Newmarket Era, 1 May 1863, p. 2

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THfi NEWMARKET EA MAV 1 1803 441 hew AdVerlitmeiU s 11 rIT K S V Ih IMJ Wn I 1 rU II etrlllj 1 riiiriww ftjMii A I ircin SInifMrri rril ItMl It 7 An III lure it nl mI poriii iniirM in vMiHlo h CJitfni w p mni nt lUc wSoU Uh Dut even lliis iinnprnifBl b lcn firrW out The Comp kep ilie RoaJt reeir lb Terenuo arieinp from bll in ppfP te tlicoi to ibfif own tcotS fnylnj t ent pf ihj inleit thii Ut tgfrfiiiMil cilIfof I oier ihrtceiffO- ffliile id t rriii wtt iirj f fc mt Til irriii an pn4 la il bllJ r Ibf JIltK roMUbl nt liarrie lqi eetio6 fhii funeliamrj iiorMierf i I Mote kre Corier wat al iLe tin ai nB alienrlinicia like km 1110 cutlnJ CItr KiunI aa aie baadte iJ cnmail led a sutroi iiiuli ea Ibt ilth Cot- laWr fae 11 in eoiiqnir nfied 10 hi loon for a ItitfihrDeil peiiod hn reeoterj Cogtter it Imil il ike A tad arairvted In lao eriB i I ry itntT i ll l iwick to k lh IWll rL anUhe jtVlle m rtnfnl the rrbere b made ib jcqgaiaucre of 1 of ihwrrwli Wlipliould Ihtjico- 1 woiMs Darned Conn Iifaiid ihil n fJa iC iii be prily liteJ fr patted ikai tkera wai a tann ba- MrUlTreraoniliicriJnnnlT I o od iha bat Wad had huMpitiWtnosrfJ 1rTmaAnFndiZKr lit IS63 7he Budget Tle HuJrtt wt ppcnol lr il- Iliiv ilQioco Miniflcr on TuoJiv lat nilil iwili 3taelion wf nilo tin- IIiuw nrc flLrU to tbe whole cspcndi- lore If bt c UBlrjr inateid of ontr a pait unilorllio laic adiaitiltira lion lotKif nrw1aina oute nitenatft frein IliJt jmrurd br Mr Oal cwirlinR 01 il itf ihe lollit cnirjicTo tlie iiliiufvri1iunlt5- U i prfo ti rrlrrncKAl eoapired villi sme SSIiO eren iriih Ibit litfie nJucii incmwl tei suit be letiii Ihrrv reilliiU and 1 qiurter of lolbr til fitr Ihe eipcodilura of tlie lYtincp or Canida mut aysfnpojrrto a fr iii iiiatLd fur litn Tlia folioKimMt rathff tlie tuni o niruuic Kirticr Tie toniny ii e1er ahonU SeCnipclWI t- carry om hp bargaia or anc3jn llieollion cf iolj rhe Usury Lawa Tkl M ewrej ako four jnn a 0a aliki reirtwd bo fDa Urn b Ik traia hoBM w arar Ih dol aad f he avairllMt wife of inSJcU i lo bun aad 1ar4Lt Caulltr bad Irfi k ibr back Ajar to at llt Ii atidcnl from tbe aellb of lhelfob llb wo4 laid Kine Flowing Mfttcb cnan of petitions Troni toaciT cAntffa cfj flTori In elsty ik in is T IP rd nnloo iTort Ponaant to notico the King Plowing Caaeb contended ibal ErcaUls eellMI by y ihaTord ibould fllj- Mr Oall maiBliiint tikt the repeal ofl f goerntoeni aad b of t rofT Liwwanjeilln lbean- dpoly headeof diinmknii I a npfi lb theory about greal iieonfniC candidaea ai a Iia Jeffery Vun 2odVCni froe trade in oonty jijare wn uo donU I dlfanea Thera Vaucban 3rd R iJial fiperienee proviJ it wia oar inlmtl beard nhould nut MM T T Mteh ioA piac on FridaVlait aad all h j be repeal of on l Wt j V j- Mr Aodenon reanled frw trrle in oi enndntal Tor tb eill oy T il iaarmiBg wm- 1 cnmpeirni Board bI ha ld ihml nioity 1 unieu Ike Ippcr Ilouw dUpliy ore witdom than wai minifnted bj whal il uiuallr leriscd ibe popular branch f Ibe LrpfUlurr Ihe driuble aioriiy prtaeiple Tfocrnnirnl fail on all qei iinwk bia a tStnl bM OB iba krad ilb ic killing bin laaMI CoaXrt loiM- lalfly made h FKipa bat Wai aflCT- ardt eaplurcil Irird and fMod ool CMiliy lo Ike tirrprite of laanr ferjont n wa aflrrwardt cbarfcd wilk tilin qoaaiii fl karani aad iim eotiitllled 3 lli Irolimliry fir a eoapla of jeri njurlty of oor rcprraenUI hberaitd a brt time lo tioM of ntai iniporlancc 10 nicleot jiia- ai I tice lo t Canada 01 iivc lo ueb j be boTTowcd at coiparc tW latl I dcBjacd the rflrenfhmeat po- d jeai of Mr Galtn otcia tarocr will U lcj if llie Jniilrlion we eaB clTeioflba law Af be kid jtrttkdoo about two and thr unr tnilliun pf llicu- a licarij apirl but their priocit Kponey h xecni l biTe tiayed in To- a vcty ilei Iticx- pie tlip doiUc ao fir aa the f eouple of dayi and Ibea made limts ant cnc ihat faV niwh f the j Mnin llitv- of ibe lviIalln of the nBBl I present Minulrja Inincial policy and fy and aecorJinc to each Pcllon of ho i7ccl llurVafwaj l ibi j for Ibe iffernc bceo a lefrai tloT- j