Newmarket Era , July 10, 1863, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET KIU JULY 10 J863 Mtvr AdTtitixurDti U Kmi l-i- It I Ur itiicfiili utt inulnal Id Viilnui all unit liejriiiT in futti fiioR aodir- 1 rupjuie 1 uVirn n ac cjeuljlcd to bentfil sod I roiii iiTelop iLc itide aod pfoprily of ih I i I ecuniiT li 1 To Nki tn ihf I tHr S lii I I J n wu Njal4r 1 LDJIJ DO Holland Lundlog ExcureloD- rThe pi6T IT cnJuLif jorpigii ColDiiiiil Arrlnl of tbe Sibtralin rrjf Anl Tlir ilfiuiiinrkft iFrii NfwmMkt Fntl1T Juy 10th 18G3 McctiDg of Farliamcnt Aliang ojriflofof ih kind iiin uf itiB lUcsJtii pi ul I j ih nii fieuttion pnriiet of h iti iin ruidiy ll nn Uait llii Lniij Uiy uiiUr lU r ii ttrnrlii if IliillirJ I4irfitg ol I rl IllJfrJ B c IJ ucffM fjf ws c iuM i iMrn olf t ihs aijiliriio nftl COftCCl Asiul vfn oVloe m hi liy In Ika Iw- cf WcdnMiT under lcy Irii ilo lidiid nn trine Ihc hedis TiiS ne niih Itx I1 lero ir lio Imtidird c I fitt i w Bad lUels ccnkuiinnJ iriiKirt ud pserjrd lu ite buiv liiilo I III liniiy ft tiji 1 i nj Uiuilriit inn d II iiratl ivlirr inent tl tod eoni Irui diliv on i m triixl ut ih nminni iriin ihry and unirjrnnttlt diii uw ib j itusJ ilmiy or lofly rVciui ilc n Brt iiKrr CI piiui cir iSfv eiil lu 1 ick a rry IriiJiiT jhii iMile or fno 2 lit leiftni u Lji li intx l I ijiij giuwii- Corrpijpfliikiirc fur Ihf VriTMirtrf ru Spring Hill Soiiee Tlo unnml iriroo if je innml iriroo i iiua if lenprjn Silmdiy tilt 27ch uli in Wnin5 lu r J jdjinnin iCin uioroin e pdI very jrou lie princhill the brjuliftit Mclald VUliouli ibr ID iliio I FTISI PoiKT Jul 6 Tlli iTTnliin ihinijn Irum Lii 3 i in liih and IBndonlriy 26ih luMfl 1 3 p m- The Ji iirhl LrUo Tilf in ilu inn inl ili lOclifd Q tpKoiivr In ih irnn uf I tfi b Mil 110 Hiccminii AC SuiHhrrpiriii at ii- JVn 1 M ArrxaiiJia rftd Tprmirifd in Ihe TiiJjci fjr ili drinHni 011 1i fun- ilHiilo pMiiw Sf Uiig Cjrim in Jllruli III Jiiy 11 III dfrillUiilclll- ilill oiibm K io- tlii ihy 11 iwurlinJia Ilch at WMip 111 iiil ibei iriap liTi mi m il Knsen MrAnQvi irrn Atar or the T L-I- 11 J iiinx S14IB riio AiiiiiiiyCJpi I Tivc MHii GTThlko Jul 1 fiir iliai 111 g vinininl liaj tn in I Cifiiirtl ordfri No 6i Th CommKd ilirlhri lgirillinl ociab iiij jBnernljn twlinlf rf b cnuniry iliiik I lie Army of he IoJuftiie fu lderiii re killed Gii Jafifnih of our cnlry n killed- tie Ciifd- IS loMc lire iiimiird nl SdOOU Ujr iroui9 are in the titglisii ipinii nALTiioi July 5 The AintcaHs iiileiligeoc from ilie ba ile eld up 10 10 ilick Ihia fnormng epraieoli ih ConfaVraiet aa boldii i potillon n ihe nioiiclaina iiar Ciih in am and forlilying en tieade hai ajvmiced 10 ilieaii- amya Imet There haa taeD tomo kiriuiahing bui in Unule The enemy 11 bliofil m be rflreai- ing Inward lane ick Tricre n no luih IliB repirieo cnpiue Lniniret nr There 11 a dead Mj ir frrnefol il e vikaooii 11 IN U Iliil 1JIU I if I I Ih- 1 Tti J r ol tu ilrllilijI iitlrfi urtimad claim- 4i I Jitii Il ilit lihipi glorioui friuli of lha recent operaiiaiia Our enemy are Urior ii numberi iid iljii lliiminjluro uocaaalul io- I liNiy 10 llio Poaiirj lut Kj I turned to tlia cjluuiDs cf a ci cmleiip r iry vf i div prMout iSe cJrir would liava dlCTed Itial Ijiiututni i 1j uiuni8tinl al ocfp 10 nrt fcr Ihe do piKh uf baiie on Thjrdiy the 13h lay ol A95UJI It cjuiJ nul poMilik be cjnrefivd much xinfr and eion if ii 1 com in poi lilisrreni innili pntilge tirrJi 11 II IilVii llur KiiI III iiwii ol III The Aiiuinry UeiAil iinju 1111 III iilintcl lljr rtitf r4- bofule iti6 1 il Tha r com n in rj Tha 7fnig tt rad- liaviI 111 LM CiNl lliion e i KMinea ai Iirai m luJje Ih pen Ir ty emiirni ruitfl un iv lind ue After ample jiiiie hd impo a In JiJuuliy nii g II e ii tljinxtproviJeH T i Ir h I at 1 diiani il lurntd ni lo b a U tiful dy About line oclcK- ill tuiiy aj Piiiil avDbld lo dl juilici- 10 thu nod thinii provided fur ihcin bv the li- J I Ji of Ik were iiiiiecd ct n aa 11 eKeiiti out 111 ihe wcer ui 1 1- 1 1 tllent while ilie Auruia bind IliTid f nly 10 C irh ila laU tri Ily 1 cl mmic ruch to the cnlirniiieni of t d II II iui IW1 Iiiiira from Suttfiii I the proccedingj and lo the eiijnymenl ol 1 A gKMj quadrj ihf IJty md du Cl lillI inrlly l aiiiJ iftitifol eierciie Tb liiij luok ujj ihfir ad ihe Oppitition wctild then be loudfg il tbe Jeountijtians cf the fimernitienl ulieia fwT cJIling meo tu Ule Ljaie ia tie uiidit PPJ t of hirfl I IPpMd i be yotwilhftsnding 11 iSe Kide eapilal cy f4iliu I Iriid to njki- y ibe prude of djuu ts to tlo ril of iba rrcenl CwOtitt iKe Minltrv huv- ibowo iheir perfect conlidence 111 tSe alaritr rf their frinfiplei and policy hj tbaj ciilj auvitnonin ibc LfiiUljrr aed aiihacli tLi afjii n ii rijVlv be a abvrl one wo hsvs no i mbt tUe litvli Iirn had wil lc wrtby of to not roo trtlinj the affjirs f niaif The prwnt eitri aeuion baa been icncd ly tie dirticeful c udjct f Cafti 1 I- i Hprins urP pioiou to the Olljt TrliuicQt Itul lli5 I r- 1 ihl in tin- hbt depending uji pjviaj ut thil jirliculr