Newmarket Era, 31 Jul 1863, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA JULY 8 1863 AdTrtitraBU I TowrMp U KxniiiKiAn rl Common Sliaol Tekrheit John Jfiiiliifi PhAinjriih 1Dd9rnn A KoViii Ftcl Wm Sll Mpflul Notife P Rjmr liiAmw HoJgin lrtniy Crifnmir Svhobi S A MiiUnj TnUi-Kri1lTti- SitjrU Pi iUckfil Fljp Jlfuiinatlift Keirinarket Friday Ja7 Slit 1S63 Indian Ootragcs in Canada ll will lc rrrcUciJ lliit tomr limciii w plironiclvl Ihr fjcl tlirit MrMri J C II Irwin tisiili for Mawr liillingion i Kufyih r 00 hind and auh tnleml a eoiipla of Mt- cliinei of dilTarent kitdf Thir war dm qiiiia large nurndiiDea nl rirmeri rrtm Tiriiui pariaof ih Ridm who fommndd ftry hnie nilmm hc Iini ihair crachin for eompelilion inxmucS at ii gte atidinca ih vera niil arnid or a irLiI al laatl IHniKr wai rrtvd a llrewa Holal in gxd style and klwren 3il and 40 par limli iherrr ATrr hch ihi Diiecor litlj ft Rpfciil Tneeiiig to eoniider what liiuij be Ina wiih ragani 10 lha trial ahrn nfier miiure dribaralin and inriiilrinjr the lalanna of tha aaaaon hpy defiled 10 ul off tha irinl lo itiother I nhich csDclJiion maPT of the til Hon Mr Mrlcifoxtl CViiimiin leidli farmer a prMeat under lbs cif- cr nf Crinn lmdv hid cnnoIciiK d a -imiiiiici- Tully concurfd lroity iti the Indijn of the irol I h pn bfcuhl for Mahtoolin lUads bat a w jlatrJ Mchie called tl Cyar 1 he tmc Mill ribr enllcl lt V I s iUni ncitcd br inTMtcd I aninu 0 aee In opera- apiniuil KuKm rcfuxJ lo lome p n It ei fie feat thraa Inirhei while lirs M the 3n3nnCDL I rem Ibt line nil mw thi dcmtcnlfd Und he g- of oourr th iaeen neb widr l cn tbeniv1 Tinlenl and hn iho ordinary Chef 1- ul in order Ihil our read Forayth ten gal cnnijfaIlyeaiirchendllciluitinof upih Machine in gouJ alyloand luote from the the f- d tJ embrace I portion h jiifcion 10 ih Clmmumiy I taa ihM Matrtiiiiaa lealed in tha manner iiitendnj by ih Society ai It woiiM hive fjlly dareorutrated tha tnoit ilriiratile ariiele fur farmaia uae We have lexrned ainca the diy liied fr tral hat haJ not the mirnjng gaa uch uiiiiiisatAblo evidence of being wet ie machiiici nianufictured by Mr Hall if 0hais and the Kily llarveaiar mida 111 ihe trould a1o haa ban ciitarad Jr competition Uut of cowrie Ihe griTeat evidence of iliiferly tinnia in f3vur ot tlinie who ihrogh Ihe iiiclnneiicy of the weaihrr were on i iho gliund eager fir thefiav SV huioer to leo lucli tnalnolh- er rlr ai will fully demonalia Ihe mixl I pricticnl and beit alpid isachine for V the larcnar oi Norih York ilfai lowin ctlract of tie Gurcromeol iorii cati Bjonj ll ia JciiBcly atlci ihil for ih ii fence olihii anhipry rl ihn ih- Jeiuiie piipUf aie mainly rciitlr an I Jornial Jevniiiia Itfi leit agin lo ehktrnf Ihem aft epietMy Ffiei Knh ler w iih eicitinj iJin Iinhan in ilie pip- Uaiion cf CiUirafe bv Thei n n4maiiy an I aeliiinj9 lanijiisje In id inrriview iri Mr liibharj on ihe 3II Octler laT W v 11 pretpnra ul lnJian nne If hMn lell ui4 Id Kriijliih Tell rlher K- e Ml bbaijt Jpotijon Cmmjinner rl i 1 aril nthei triifrnni hijliwjy loblxT iIirel rvef rpittis1 4 nif rrnLj rrgeliT iliii tul i I tli ln ihK loiI- liilu MI itkeo l r e iieaiitic i J r leI iha lnlnr lln he nuM hinpr liir ie from hjl t Il fitihfitT 11 1 br Inlii ery iJa loi IS Kiirjh Ci e roiy anJ loufy Ma r mutiny tliii m i i4jy ID am kiratelf ar Wesleyan Hethodism ed while Mr fliniiMi the scnt Ibcrc and threatened to rcit the eie- I h- Ter Uer Joairii SiiirLKT Sunl of ihe Newmirke and Aurori Circuit we nurins tho ll nonlb the I crclofro mde were carricd ol and l of M Church putica oUoiuu lollm drirm from f J i Q- bat lune 5nd the iUd In fct the land came irni- 1 laliiig to the intereala of hit lenoniiin- tliia aeciion of country Tbe culijn oflhchiForeTcollJwibVaarTer era to explore the I land A man too I fmbrac Ij the Dame of IlfLiMos depea that i Ihe pricata aav or- VrWWrTif O Plorilmanta tkrr7nmfnl and rn mU 1 ir U Daiund hr c ur rrn hnJl- Of C0Jf58 1 ch astrundinp prcteniona on the pan AuroraT Jo- of ihcac firitul li Jc locilcr 1 ith 1 e Ml- cpm acta of ritilcnce frpetra1ii lua led in actifin on the part of the vcinoicnl anlhurities A pns rf Toronto Iollcc wili conslablts from ISarrie and Collinj wood Late gone lo the Manitonlin wiih warraolj fiir the arrctl of Kalhct M- KoitLEa Ihe Jeauit IrieM of the miasinn and ihe rioloa Icadrri ef Ibe long Iribo lit La 1DC and iROfLX i alate in ihcir depoiitioni that ihey were luld by aome of the Indiana ihnt hrvi acted thioojli Ihe adriec of thif priolsj and that aome ofthem catrc unwilliriply j InnwirR that if they refgwd tLcy would haTe bccD baniOicd la TaIKova and lVrTtTr Iiid been Thia tribe of In- 1 diaju oriinaII came from he latra I and hiv in pirittial jidc aUo nppoel to Ihe Throne and Crewr pf Hiiiain nn wcnJerlhej entertain fcelina of triiiliiv iJrailrrl lltrt J S Clatkt and tVetley Caaton iniif Ueva Alei Iangfoxd Re Uobi rrfhain CaJilovn Ittva Mauha Swinn and Joaepli Jelling wuh RfJ Pool Supernoinfrary Joyfcin Rev Alex Campbell Ilollanri Landing Aleiinder Drennan and Srlaon norm M A TIurM Fler U Urnoking Otllia UaftCbale Turver renelanuuldaeVf Jl Thomp aon Wtiifoeti her Charlei Fiih Samuel T Rr Geo MNamaia Fland Vetiortfe To lie auppliad Ilev Mr Davii of lUrrie la the Chai iTiMi and Rev Mr Clarke of Bradford njthins Britiib The punihmrri