Dvioi iaw it cmisonance with tba leonmilled aa attack oe om of bii com- ernmrit and a Wcectrwtl tli jiowi iVilinpiof the prcpir hiatvro- 1 railet and ai takes iota raitody 1 1 wat fdllniins pnle- f the Ghlf aet cd onl ial thu- 1 oroolo Comenlitu aad litjfcietli iho rpiuftlffn and autnenti- leadiii jwliliciana luiig rinen proooawced Il will 1 oVwrvrd SlOOOO arr il a njyth With rrpirj to reeentlegin poliic wca iadadia the Ottawa lalion 14 amend tbe usury lawa tbe Glox Buildian TW there ii another item I 5 ff IJOOrtOO SeiprwrialrijAls How If iMti on iba oi of iba llooaa e moAJMiirrttaertalita ate to eoniiauei lUe age ili Uucr Lawt will u tV jrJiadeturthdeflofibpoj If ihe rpei Hcum htana tin Fubl Ik w cawKot tell bw thi ihn ihe Lor 11 will in a fw nn J drat lWiicial Kiaiwy f 1 V iCiirr inJ t et4fs c b punihJ wih irtUcjcnX of Lower CjoiJa eigUi 1 i t re hnp will fon be eat off and nnrw ihai at Um una ol tic of the butden The luiioaia i I lie extra aborc refenvd In n likr IPI aniclet nf Tiinmeiee Iiaile tv irpifiuM riil fill in ih mkikl rronlii ip iieTnmB U9t2 Ahroiiriui if Juce n 1 ed The tollvwiag ia tlft liii of Prirs awaried FLOniKO yirti CtdMjVe ntr il 1 tiy Site Jol rffrey auiroan oru Aooraaa j v v- v Kini ila allraet mmcy Tlietlwn nn almwl irf nl I omnto nnd llueb 0 V7riMriiri aainrrl unierMl try fur a rrpijl ibo Iury iliwa iuiTOing I ll priio Kaiiiel MetaKum VemVri Lawain nMeuince of Hi HTimense eiliiaj it wwld tte inipoaaibNl y jBtrv 1 actiooi wliieh were niaA wlille tbay lai-t- i out ibe proion Ot the prant la Thirl niit rnlr 1 lit priir d ihe repeal Terylaruc puiih uf Wm Ireland Kioj Lnd Wm Ifiugle 1 oW had ee U lip twonlry not at King 3fd Al Carley Kies 6 elorbitan rata wlieh prerailed bfr ChisChmmnr IVnte but at ii or eighV Or peibly at lea Benj Hollio3beid 2ad Tboa IVrry 1 per eeal ROI10 i l oubl rereraa the vole he for the Bill hUaeelioawaa j that re Irlde hi aol worked wtll Saridenon Mr Street tbguiht il would b BBwiaej po ol rwfdinf by idTaocwowi Srf rtaMNo entry Mbhild natgy Wrpriaa perforung iheir fplwition regard p 1 r uj 1 4ir jBaao DcicoaniD iniiaiei inai iiwi iv wm i now whit wara i v HnnPnil waa Ihe refcrae lie wanted tho channa ia eommardal P iTtn I V RifwiV tinnl 3aJ aibl per ceBtBaed a ihe tBaxiniun rate lh goTarnotant The flnicial Maia- Ocec iS it SHt be that in enun- try pari for ahort loiai oa doubtful ae country waa had tu auap del jjtiifiaM Mr Ilowlaod replied ihtf neKiaioa Eood prOfW Wl a quiiing firtlaa men toenier ajl0r Oletka at WW tjmr sNo Goeafamooi would bo aids to do il iahJ lo in foo4 rftow HI mtft langin of aartico ahoold bo iho rolo of proiivoiion It waa sol P b na bill to ehsaga ibo poaiiioo of any of tiA preacnt oflieora but in faure appoint- nfniatha Goernnrl iboold hate iho nmporti I- IV ir i L Ucjofc hii tirwficoce la hu pne W illiam W allc owned by Jo tchuSo entrr jiw v vwy u in- vora ciuaf n n ft nid Vi t V J n J A4ae lii tbc old of khu on ihc Ilunr Bill en MondiTi bi iITL a if DLriM WJj loUrtfl of mnt wo tnd iotlIrbco in fH nht that XVterB Canada i cample lyundertbeleelnfheWVrinee rd ibat Coulie ed VaJiVd O f Mrluao Baebaaat inialellhal hi Ro lo k Iben Itarnrd ikat a Ira bill for naidria Kenaey had beea raasU iaiet bia ia To rooto Jnfninatina of bit wlireaboiil wataeni here aad an barixK beea duly oadt ander Ihe Atkbailon trnly b wai kaaded over iba Caaa- diMitelberiilatfer lil Ik waa kroagbl to lbi eily a eoule of Boatki ao by Senl Major HiiB wbo iteal to Detroit ler iW ur of ideolifyief llllB r3 V eJ tirii arl Vieniitic lpi1iJBI btiie Afiriciliktt arl Aiiftlica Km Orri i i jy Miicp IVL- TI Mun anJ llic llialiopi lake llirir l Death of Mr Jadioe Conner It il with pain we bavc to record the ludden aad naexpccted demiM of Mr luilicc Coanor On Wedaeiday of ail daybeii U1 laJa UeX Olfl aLiiiei Cauada Eaai Penelenijariei Rilormaionea and irjionir work III projieii whao larnmeol came lA rlucdj iit Cinaila Mee Juitry Militij tc inJiin Annuii tVbka ka inckding Oi liwa BaIJiii2f iigbi ke ituiiia L BciJt iacluJiRg opeo inf it Nocltl te eignoul iijjUia fniianfuad KICIM MitcellaLtoo 4i 444h Wreck of the