ein a poitiu t ihtir Teihera i rv frjri til crnniiut IirjM sie ro neeiin four nintbi of Ibe aiJaiil musl- Ij btarfd and fini all we can leirn lh Utiita lo till Azrijilliral prciiintrd the d Ihcmeetin vrjj oraniied bcjiling M I L Kfriin to lha ehiir Mr FeruiMn on comin- firwiid In wgy tn aliie tbe objl of clio neliftj wi Innd ki inr iiy ai hiari nuielj recrived and io a briifaod point- tniiii Otf 1 im ir c if ill- I fril laixnt act ft any pli- Minmeire in 1 loieiOed II Iteiniceri 10 oiercome or dettroy hi nrmy Iil1ad tnd defeated ho hna ni withdrawn from the corneal Ihe Iifimnma and faiigie tl army ha en- dued and tlia tiernic courege aid n tiiiiry il diplayd win be matleia oi hia lory lu be cer rememlered Our taak Hiini jet accomjiliihed anilltlie cum- inand iig looki tolhyarmy fui grnier otfii lo drive ffm our ami aery reiige of ttie prnaiee of ilia in ader hluld The flint oiuok waa nol rJ sBicrMfnl which aubjeclcd ihe tenUo to an endla- dinj fire hioh iept lbai duwit in preil nunbera Tbej weto n utfoooded and captured One whole lrijcd or falher wbal wf lf of it numoerio 840 fall into ear Jiandl 740 of whom r- rired here thia luoraing AmohR thtiu wre Colonel of ibe 7lli Mf with Colonel JhnftoD and Ciiuel Bed Oeeertl Frenlia aB aware uf thecou- leaiplitod attack anil prepaicd- lie had about lour thound nun aud aJwawiitod by ihegunUuilTyKr Ilia- 0flti ray tbo will bo lenewcd The battle coicnieiifcd al four 0 ckV in the moriiioi- and rontinued until ten I oelKk The CoDfedrrale luaa ia unl toaa lhan one tbnifand fire hondrcd iti lillrd woundvJ and imuini The entire Kido- ml low is not over 100 Md Jul I ported here by oficera tba oa Saluiilay afieiuonii our catalry umef rominaiJ o Kiliiick ieiteeiid a lelfeatmjj IJin If CimfeJefate too gotrdrd by Joo brijade near Monteryoa Ibe llajeratow load lie captured 900 pruonrrt liO jgn aud to Tb Coafrdaratra hIinJ to laxwa aa ihe tlTlIctd wiiictj- earn cited at an eiauple of Modri BeJk lie uppoiBg nationi to U maJ model Kfwn ib banja OnT Chill to California o ibc otber wbu il rthoot to be Ukca foiQ llif rtbrl u thtn tBi toe lllorlllhiereolQiioaq fromJn tn 30- j rcpubiea I prrQuie la dn b2 ib and I ilJi two thttie ith 0B wiik 1 and ahuiter eroa of eieCBlin ST r yeryiarielT if ditiloa eieeoiiTe the jadii rreijjn fu rit Imeiurt aid then tblihed cbuiebea i0 d a priBp fonveraiiun in which f leialatioe or wiib 0B wjti Ieitibeimn agreed md the iwu Caiierala alapped aikJ Vkat waa xid dori Ihe eeafereBCr eaB AAly bJudgird frnui be reauK Afier a hltlr oinrt hin iw boari rriei were agreed upon l cbell xrrrndrred h waa arrarged that ibe Kcdrral force hovld enier al 10 nllock a m ucit day fbe4lb Tl- rcbeli wei a l lo be pafoird o l poi- Tbe officer were allowed to irlaii itiT borei and four hraochet of governueQt aod l 10 ilieir inrariable axperieBs nt fall Into Crania kaadt along wiik naM arm fort dele te bk Coiana aic pletly and ia quality cual to tbe best ia the Coefcdc- uey At 10 IB on Ibe b ten SleeleV ditiuoa Riarcbed into and garriaooed llie ciiy th- baudi pliying niliooal airi The Kdrial flg wa iiun rea tbite building where of lat culy rebl enaJgaa mel Ibe hrrezr aail Viekburg waa in loral pot teiaioo Slice mire Not longafin liya I poietioi bad been lakes of thee My Cut lute infcfcnre for tbe future a to tbeftta offO iiiany diiera eonnnunitiea all faar m that if atjhiliiy Kaii vfntTjcnl llu not bad aJaUliiT and therelorc their deaeripiioa ofgotiril uicnt fannit be ood either for iheanlTs or for cOura Where the fault lic ni nnjine iatW Vnierican cooiititutioDi ifltwae pr ltrutf it ia not hard to My Tlieif a I iiiors both AnloAinerican aud American in npen retolt afniMt ihcyeoiridrrcd andinnijobiBioBiirit omiiletfly turpiiwd atid tiaable Mkid made bi eniranee leok charge ly conaidered the ciceaaei aad V uafc ao eiou ruiaUiice r Ilng j of ihe put oBiee and ajred to elabliti j frcAaiun of the anclenl autbofitj beard in the difectioo ef ib ereinya re tieainj coluraua cerday afterisuo Xaw Yo July 0 A WiUomaburg daapaicli to the IJtnliJ on the Vh aiya 5jenor Curtain iecid a da lliaright and projerthatrapuchfruni llatiovor aiaiingihatO 11 kuiiaoU iicciaiun our OOU Corfederatea and over a hundred greiteft ihaiiki to the Almlghiy dripaer oanoon were trvkeii Aieial rieaaiitiii in CotfrJe hfu Un nrrinn nt ih dk P td llt the uljet 01 I fais friend and aciaiit 1 rnce in rmote the tfid liapiiinfu of ininlnnd Lr acce 111 laklof gLAj 1115 ibaniahia froru our Und thai evil ucleW olT 10 aelArt liady ieirat j iotNi rrncf which hd Lijoht Mifi a heini enjT ih daliraci o iinun- i nimkind bv liviri- in victuns i iJed bv the fir aei and a- nkard a prave Tbe bind then biimnijiiam laJ PPetia mad keen by ih hreh l Ciied upon tbe Jlef Mr Itou to adjrcM 7 thv audiencf Mr KOM on conin n4 pUyAd Mvprai profti fo be a ireat fpiakcr iOv liavirereb I ilh dj all he could edh or ran the Uaiiillo iind I Lit I arJl Irctli- jiocc ixuitil ygl the 7 Iheiiuik ihfr pjcea bere for ihret evil ariii iroin modcraie driiiLifl and Of fur