of of ih Diairl tbe Icadera liowetor will no doubt hate denomination hu the cffecl of awinj he Iribe inta aobmij altogether W Incl preaeh- aioB and pive Ibeo acniiblj to feel ibat ahorterai 68 leadera 05 tbeGnTerBmcnl Ilia power on the IIind liurchea 49 oiher placea and poaiewes delerminjlion lo ejerciic worahip einnied aiiendanc on It in M fv u o compel rcapeet to law j CCOO chiluen baptized ouring tnd order i ouoiber ol Sabbath j 32 Intal achoUra in atiendane Siae writlnjs the forepjinp we learn on iheie achocl 2J77 witli nn lea than ibat tbe Indiaoa backed op by Irieil S40O volunini in their libriiei The KoHLt bare reaiiled the law officers in loial church fnenibarhip oo the Diatrict Jhf Mecution of Iheir doty and cnmpelld amounn 10 2iJ2 b increaa of 138 tbem lo leare Ibe laland Tir add lo Ihiv dkiring ihe piJt year the scn Mr ilDOABD ii now iniinc Uraidea the alaiiatica pari of Ihe pam nndcr ihc moat extrardiftry ard lu i phet before uf it eoniit much nf ren- iootejfearT4lancei Il warn iccD i y T r JujhUy inuchcd at fhebanwanir- i da f Method am n Tocsdaj oorninp lat on her way t V J rolliapwood atd at thi plce lo tblrg w fraa Ko Ltit and an India naticd I V fP AC00 leA tbe iteamer i etrryb licfo lb boat reached ibei An Moatic Editor oock Mfi Gibbard wjs Kfn icicoKupnij with tb porliei lot ha not Ucn kco eo tell tia nd ihe praetieal r hticd of in The Keakit cinpicr- I i V nation prtrailed on the atcaner amoBj l- tbe Ihe paiuon nhcn Mr OiDittAtiit aU lubjcct b aligbteatitlenliOD fclldnncB aeoee became kB9wn many of whom de- ilrtte the trulhfulncaa of Ui uwrtioa lared thai the ladun oimt have kHW that mcoi mioda are KTkOQfiW affKtfbr him iod thrown hjra OTcrbotni otxhry w i e en toRetber on tbe lower dl jol f before landing at 8hebinwaniir Karlj otoarooi eeeaaioni Ibe oa Wedncaday nornlDg the tireimalan- ScboBiber editor La reotad bia ipWeo tea of tbe ca were eommuniealed lo tJr ancsl Newmarket bst aa tba peo of McNabd Coooty Attorney an tlm lo ii vUlap oeer altempted lo plao 1 lh GovvrnrDeot lad no doibi dttiMve i atF will nowb laka le maintai ike najoiy of the lawasd brhiz the render peated attacka on tba principle ael lojoaiice If lie blood of Mr tjiaaixn above by ibt biUioo dcraegeoeDt be lound in their akirla Ihey oogbt le k f bia atomieli r- getkerfrnB the lalaod and olber ipirill J tut dunn tUt itcne we nl KBidea plaecd over llien liaviog rej Ibonpbl of aWing Schomberg of apm fo lb Uritiab law and Dore ready I any olber eiiler village and aioce oar eo- to inralata ibe peatcfal doetrinei of thai lemporary baa had an cxiateace in tbe biSdSIed 6 0 i- I ranUge of bia frahlies or rejoiwd al bia Trial of Koapert partiality to epga altboegb they uigbt prove nlhar aula lie eaUa the people of iMlrialof lUapcra aotworwad for j Vewmarket iababiuouofao H4Mid- XatBidir leal waa a total failuraDol eo Town aod aayi we bar bM a from want of coapakiora bui from lU ahfet of water aScieoty Urn for a Malenency o th weatber Early in fiock of dock to Utbe eoaforttbly is ika rvorsiog ii avatb appaaraoe ofao and wbieb as elepkaDi nigbt drink al a tmpreplilwH da and by aavao oclock be- j draught bnt irSebocDberg mbM ily U lo rain- coatinuing wiih mwa or laaa bout of a tlream e reo eual lo tbe aur MvrirBiilaftar ibmpm Bainol- ptna waWrnol reqaired for tba itBinaeie itbapdloj lb weather Matart Pai maehiftcrj driven by waUr hare lb edit- laiKB dc Bre ef KicbotoBd Hill cod or of the ExamiKtr u Imt vmU lad plenty for aanilary ptlrpoaea while hi reader ai a neecaaary coaieucnee would be iparcd tbe Infliction of being rtgtled by ihi dcnnoeiation b aoaie iaagisary wron oa llie pari of hia neighbor or ef finding faoll witb winelhinK that ahoald never concern him Qiuh Icaa attrmpling ineaninlcaa rcun or infiDlile wil at the eipenae of truth lie wind op hi Utile duodecimo arrancriDent by ayinj ha psrpoaea aendinc hi own reporter to chronicle the proeeediDsa Tbii ia Tery iae lor we very much aclioa the ability oflhc principal lo be alte lo report aoylhinj correctly eapecially if a aigo- poet be plaotcd anywhere in the ncibbor hood Newmarket Council Tbe above Council net oa Monday evening laal Alt tbeameaiber preaent the Reeve in Ihe chair After confirming the minatea a com monieation wai received and read from the Coanty Treasurer aelting forth what Inta were auld for laze aod to whom AIm frotn Mr Sclby deairiog to leaM Andrew Street A Peiilian wa preaeated frots Donald SalhcrlaDd and sixty fire otheri praying the Couoeil lo erect a LockUp ia Ihe village Oa Dbtioa of Mr Matadea aeconded by Mr Jaekaon the comisutiiealioa of Mra Selhy waa referred to the Itoad and Rrid Committee witb powar to act in the premises Mr Maraden uked the Chainnao of the FireWUr Commillce if he had carriol out the ioatroctiona oflhc Cojin cil by making the neccanrv enqniry with trvard lo the parchaae of hoae e Mr Gamble said he underatood the hose coald le purchased al 1J0 per fiml hut as he waa under Ibe imprejaion ihrre Waa on fuada till Oetuber bo bad not made a report Mntd by Mr Roadhoa aeennded bv Mr Gamble that the petition cf Donald 5atherlaed aod other rale parrr of thii village ia reference to a Locklp be re ferred to aapectal Committee omaiiiin of Mrra Jackson Maradea and Iba mover Carried Tbe Koeve laid bcfnrc Ihe Council a propOAitinn from Mr Wm