AogloSazon 7h7ij rtie retffftpb OD Tufidtf veoiAf Inl nouKtd Ihe wjeet f aoolber of tb 1011 Canadian hae of iteemiliipi tbe Anga- aad alrare ai it would apprar jJJiCaje Uaee it ilie Keae of ibe accidest- fJWi i ixl ODC cl Ibe firit buill by is Coopiey and fljWl id a Tfry fut ulliag ainp i roiB ilie soat leTiable aecounti ptibliiked we an Ird lo behere ibere wm otcr four Iwcdrcd perioaa oe board ef wbKk oainWr upwaidi ef two tntadred are aoae- ouolcd for Ubttfrer Day be tbe caiMtb repeat ed wreekiag of veiteli cb lb lis will ei cut a iirapg feelini of areraaos to il la Ibe jablic niatf and largely eoitribai l detloy ik coafidcae cf ibe buiioeit aad trarePiflj cetnaiiiBily Tbta ia lo be n- reiiedeol oaly oa accousl of tk loia 10 Ibe Cospaayi but loaa Is tbe Prorisc 38 S 3JI5 aTvy 4 Km 20195- 17400 I4nno 3XJiSI 2av UI dead Tbc feelinj preradisg ihe liar ii one of deep regret ihst oao whoDi llicy ropeeled ackd wilb ben tfaey ao reiMat- ly rqoieed oa aecogot of bia reeent elera- tien to tbe Bencb ahoutd be ihiia uttex pectedly nmiTed by tbe haod of death lie breathed bi lut o Wcdaeoday BMro- isg A Tseancy la sow ocetaioned on lb Beoch iod daneTiunour iibtuy wiib ibe namej of prominent polilieiaiif tad lead ing Diembcra of tbe 111 profeaaion u lo Ihc iBceeatorof Mr Ootiaet in Toroa- 10 however ta far we eoeld betr Ibe preTiiliag opinioB waa tbal the Hon Adam woold reeeire tbe appetat- Best Th Arbitntloo bjSaerea eurjty hifib rtWa of iolereat were exacted iritCAii and ao they tlwaya woold be Iflbelaw -M- i tda Kor aeTen per lat pni ico Ireland Sod J relll aecurily any amount of money oiiphl be vblaiaH Il wnuM in jure the borrower to rnaet the Ilury Laira Mr Pair woald vote asaiatl the hoist but wtated eight per cent aa a maximuui rale Mr Patrifk thoapht ihe theory of fret QrcBKC Apri LirltaiATITl COCMCIL r irik inc tncory oi iret Hon Mr Bonltem mured lh Diobalila practice did iiol readme of the Bill ameadinR the Les- w wilh him He wanted money fixed lali Council law lo aa nol In make it romrnHory oa member lo reade la th Haluia ibouhl it would b bet Divmon tbey reprrwtil In making ihe inolinn the kon gentlemaa aaid ihkt aa i 3 the law now tood r praoa eouM be thh uifd by t high rtle of canoidite niemrjCtnip in th jpicrf Mr Dnekin aaid hen wit do doabt Ibat eril resolted fmai trade He wauled eijht per cenL Axed la the rtle Mr Brow said all doubt had been re- mored by thQ workiej of the law durin Ibe paal fire yeft He coatJ Dol apeak aboat ita escfatton la Lower Canada but in Ipper Cainilt t eloK irraiiny ia dif lite CoQneil unleaa he resided in ibe fH- iaiofi wbteh he waa aeekinf to repreaent aad owned penpert to the Micnl of two Ihouand pmndi in tr oat of tho Diri aic owwM property in it to ibe aame Talte Tbeae term reilrictcd the ehoic of the people within rery narrow limita and it wai for the pnrpaM of extending ihoae iiinila and ia Ihe nlertsl of tbe eloetora that the Billwubroushlforward ff of be cofltry had eonrine Hon Mr Allan aaid aa lone u Uie Irf- j ciiJatiT Council prerved iu peeuliar I law ihauhecfrecl had brn aalu- contilulinn there were cTa objections 1 e had the opporltinily of know- to the Hilt and if the law were clnitd I op- lo penail t pcrn rcjidlnj anytibete and i f having pnperly anywlicr vince lo become a iiterobc lAwarda makinp lhi a partiiaa lloiuc would be taken It waa important lo keep ap it ditinctire character and he would il bit duly lo oppite ihe Bill and tbenrfore would niotc thia tjay nix oonlha 1 ir u 1 H Mr Bona aaid the law aa il ilnod r i I tnifiht pmrly be called a law to Ucnit the I benw which he boliered miht rishli of the people It mixhl be rcaiil in the Pro I he eoalJ awil without fear of trraad alen 1 contradiction thai fince Ihe rrpeal of Ihc n urj lawa the rate of iolercat had been much lower Good bormwera eouM ob- Uin irmnay at eicbl per eenl He would urue the lupponcn of the Bill Ui wail a ihc iui iLat it be read j V P I uoo Lower anadiaht who deairt lo Ths comparimia ara all mad wnb Iji yeaia aeiut eipendiini eioepi in 11 cat of the mihtia which compaiea wih laat yeara etumalg ot a quittaref a ml- lion