iht rebelt will hang our oSicen Fo Mojtaoi Aug- 9 expe dilioB tbel left here ae tbe ith uedtr dirtclioa ot Major Gea Fealer accoiB- panicdlba Itrreled iraaaiad Sangamon andgaoboali CMtatnibrr Jtarmry tnd CehmH Ibty proeaedad up Jtiaea rietr aod wbetwilbit milei el Fort Daring al Poinl Calleo DuUb Oap t torpedo wii eipleded aer the bowi of Ibe Con modari Borney by t lock ilriag coooecl rd with the Ill eiplioo wti leriifte Il lifted lb gaobotlt bot lO feet o of atler tod Ibrew t f qwnliiy ef wtltr btgh lalo iba tir wbtb falling OB Ih deck washed oretbstrd lb if lb crew treottg ben wtt Liool Cabi comiatader of tba Damtjf tad iwo ailert drowned retl ttieJ Majo Oca- Fr wtt board wbea Ib cxpio 101 ook pltea Tbt tacmy bea opened apot Ibam frsm Ibt bore wilb 12 poande laid pitcet Tb Oa nry wtt peaetnied by 15 tbolt badi t great auaber of eakct balhi bal not t mte wti iaisred eieept lb paymaxer wbe wtt tligktt oaaded by iplialert Tbe gatboti CUaatrCrccired five ISpouadar tkol a ef wbieb paaied tbro0 bar pilel hoete tad iatltatly kilkd her eomanader acliag awtter Xlex Tbe Oommatort Bvfy wtt lowed dowe to Newport Sewt lo be r Tbe object of tbe recoBBOittaca w accempli tad the leel bti relorMd The aaw army guabtal OtiL Jtuvp coaaiteded by Lieat Cel Wbipplt aie teeOBpaaied tM ripedilioB aed recited ttreral abott bal wtt aot mieb iejared- tehena wuteeepladthrCoaBly Coa- cil tbe eoeptrttio or Weahrertb obuia ed aod tbe Brock Read beeam a great ftet Ibe flrat tiep maia b Oaalpb io the ardi of l tad tbim ia aagbt el tratb ia IMtfOtbegaiceal hfrtmitrpoi faf Oar raaden generally ara awira ibtt Iba baildiag 1 Ibe Brock Roed wtt ib nt tap tbe eoniinclioa of tbe lead- lag ro by wbieb the Coaaly ia now iailitiieeud aad wbieb bava ao freaiiy aided ifl dcrdopiag ita l ted eo- richieg ilt inhxDittntt It IBM Mr Wright raa ia Ibe Coo- tervitlve inletciinil Mr A 3 Fer- gotiod for tbe icpitae of the Cooo- ly IB Ptrliament and wa oaly baatea by a tatll majority Had iIm ptrtT letdtrt permitlA bin to tUla to bit te- drett tod let Oot hit real iaaUmcBtt ob tho Clergy Keeerre qoeatioa Ibc qucttion of he day he woald ia til probability hate carried lie eleelioa From the liote of Iht pattage of tbe tct of PatliamtBl for the more ekiended akcfuloeai tod prOjrei of tgiicaUare by providing for the foritiatioD County ind Townahtp ciclie If Wright onk a lively intereit in the A Aa ocitlioDi of ill vicioily ilriting lo rvo- der iheni efficient and prodoclite of prc- ehmf arithiaelie wi rttaocd apea re tical good On demiie of the lale lament- kKtWitig it tbe afieroooa at beta aad ahtlj eeaiiiiue In pub Titb will ba foood Co cnnltiB a fall expo illioB of PrHriiTCi poculmr ttvedtcal aiavt tnd wl doubt nol will bo peruard with loleratt tad prtiGl by our rraJeri Of couree boi belog luRicitnily akilled m medwtl leMlera we ara unable lo ex pcMt ar opiaioR for oataalte on ihe traiLiulMBt of the ibeoriae tdviaeed Idl wt have ao Ketilalioo in aayitig lby appear Ound d rtaaoBablt while at Iba e time iba tdvanitgee af timply kbtlinj Iba riawdita ielo tbe lunp io- attad ol fillia a Heamb wilb Btutaai mg drag pi aiprofamaw ver th