McMaacr jr screein lo erect ajiew wciihtcale provi ding 1 e Coporjtinn woald aow hita t ie priviteie of putting it op on ibeilreet and lb far aj the Council wai eoneerned nni onstmel one au long a he kept bia in thorough repair and dil not make an on- reaaoDable cbaijte fnr the ae of the name On motion of Mr Jaekon aecoodcd by Mr Koadbonae the propoaition waa aeccted and tbe llyLaw Coumiltee in truelcJ to prepare a ByLaw for the pur pose After ordering the payment of certain eonalable accoanti and referring olben to to the Kiaaooe CoBioiitiee the Council adjoaraed Coroners InqneBt On Wednesday Iial Iba 29tb laitant he Coroner Dr Ilamaay htid and la- qaealupon the body ofaa iofant fooodin aa oulhonae on Lot So 14 of tbe Sib Con of Whilebnreh- Dr Kelly wai edited npon to pcrfnna the poatfflortcm examiealioo and from hia evideace it wu clear that Ibe child bad breathed that air had befi inhaled Uiher witnoan were exaaiioed who proved Ibat tha infant was the aataral child of a girl of Ihe name of Gsraelt a aervnl living al Ihe place Tha Jpry after hearing full pirtiealara nf the caae bnnight in a rrrdiel lo the ef fect that the child died from the want of proper attention on ihe part of he moth er and they itrongly condemaed her for her aeglineor indiSereaee The MlUtU tte hive all along baliavad and on- lendad thai on iba aaaatntliag of Par- liameiii an additional appropriaiioa would tie vnied to enter ihe aipaoa ef provid ing for tha additional voluntaar eorpa- niea offvcad bat not oa yet eieapled 11 d a paragraph in Tueadsya GlAt wtiich we lubjiio fully baara out Ibe iaw we have haretofora nzpraaaed Twmiffire ihaaafda kava heM anrwtld and aft iHiv Jallj trgMia with the aaeeo- fint ef 2000 wIm havt oat ytl rtedvad ckxa- inf hui viij b ppNtd al tnet towipanlM rvMaiinf 10000 lata ta ald4leo baffa bta bai ia Oottrnvtiit havi ffOQS la ihr tntl aiiMiI r Ike voieil aad eaa da aa ta lilt aiMB la tahaa by Parhajnttt We mnka no doubt the application of the Newmarket Voljnteera will be re ceived and gataiiad arnong the firat aa- iiounced after lha aupplie are toted The Qmt IsterutioDftl WkM Sbow Nolwiibtlaadiag tbe iajury wbtat bat lusliiecd is ooie seclioaa freia the aidge aad froa railil b tkobt Ibat tbe later naiioiial Wbrot Sbow lo be held at Rocbrtler N Y Septeaber 8 9 aad 10 IS63 will be a great sKcesa Cen pfiitioa la opea 10 tbe world Preaian re offered aMeatief 10 iva baadred aad forty dollar and lha live of haldiof the abw baa tied ee Ikat lb wbrat ex hibited will be ia deaaad for seed Oa be lati day of ibe exbibilioe a publir aac lio will bebald oa ibe graond at which tba exbihilei eaa alitr their wheat for aale We ar rrquesled lo alale that parliea roa dulaaee wb eaaaol aliead ihe as bbitioa Bay forward ibair wheat aad bate it ealrred Fall parlitalai can be oblaiaed by adilreaaiag Ike Freaidal ef Ibe Sfcicty Joatph ilarriii Itockeiier N y tirlyaa tbe Medierraaeaa If aaeh a ariety cao be foeai It ia keped ikat it will he txbibilfd ll Ibt Great lateraa lioaal Wheat Sbow lo ke held at lUckea ler K YSipleaber89aad 10 1863 Sch a rbealike ianilfaaeerlaall wnrib aillieas of ddtlara lo Weaiera Sew Yeik alone Rewa from Mexico Ily tba arrieal of lha Aoanoih from Havana on tha 3Jnd we hate lata inleUi geiice trom Meiico Tha Telegrapha aupphea the following paragraph which wuuld aeam to indicaie an aod lo Ihe French and Mexian war Aa arrival fntei Vara Ciea 13lh al Ha vaaa auiei 1lal Urate waa dlrd an Zni pire o iK IrHk laBimilra Aaatrla waa poelaimtd Kmptar ij ha wtU accept if ool ia lo aeWt aoa ttatuiea ware firad al Vera Ciua la boater of lha tvaau BdltorUl tnutttr See the anneoaeameat ef Hoeeebe 1 Fiiionaie Sale ia ear dvaiiiao ealoaoa toilay Board uf School Tiosteea Heeling lakaa ptare at the Railroad Hotel ea M iiay eveoiog next cotQiseaeiag at 7J hfrTaaarannouncaila-dayhiile- leiniiiaiioa tosell off tbe cemdei of bia auBimai stock ai piicea to auil Iheae bard iiieaa Ouc patmna aheald obaeite ibeea labliabmenia aelliog off if Ihty waol to make baigams The BradreiJ Inlaoicy Coropany have annooneed Iheir fiiat txcucaioa 10 Baiiit per Steamer to eome off Aagiiai S 1663 The Boat will leave Biailfofd Whaif at 64i a preeiealy SiEgle ticket 79 ile The fiiai Quariley Meeting en iht Newmaikti fc Auiota Ciienii for ihe cot eni year takes piece on 5sbbeik neii in ihe W M Church Proepect Stieel Ser vice 10 commence ft ten oclock preciaely Ptviout to the eloaa of the aervlcea the Holy will be administered Buainasa ireeiing cn Saiurday altetnoon tomotiovi St oclock p n BoaiJa ctf School Tiuaiees abbuM bear in mird that applicaliMi to Coaocils In coltecl Setiool Taiaa moat be mide by ihe fiiat reeeiinf ia Augeai ptovnUd ihey deaite Municipal Cooncita lo celled rate for ihera Whitchacb Cooncil meets ai SteoiTcaa on the lith aad Kisg at Schomberg on the 9 h Aegssl We have no dale lot the ohsc Monicipaliriea Newmarktt Orammu Bcheel We direct apeclal alteotion to aa adve liaeiscnt rclatint to the Grammar School The acale of feci ha been rednced aad the Board of Ttaiteee are deteroiaed to make the School with Ihe lid of aa ef ficient aad eipibla teacher like Mr MAKLtHii juat what it really oaght to be lit Grammar Selinol of the Cously Personal at gld to leara hit Dr IlArKETTe Mijoartvlooni of the mericaa Watering Plioea ba bid the tendency toao