Tint done becauae it it luppd ihal Iha appiopiialion f laat yea will be iiiired leniMi iba eblaiiaiefibai yiar Noiwiihtiandinf ik fvna ef Itia Fi- rnoe Mimiisr 10 leirencb ib rtdacioni Will not b much moraiban ooehal ihe Bgtneniaiion ol ih petoi year k fl- lrwa lhai Ibree milfiooa aad a qaartrooal t mei eiihar by ieieaad laaatisa or by fceib loan Coolter Conrlcted of Harder Oa Tvraday lail Hcbert Cealler waa Irird at tbe Aitixd Toroalo far lb murder of a Bias umcd Kecoerf Tl cat occupied tbe atlestioo of tkc eovt lb wkola day a Urp laabtr of wit aeatet beieg eianined for tb Crowa Mr Dallon Qaeeaa Cowseil toiltd by Ibe Ceeaty Atoray Mr McNtb proaa- cuied tod Mroyl defcaded Tb Conrt Iloute wat crowdcd dariag lb bo tin with eager and atlealite liitea- cra Tb cbar ef Ibe Jadge Cbttf Jaatie Draper waa very alaborat go ag oecr lb wbol of tb TidBe asd ilb Boeb car aad jadiciota diaeriaiw- tiea teptrtling Ibe naterial fron lb in- saterial pari of lb taaliiaoriy aubcoiited All parliei adiailled Ihe ebarge wta clear diitiaeti ted lOtpirtial Tb jurj ibea re tired aed after aboui Ibiee qwarlera of aa bour brgbl ia a terdiel ef Gailty ceacDcadalion to oercy Tb Jadge ioivediaitly patted ibe etc ef tb Court is tk followiag worda The watene ef lb Cort it that ye lobtrt CowlKr b ukrt froa beaec a lb plteefron wbeoee yoo eaqie asd Ibrr tllaaatiafactioD wat fell aeMSal otlio b krpi till Mowday tbc lt day ol arraogcDicnt which pmenlad ificae tod tkeo to b lakea le lb plae el road frem beeoming the property of the 1 nt li y fce Ure erey n your aofl Tbe rieer piniealttl b wta isaoctBl aad aaid k wta usable lo proeare kia wi aettea sa aeo bad ges to Intiak C- loabia The Tork Bodt On motion cf Mr Jones rvtvua hare liid before the ArMrably ahtwia llie piiiioa and iadebtedeetaaftbsVoik BoaJa Company lo tk PretfaM Near ly ererr farmer mideat ia thii Coaaty ince 1819 will recollect tbeM ltadl were parehaaeil froa ths by Mcitra B Co in 1850 far Ue aam of t3000u0 payable ia twenty to- aal intuloeola with iatrel tt Are per cent At the tioje of the aalcagqad deal ed but the country would nol Come orer to the Ti nf the morer lion Mr Mnore oppoted th Bill and Hon Merara Holloa and Perry aapport- ed it Sir K B Taehe thought the praenl bw kad worked well H Mr Seyaotr lbogbt h itaon mient Hon Mr Blair waa ditpeaed to think ataliflcatioD wrung altofher Nercr- iWleai it wia nnwiae lo make cbtngea ia tbe conatitulion except maturely After farther diacanion the tmeod- aeat wta etrrirdyeta 45 sara 14 LtnilLATIVI AMIHBLT Tb fdlowing ia ibe deefaion of the Ar- Ulralora in the eu of Miaa Wtite n The Nevmarkel Boari 9f Sefool Trua- 1 1 r t J movtd tht th petition of Pjoe diuaatiDg We utraci jho pyde and oibera offieera from the tward mtd ing riooa eorpa U Montreal ieapettig Kuw ihielor knew ys thai the Aibi- tke oellty of the force be referred to a I on tb SChk Jay ot April aelect eooiiBillee with power to tead for rraoaa and papen and doenmenta Ue AO 1861 beard ih otadcses aad tb al- ltaiioni rf lb pariiaa aad iamiad ih maiieru ia tij ibfmaabisiiwJ do oak Ibis our swatj la iiiinfibai it is atT Vde award and adjadf tbal lb aaid Mia iaoa Wails haa na Iraal claim aiaiiw tb rid Bad of Sehoel TraalMa ef tte Villag of Nawstksi Ultoiitl tSBBirj Ceniiaoed tbaaoooat Csait praraali aa fM giriag ikai atlvntioa to eonpn dania tad local mtlUMSia wsk wacoald iaii be made lucreMfal and bcocBeial ditroy any prisneot thiy ihl oej if Ihy pawd tbc Bill Thy aai ii VM imtunral tu isikc t man pay a ccruin r He raaintaincd il ai au imiooral tS o prcreol hiapajin certain rttca itf jaany intasee If a man waa iadan- tf Ibe wai il iiumoral lo ttphim borrowing money at even a hih tt rate thaa ordioar7 lo aUre off tbe dif ficully folinwed Mr Brown iod tlie house then divided but f tlie re- lalt we are nol infuned The wire alill conlinuea brokea aad the remainder of OQT drsralchct do out appear to bare reaehed Point Levi dnutileu prevented by til daner of croaaisg tbe rinr auiij lb iot0obf Th wick wta LtolJLaTIVX COINCIL Quebec April 24 YMterdsy aflar ia deaptich of our report lha Whaat and Oram Inapeciion I