oidtyMtwi Um afllieiad will aa wet how I tppraciaia Or Huirrta ia pew praetiaieg in ierovta See hialaitaf we fobliab altewbar lday ly 1 wkj t doctded auccai am lung ba remetrtbetel by ininy prereal on the oeeaiion AlktDdtr Tba S StUdila bat tpia liekered i njajrdar 0 rtUare biatelf of beaaataal paaftta lya eaUaJ for tamaabi tfaflU Navatailul hi laa BO reaartiAtottkiDg Itittaold aaytag tbat ef eaador geoU- ea rerBire gMd unwita atberwM btj ara aAaa ao4aMa4 ao t of tbair own WlbtaBtlhaWla apiaa witb aeb Am aad ftttfalaaa ft Iha aaaa oit tbe Sebemton iMMbHaaa aa a ttall deariAwr Wbitedb to r ibraa waaki aci vith aparti di aiB rfJfa Tbb b iadi Cnrrrjifonilfnrp ftp an i Sr tba Tiwleasl af MaUtU AVeewdr ea la Ihe irtriei ef T lit Zdilf Sia- Clrjnic BtatKlttw Jaaerlbad in my Um leiier then aif tefenl etber which ate ef bMteta lat eaonaan In Of ibaibeta i e bMI iiiitaaflba btewrtilatm bieb it cbaraatoiised by a Itba maceat mbAa Ibe air ube KiaM 1 diMra faai trfnl ef gir ooh oaea Ib tlM of lb rheb1be brrtibe ie diain katwa piiai leexpawmi jbialeleaweaibriee ebepwd jnai like ikl wJtea wbieb il mete ibaa an Kb ia leaf Agtia wa b va ibe eery tppai af tbai farmaTHroari iieatartiieb 1 btvayui p6 kt or an tnl igetMDi diltirtteo- ef lb isBn- Thii Tuin aeveral otia Tbe bMchial iiba af Mh at f a M ihwagbiMi tbtir aa- aalbMuirf ibeir ar- yaaafraatJaaddf- ibraae lieinglba i itaUe la mtcfralhm tud baaa yien eaeta ereiptf kwlfr re- aaibliiig ibeyMexpaawtiwd teeeafrai- ceeiBBBliai wbaeaibd laoMm iba fadaewM ure leaatber frtaWftta ar a teMtlecf Laaaly Ibe weealital la teei f tetwrt lebrn ptiinl we lake the mnraing trais Borth- ward and on alizhiing frum the nn at BeU Kaarl we find the klnnier Aniiy Vttjr eatuir twaiting bi Kut before go ing on boird lei ua uke a glancc tmuod at Befor ot tpreadt away Ceoka Biy at elcar and Iraoail a iheit of woUr at ever fcnted ibe eyea of a trtraUer Ilcrt to oar right lie in her aioeringlhenew tUarser Srymoir itlely hoik by aa aaltrprieieg reaident of Bell Ewart Alfibd iUain Kiq tnd deaigned ai well for tb rtpidly inerattiag Irtfio of tbe Vka a to beeommodtte pertiea of ck ewniooCMa aad plettureteekertgenenUy who mty with lo tdaiiic the varied beta- rieaof the biy or lo pie aie it oe aay ef iia BaeM poiatt Her coottniciioe wbat Bo tl letttia tbete watcn Veboatt aboal bO fel loe arc pitccd abMl9t tptrl tad trauy braad to- gather Irtatverte beaaMaad pltaked 011 fiiratin a deck W feet long tad SO feet wide jb the eeeire of llie craft to eoatUBcted tnd belweea tb two beet it Ibe wbeel Uar ngiflt it of t liaal power of 14 bore Begialcred at SVleu burtbea tbe it ttid to carry f4yt with perfijet tafciy She eas te aeeietodaie a pletiore parly of 25 Io30 whiW ob tlie forwtrd dick ibrce er fuar tctmt vitb wagOBteae beeariicd 8bt viU protably it time roB regolarly at a Unj farlwtaa BtU aad Roaebet rotet aa taab pr aMUMBveaieaee o rcudaotj on be W Ma of tbe TeMr left tlaadb lie extMsve aaw- milla betoagisg to Mr Sept ta Aaieri- abtf Itfmbermta eaploylag w vtrioat et- paeial 100 taas tad BralBg mi dO MOOP ftet of lamber WitMa iwefiiyrfeur boara Dar for iht poor cretlarea bereft nf