far improve bis health as 0 afford every teaaonable prapect of hi UioK able to ain resume the praclieeot hia profeuioa ia the coaroe of a coople of weeks CDtrfBjiiinipnrp Eul7 VlMfc Tka Gtnrm Farmer for Aagnt uya Ibal aioce the adreal of Iba aidga Iba great aia f tbe wheal rovar bat kaea to get a raritly thai wilt toae ielo flawer a few day kefora tba ardga Bia aaka ibeir appeanaee Tbe ftaaoa why tba ledi terraaea ia ae anak labia la iajary by lha ndge enowaaaiy called Ika weaeil u la earliaeaa Bat il t wheat ef eeet- paratitaly poor Wkat ia waied tha Forma ay ia a nriaty ef white irbeai a go u Ua SmIc lad u py U Ktb diw I ff Um or Cot T lU FJUcaikt VMarin En Sia Having noiiceJ in rhe Tornntn Ltnifi aiiLl Ibe Sclienbeig Esamtntr ol last wek aome lemaika respecting be Nawmaiktt regalia 1 laka ilie liberty to ihrew aome lifhl on a aahjecl on which both Iheae journala appear to ba under a ClDrf The Nawmaikti Regatta ia to be a raee ef iwo nt ihct cuiiera and faur Kkonnara about three feet long laalela if late veaaela aome buitt in and 01hea at New Yoik anJ tha aailing will b COA- IfMted on the same plan aa tba Royal Yacht Clab manage their regaliaa The lake 01 which itra aailing ia la ootne If la a mile long 01 nearly ao ani of aol- ficient width aa te allow a Gig or Puai race Bfme lonx aicb may lake place iheie If Ganeiala Meade and anJ Iheir DnneO foicea weie berethey woold in thiee momhv drink all the water no not even if it weie apiriiualixeJ It woaM be a wonileifut elephani large aa the tewn ahip uf Wlnicbmeb that wealU abaeibalt itie watxr Aa aorre of Ihe edttora promiae 10 aliend the Regalia ttay will have an opportunity of making themselves acquaiotecl wih the inpof laptiy of lha loealiiy particolaily Ihe Lake m qoeetion a matter oa whieh Ihey appear to entertain ao difftreo aaepinioo and 10 be ao obviootly irtaant ami ihey will have an oppoiiuoiiy too ofwiiaeeaioc a barmleaa and jorvoceui amuaemeiil whieh Ihey cac lepoit for tba baoefit of their reaJeia I an Sir yoar obedient servant Narncoa Newmarket 97ih ialy I86J lemperuM For Iht Nnemarkel fra 8a Allow me throogb Ibe eealoiB of yovr paper to auggeat 10 ihe TemparaACa Asaociaiinn of iliis villap that it ibeT re ally ere in earneal in be lemperanee canee ll wouUt ahew far better laale 10 ibeca loyat their apeekere 10 eeoGna itiemeMeee le apeek oa tenperanea maiti than it ia a otieu ia the caae le allow ihem lo apeak dttpii singly of ittdisdaale and le abaae and vilify England and Englibmenbeeeua he doea not happen te see ihe civil war in tha gloriOQaold Union iniaal tbeeame light at Ihey dn net thai I euppoee En gland ar EAgliahmea aare ona airaw ur lo aboae Ihera eo thia tide ef tha Atlaniio ifioti popotar bl lot Ihe eakeofao phi- taniliropica movement a the Temperaoce Cauae dialike te henr woaldba oraiora laka advanuge of a Society le lagncb ilMii iweifdie to aetify their own apleea aod pender 10 Ihe aeciet prt M an iasig- ilficant few when tbe SMiely is erned Hi an oaieasib differaal ali To aay tbe leaat each atucks are eowanlly and a eaa Youia Ike- Faia Plit ITewmarket Joly 39 1863 ScKTrvm or Watibloo Frea of 6cil rrtorda il apeart Ikat tkera are 143 galhat rettna efcara abota ibe raak of captaia BOW aliva lo ctlekrala Ika forty- eigkt aaiTtrary ef lha averaeaorak beitla f Waterloo Tka raak Ikeaa of- Seen naey be aaaaariiad rt followi Ergbtcea gtaerals Iwcalylkrea lieatea- aot geweralt Ihicly major geaeratiliveaty- fiva coloaela iweaiy five latattaaal-eoloa- aU aigbteea najon ud faar aaptalM ilf2u4 Paprr iMUr froa 7lekibvSi Tba bllowing letter ba bees baoded B for inaeniotr It eonea from a nan well kaowa lo a laf dreia ef friead io thi Beighborhood aad ot in wkoae atale- meala iapTwit eoafidaaea eaa ba placed It noat b a great aosrea of aatiafaciian to Mr Webb to bear of the baalih aad ufcty a tea ao highly aaKcmed aod of K wollby a ebaratler VicxtBOftd July 7 ISM D Sts Thy kind letter of the 211 ane wa hatided to ma an hoar liace I bad joti come ia from work where we had been tearing ool aomaof lie fortiSoa- lioai that we bad been for the furtyaeven day prcviou to Ihe aarreoder laboring lo er and ehaniaj tba guaa to an atMSt fice We batll Dp and are now leariag down agaio and chaning ihc artillery into tbe rebel litM of worki where il will remaia uatil a aev and atroai line i oosMroeted for tba defease tf the city Tba werka wtH beeommeneed immediaie ly aed a large f pat iato tbe dtggtn at once Yoa will hire heard before this mehea you if not already of the surrender on lha 4lb of the famed Gibraltar of Ibe 5batb with it garriioa of iweDtytbrrc thouaand troApa over two hundred pieeca of artillery and fifty thouaand alaad of mall arat alao a large ataouDi of ana nitioa An ainistice waa greed nn Ihe 3rd wbieh raaallad in tbe aaeoaditintial aurrender m Iba 4lh ll wa a day of rejoicin aad a aoeae aad event long to be rooembered Thoraiag waa briKbt clear aad alill Tbe eaaoooading that had beea kept ap for forly aevajtdayt had At aise oclock tbebel troop marehed Out aad ataeked their arm Oora noted in aad look poaaeaaioa and run ap lha tara aad tripM on the aever- al brta and on the Court lloaac The aeveral brigadea nirehed lapreccdod by baad playiog the aalioaal air and took the poailion aaaigaed tbem A ulote of ihirlyfoar nn wai fired iahonnrofthe day aad