Bili aa on tiwlion of Hud Mr llolion Id the obt of lb peimot wu lo oV Hoe M Taiar formally annooncad County Bat no nailer from Ibat lime till ow Ibe Compac7 parehaatng ibea Mr lieatly of lb hiaJn being oaa of priaeipolatoekbolder bta retaiaed poa- aeaairti received all Ihe reveaBe derived from iLe lelli but piyiog but t aiatll proportion ofeillicr Iba origiaal perebtaa inoaey or intereat la fael the Ptrlit- nestary nturaa tubailled ia 1659 ibow- ed tbe tmoonl due from tbe Comptay lo the Government in piincipal tad iBlerst to exceed the purchiae price by over 28- OOO But the Jtailrr gave an aaaali fied aupporl lo Ilje Coalition CoveTBroenl ad in I C0 a new arranjeatni of the lia bilities of the Cotapany wa Hada n Order ia Council waa paaned eoataiain Ibe following proviaiont 1 All arraari cT miorett In b wiped oli Z Mr Beany i loripead j4UOOon tb ifnproeBil ei Itie road i I cooiiOiiaiiii of ihal ifnditare iairM lo be ehaigej aa J 18M lo 111 Jylj 1861 4 Fiutq 11 July 1861 to Iljuly IU6 lb rale ol jinrieii oa lbs prrrtiaie miiinj lo lo ihrra reenl 5 Aliefli Jolj IS66 tb ioiereai 1 be four eeoi i After Jai july 1969 to Va bit pei eeni 7 Feiiy iln3iandIla of ptineipalla paid oil tiiat Ui July I89 tad lentie- ler ID mrttlmeaia We And b felfowing kiaiory of tb coatici ia lb Gfcde ef Wednetday lt Tke contiet lUbcrl Cooller u s aito ef aboul lhiriytrn yiart nf ac tad waa bora of rcpectakle parrM avar Bradford Hit falbri wbo n a Itimri waa m lie Couil feMeiday aail afpeaceJ devply affected by ibe awful potiiioa mi whicb hia aoa n placed Coulicr n ana a bill orer tb nediaa tLie of lhi e mptrsioa firnily bmU and apptrt Iu br reiy aivMiiItr lie it ajid to be rd i f t violrnt and ungoveraaWe leaper H kaxecvcd Iwo trriua 10 lUe IVaiirs- tiary GBCr for a faurdcrou atMull swl 111 aeenad time flrarobbery He 19 bate led a very irrrgalar life foe tke pail ti or aevea yeart but at oee bar ke waa ui partaexliip wMb Mr Clwiiiopber Lee t a leal eiae agral la Dame sad bad tbe coeUael fox iawag all lb ej jraed oa lA Nonbera lladwy Aboat Faraeta truiwnisly in ibair apiinf epefatian tkrougbooi tbia aeeiioa ef eouBiiy Fall Wfaau oek reaaikably healthy and w bear no on oempltiaieg ef any aerinaa injaiy lo Ibe enp faoeta Tkia Eveaiaf tbe Sev Dr orr rfveoilv ftan New Orlaasa wi fire laelara aa iia Priaiary Caaae of ika prreeal War ia ihe tad froB tka erpeiailao the Imarer bears a tnal aaay ba upaaled ddmiaaiss Tea Orata O T Bainin Auaaicaa Macaiiaa Thia ia ihe till ef anew monthly periodi cal Rnito It ADanijpBbliaheis Twonlo of Liieitiure Seiancs aod An Ii ia well piiaied and filleti wjjb isisieeting malir Eoquirs for it tl ibe Book Sioiaa Tie laal ttunjeily ilaaliBg m een- paction wMi AVilyaa Malhadiai Cbareb ee lh and Aurata Cirtuii will be bald ia iba fillaga of Aa lara en Saadty nt Baeineae Batting tomerraw Saisnlt at 3 p n Ml Davia ba wtiitea le a eeiD plaiainc that ia ear ivport of tb SebooJ et gia Jaat wk wiad iasiaaalaoa agaiaal bia privtuefeeraoief Ws fesd a aacb inisBiioe aadaboald bw mny laat tyiblf saiiof in ibat diraeooa of aey aan If ihe ipat t iaeerreei eor eel aran are npen i4 rrply laid fer tbe Tolaateer ooaptaiea In Moo- treal who came forward tt Ihe time of tbe Trent diSeulty Ibtt recogailios and CBOoartTeaKDl to which ther were I J 1 k tt- mitc9 Qt irwoinco 0 uuo a vacancy in Iha repreieniation of St Ciair Ditiaioa by reaaon of the accapt- atca of theolBce of Qgeaiis Pritttar by Hie lloute Ihen adjourned Th Speaker look the chair lodtr tt 3 oclock Hon Mr Iltmllton of Kingston hand ed mi a letter which be had received from rba legal agent of ihe aiilng member for Ihediviaion of Deloriimr alleging ihtl Sir N V Belleau member ol iha gen aral commiiiea on Coolaated electioni aa atertlng himaelf tgaiual tba titling menber 1 be mailtr waa ponponed for conaiderallon until Monday Hon Mr Seymour moved that the int tha 7h i w mbo etna tflcr tbe Tbe boo nm- tha folkiwing Peluiens may berilher wriilen or primed provided alwtyi thai ihe nnme of three of the petitioner be eocpctled lo clothe tnd drill tbeoaelvea al their own ezpeaie receiving ocly x lolltra aad that