hojra the who took j tbe unUti ul binineaa of larern ill eroat- nnc ilerein j jined in ma iTerry dance hit I ic iuarr lj and robbin- miny famihct of h iraoughi iher nwM of mnuwrncDi f if S- ldld by lone 1I OiJ iid peaure lcr Iouiaa and Mnli Slijrily afier four oclk p m ih aiiJ I unit tun but III click par and M ihe uf ocenii that la the griodiiea nf Ilia jirovideiice Ha haa lluuglit fit 10 gite twligexfiia wbol iictory lo the rauai of ilir juai Ily couad of MjrOeneral Meade S WfLAM3 A AG Ncai jTTlic July J Tlir foiifedaran have irtrraied tnwnrd ihr Euionioc I hir akiraiiwhea were drawn pi tle CKOaijomeiit of in laai night Olid a aiiaii avalry toiee 1 triiiii ol want ol ahj ptnaimiiinc 10 jivie ar un ih- I tilih utjria HI I lie fuieijii maiii aei mairmeJ nil gjnpcw itisieail of fi we may pail Federal dii world roulei witb tbe let of tbe Litter frs tbo Hon Kr Xothe Tv II4 Jgr alt JuWM Otull Mrjaa timriiw I havo no reavm Ml plitr anohile auni Ii fr hcild the Gvernraect apporMnuiDt rt ciiij- brancri Sicieiie wil jjffcr iuiIcmHc hilc many wil net Lie ij L 1 1 fil cjhihition at all Tbi la ilc Tuitcf Cvaiit i- Co a conduct in fpfin the aupphea i n ce hc UovcrtiTuenl is net rrnbarrjued b an Orit rcl i th- Tiiit ti A iic f fr hiJIy Ic liade m iitv FU bul 00 oihcrC ihritl hmre o ih atniner anroaiced ilia reiurii jf ihe Emiy 1ji 10 convej the Kcufiiofna bckaiJalJ aiartrn ij tle dock the Band Ilitmg liely rmrch ierthiiig woa managed nl withiui tho ufail eruh nuendirg iL food nd 1 i the Kct Icwra pointin out the e ila arijin froiu li uf inmiicjlinc lijura the vffrct of it CD uint iitnia fwideii f tti LAoton iKliii a4Va l i in I ereni ol iiigtk 10 llifl Soffernmeoi II ll iMiIti iu liral traulta 1 Jl aiirpiiae il llo Imperial 11 alifrpd ilef ti he lj4irtl 11 I Ig ODnolhloa ilMri tiix I lel- ir rcrs lioihein Coiilerf y Thi- iT tulitiieirrtl 10 il wa probably ihcif rear guard pnBdthooh Ponra paad KminetJbog ihia morning about day j gh o i f Ihiladeljihia am ng light Odr troopa tav been engaged I OUKded oQicera nil day in liorymg ih dead returning i S Y Jjy 8 Vahijlnn apeeial lha wounded end collecting amall arnia riortj tlie order tely naed by irn rnon thouaand of which to ihe j nllrk foitinl lngffiei ef ihe army re CAU9Hrniet Iho Cui0drnt i inaMiitiK in Wiliinlon Kiihool pcia1 loou bridge at darn No 5 tiaj been de jlratv willbeputinfurrenaTveHlif occupied Mrunain Hni near liam- beriburg cuitmg nfTUMilodetate reirea CenernI llainiioiid hai infitr lo coiuplain of any portion ul tbe prmfor manuii of 1 iUU Confeoeratea Minded their ooinnieola od an loeomplcie fra and III nur hanHa at preaeni Our lorcat huld all the moon nin paaa ea eid our nrniy has furrted B j ii ciiii wih the Militia nlrnoal c mileiely aui- ouiiiliog and cruthing the eiiemt Cieii diiiiii tiaa cailuied 40 atcng int ofa letter pnuie tiuc ao addrcaaed friend in KincMon ind piven to bny looking after their nef- libirly ibat ihcT too fursot Ihey ri tiutpivcrn withoal atithoritj Retsm aalhirrUj Ibrj fuaad il iajd Lie to claita a due prtporlios ia tboir cooaiiiutions fur authnrity Theyeoril Iiul aducat aodcotidfain the Mm cipe in tbe aanic breath ifny daridi- Btifinpri iiiiiuis b part of kinoM McerovB by aertln2 the diriae oiigi irfTriinien ilic natural lijjht ofoia r be tcrned the virtrn cfeivil obedieei and all the olhtT elhictl Imthi un eny ooc of ihetii enierinto 5 lu tr I sieai Ihia Ma upon mc ruind lod body not only i world but ile wold to cone aa ilie dclirc hat uu dtunkird can eoler tbe liiidTo of beaten liernjt iog ilh the addrclci theia itu appro ilie 1100 jptiio Biuaic by Ihe band Votea of thnka ircrc then tendered In tvirdjrg uf cara on auch occaiiona c ladiii tbe tpcaktr the bind oltd Ine whia ogin aojiideJ and ihe boai i nd ihui piied off an moodfiomiiiewhrfandthceeraoii y b aeiilKfed tinJ the cufetiRff dirrcl hthT rifj1 ifwiu iheg ele ofsuiion nnd aurround iib tbe prccetdinxa Hoping that thei ing who hd jjirW ihi Tenjperanco Cauae may prcicr in our iciirMhiai4 in ihe felii riiea of ihe oc I lnd aod that tolil aUlincnce tiili aoon caroii and CHjriier ctjeera foin the p la- be i luitio uf all lueo tLichiitheonlv aei ger on ih lai aafeturd lot uiana tiappircM 3jbiti jl 1 lijnrg hin d iwn Irom the Pmn i that ttotntru j e il lnteiujriircc JC ilo Nbiili tut hei and I tie piiion of nioi iii al I nuuM 1101 attiin ihuriiaJel tfar 10 ih mIich iiiiea 10 acl wiih her I Ihe Ci federal lelenaie li been 111 Pii fui Aeal me I II th- sii it iiC nrwaheldi A ed by Lur caalry nlinoal unoppoa d and our cavalry m liai adriceahatf gno up to Wiliampoi to deatroy the two brijge there Other pieparaiioii are III prigre lo interreit Gen Leea Maajce 1 Ihe Poiomac nnd our army i- Iraadf in m lion S i much tioie huw Bvrr hna elapaed aince taeii e com ineiiced 10 witidrAr hia focn Ilom 01 from that hia advinca rnity have reached iIliainport in lime to Croat before we laieigly be preeii Peiion unle G Ia yaalorday paroled about 2- 000 Ieleral prinnera J hey were re I pMnrifrt a fTrri caived by Grn