all wa quiet aaia No aeiay demonairaliona of juy waa made by oar Ireope nodiapoiition aaaifealed to cAlt over a fallea toe and neither tbeo Bor ince have I heard ofaa iaalaaaa io wbieh private property wu moleated Courleay and a rard fur tba feelinsa of tbe ooo- uered marked every laovemenl Nol a uaat or aa laaall have I beard thrown out and I preaame the MCaa bai ao par allel rfl biatory On the mornin ef the 4lb tbe hoalile attitadea of the two armid waa kepi ap sntll ibe botfr for aurreader bol when ihe rcbela bad lacked arm all aiTi of enmity vaoiabed inMotly our men were aooa mioKliag wHb tbcira aad il aooa be- caoM known that their proviaiooa wer exhaoaled and Ihey were nfferinz with hunger This wa ucient to eallat Ihc aympalbie uf our boya aod during the afternoon and evening they migbt he aeen ta aaadi and aintty loaded with spare proviaions from their eoiapanie and ear- ryinK them lo relieve the wania of Ibetr itlken LreAros aod from that time ap to the preaent ibe inlercoorae of the Iwo armiea baa been moat kindly Tbe priv onera are limited to our tinea but full privilege of going to any pari of tbe city aj ihey please They go and come aa Ihey think proper without iulerrnption and generally aeeia quite eoutenicd Ma ny f ihem are taking Ihe oath aad a majority will never return to iba rebel army unlcaa forced in tbeaa are Mobile Tenacaee and Arkinaa troop The Texan aod Miaaiaippi Iroopa are grit ty and profeaa lo have foil fsilb ia Ihe juatiee and final ueeea of their eauae Tbe i7th army oorpa is alalioned here for the ammer Mclberaon coniuiaodinj aod the other oorpa ordered caslward Three corps are already movinri aoJ a report noeived here aieee 1 hate been ritinj uya they bare oome up with Jobn- aon and eaplared 7000 pnaoacra who will be brcajhl in tomorrow 1 think ihe deaigo it to exCead osr line to Co- lamboaoatlM Alabama line Butynu ill KCt tbe acwa through tbe papen We shall probabiy remain here during the aammer and fall Thia pieoe of newt will I inial raliete yoar aaxiely ia rr- sard to ray aafeu lo aome exlcnl I ahall aot bo likely to m expueJ to danger and ao far ibeeliaate i agreeing witb me 1 eonld not hope lo be healthier in Cana da than I aa ia MiaaiaaippL Ibe troop U engaged ia tbe aiege aad laboriag by raliefii ia Ibe ireacha aifht aad day aipuaed lo aaaakiaeaad Dlghl detr hare niffined ooarparativdy Ullla with ieknean Tbe weather ia now rery boL We have hower ooaauoaally thateoue vary aecapuble I aa aked io every teller to eema home I alill ialead to do ao if I eaa get leave of abaeoe i aioat aay 1 am aot altogolher uagaine of aoccaa io thai There an a great aaay aoiiow for furlonght who have baea oal aow nearly two year and I preauaie Ibey will gel tbe prefireaee ciiD I will try aa aoea aa our oSeera get through with the preaa of baaineaa palnlipg and diapering of tbe eaplared army At pteaeal tbe attempt woald be aaeM Ual ay paper ia aear- ly fall and 1 asit eloae I will uy lo write won again lo aome oa of kba fami ly aad thaa aaawer mora folly aoma of iby isqairia Joaapha latter ha beea reeeiTed My love to yoa ill Write aa otkea al Mraaieal to SiLAk 1 iiD Polia NalKil Coveinmant bat re- foaeJ toatrewloibeai pointa oltha IBie PeWera and will itao a maatfeato 10 in peep Tbe Tnt draw atlention 10 lha arreal ef ao Enaliahmao io New eixora of blllt bald ty him en Schi ler ft c lean ll aays a geaiani hoold ha ebiained fo lha aalej of the prapenr of aetftrala wiihii ibejariadieiiea of IM Waabiagt Ootara- In lha Haoaa eflrdaEarl Atalie in qaired if an elBcial rapart htJ been reetiv- ad of tba SriuK oa iba aiaaner Margaret aad Jeala H- aaderstood that iewan had prootlaed inquiry and repaialioo bol he thought that itp should Iw taken 10 aiopiht itcuirence of such noli II- alao asked if il waa tiue thai the Fedeii cioiatra had lesolved to tske no more pn- les hot sink blockade ruonara jil Huwell aaid no report had been re- reived from Ihe Cavernerof the Bttiamaa He had Koiloubl ihe Washington Govern meat would give repaiaiion aa10 the aink iog of the blockade runaeta ile hal no leason to suppeae the repori was correct Lord Stanley aaid the Galwajr contraei had bvenornt 10 Iba Company lor accept ance It waa Ihe aame aa tba old comraci ind ihepeniliiea woolJ beatrietly enfuteel It cold he on the labia ol tha Cemmoa fnr a month CciiMoantal new ia meagre and anim penant Polish affaire ar onebangad Vanao aanKOinatr enfagementa ate raponeJ A decree eempela Polwh lanownenio make gnud all Ibe Bsooeya taken by Iba iasur- genie from the Treaaory Tba 7nr ediiorially ahowa tha inex peOieney of Mr Boebueka moliaa can lending ihai Ihe prveent lina waa iaeppM- taoe for inteifereoce An imponam debate hwl takan plase ii the ilova of lordeeu Poland atUJoa sell and Derby both agreed It was nol 1 caae fer erineJ iitierteniion Kislant could do nolhiog fnnhet than aobmii the piopotals ahe h Earl Derby de- precated even diplomatie inieifeience The delMte waa coiiai ltred by the London journals aa deciaiveof the policy wonid pursue Karl Rusaall in reaponsatoa memoi ffon Liverpool fur an anendmeni 10 the Fareigo Eiiiistmtnt Act rtplie itialihi Act is rffeciual for all rtaaonable purpotei and eaia fur ne affleodment lo the House of Commonaenthe I3lh Mr Hotbeck wiiMrew liiaaoiioa for recGniiion ef liie South his own leelingeto