cODdilioailly eg their isdergeing twerjdtyi drill bacweea No vember aad the banning of tbe year Oa Ibe olhtr band volaalMr eoDpaaia had been ornixed and gacelled iaea No- tember ted had been clothed al an ex- pesaeofSlO and S12 each Tbia gtv iboae wbo came ttrdily forwtrd a great advanltge over thoae iilaoten who offer ed iheir aervioei in tbe time of danger ditureoftbe volonlccra of Monlretl to tbow the libenl spirit vrilh which they were aaiauted Ally Gea S Maedonald itid tardy Ibe eorreapondenee oa tbc aabjeoi aad Ibeae facte tothcr with Ibe petition tttd geaenl orders aboald btv bws aabail- ted to tb Hoaae befor it ma ealiad ape e ecaaare tbe Governoienl If all tba iofinaation were before the Hooaf H would be teen that the GovemseM bad treated ibese eorpa very fairly end tin atateiMBt be had made that it ti Ih ia lention of tho OoverBmeat lo tsk he Hoaae fortC sore lo clothe each of thDrc oclock Let every aieiabar ef the neiiisi And hit way le ihe Meckaaka Hall ea Wadneaday evening near aa a mailer ol al impertanca ta lb Aaaaciaiicn will ibn be decided a mailer loo ealcultied lo ffvci noA deepty Ita epeiaiioaa for ihe neit iwelve BoniBt Every membsrtbould make il a poinl lo be there 13 The Cooit ef Revieloa tv ibie til- lage will be beld h ibe Ceanoil Cbtabt on Ihe Mih el May tlooen Metnwhil ibe Aeaeaamew Rail may be eeea at Uw f0 Oik Let evary petaoa wbe feela Ibe lialal lataraei ia ibie oitller eat KM ibat Hell ai eoaaaad if ibea appora ahhough tbey bad DOright lo it aheved ibtl Ibey bad been liberally dealt wilk In November laal genertl oert were ased that all anifcewi eorpa ia Claae B where 4key performed twelve daya drill would reccive C This bad beea icaued ia eoatMkraiioo ef the fact that tbey bad obuiaed eloihias tt ibeir own ezptBae Laat years ClaaaB vupaid iwenlyscrea inacribed on the ahaet coafiioiDg the pa- lition Carried On motion of ihe Hon Mr MeMaster ihe liivition Coori Law imendmeoi Bill waa read a third time aid ptoad On molion of Hon Mr AKao Iha Pfovinciti Companiea ameodment Bill was read a aacond tins Th Houae lhas adjoursed LECiiLaTivB Anrmtr Quebec AprH 34 Tb Speaker look the chair to day a Th Ibllowing billa ware lfitreducd and rvl a firtt lime Taaaa ToincorporalethaCeolral Socieiy for theeujiivaiionof fftx Mr Uunungdon 10 incorporate iha Oiitwa Miaiog Cospaey of Caoada Katt M Sicolia to amend chapter 32 ol the Cooaolidtled Jilatuiesnf Canada and MX yeara tge Upirtofrbip above tllni eapp loe exoroiui oed in ditIed dh h PfO ak M n daefor Mr Mor snpsr eaad betweea lbs pariV n Mr I li ae laferMtio Clere a r y asgidala ibtt ke waa bodjly W of 1 r wu oi loe FVBlwMnrMrtoftbecjvil aarvice brtach rfjhe goeromoi eogntry Tbe law wu npaled ei tc- ih peal teenty eers and ef the life froa ihretu ikai CaWUr ha Statct it tped hb ibooaanJ dolUri Kvery eompany that oibarwiaa lo providi7oV tbranMo wai uaiforaied and wbieb cempleied the maoiof Aru Msnufaeturea bi Aaricul- rlaoaBarearnglduTof Mr Base toaircd aboot clothing Ilecordara likewiaa a bill lo amend V M J M J of ibi Ccinaolidaied Stniuiea Atly Maootld aaid it wti Ihej of Canada relating to ibe cruninal ran mteotion of to4 OoreniBen m be id lr reoiirlTn amend the Act alolbias might have bccoaa dcaimyed I relalitg lo the fori line lUilway Com A very loag diacoaaioa followed which eoM ia tbe wilbdrawtl of Mr Boaatj liooorable Jofin A MacDonald To i Trend tba Act raaperiioc Buildioc iw- Ihe rewaa cieliea LiOSia mured tbe adaptioo ol a Mr McGae nxned ihe tacond retdio of the Coamiiiee on the Bill to of ibe bilf to repeal the ecr of 1907 con- x the rtle uf ialereit in Doaay The cerning the Ciil Service generally M- tbcr aaid thai ibe Bill wat Inoed is oapi aa regard the exanmiricia ofcan- Ibe ialeralt of Ibe raral popolalios ea- didaie for tail Sernce He aaid do Pliy of thoeo who were taffering from Goreromeol a ntore wjlfmjr ihan the tbexorbiUntextetDaofataret preeeoi w recopii the pripje ibti Morruoa laored tha tix moBtht ao long at a public aervaot diachargad f V biduiyfaiihrulJ7 and promptly he should tarung aecosdfd Ihe motofi The I eiyinr ih iminuuitr aod MrMiuiiv of