reaton and tepamled from tbelr kia dred and of gratifieation in having mcb that they arc ao well tad kindly oarM for io lliia inMilulion Yoan Ac OBiXXTIt Newmarket Aug 8 183 r IW EStar tf tie yw l it I wilb ibtoegb iht oolimB ef yeor piper la ihttk tbt mtaben et Ibt Newmaikei Tempennee Aaeeitiien at their kindneti in leplyiag la tbal bate and ensfnlemtnly aiitek made apea mo by etne pataon who aAat tttaiientag a da tetiaiiiBiinti le ptablbil aeea llta aapitiiiit of libefil opinioea bad Iba tadaetty w at- lacti loki moat taatritawt aitiala b itgaa 101 t Felt Pity Bat Iromibeeci iiicmtnnei in wbieb be vviacad bi astieiy 1 ace fair pity en ibai eeeaaioe It waeM htve bean motels kwpie witb biei- daei 1 hae tigood bia eae SbfiMdIer I tboaU have leaded apea bit rtmaik with eanitapi if lb bad Ml beaaa ibey biv eieady piavaa le be by tbe tiii cl 111 Ihe ItM oenMe ef Iba Cra a aaal loatftlaehoed I deet H eeeaeiery iberw- Joiet 10 notica iba parpen ef tba iaBtaag ba 1 Bd thai ateniafi ia aitlee ibai it mty 801 latvt a wreng impteeeiea TTia rtatiki wbieb proved ta aMfiOf aaeog a eatiain ponita it tba a were ia ta gtriiie Ibe ABrita Rabelliea ia wbmb lexpttteede wab tbal we ONil yet eaa lb atlinnti baaaar Beihit eevrw mated eeple Aad ia oeafciof Si Upd 1 ipwbe of W ia tW meet aaapii taeniaiy mtaaar 1 apeiw tf bet ea baiag Ihe chatepieo af liberty aad Ibe ftiead ot be dppreaaedi aad ne perteai aeleetat letly regard let of irvtb tfeahTbtTeaad Ibe nMrtie that I e ibe tea die- credHablytf Bel we leva Bajiibad Im Tatih dilv trt meute Tkn ia alaa aa yaeia Amerleta ZeroljetloB- Naw Yoac Aag Btb Thtmmt pritt Ibt fePewioi A lariew atd bloody draft liot el bogar Grate Wtr- rea Co PeaMylvtaia wdtacribcd la a by a cotTfipadeat- lie aay wbea lb draft beges oe Taaidty moraiagta erawd ob Itddeelv tmtaevd tad ertd Ihe Tba Lata JasM Wiifht Oe Cmiti HrraUj It il or palafBl day to tasoanot tlia demite of Jamee Wright Rtq one of tbe etrly tettkn of ibit pert of tbe eoealry For apwtr of twelve monlbf pati be bad bees cemplaiBiog of ill beallh btsl wtt abit to ttteed to hi ordiatryaffairt tsalil ahogl foar wtekt linee wbea be taddea- ly becaaietltrmingly woree tnd bit B etl adriter Dr Knwilt wbo tlleeded him to tba lift wilb m kind tnd tnxioot tolieilodo wt called it Medi cal aid however proved BBtvtiliBg lo ar- mt the progreaa nf ditaate taM Wright rapidly declined till tbe erAiog of the Glh inai when bidding tdieo lo the aoeaea of earth he tjuiatir tad peace folly panted away to the better ItDd ia the 65ih year of hit ige- Hit ditetai ii koB io medical Boireac1asra at di- of tbe toprarcBtl ctptolea ccrltia tppeadtgee befungins to Ibo kidotyt An tffeciion itteaM wilb geecnl wttt ing tad debility often witb bronting of tbe tkiti tod eul anrrqaeally leading It etrltln cbtnget ia Ibe ttniciar or be liver and tplees Mr Wngbt wta bom la DcBBinglon CoBny ef Knglaod Nov 19 1198 and tkmgwllb hitfalber removed from ihcoce al to etrly tg o Lazfield in tbe ttma coaaty where h rtmtined till be migrtted loCtatda ih 1683 He aarried the partner of hit tif wV tor- vivet bin in 1821 and broogbt with him lo ihit eeaauy eletea