Ibe wiibaaof Lord Palmer won Lord Palmeraion Mid Mr Roebuck diJ right In withdrawing the meliou ile ho pml thia woold ba tbe aal time any mem bar of Perliament woaUl make uae of bis interoourae with any fHeign aovereign aurb pracaedinga beug exiitmtly inrg- The OOonoegline pmteeied egairsi Mr Riabocka bsllar hoalitity 10 Ihe Nixth lie bslwvMl Mr Roebuck and his friend- wtra acluaied bv the bejiel Ibai tbe de troeiMa o Ihe Union woold be a great ad- taniage lo England H abould consider ll tbe greateat calamiiy to the world jFotfigu k Cnlonial Arrival of the SeotU Car Ract inly 24 The leaaship Scoiia from Liveiml 00 tbe 18b tia Qaeeotiownon ibe h last wa boariled by ibe nawaboal of ih Aaeo eiatad Prase aod ihe ellowiagaammaiy of bar aawa okiaicad Har dataa are oae week laiev Tba Raeaian reply aa lha Polish qeeeiion bad been raceived- It i believed to aaeeai to the ait pointa named by Euglaad Fiance aod Aosiiia bai pro an amaeaty lo- ateadef u aimiatica Thar ia graat taziaiy le learn lha final raaali ef tba baitia balwaao Geneila Laa aad Meade Tba Eagiish toeraala aeaetd pralaa M tka Ua4oa troupe The Loodea TVaca kewater daoi sea ha ground fee Liucolea hopeful aaticipa iians It aaya ibe priaeipal aimggte ia lo looking al Vickabsrf aad PuvlHad- B firaer Wheal partially Id 10 3d kailar Cora bauer Protiaiooa qil aad aiaady UTcar St ni eoTu UasuD 16 Tb aaaeflbn of lhajnlh jraal thai Spate iaiaad to tMagniie the Soaib- ara ata altasTy lelea Spaia will Weil Ibe uitialit Ksiglaad and Franca Jl ia tepoited ibi Qoaaa Vicioria ia a laitar u the King of the Balgiaoa pronieae i carry oat hia daeiaioa in tha tfrazilliaa Amerlean BaTolatlon- Waiiiotoi Jaly 22 From the oSical tteaest of tbe pablie debt oa ibr Itl of Jaly ieraitbed by tba Treasarrr Depirtaeat Ibe followieg recpilulalioe la takea Ite lolal public dtbl of iLe Unit ed State on July Ibe 1I a bowa by Ibe bonkt of Ike Tretaary Deparlaeal u 910972U3G L July 23 Ol Tbora- day iIk Khh la a swtere fijbt occuired bvtweea the uader Cea Blent el tiea Cooper Confadsraie iorcr result I g lu tbe compleia rout ef Ibe laler Fiading lliat tbe Coafiderates bad fjllTo back from Fori Gibaoa liea Dtaet with oivn aad 12 gan lef ia porauil Atler marcbieg M ailet ia M boara br foead tbe CMSy 000 atraog ia poaitinn hn lk Creek Gen Uual iaiaediaiel ailaektd the Coafederatea Or arlilltrr disinouDled two Coafederale gsol which were captered A cbar waa fiaati ide wbea Ibe aoeoy fltd ia cocfuMou oar cavalry perauiag Wkee Ihe ceariei left llie Coafederale Iota traa CO killed and 2 woended oad fOO prveoaera Oir loo wai 10 killed aad 30 wouaded- We cap tared a qoauliiy of coaaisxry stores Gen Biml iboagb tick coaaaadtd ia per sen Foar M Jaly 2k Tba Sg of Iruee Coat New York arnted bera lal eeening froa Cily Poial wilb ISOO re leased Federal priauMra asd left inae- dialely for Aaeapolia Ricbaoad papara to Jely S3rd ar ra ceivad Tka Smlimti of Jaly 32ed sayai Jiigk baadred wd forty Yaakaa ia Ricbiaoad OB Monday 123 nf which wtra froa Jacktoa klias aau the balaea froa Gatlakvrg Yaakee pnaooer eoafiBed ia Ibe building opoaita Cattle Thaoder was fired at hy the lawrd aad alreck resder- ia aopaUlisa aecesaary Jackioa Mm aarreaderad to ibr Federala uader Gea Graat oa Ibe 9ih laat THie Sentiiul eonlaiae Ibe follow iag CHltTO July 19- Five aoni lora aod five gaaboata aad aortir bl asaraled by Iwo laad balletiet aaontio five gaaa bta 6r4 farioatfy at Fort Wagaerall day Oa of oar gua ear riagea waa diaaoaaled Siotd GTBEAUREGARD CHtBkatTos Jely 19 Aficr a larioes beabardmenl of elevee iHMiri tbe eaeay asaulled ballery Wagaer despe rately aad repeatedlr Oar people foegh deapenltly aad repulttd tbe attack wiih great alaagbter Oar loaa waa coapara- tively light bet ioelodra anny valaable oficera UngalierGaaeral Talilaro cob- aaaded eg oar aide digaed O r BEAUREGARD Tbe Rickaoad Whig kai Ike following deapetch CHAaueroN Jaly 22 Tba eoeay cosaeseed akelliog agaia wiib but few caaaahliea ea our aide vVe bad ia Ibt battle ef tbe i3ib laat about 190 killed aad woauded tba loaa of Ibt Federals in killed aad woaeded aad pritoaers was aboel 2jlttO Nearly 300 were buried eader a lag of trace Col relaaa Ac liwg BrigadierGeaeral aad Col Sbaw ceaaaMiog a aegro rigiaeatv war kill ed The Whig aays ibat Ibe Yaakee priea- aert captareU el lttysbarg aaeeeeded la gitiiag oa to Kickaowd aed war aait to U Ceapw Coiuxaut Joly St Niaa baadrtd e Morpaa laea were ledged la Ceap Chasr priaoa lo4ay They will be kepi eoil Ike oScari ef Straigkla expeditioa are rclievad froa Likky prao Niw Yeic Jaly 27 A cafeipoa deal el ihatroU datiag JaehaoMMiea- 1 reperla Ikat Ibe Khrary of Oaiia kat keea capiaredeoapriasag aete- ral beabeli of prirala aed pohltcal paperi of lha areb Iraiter Saveeal leiltr oa scceatiaa dated back la S8Maad the col leclioa will knag to hghttba wbola secret bietory of ac Tba leUeraare froa both Norlbmwd SotibtrB traitor S UuieiU jG spiila f Memphiaoo tlie iSrd gita tha pf larf nf ihe occupation of Jackaoa kil- O the ISrli portioni of our fca- undar Qn Parka made an aitae wara aet by a legion of new re from Sooth Cnrnliii who alter a an giifaiiMnt of halfan boor a loaa of 3l0 Our nen occupiod the poaition UH Mi mortiing when they trado a a etaeuatad aetting Bra to a nurnba bouaee Motnining commiaasry whieh ware enlirely