Couch Illl t Town Line Boad Ki rl lle lolli t npain iM J rjgiiieni I III da On Wednetday laaC ia cotapinj tbo Ciasisjioaen tofeTintenliB ie cnst rue lion cf the Town Line Wvs Hold wo ixataireV tbe woii now ia proeae Bid we isitl lay the taaner ia nKiih they have pushed firward ihp eoicrpria in the fice ofcreat difficultie and auiid the dcrlimn of not a fw who considered ihe undertaking a bopeKa tak il de- tJ arrtin- of all jraiacind crMuiueodition VIe croMwjjioc and brushin liar iriiur miny jre the iinifilc that the ofnin would the disjp jpe4iance of evert veeire rf lle rok tB parfunned but 0 fir fioai thtsc ropWiaa proving true evcryiin ro nainiaiGrm ind fixed aa it did hi winter Tlccroway II now beinf cjtired ih a ke CO Iti cf cljy and jritel and re fjr al It it 0 npUttJ i a Grit rale rriid either for winler or aumnirr i ntsJity the line waj euniflftid about half x Mar- DIAI pr k i J it 9 gra ing ndlra waa T by ihe Corn n tjehall uf iht IV Mar Jjly 7 63 On a eaiine o laI 1 uirr Jul Hollaod LiBdiBf CooBCil Til Th N lrai 7 itiPi effgUa le ac- inJeiMUilrrce hair eiililt I ynpatiiy A roimei pup diiarn it Oaaii iiii aitici neiiiry fier a I contibi iiurd the J kaa earned Us a laie nia- riiii6I Wdtthl I kMiI inl CIMlrr4ilr I Ui u ft yn ibui Jlur uf lua iUiy eiininfjiiin pju ty fKClifii u tl hl J tfltlMliff fi Ii LT 4 1SG3 The above Council met on tbe 4ih inut Preneot the Ucevc Mcser Thorie Lane aod Djcon Mioutea of iait meeting read and con j Sribrd I A cireulir from the Eiiiejtinn Offic rfbiKc apfriionTuent cf ihe Lf- 1 iialative Jrjnt waa read aim a Circular 1 by ih lunal fenm- IMhe iiKehul The Tribuue prinia be followio July 5 Stmt ha been received from MradeV army up to 11 oclock today The iKei SU urce of ricluij ncla brighter and biiphler and e nbel the enemy ii in fall retieai lowardi Chattibcrsbur- and Gremcaatle It i thought thai Uriieul Ie will tirin every nerve to rpach 1 1 aurMowo and it i- thpuht that hi aim i o rteh Wii- liaiiiiAirl and theuec rotietl into Virjinia hi piiMihi Intercepted detpalchea the iofor aw ihat ih eaaeaul aire CoaBc kl I wovndad lu 2 in thai capioi Addiiiii lea pgblilieltlatpil itiat il oca tirel orlaglil 11 Igeiiii arually liniied itiin alvo M Ilrcrl UJ le it j lhal iben ly ol Kii malm aa fjrrniJabJo mition thai Beauregard i in Hichiuoiid aod perbapa on bai wy lo Culpepper leade it haraeaing Lee wiib cavalry and fullowin in pnnuit eav llv krr Naglee aod nlltvit gee eral olEeera were arrtated Uen Hooker obliiaed care lu alay aod Ihe olbera left by the nevi Iraio- Aooliier ajM el la thai ear wounded ai licKytba g are citiinaird at lha Sirgeon- laoeratt ffct al 13000 I ie MDt to Pbiladalphia lo Ne York 1 M lo lUlliuiur aud TfiW le- taiii al 5iiybiig Uelweeit 3 UCtO ead IOCO rebel woand ed wrra left ir our poaaeaaioa A Krderuk Mb iprial aayi tbai among ibe prt4ar are S3 cl iel aud a ljl of odicera of girdet Jle rvbtia in the late batliea lott tbir- tern general iTicrrt A rrbl Cu MII uya ihat fel insail- 2 fore did nol dUOlJ iDvn aud mirry la ettimated by IBeui kIo ai dO 030 liiie aboul IC070 piitoueri nut lucludiug llrir woidd A riil ira Ibit rtb I ace uow 10 Iba Cuiubraid laltry Ive ohIe torca 11 triiig lu erua tUc Pmonuc MalligiA in Idfii Iruol Bad jifberal Ilaaanlos la Ibeir rear Fall of Vicksburg the priP in which I adMeatcd our foin I human Miei ihat ever expecia lo nme atrpe furtlior than c haie ycldm- tl hlwina of Divine frovidenee Mfc in the aition of the mooarehical priu withiuiid the looein and eorrodiWat cirle in Ihia country The criticiann w 1 iiipLre of aueecnrie agea I A Ik far a I hate seen Ihcio of the rpr wyihc lo the fabled bundle oj llilb Canada journaU and uf ihoae Burer j ihe hoopa 10 the ilatea MtkakM home hive been fair and courteou if ilu thip at llie ccocral to ibt MMit ihciuntion le not made aa ic canupi the colura to the iiiiinrnl vtry well bo nude a party tnitlcr I l j in Ibe d vrl to thi- ahower fallrw uo fairer tnhuoal lhan the ptcu of the diert a the altar 10 tba ft- w connlry irreacliie if parij juth rily lu libeily ia all wtllMaMM M V deairc in plaeins at ihe nrvice nf jivmuientr Thia tralb aiay bImM Ir Jlaiarrow and throush him of niher American ri tnluiioniaia kne aad hltt whoae niinda uiay e umictimca occjpird hiii in a rcvuflniouary a ihey vara na with Mich atcdii the exiraci already j able lo aorl it practically indiaftaieal widely circulated waa lo increaae tlie di- ibuy have all gune to ilieizgravwa- aire for a fuller diiyuaeion of our future Llrvady althoapb in a different mi fnd relatisni at Jroviaa to each other to t ihal nf acripture their worki feJbe n IK arrival if iho iteamer ArajFard rilllADVLPIItA Ju y 5 J I 11 u will iieut Ittinnul SuHieaiie Jounuxl pubhihea the fultowinp tir 1 Vickiurg ou ih 4ih wlo 11 iiy lie w nopBij lauie ol ei ui in a nip May aignod oa behalf nf ih Cimsii A tlLLUM Tfte I- ipoailonii trom the lieaagrer f ihe Iriah lelieffund ankinl coopeijlon wilh the object of thai 1 Aaoaation Mr Line presented the lecnnd Report I piojjjj