yetrt tfter Mr Wright and eight cbildren ard im- mediately tellled upon a farm ifl 1naky Bkek OB wbieb be icaided till be day o bi dcatb From tbe lliAe ef bit artiral till hit late tevcre ittneie be ever look an tetire tod lively intereat in everything tending lo tb promotion of tgrioaltare ibedevelc wat of t retonreee of tbe eoanlr tod to Ibe dircetitra of luctl tnd municiptl tf- farr Before Ihe iairoduelioB of our pteeeat tdmirtble tytteu of mBaicipel government he look tn tciTe he old Dittriel Coooetlt tad fre iii i at Con oa ke Coaeiy Rot tbroagb wbom ilt moat importtal faactioat were nerlbrmed tnd tfter lb ij- iwiuaa Mr Atdertoe of Toraale te ukjecl ef entbaetic at t Ht recommeadtd ib pit deciaab wiib aelttaaj aikriwoeiieaM b wiib aaeiben woiM bt le ilNL beoty by eah rtliln of 10 reprtatel tbe ddTtrttl order ef bera Mr Saiik of Fpt afreed w Ibe previoBi peaker it retar4ee la great imporiaae Itb of tfitbnKtic Mr AlexaBJeror NewMrkH ead whtl nigbl be coetulcie tt Iba bawt oor nouhofl Mr Niebola ef Berford mid be beia ed iborougbaeta wti a grtti teacbiag bet tbtr wtt a daeger tt mt ficliig other Iktogi for iit mbe ATTaaOOS OttlOH The dlMtitioD of tbe btw mtikad if ed Mr llirland Mr Wright wa np pointed Seereliry and Treanrer of the South Riding Vgneollural Suorely which office he lield till hit death He aleo ori- giotted and tocccaUulIy ettabliahH a Mntaal Iniurancc Sociely for tbe Tnwn- tbip of Guelph ia which Aaaooialiun alto he held the office ofSecreury tod Treirartr Iotteaaing mach information n agri- callaral tad aOfiicipal tfftirt tad altt hire of Hound practical common kom ha wat fieiaenlly aeUcted tt arbitrtlor in dupalet betwecD puUio hodie end tt BOt unfrcqaently retorted to for coantcl by liia neihbmn tnd toqualnl- encrt who mprclcd and ctleemed him for hii unhiiiM probity tnd islegrity hit lore of Irulb hu warm tymptlhv tnd cbriilian deportment Mr Wright leave t widow eight grown upaoaa tad dangbt- etall wib aaingle exepion mtrried- tad tbirljeighl to meom hit loat tnd tiihough bo nettBta- tiot monamenltl tablet may surk bit latl reeling pUee tbe palrioiiaai evinced ia hit teout libort lo procnote tbe pcegraat of Ihit eeeitoB of hit tdopltd coaaty tbe chriilitB boBcvolenee mtaifitled la bit pririte lifei tad bit exaapUry coe- daet la all bit nUtioat te MeittT iO ioog keep bit memory creea la Ibe ibriBse of tboie wno kaew bin TaacbaM FiaTlDtUl Ca atnai Hams tat vtavnua Tbt Tteebera Caotiea wi retaaed Ibt Teaptrtece lltit Teapertnce Sirtel tt9 oclock yeiterdiy Wetian dtyj fereaoea Ibe proeeediagabaiag opet- ei wilb prayer xLtcTiOK or MuAaaa Tbe followieg trteher hariag beea recoaaeaded by ibe Coeaeil were r- ceivtd a member vit Mr Sealb Bneiploe Mr- T- McPbertoa ef Fbil- tptbarg Wtlertoo Me Jebe Coao Niagara Mr 1 Bale Taraale Mr J Iwnt Ertaoat Ttuaxcr Mr Aleitadtr Newawrket itlredeerd tbt tebjecl bf Troaaey ilt itia ttd retaedy Mr Coaeor of Nitgan taid Ibtl i bitepioioa ibe eeae of ameeg papib Uy ebielly in Ibe Igaeraaee ef be partett Tbe bebl of iaieboriatltea ia tb ckiUrva wt ae greal- eeote ef the evil wbwb ciitd ia ebe4t II boagll l woeld be wt to Itke ae