ol fetloflbeUaory Lawahtdredtaeodtbej fce llaepoke of lh ettenaioB of tbe had yel bm vome le Ua But eoa- tnmary 10 ntk for such chatigna aniil the Oovarnmeni wat prepaied ftjMy to slale ihain Ha Fell juviified in atylng that there would be nu nnfortanl changea LCCISLlTiVS AStXailLT Quebec April 25 The following la the cenllnuition of Ihe report of Tridaya proceeding which only cam over ko wirea on Sat urday Mr Buchanan ihougH iht Oovtrnmani gave aa much informsion concerning tha tsrilTaa could be eipecled under Iba cir eumilancet The BBsouncemant of nn importatit liang wtt great boon tc the country Mr McCtougall remarked that Mr 11 wae iioi au sniioui oo behtlf of the meretntile cemmiiajty whao a member of ihe Uovemmeni Laal year iha fi nancinl anlement woe not broaghl doieo till the ISih of lay nearly a fnontb It ler thnn now Mr Rote aaid hi did nol complain Itai year of the isconveuient titie the lariS waa bmvgni down Mr Sinillirld Micdontldt inconnftlinn wiih thiv aubjec lubmiued ihal a eliange ought to lake place with rrepect lo Ihe iiine adopted foe the larilT going inia opersilon In Kngltnd no disciMsion iixik phceon itie reauluiiooa forming a lasit of Ihe inrjlf dieeetaion being re served unil the bill wne brought up the lerilT taking effect from tba ialroduction nd copaideration of ha raaoluliona In this Counlry the lanlTdid Dot go ini uparaiion uuul the pitaege of ihe bill heieby the Hrovmee wta aeprivad ef a irirfe amount of reveno otring lo the uueriiiiins of rpeculalon H John A Mtjdaaald tatd Mr tandfbld Maedonald wkijilistefcen prsclje in lingland alhat wherr Ihe rmlutlont were coofirM iba taiiff look effect nnd not before Mr Brown said h fikt ebbt to be daiirad waa a golbvdi ifiba Min- iiisrof Kiaactce foiffeiia good budget ih Rote pardoa nint if a liiila lime war Up prepar ation The eecend reading the Civil Ser vice Bill waa then Cirri SoBio dicuaalon lugk place on Mr AM fiill lo leciliiata rtincwetgliicie partner Mr Kove thought ihe bill would be ex- tremely oiierouaon Commercial men in tpper Canada requiring ibe rtgietrttion of a distolutioB of partberehip in every country nhere a firnidiil buaiaeai Tbe bill went too far Mr Abboll replied tneeturt Hon John A Mncdoeald Mid Ihe LPfer Canadiiin mamberi of ibe HiKiee oujt 10 be obliged to Mr- Rote for call ing BtteRlmn Uitha fart Tha Sdiettor General LoM bad undertakeo uoaakad ao aa to deal wii Oitir own conwneroMl la Mr Abboll andha had doi uodertakeo to do o vnaaked After he had prepar ed ilie bill fur Lower Cenada ha had bean aeked by itverti members from Upper Cinada lo axtcod lU proviiioni lo Ihal section Hon J S Macdonild athail where waa tha ditniulty ia regiaieriag parloeri the aw had ubfatbed a good reputation in Lower Cniade He aaw no reaaon why it shoulf nut work equally well in Upper Canada Mr Crawford luggaaled the poetpone- rseol of tha bill- Mr Abbott had nn objection to rerrrady tbe defect in ihe bri Afleraome lurlbtr diecuasiao the Bill wta lesd Tbe Hoiite then veal into Commlttm on itie bill w annod ctpiar 4B uf ibe cuoaolldated iaiuiMM Mr WileoD eaplaioevtlie object of the bill If any turnpike read wm re- pored by an engineer appuinied by Ihe County Judge to be out of repair ao as lo mpeda travel the rood conpauy should not allow loll 10 be collacted antil the road wae properly repaired Mr Crooturd olijecied lo iha bill aa Interfering wuh tha veaied righti of Joini Slock Road CoBipinie Mr Powell ihoughi the bill did not go fsrenmigh Mr Hooper elao aupporled lb mee eure Mr MicKentie seid if the Bill ptmrd in lis preerii shapi m rond company woulJ make rnd tn Wetern Canadn He kiew a itd nuik at a cnal of 960 per mile ajidaed because uf to advcrae report of a Hjniy Mineer Mr McKilItr fvik ihe snme vie He waa glad lo find llj lite 8ohcinr General was about lo iniert ff clause lo limit ihn arlifriry jawer uf a countv en gineer Mr held thii the prtaeoi road aci wa soffiaenilr tiridgent Mr Wilton had iiu aympariiy with what had been said aboul veiled righia No read company ought to rctvs toll when Ihe road wee out of repeip All proner precaotiirra were taken in Ihe