of the Koad and Bridge Commiiue which I ri ar lha nilji wai read Council went inio Cnuimiltee tix 1 on tbla reporl Ilr Tliorna in th chair i On riling the Coniniilte reported that Io ny I Kp be adijted Ir Bican promied the petition luisi McCluro and nilivra akinfor iicen to John Shcppard to keep a huje 1 ciriiif of In couiiuitiec 1 Laoa to ttie cbjir Committeo tte r porwd proreia and ailscd laave to ii y he maio alliei ro Mr Bacon moved aeconded by Mr Lane Thai John I Wcit W Harding aad lx be allowed to pav ei in iar tbt Mmftiatation tjt initead uf pivin SJ rIii iiofBtiuia ibor thC iiMtactedjaukoia oidlion fr a company pf abov 60 yaar vf TCarril Itiaia ifj 7ime fr ilir- Purh q i J like prepare- I npon Rijlaa lion wiiS uui I Oelen- ihe ihia AdJiea Ciiin Wav msde j 1 r enireaauig the gmiifica a ieriiicad In coiiirihuiiig 10 Mjoyirseut BBd irntiBil on all fu i lure nceaiHint iKHlinig onuld raiaprc caiculifd Il Ihe higti nppreclat0 1 and good lelirg ihy hnd eo kinrily and Ved- feiOl lu itieir adJraa lire cheeo weie tbeo givri lor CniiJ lav brae lr il Qixkm ana n iBie and we were ible to travel in car liaea halfvay lo the bride c OTtr iLe ptiocipal itfeiui through ihe 1 y C- Uarth I 1 lie bat nirived ai tha Bradfrsro Aa he moll of tbe opening Bp f thi- bin bVmi halt pnai eight where coo lo aciuti miefintin in A UrfUoJ upon clTvP lice With h inre tn J Mtm rtffJ lii funi he fnpuUi I iMijfiiveiMiuti anA ireJoni ti4li Ue h4rfanier riet MM iirinJJ wiih Tl ftom whirh i ii iviittcai vuieve vtjiAouiiti LTfiifix L Jafi 2 A 4it KMepiliQC ir4 lit dmAriJ iir itfj 0 tiuU gl Tia luf t ll American BeTolntion ere III iendiiiea locmry iiw 0 1 iBir homa ltogalher y lueceatrul pnny ilioLJom Ig cleared Cty or mty d1 lara by iIik Irip aa well aa liaving afiid ed an oiiorluiuiy fir a dava lacreauoii Uoc will b the nieana if larjjeiy ticreia- kig lha traflSc cf the Notihern Hiiirciad by ollainiii the caiiuce of immenae i mitnee Oaolitie of piuduce lhal now fira iti ay aloDjj ihe Hoiiher anj aa a oeeea aarr eonerQeee too will add o ihc llaiineaa of wiioleale rodtiee dealera ia Toroolo we ouke 00 dvubl if the at- MMioQ of hate own waa clUad 10 the nbject they would sahacriba liberaliy tunnrdi the apeedy ctniipletioo of ihe work The Joanilip of King leo will be iaigely advantaged by ibe cnrerpriv by opening up aod eohineing in valie 09W almoct uotaiable asdl A meeirng vi ih Cuuiicil of Ktfw cjDKijucntly abould lend a belpioglmd Pc on MonJay etcnln- ia developing Itic WMUrtei of th Muni- bile wa beg 10 call the ai- cipalily i leoiioo ol iba Neiiheo R H Cmopaay Editorin 8aaiu7 We re fruied to anneunca thai the Commniee appoiiiled lu aelct a IS1IJ and make nriaaay aiangemenr for Ihe 11a I of Coiiib ned Hea 10 Machinsa Will meei al Iho Nonb Aiiioiicaii Kiel Man ay aliaiiuua ocsi al four oclock lompi yaanvraga Mr Tlioina preaenled a Uydaw to propriala a luiu of money u Lt down iiji walka remove ohatruciioaa Thii By1a went thruuh ihe acieral aligra and pafwd N JqIt 5 Tbe HfralH t account of Kridayi battle aayi The attack on onr lefl rajpJ jarcaly throe hiiurn when t enemy fell back yicldinto ua tbc wl of the batlle field A recommended by lb report of road T V T and bridge CtLmil thia ip- i pmpriale 8150 for aidealk 8100 o bye rebel lo tuoarngbt the wot lide of yoBgcatrael cotnmnc ing Bl Jamea JJeClur- north corner r tT our pctioo Ceoe- walk o be lil ida 30 on lha walk by e be road laadiog 10 Sharon and 20 lol f- 1 tcmbia fira of be upeaded lo Waain eheck ihra Aboot 11 0 clock We are aware that rither many clwe- fid pcopl Bay Ibe eslerpriao will be afipeeiaUdviBlape to Newmarket Thi we are ready lo pram but Ibe Ibouunda ofdoUraiiJag l already expended UwB low they appreciata adranujo Bt w ara to reap a eeruin Btoount of benefit ia DO reawa why tbe other Towoabifiafailbcr MealihoBld oontributa towarda tba projeil an ipprot- imatioB of tba raal Uaxibl good it il1 ilao rrova to lhan Tar iba natlr 0er and twiat tba aabjact in every eon- ecivablc ahapa it all narrowt itaalf doa to tia at laat the beBaSia to b denrmi in Biatoai to botb ta Md aoaatry If oar bajera of prodeea and oar aar- offeriadBcctDcseaoftBSeiaoi ia ibanreeaaity o ciBpping 111 ihiallaa aoi laei auiivo waeda giowing aa lazuriant- ly alnig Iha irark wirbm Ilia vilaga limita In aiuiiiiar roJwoin till ba lound Bit adveiliaarDeni ut ijia mnMai qiaatfuirien icDiaaidiaba on af iba biggaet that afei travallrd Ibrvajh Canaiia la conneciiaa Willi ia uaiial OlyBiM tvaia I Ihey bava an educaied Ball trom Hmdoaiau GndlJu4lo fioiD tba Wwteia Hiairiaa tigtbar wHb M9nkea he RvaJova ibe adraiiiMBanl Aod all panic havjng oUlruction 1 v v a drtporberioa lha weatTjelV J diately rcjuired tu temov Thhru McClarejBShpprdAlendcrDickij f MA mmAJmrn V- J 10 OOf frOflt Uli MMttll Thi By-la- paBaed opened bag he ealiaa bflt oar vie aiij fc M Tk J 1 tonoua foreea drwre tbeai bek At 5 Wovod by Mr rboraa aecoaded bf it 1 Ml Line That the balance of 821 daa Tir toRoad Dieiiioa So B be paid lo J Mo- dure otorieer and tbit the Uoeve