boet from rath diyt teacbiag la vitil the reatt Ur McGtaa laid b never bad maay ette ef rttery wbteever a child wai tbatal from tcbool be iartrieblr vrwled be ptrenii 0 infora Ibra ted ciledcawt helaaact wiibdarieg bit tfparieaee ia leteHig Mr VV W Andtfod of IVie aaid tbere cealiJ baliMk difareaea ef efa ai a be iadurae of rea pityiag Uii plat wtt le leBd bnoM a boy Ibe aelt ia be would eater t rebeol niet plaT Irwtnt tid terartablf rrqaire biia te brieg I eole frea fatt ptretli ciceiieg bu tb tetct Mtaa Si Retay ttkcd wHit pita Mr Aadertoa tdepted wbea tbt pareelt tr etabi lo witie Mr Aederaea taid ia hii aebeel Ibey prfptred a eenber of iWkib wilb Ibe terdi tbtval btlf t dty A aeabtr ol Ibe iKkeli were teat lb caeb pereal bl le write eee ef wbieb iSighl be 1 te tbe trteker in cat ef ebeawev Mr Irwie Iboegkl tbe faalt in caie of ireitey wn hi tbe teacher lie aever bad aay Ireuble to bit Kbeol Ittirid ef lhi b freuaity had knowB parealt le come to tbe lebool tnd takt ibar ebiUrta boa becuae Ibey would tllead ia apite of Ibeir paritiii IagblerJ Mr W Andetaen of Toeento letd ibtl Irataey wtt t crine for wbxb ptta wovadreg teteral aere Ibey tel betUiag oa 6 tad iitrled le tack Ila fiiwal koaact ia tie pleee A aegre oeerly kliad wa killed aad aaMbar acgrea rbep deilroyrd Tbe Hotae Gatra tad IW eitiwai flew le arai aad ia a abort lime be rieieri were eareald by a forea e lOa Tbe etpitia aa Ibea Cie miaatta le ditMrae wbea Ibey rafeted Tbe gaerd irid killiag tha leader aad S alber rioltritt tbt firtlrolley- Tbe meb relarw- ed Iba fire kilfaeg ire ciliMt Tbty get taoiker vofley aad bea lb beyoeel aad wtre pat le ligM naaiaf lata a baldiag bey laid aaed tt a rtadtcteoa bere bey were taricaad tad faaUy akea le Ibe noL TW people ferieae aod mede dotpmie elMit la gel al tba f illai tad beef tbem ea tbe tpel at it wet M ef be weift kdled Saab arflbe fcalarat ef lb writer diti We prefer lo bold lb Ittltr tcb aaiil eoma ceafirattiea ef Ibe alory arriret ia Ibe irmI NTAgilliA ibat Ibt alarm abeai a war wub Bwaia BBoUaaea aa4 tba aaat lAfiabla re Ctra Martad hoariy iaKrd le k liiaatioo iadayiatbipFraaaiU aot go aloaa iai a war wiib Birtii fur Ibar ot aa Xarepaaa ooalilioa bat if oa tbe elbar baad Vraaea eaa eatty AMirit Kagltad ted Swadaa iale tbe wtr with bee tbaa BMaia wbieb be bdieved bb taalktM impetaiMe viO boek oi aad aaaee ibe m mUU Tbw ia eiibar ooM war least hr tba impoaai- bia Fraaea aad Bwwdw ara eager for tba war bat Aaatria tad Saclaad bald beak Ia tbe iiariBi trade ia aoM hj Iba fright ta maak aa IT iba war waa BMyally wi TotrBtbip aad 00 tevaral oeeaaioat pn moled lo llie Wardeatbip of tba Diairici eoaltining Ibe Towatbiae now comprited IB tbe eoBBliei ofWellioB Witcrloo tad Oreyi a poeitioa he occued wilb eredit to biaiedf ead beweflt to be eom- maaity- After tbe leearatioa of Water- loo aad Orey frea welliaigtoe ba wtf aleaied Heraaw abiyOaJad wa tlao aeleaiad aa arbitrBlor te lelile eeew- ataxy diScaliiea belweea Ibe CeaBtiet of Qrn tad Sitseoe ted of Wtterioo tod WeaiagtOB reapeelittly Bepecitlly did Mr Wright takt a deep aad liTcly totereet is Ibe dlepmeat ol Ibe loaal reao