coniumed with th addniori of aome forty other buiWing ignltrd from iho houeaa fired by Ih rtbela 1 he city waa at once occopia by Gen Shermin who ainl cavalry t interrupt tlio communicaiion and prs vrnt the army of Johnaton from joinin Hragg which it wa aupiiiaeJ he o- endeavour to do The rebel anny 1 but little behind Si deliberately bad Ihey left the ilace that they look ail their aick DMrler are contiouslly coming in from Jolinston Army Tbey axpras ihanaeaa diaaaliabad with lha alapa tha caiapaiga ia taking and willing lo throw dnwii iheir gum and take fie oath ol allegiuica U tbe Foderel Govertimenl The loss In Ihe varrou Irraihee aod aasulta amounted to OuO men Ilut few people were fouud in lha place cioel ul Ihem foeignera Pembartua waa coraed liberally a c traiisr and onwnrthy nf the Confederacy At Vrkiburg lha FeJeral worka were being levelled ancibe rebel fbnificoiiuns put into more perfect coodilioB Anum ber nf the fiiieal guna arebeinj rrvounted and the plnca ia aa a firaielas mil iiary lortificntioti CiicissiTl July 2S A apocitl patch lo the tommmiif dated Lexln lin Kentacky aaya the rebel atueked our forccs at lliehiuond ernaitini of a aniill detachment under Col Sander After aa boura aevera fishlia our troop were compelled to fall back lo tlio Ken tucky river badly cat dp The rebri force waa estimated a 2600 witli aix They arc auppowl lb the advancc uf Briijt urmy l Ihe lilrat sjvioee vur trrrfu had fallen back within five mile of IeiiBsloo The enemy ia closely following Martiaf law baa been proclaimed in Lexinton and all the nbleboJ citixcnt bvlitecn Iri and 4A have been ordered to report lor duly It ia thoubl iho cily can be held aiainit ihercbeU Kcbel eilixvna rcpnrl the rtbcl force over 15000 atruflg aod moving in a aor- iberly direclion LLil I ThinnerDillnS N C 00 lha V i WAiHtsCTO July S8 Aceordiag lo iafarimliin received toiSay tb report is nnw fully confirmed liit a corps of Gea Lees amy onder Zogstreel Kill od ICwall pated iLreugb Cbetler Gap oa Thursday and Fiday anJ at now at Hie soutb f Culpepper Tlw paga ef Iba rtbela was eppowd by Buferl eatalry but be wa obliged to fall back Bufoid however hung upon Ih rebel rear and captured many prisoner and lha lierd bertlorore aentioned Iongilrecls carpi paased Ibfougb Calpepper oa Friday aod caraped that aighl aosib of the Iowa All the available rilling ttock of tbe Virginia nilroad was eoaceatraled at Culpepper abd it wai generally thiiilii that Gra Ir wa nakiag all pooibte speed to Hichmond but Geo Uaford liaks the rebels intend to aaka a laad oa tbe 8auth side of tbe RapiJaa Kwells nggin Iraio with a ftreag guard went aoath froa by way of SteunUa Ij asoiJ eaptara by ear ear airy Our cavalry during lha Mlirc last cam paign Mgnalixed ilsalf by a drgria ef energy aad daring aaeer surpaaied Rebel pritOBars aed rrfagee ar iraaai- oosii Ibe tatsaint Ibst Ibe iBorato e Ibe rebel eruy ia Virgiaia ia brokea and ibat great dcpoBdeney preeails in all circles and partieelarly ia tbe aray Tlie defeat of the rebels ia the South Weil at Geltysburg aad at Uorii IsHwif kn at laat eAotmeed the rebel anliiira of iteir tulaarabihlr Fusther tbal Gta Leaa plaas stpporled by the fiawcr ef lb Svlber troep haiiiig proved failara by ftif enargy of Gea Meade aad Ih bratery im eaduiaace of Ibe army of Ihe rotome will nvceautate Ih reconsIMlioB ot th iebl aray of Virgiaia while Iba defactioe ol G Joseph Jobnston and bi re aal fa obey Iba ordera of Jeff Dafia will em ara- oaaslruclioa of tbe rebal aray of Mra SiutbWesl Intelligtal rebel oScera now in oar baads aduil that ibis i Ibe aoal laomy paneJ fer Iba bepe f Iba Conftderaey New Ye July 26 Th Httalft Wtahingtof special deepateWauea ibai il i bkliavad thM Gan Jo bat luecaad ad in eacapiog with hia army and wa al Culpepper or Orange Cri lloua on Saturday night lha atfairai Cbraier Gap i aappoted tn have baoa wiih liis rear guird 12U0 beafcittla and large drota of ahaep dettiued for the Conf- erates were captured by our ettalry oa riiiiraday tiear Chetar Gap All the Gape eaat ef the bhanAndoah ar la owr posaeasioD A Confederal deepateh dated Morton Miaa 18 h date that their army ia alill fnlliug back li i staled iltai ili eiti xena of Jaekaon aftar Ila Coafedaraia irooite Ian turmally aurrandared the city to Gen Grant Tha aniiM deipaicb etitai that the Conlederata captured and deainiyed ino Federal Commiaaary wag one in Gen- Granit rear alto ibst ih Federala croaaad ttie river on the 17h in lrng Ibrea end ar moring oa tho Confedente ateadily A Mprion despatch of iho 20lh elte that all lb Cetifederata gereral taker al Vicktburg have been eacbarged Ite Vaainer ArJgi from tiarUfo Rar ai p n ot Ibe t23rd haa arrived Amviigit hr paaaenger ara Oonis Strong ant tiayiDour wounded Col Jaekso and Lieut Col Rodman wound ed and oihtr Th rago on lS 24th captured tbsaieamer Emma of Lortdun from Wilmington for lierffluda with cargo ol turpentine roaio aud cclloo lowed her inio Ibi port Tha aieamtr ChampioB from Aapis wall arrived on the 7th Th Panama LgUlalur baa promugaled a rew coo aiiiution alectiog eoerel Seuia Colema ni toveraor ihui oualijig ibe present gotertior Motquer decree lelaiiv In morimiin and ante aupremae over lha churehaa has tieea ncquieeced in by the Uishnp of Bogota The ohurche in Penaata rrmaie cled krid iha priaal