iaaa hia order fiv the uaic Cariied Moved by Mr Lane Beconded by Mr Tborne That the balance of 810 dn on Bud DiviMOB No 4 be paid to Mr Dick 00 aod Ihjt ihc IleevB liaue hU order to pay lha aaaia Carried vieioiioua Bl every poiot viih tha aatire bitdeGrld in oat paawaaioD Wa look ihoutaadi ofprtaonen t the cloae of Iba actioa Loc had tha imp idcnes toaend a fltgof Iruceuk- iui for a antpensioo of hoatililiai to bary hii dead and exehaoge priaonen Jeo niaaded Jo VTe ara leuaaiad is aiaiv thai ih ADuuaJ Mealing si itia JVairaaikat Biaac k Bible will hIm placa ai tba Ci- gratBiiMal Cbwab 00 bUiiday av nan cuaaaiiif at naif paa aavea vVloek Kav Mf ruaibion sua e tiM AgMM ol Uia U C 6 MCMtf a4 oOtat kaaaiaod Tba portDO isa baatfii aa u laad tU pM I tendra for a of plauk timber ic for aidavka OB motioB tba Coaacil adjouroed J KiNttDr Clerk tar all tho priaooen and wonld bary tba dead for tbem Failing in hia a- leapt 10 gaia line tiia eaaaiy peaeipitate- ly letraaled to Iba tooaaiaioa lunog ibeir gnanh and aaatinek Tbii Saturday noraing apvardi of 1100 atragglen vera lakan in Oattya- woanded wbo fall into t Ita CMftlrj U sitia ibia pUea tbcir wM tbfy Boai enqeaalweably derivej tba aa adTaotaga wbila opoaiag ap sfj tall wheat wiiUa BporfallJiofeoiDttiaiialioiini f akV I hdlaf ibiaagk aagta pufiew of Kiax Uridj Ibortapiog tbe orerUod rot Mfoa Iba oedotr frta aa to Weal bead a giBw tMLBiaaj ifai wiik fiaa nait ptTC of decided advaataga to Ihai waatbei a larr panlaa afiU eiap wltltw 1 raralliag ftirl ttiuei roniiHOnitj it r daja EaaiT llatvEanxb la iba tu Lip ol Goabtid ftonacy tie ie ilie barg bcaid aikbubad ol lU Uund liaa fli j tbo aoama haadi 00 rodBdat oia b l about 20ib of ibil PiMaaloa Kartad at daybraak oa Sator- aaab wiib avary iroapcei af a larp day wilh ailiUary io puraaiiof tbe rabeli pM ia tka Towabipa of Howard aad lad at laat aeeooali waa praaiag tbem Oiiaed aboat Iba 6 lb Jaly2i j bard Botk tide leal beavily probably 20000 LaioaUu 0 Capt bi C Yeaag of tba 30000 rbela Wa have aaptared captaradahip Kara iiyat Talwari lop- K 5000 to 20000 pnaeaara iDore poMd lb AlabHUa aa liwi beat bai quadrapieb tbaj baTaeaptorwl bai5BBdaetplatitfeaf He BlraipwialdpaMieatatbaifcr- avitfaar aadar attrai Ihat aa baUaj Julytih aia tbat General caal lujui tbea aalatv tbay ara fiiad lalv colored 7000 primnarfc Iba air aad roo dJa eCack naoeoek who wu badly woaad- bardlf varIM kaapa kar coal or Baltiisora rataa awaj vbr abP get aaagbt ia a I fUiMvaartU AKr or Ta Po- After nav kato mM n Im tviui Toaac J uly 3 iaa ieadar it wowud- I foi lb- couleaaea all Ibe trtttr tbc tuet od Kmprr aud JoSuMo Oon- 1 Th I extra BLtlMone July 5 1130 an j The war eoneapondcnt of the Jaumal haajuat nriived from yeiierda batile- Cflj He aiaict lhal the route of tencr al Lee wal thorough and complttc Oeneral Moadc haa not only ctptored ldOOO ratwlt hiu rcctpijrcd all our own troops who were preiioualy 10 tlic band of tho rebels 3 p ill It ia really trae that Grn Lec haa been totally routed and if aik inz lo eacape General Ileiianion cut off hii retreat ihroah the gap leading lu Chauberahurg We took oie huadred and vighteeo piecea of artillery and frnui fifteco thouaand to twenty Ihoutaod pria- nneri and all they took from u ia he firai day a fight Wa bold he Iowa o frattyihur and alt the hoftali Ilia a complete victory PniiAD t LPtl I a July 7 To the Merehaati Etohaaee and Sew Room New YotkTha ajuirr haa tho following CAILiaLt July G The rebeli were al Willitsiaporl at 6 pio on Soaday Oeaeral Scdgwlck u a their rear witb tweatyfiva tbootaad freah tcea CcKSXlLiND Jaly 6 All teeent agroo tbat iba Potoaac ia macb aUD WaiBiKaTOH Jaly 7 Tbe followsg daapaleb baajoalbaea reccivad IxtTtD STATU MIBAIMIFPI SgvaDsoK FLAOSUIP BLACK UAWK July4 To tie Hon Gideon Walla Secretary of tbe Navy Sir I bave tbc honor lo inform you Ihil Vickibarg baa Borrendered to the United Sutea foroea oa ihia tbe 4tb day of July Very reapcetful your obdt acrvt DD PORTER Aetiag Rear Admiral HAkausctaJaly 6 A penoB rapreaaoiiBg bimtelf aa Geo Loagitraaia AdjBtaal3aeral wbo waa eaptaml aaar Hagaratowa oa Friday ar rived ban loday He alalaa tbat Gcoa Loogatrtel and Lee bolh oppoaed Ihe in- Taaion of Maryliad and Peouaylvania feariog that it weald be diaaatroua bul Datia woald not Italea and gave ordera proaiiiiDg to aeud laenty tbouaaad rain- foreaoanta undar Gaaeral Beauregard When tba Adjataat waa captared ha waa 00 bia way lo Culpepper to aaaertaio what bad beeoaie of Beauregard a Iroopa aad waa vary aaxioaa 10 know wbaiber any oaa bara bad ibo leaal kaowledge of tbea CAIRO Jaly 7 Betweaa eigbl hooaaad and lea Iboaa- aad Cooladerate nnder Oeaenli Uoliuca and Price aad Maimidoke made an at tack va Ucleaaoa lliemoming oftb4th ofJuly Tbey advanced in three col uaii bat the roogbiiea of the roid pr vcoled the Coafcdcratca bringing up tbcir artillery aod Ihey atteispted lo carry Ibe worka by aaaault The ofstra c ama cbarked ia tbe direction ofFon Curtiw b3 look three line of rUe pita bearer of deepaichei