of Ibie Cma lad o biai auy be aiuibated la a graat imbb arc Ibe toltMoetioa aod eoaitiwetioa of Coaaly Ortrel Rooda- It wtt be wbo aref00M lb idea of aeoaUVetiBg Ibe 6rek Read wbieb raterarita gave Gaelifa it ittiiinpeiatearbeeoaiieg a Iowa of tone BOle Wbea tbe pits for tbe eeaatracUoa of tbe Brock waa flrat awoted ibe fbtoibiliiy aaid preprikty of lb ae waa qaetUoeed sot a frw leadiag atea ia tew wbile aetae waat ao ftr at le ridi- eala tbe aodertakiag a geetlemta wbo eabaaqa oeeapiad Ihia poaitioa ol Wardra repnaeatieg it aa andtatie ef a treak miad Baba ea Mr Wriwbta paUitbiag Ite data ea wbieb be bad gTMBitd n belW tbal tbe ea- larpriaa weald be Maaeratifa beib di- raetly ead iadircotly tbe etiimatad CMI efeaaalnMioa IbatBlinpated tmonatof the revtaae Aom du ty aad peioied eat tba iadiraai boMla that matt eer- loialy reaoll from the iaeraaaed fteiliiy ia tbecAaveyaaaa of p te mirket aad of mmthatiaa iale the iaimr tbe Nr CUetail of Totoele aid Ike ert hjCI to be tlltiaed ie Uach iki Mb jectwa accvtacy eee rapidity third be luibi ol perforai M mab el bii work II potstble aeaMy fT hould be lauglii to rat i eolaait rf nutubetaii idiiiin ttilboti Btmiaw ib addndi 1 uccfMOB btl OMiely lS tel Ur agreed with Mr Aedef lliil dteimit laeiilil be ialrodocrd wiA nniation ted maetiiwa U wod tba trieb the uapk tnd eoiapeead ralH f gelbrr lie eoaiderfdialihlkitiMiM ibe ealnjidtri pronoutc apns il by a ptetinui tpeaker thai SMagiieN iritbMb WI in tone reuirett t coapttle ftrllra Ibere wti BOI t uScieal ttriMy f lampfea rtr a pracictl illeitraliaeeftta rulai A gretl diAealiy fr II the nidi of cbildre adi bew avl nperalioii art be perfrtnaed b nfciad lo ikeadrttitgaibiilratkeraarikiMhtf be prlepl ef tabilioa ia bepia ferrtkcc lo tbii tl wtti ai etber teak af i tad topke ia high lermt 4 the iitrked cbtoge receally tfleelad tta iititgrtMii of Upper Cieada Cila uider Ibe ible maaagemeal ot tba pnaMt Iriectpal Mr Cockbara Mr ScarUti ef Neeibtabarltad aM Mr Cbraatl if be woaH Tniiita prepr le begia witb yeeaf cUMna h- theory or la pnelict fittaad Mdl to tetehawiitl wniitt antkBit 1 le ekktr la reply 10 ibe flat queOtea Hr Cha aid IImI tbrory ttd preetiee ba enabiaed bal be ladcr haald utte tl irti j aW Iu Ibe naoad aid ba be woald eeabiaa MOtri writtta anhaele a iVlMOVi M SW TjrasSr Cbariat BiacTtoK or etfiOMs The fniiowtag geetleaaa wbm ebalrf fiea bearer fer lie eatoiag faark- fyeniirtU Dtaiel Wiltaa ll Ouaf lliieetaity CSegt Toraale fi- Robert Aleaaoder ef Hm aarfeal- Sad Hr iSuilbbcrltBd of Nupra tib Hr Ujkrille 9ib- Mr MaCabt af 1 0 6tbHr WAeratefPirit Mr Williaa AadatBt Park SAaaft- Tereae rrtdMrarMri Toroeto k i covaciLiaaa ToroaleHn Citrti of tba KaM lebeol Yeik Mii 81 Baar Twei 10 WelltagioaoHrFlNm FWk Mr liltabaa Hiiafaad ttrnt Mr Niebfl WaMrlaa Nr MePbettea HtHeaMr Hiiili m beaige NMlbaaberladI Mf WaWk PeOMr Sealk MAT y Alter Iba aleellea af itiiiiffc 1 Chtrle Lk ef Oabeile retd Be tad lalerealiag ay a Iba Sboald ibe edacattea ef iba Itntdt be made eeepaliary ly a eiaeat t Ibe evayiM ia iba aawH Hjfjt remark edveried the daetria aft paltory tlleadeeee at t 1 lU ptiecipl Ibil if Ike