draaa io civilian cloihsw a raeoliHioo is to be expacierf on the in Guayaquil Everything i quiat uo th lalhmsi Tb ftnamer Pnethonia hi Port Royal 2Zid hu arrived SIm beard heavy firing whee ofT Cherlaetoo I he eiega of Fort Vgur wit favorably pru graalng a Huter oo Son Ttaii INpbtkerU I i Th p biiioTsi lubiicaiingmueout Seeoarfil JS renili1oosrnwhhhj2M Bcia eutainoflhpeliaiy Jt which ae Iiailt 13 ir tint cfironie Tf ui tHainoft tea 1 llien i klvwn grouirreUpJt rslMfrtsuof beaa htil ata eeen satifj225 lce uf ila mocous memSraae Tk2S2 tJa eevhons are eauscd by tae eaSlL mtnland disease cf itie maen riSP Most paooa are liabi to f SJ atiacks from simple rolJ fbcM occur perhaps iw JiP limes a year bet appear lo pMltf whZ ojury lo halth Afier a liae heww Hie pstiM mebea ef a t iiB liriiafioapioduaiogadaaaM ihellroit arvtral lioiea in Ule eachJjy Kemay eteu aat saHw ilk timell but ii is ntverihtleee oreerfte iiiiei Is Some aeniki later thiadJ tiiiM IS foueil to have increewJ andlE auenJnd wuh an occaaiesal ilesire te iSS iMt Ihe paiimi isiie his own oteaa flingaoiMjrrrAgfj44JJ On loiikms una ibe thruei endet ibJ eumtanctili geUiioa UIsialL tioned Win ba lound sluddiog ilMatakM ami ciuslng It 10 appear lovgbawTeS tfBBiimra they ezi in irrtyaiyJ paehes but mi cum manly an and each one is distiael Wkm Icivp 10 pricresi ihe aueeee Uliaba wittxn it Utrynx anon beca afaid aiiil I hell wr Imvu aliled le Ibe etkasaal p om a Attakineas like eeaca m fa3i O leading aliAi I iih freqoeel rw6 rlr th- wiNlpipe hy wbieh a IU btiiih etilooied miKoos I ler4ff 4ai coniiiftble ilitfieelit IriWt itaitneni el graaelar Mee lb the ssm coorse sboolj he pwaaed preerihpd7ir ralariti Cranutarai is palely a luail afiietion ant can eelr cuied by a local IrtiUne I as caiairh yiing uriie daily end lhMB fumiaaiini bsih ilrsetibeJ In ay lalhlir morning tnd avening When toe laiBg alao affecred the inhaNng inatraasMkH warm asiiingem inbataltona arvagaZe ing and eteiiiii aad the fuigaliHZ one a lUy Iheae msanacaa allbagS by iie paiietit at hia own heoae wkftlS ioeonvpnient fer him 10 tssit lb Some yeais ego ii twcanse faaUiaMi to treat till taetion by applyiag t Iha4 eaeed piita a siroiiit uleimi aaw f silver tt lunar cawffcwfk ifSSKit and pou Thuee epplieaiisaa ifBibK leat aelfering lo the patwal aad bginL clixirganiu lb moeeoa meaViaa wtt out aeoempliehing a lealb pen al ibfav etiairied by milder ataa WbeaailrtE ynx baa become eCseted it ii kwb tBi and dangviaoe id hwee iaa the ceil rd the toiee detiynad by aal fir Ibe reeeplieo efafr etreiig Jiuid eaoaliee Felly eoabalfef aprnpiire paiieue whet caae hat onder my ear had beea praviaatly lor dieeaae of tbe ibrsai by lbM silrer iplicaiifln and aalbn wiihoel any pimanaol beiMB maey efihea deiiH heia Ml bp iliaeswof Iheir nagt w iba buntinf Iktir IkrotI Tbra it an rale whiab aip ugbl ffie 10 ebeeite iniba Iraata Aised muooia merabiaoae aad never to apply any iady ao M1 produc fmraNoi All wraaia i seoah nd he liillvwad ba Ion Slight aariiag anendel astiinteots bl devidmj Urt I ihsi the weh it lee tireag aad aegl reituced A sironj eyewash ioerM infismmaiien il leaaaal laeraitda lu aironx caostiee tlid Ml dpiioy lb inlegiily of the a braf and aggravate lha iei Tbe mere eaaew that igaaraallf the greaiei will be tba aa n ennnaptiex DirmtaiAJbia fatal al ibruel whicbiaai ptefiliM lag alien ever tb wba la geneMlly believed la ba a I yei fiem ihe rfil tlfflee Hte daaetibed ai4M ibe eaaiBI ligitam tet9 ihiwi petrid aiw I a ieleHAtidy fatal MUl etoely roeeablsaribe dTtSl ndel ihe name ef 4iptbeiis I wluu are oaluJ esa ariaybfM thai itaia malady reeteKa Ha The a bertel iht lafrid and deainetii ah leeail aofi palatat aa lining of ibe feaaa whieh ii ia aaaa efdiAW aeietlvae apew of i bWe tb threai w disoeter m poiais ol ulceratiuB la t am peinia whieb weteteaM hie when Aist dlaeewed rw will he uunJ 10 have iaeeeaaad e a Mo cl piae od W Ml codor A a fin petrid btewv When one caotiaeusda hpbeltl manic hi thiaegb lie biiaib atw H he peraoa affaoad W A M bkllk speeifiopoiaoQ en wbi tkadMai ia earned into Ihe Mead by Ibe of ihe pvitened air The aareeg weak are equally afpaaed ll enly ihoee wnote bodily kail ilBoed by pretieeeMralianaflk Mbav cauaee ibal fill a prey a il Socb being ihe ovigfa aad Ibl tlipbtheiia 11 follewa thai lhe must be bnh liical and eeaslha feel Irs rgre It aMM b ta Ihe lArest and My ih deMi Iiee aed tonJilatkmil ia M blood and Dfllrliie ibe peiai ll Ttte eoly aiukltfa y duceeaasl I Ilia e Bireaentagae wbs ed by iihalaiiwi la Iraaiag Mia I diieritbe laholii able rifieeo mioaia Afiei lha I lepew Ika pfolefiJ inkaMi low II ky on el cblorm re ihree appficaiaea ata aa in dteae and reti0Tbe bhadta it The pDloiide dtprite lb III imperil y while the of Ibe ehlisine arraet I mncuua rwmbrane ahower the thtrai eeery lm bW tiruog eulaiienahieiaale40fc ed in ihiewaydipbeiia b ai a ataikra arMirge la anpfed a IJJ leitots and becuae a baralea aMn table diseaae lepritke I at lb aae tm My Bsxt letter will b an Mill A Your ebeJieet aerraai ROBKRT HUNTKII a Caeeeliing Itiysiclan 4i Pj Throat aod Lengs B BeyellNj Tewnte u ty- Very eiteesit repair are Ibe foflifillio a N S New aad feiaifckl k let are ia prtt of elrlla- Ball dally iatapd peltal tkiaHH of Lis Hit bkl aeeflaia

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