troin Gen Oram tu iho ttr IVaarimciil wa hivecunfirnia tioo of lha cfliiulaiiiiii of Vickiburg lrom reliabU aiurcaa 1 have baen abls tu gailier the fdluwiog poriiculara ut ihe clvatug aceoea of ih asige of Vicki- borg The lit flag of irueo for Bonte lime waa no July lai aaking an eacurt for two Engliahtnan whu liad been ahut uf lor oma Urns in the Ionfedercy wnich waa granted by Jen iranl Ou the proioiia day Ilie raoela made an uoauc cralul aorila on the worka on our lefi maniiig to takaour Buldwra out of iheii riQe piia ibia way Jubnitoii wsa rrperted nnly 20 miloa nIT Men weio ni litis of bntile 10 re cei tha atiK k On the 9rd aiirsther flig of irucs eama into our line brought by two Confsder- aia ofCcara one ul whom provad to be Major Usn Iluwan Ths mysBgari wars bllndfsildad They yMMmad awaiting the return of OeMral Siiniih who lovk deipatcbea froen Psmbanoo in Urant Thair eyaa wara unUandaged after in hour and they convaraed freely wiih Union olTicera Oueofiha rneaaoo- gera aaid lhal iroo eoougtt btd been ibruwn into lha ciiy lo atuck icnoienae fouBitiea and budd itwaunenu fur all iha eiticena aad aoldiera whu had falleu Whan tSmiih ratarnsd lha maaaaDpera vara again biodfoldad aad oaAductsd to a aafa pwnt frooi wbieb tbay could Mlar their owe liDra GrMi eurloaliy waa mtnifaaied both by ulTicera aod aoldiara to laani ths euu iita uf Pembartoiia deapatch which wBi fioally graltfifd Ths rebel Gaaeral had asaa fil lo mtimaia ihai sn unaeosaaary of blood and lota of Ills might bs prevantsd by a briafeeaaatien of I tiaa ifuring wtaiet might bs appoiDtad 10 agrsa os tba lerma lur Um aurraodar of ibs city Ha alao inti- mated thai ha could bold iba eity fur sn iodefioite period Graata reply waa very brief aaying that Pariibsrtea had it ia hia power at any inooMiit toaiufi bloudabad- Conimiaaiou- era vara uisoaeaaaary aa the ooly aiipu Intion bo cuuM accept vaa an uneoiidi- iiunal acrrsodsr It coocludad wiih ada- aarvcd iriOuta 10 iha bravery and aodur DCS of iba rael girnaoii and aaid il they aurraodarad tbay ahould all be ireaiad viih the courtaay dus lo priaoa- era of war Tiie rrlisl meaMDgsra had nol baer gone kuig witso Isuiuartoa sent again aiknig fur a perauoal lalerviaw wiih Craut which wa promptly granted ai 3 p in uii the aama day A euafarsnee took place abost midway betwsso bulb froma ol tha contending fnrcaa- Tha aeans wai wiiasaaed by ihoioand of Kadsral and alel awldiera wtii lui the Ural tnsr io weaka aboeod there aialxa with impunity above lbs rifle pila and during all ihsiM weekt they liad been wittim five yard of sach other iraot came alowly to ihe placsof raa dezvoiB aiEokmg a etgar aiid apparam- ly the only utieieitsd perasn in ihs vtat aiasinblags KauiOerlua firat ramtrked innt ia had bsen prsasnt wbsa different lortraaass aurreorad lo ttis Federal arae ia iha Meziean war la liiees lu- alaueas tba anaiiiy were graaled lerma aad condiUUM and Iberaliure ha ihoughi the Kiiinire and to our next neihbot rppnr Oauada aaya to Lower unmilakci bly the recent it ate of thinyi Utwcvn you and ui canool cnniioue much luni rr arcal Brilaiu aaya to hur Noith iiiericaD colooiea lha preaeiit ilalc ol ihin beiweea vuu andtii caunol con- tioue ihe American GoTcrnnienI by the voice of all ita cannon proclaima that the foraiti atalo f thina on Ihia conti nent ia cloacd and a vciitable new era ipviicd Can it be premature then for ua to aik iunlic what ia lo locume of Cannd and her riitcr Pruvincra in Ihe new arranpemeau of thec aew lime For obvinua reaaons I deaire ao far a I may contiibute anrlhing 10 thcpma on ihe aubjfct to cimfite nmclf to tbe rUitiin A ji r ion may be fuund and I trnii ull be fuand lu diacuM within the Valla nf iarliacocBt the aplicatiln of thr princijitnvUckauT e aprcaj abroad through the pnvi In the ialerira 1 luaintain thia thrccfuld lhaii 1 That we ctnnnt go oa mach longer aa we arc going in Canada and aiainUin Ibe conneotioa That if we do not aire 10 diifl intn democracy we aait aa- Bcrl nni au much a conlrjry aaa dialinci principle uf Oovarnmcnl and rally oui own pupuUlion aroiod l That lUia diatiucl principle from the AuMrieaa it the equal uuiun of authority aed liber ty hitherto fuand puaaibla only under ibe forru of cooatiloiionil nronaichy I have lead all that I have aeen of eri- then I williftsly araome Ihil Ibe every one who haa writtea on Ihtlll in the Caaadiin prtaa ia tralb li taibly can aay Ibat aach il ay ow 1 tlicrefora leave In the caedid eoejEy tioa of those writers thia argamaUdM from tba full and abaodaal etpartMMK the put a paat of whieb tbe old MajT being repeated loday and i B eaosb 10 be atill further iluttntsla morrow Meanwhile lime prMtM neecaaity call aloud 00 etary pafeMl Canadian to eoaiider bii own iiM- Gral above all aad maafally e part towarda coaiarTing lb aMMpili principle io our conatilaliea I reuaia Editor AsAb T D McOa Moatroal Jaly I 1811 ticiani un my ain which are well kno 1 10 maoygeaileiBen ihrOlghoBt the Pr receal dale wiUi in tbeir lupport eriticifois the