peaph an for Ibe edecatlea ef all a ibeaid bt ceiapelied la aiiaa HUT conrcnies Mr Aleneder meted Mr Coaeer Thai be Boardaf I be reattted le appotwl Ihe Mtl of Ibe Aweeiiliea be beU ia A aaaber of aembtrt weraappeiatad procart Ibe aeceaary aeeoMalaliaa K Mabtitatleadiig be Attaaiaiiaa V next tMoaoCarrad V roTH or nftan Mr Nicbeief BerferdaeeadaaaHfrt d by Mr BeiiiK ef WeWaglee lb tbaakt ef be Aweeialiaa ba MHl ed 0 Ibe INetideal Se tH T arer for Ike frry effieiaal maatr Ip t tbty btd dtaeherg4 their dataadariiif I ptt yetr Vntei of baokt aa 1 ptiaeJ to lb ctainaaa Mr Laak ad W Hie rrpreteaitiitn ef bt Laailt mf 1 07 Aa Aali Seaikara AaaaiatiM beea formed at Mitcbetlarte aoMlMtf araar aav Ibe iafleeatr of ika CeaMaraay eapley etl aeaee agaiaai vl ibe Ceefederaia SUM Iba O Tba natber C iliili gal wiy beld a aeeiiw ea lb Mad k t eeapanp rar Ibt eeaauaaiiia m LerdOeriwdaliW aeibM el tta SfW be rawed ia ii ifr 10 lehool tsd Ibtl of Ibe triehrr lo ia Iricl bia wbea tbere lit would tl tbt ptrealief ibe tbteaet ef F child Hr Niebol of Birford tbeigbl etbtri were 10 bleme beiidet it pa talL la aeoM dittiieii Ihe leb ere ateciaforlable th aeali and dfet to bad- tyerraed Ikel be didael wader Ibat woeld dtvlihe to be eeataed ia tbem dariag iu biart ie the day Hear Mr Meyer ef Kaldlaead aad a few rratrki le a iirtia toaewbtt lioMl IB Ibeie ef tbe ptetieai ipoakert Mr Aleueder of Newmarket moTed ecoaded by Mr B HeGaM Tbei Mr C md tbt merer be eommit- lee le prtpeee a rtteltuee embedyng the paoa e Ike Bociaiiea ea lb tebjecl ef tiBBeeyCrricd Tbe followiaf reteltliea teat labte- qaetlly tabailltd te Ib ataeeialioa JUaefaed Tbal Irwaaey ia itt n- eae matt parwicioee le tbe iodindeal tad baaefel la Ibe mortli of a Mbael aad at ilt iaflteoee chegt ta Ibe iadiridaal a tfler hft aay ibil will aeatraliM er letaea tbe til it detirabla Ibat aemf he meaaa beat ctlrtuttd lo leteca lb ml of raetey tbi tmociatiea reeoa- mead the ceaMfac ef camCerlibtt ctaiaediet ad will laiaiibad tabael enai Ibertby readtriof Ibt au dea of the pepili at rleaieal at petelMe ib tbe elterMi terriaedaga ted tbel Ibit atae catioa tatertaia Ike opieiee tbal a larp emeael ef raeeey it liaetaMa le defee- tire parvatal tatbortiy iba reomdy fer ameog w j wkicb Will ba feaad ia a ara largely ex- dalgiag iw ardeot tadtd difatiea ef edacaliea j aad ikitlblt aa etaatt 6w reMlirgw icacbrraby cart Itti tad eeoperartaasay t oy nm deeki ii Gtltray be Chairma aed 1 eaOMM it e Abeet XdOOO a reotat A PiaiiwaHW Cao jft batvy raia aienalaal onio ahaillv poti eiifbt eeloab ateaeef MrlaaHtf wtt proeeediag dowa Waat AiMMM wat teeooiail by a bilfTaaad vaoaa Mar ieg twtt ssall TVf dripping wet aad be lag The eta tha Una eeoalofbera Be aaawaTayj tad ber botbaad aftar lawaaely wiii her bar a waa lg5 hi be ia Iba Nertbtra aray wradj boy afaoat 18 yeeiaafanaalB9V KetliDg paietoear pit ta ka frea turri ua J fast abioi oor aealht aU wai Ujia a deatfttd beote aear Heary proetediog ta Ibe beeteeir laaai ebewa tba dead ebijd lylag aa a aadbatrhg erety apeeafaaea Aad frea eitber atgW Iff ArdttBt Miotic

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