folk iag addittoas argu iDSnta 1 take It for era ihoac writcrl trill 1 caaenlial to good and frecduui W ot two thotfaaad civiliicd trotid wt monarchiea arialoi deBiocraciea before paralir lability a dy publiahed riewa nee not tu be of very and 1 beg to offer the writers of ibe ed Ihat every oae ef mil two tbinga 10 be jvcmuicat atability we have tbe recoid aia tbtoacboat tbe all iu JMpetiaaia cies republiea aud a to tasi their coot- relative freedom Tbo curioaa tuaa of leiiare nisbt al tbia day make a uioute Kale of ul aationi abowiBg ia Iba fint place how tbcir BCTsr- al OoTcrniDeflta arose aad aextbow loag tbey eadared when they ceated ibeir ex- teaaion when ibey cuolracted lotleM ot op again or fall lo riie ao Ben Il It eooogb for ut to recall Ibat all the cx itting monarehiea of Earcm not profw- edly despotic from Pruiela ihe yosogeai to r raace the oldsl baea dais of from two baadrcd to tbirtsea baadrsd yetrt Revolutiunt aod perturbalioat tbey bare bad and oatlirud bat wbelher tbraazb the force of habit or tbe ioiiiBet of aMf- preaarvalioa or both every Haropean aa- uoo whieb origioally wat foanded a moo- archy it a at thia day Ofibt ariiUicrktic repablict Ibe wboM middle age aeriea felt bcfors gunpoadct and large armies 10 ibe aixlNoih centary exoepl Vcnioe whose element wat tbe tea rather tbao tba laad aad FluIUad wbleh eaMrg- ed oat of tbe reforiaalioa critia by cKng- iag barU lo tb dyuaatic heidabip of lita Uooae uf Orange Switurlaad remaisa an sriel iilaad tbore the great ass of change aad loog aty abe reinaio iadia- tiuciible aa her owa muuntai Uol givea tbe Alpa oould laodera aoeitly crcr Hope to bring furtb a new Switicrtand It lhal typu of ebaracler balfeqtbntiaal hernjii balfpeaMOt liberator of which William Tell wat tba enbodimcal posai Ue in tbia age la a Gesaler any more poaaible tbaa a Tell 7 Moreonr and Ihia ia a falsi objeclioa we saBOOl hive lo order a sew ijpe aa tbe biaia ol a new riel itltad peopled by a valiaul thrifty ainplebearlsd rcligioat Swiaa population Near to 01 wo bave the briefer bat nors appieeiable experience ot tbe new worki A bundrsdyeara ago Ibere vaa not a repubUe fiom Hadtoat Bay to tho Magellaa lraiu The American nvolu- lioB o KTO proTcd a true eoolineatal criaii aa il tceiut to me perhaps wrong ly ib prcaeal coaoterrcioltilion alio it tikeir to prove It drew iulo cxulaiioe berc io tbe North UrTera Itcpobhcan Slats whieb in Idat than a century tranipofol ibeir figures into AVrryona In tbc nl 0arti uf a century nut Icat tha aiao other revolatioaary Republics eoerged iau exiateacc ia Aiocri- ea Os the fate of a many repabliM we may turely be allowel to reaoa Tbey ban beea of all aixes and ihapca frdera- lire aad eonsoltdawd wita add vitbovl f 19m Abonsdiof Aw Ctmmtrriti JrtiJt U Never aaaca 1 Pdgriaa ibeae ahorra traa tbers aae prsapenlr a lk loyal Stales peeasst aioaseBt Uarebaalt 1 laoiiay darisg iba patt lw years I before ia twice tbil aptes ef euanici are aad bavs bea rs woik at high wagea Par eg wea are iavealisg arei a latcroatal asd olbar al pihag il up ia aariagt baUa lutiaia wbole are akrsg fotlBsea Speculalora are M ibaa oar aoWarra oa ibe btltle aoal tfery olbtr bstiaeta Mas 1 mere or leaa ia atocki or it ii esaarctcd witb a goVeraaeat and aa or Wall Sireel nam vcb a aseeia aiilleiaw M reeeel rcbelttoa beouBled tbers byaae M uB ereiy block i laakiHa Ibwk aa black berri Wka Norib woald em ibiak of ac it I aet a friead is ibe ana or did ths oetHpaperat Seasskaiib T aakisf Bosey New wtaij aboat apssdicg ill Ga W f sol e SVsbeltra Ua we wiA abw yoB wbat ia word cttrsragaace iik the deoMsd fir UMbWrt will aay HoaetreSB wlat kiad ef diaaiadt mt fi td for He will aaatray est aa aear hsaa rgga ibW price ae itfac of carpelis are SOW waalad 1 bet Ktlra Bmaek ttfrtll ueed froia ba lo lanati d Ibrteplyt deat deelalL aseal at a carriage dtiaaitory 1 to yosr firat yea wil Naier ascb dtauad before 1 e fvr boiaei tbe awdiaa p drddollar kiad are all set 1 A good pair of fan oaet aP 1 go for a Iboatasd dolhra biakel ot alrawberriei wOl tal ceoia Tbsas a litUe etln fillsee baitdrtd eriwo Ibosii iperb J 40 aort trill b price aaoag iba kigb aaab We hate ibaa gitta a fetr ile avidcnccaef abosadisf Now what aball be laid is fir facta I Siball w aot trat ake coaraj- ia Ibe psrfecaaaMidl bt duty and gs finaly farwal 1 Bsllb laeoiaiug la aposaa lei at MS 11 for sad Ma We hat sow ibe eeaa isdsl iBitBd of at Naver csaM bafoo A buadrtd wMaa aow bs had aa Secrsiary Cbl yno fauar and wilk laaadialsi tei eoulj bate bees tl tbt Mgb Iba war Lnaa TO PurfriTLVAffla IKVAatoi TbeN Y I olimalrd ihat l loat aad tktt will seeeaiahiy b after ves under tbc uaoat lai cuiwiiaaeai by Ibe paop of ait IB coaMijiacBea of Iba rebel will ancuat la tfiy ee TbridauMWwill be realty the Dutch fansara coetiasa ts By B aptfitre reiuttaes weald be aeoser drifea hack llniBSCimwT Mr rmta haa bm apsiau4 Pacta aad Ctaels tbe s6ts W T McCaaig dmbiasad A le psr aaasa bMlsetfWed

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