bill If ihe engineer made an improper report it cuuld be appeeled agniiist Mr 6irct liid nut think a uhule road o0gh ID be coBdemneJbecauM fwr or five milee were in bnd stole Alter aome further diseuaaion Ibe eommiiiee reporittf the bill witb aneM- men la The Mil reapecUDg eertalo puUic offi eeraeame up the clsnae ralniing to ihe Divrainn ari Gierke and Judges aalerlaa The falur waa a delicaie matter to deni with nnd the fervwer he found m referred lo in a bill now before lh Leglalalive C ell ilnitorable John a Maedonald aug Ihtl Ibe bill would atand over nil the blft one came Irom ihe Legislative CduncA huiinnrtem Maedonald aaid it nev ar wae the intemioli of liovernmenl to take the appointment of Diviiton Cuun uerke o of th hand f the County Judge o to the power lo amt when abuae aro could not be explained In tbia c llat Jud would imte fowar m ajiia a koecaeanr ftii pta Mnt Itw lbs Go had od rf evw lo nofar i m b befri gailty be was a reeraber Thti will do ibti C aervatiT The item stood Some private billa were advagced tod the Koti tdjourned LtOULiTIVI COCltCIL Qctai April 27 Tbo flker teek tb ebtir al ikfoc o The hniim way ocespied for a conaid erable lime in dikueing the aubject of a Idler addreaeed to lie Geseral Cooiaiil te on KlectioRt by tbe ic ainl of the sittiBg member tat Ibe DtLorfnler Divi- aien wbicb it t alleged tte H Sir y Uelleaa one of the menbtra of thai Coaimitle wat activtly esertlBg bituclf tgalnit the liitiag oiembcr ltuulativr asumhlr Tbe Speaker took the ckair at thre o Mr pickft inlroJaeed a Bill to ren der void t prodtBtli making Wal kerlOQ the coonly town of Brooe and to divide the CMnty lato 10 MantniciMli tics Mr Simproh inlrodtccd t fiill to re peal the ioeorporitiog the Western Colonitl end CliAoa Baoki On motion cit receiving the l of ConBiittce of the ASTiole on th Bill lo fix llie rate of iolcreal on money Mr Biiehantit moved that tba Bill be rtoeaaiueed to aa lo comet a clerical error by icmon of wkich banks were pre vcBted at preeeal fhjb uking iaterest io advance He desired lo raike it clear tbat preaent law ivfflalned Mr Laogevia aaaeBlrd It wat the inleaiioo of Ibe Commliiev lo leave the Banka ta they cow are Brown waa aurprieed al Ibe mnii bera for Hamilton and l ensoor ajjing immorality lu The Baeodmeol waa earned and lbs Bill amended Mr Buchanan movrd lo salstilute 8 for 7 per ccnt aa Ihe maiimom intereat Mr Langevin opposed Iheamendmenl Mr earlier supported it He i u bnt fair to give private lenders the liberty lo uk h whsa tbe banka could lake 7 per frnl Mr i amecdmcnt waa lost Ycaa 20 nafa 60 Mr Baehantna ameniiiBeBt wu ctr ttod Yea 00 nay 9 The Iloom then eBt into Coamitiee of be Whole oa the aaended Sill witb A cent aa tbe maximom Mr Brown moved that tbe foinmllteea rbe wittml reporting lo Tb roae aad tcpertod Mr CocLbani moved lo iii oet per Mot aad u iaaert 10 mr eml at tbe maxiata He ipoke in rator of btaid tlon arguing ibe limi of 8 per et jj to lejnry fa ftm eaaet MdrIa tsor tbe au boblb boiat Lost 2 le bt Mr Coekbum loecttaeol lfB lost by 2C to 83 Mr Joly mnved lo ftoesd tb Bill to forfeit all the Int Aarcod At the Bill stood fte cnly fbyfclture the ei om of inKreat over llie ical rate He did kt mint a la tbal tt principle aaid a naif wbo itole a wtMb iboald get off by restoring it laond arf a lo forfait t iriBcipai and iolerdat Afttr Ihe rec Mr lMaO attendbetif w lAlfi- draws Nr uidadiMat wu arried hj Mio9l Th Hooae io CohiiUeof tbe Whole iMde ithf aaendBdat thKt tlM aboolJ forfeit all intereat Mr Dell mond aa toscad- meat making it felooy to V iUcsil in terest fLaoghlcr Mr Matthew CaneroD aecoaded tbe amendiBcnt He waa not ia favor of re- airictiog- but if wa wete lo bare a law h wanted h effective The Speaker aaid be woald mle the aoendmcDi oei of order naleee il wsa propdtetf b aake tbe offeoca lBJy tal deaieaaor The motion wai loel yeu0 aayiM Mr Hoe called tbe atmiloB of tbe House to the fad ibal aoder the Bill an error of BVe ahiBiagt ia eaeeeaof ltl in tent might fere Ibe lender of all ia- tereeC Mr Pope moved to mead tbe Bill ao thai it would not apply to loaaa nndcr IS monlbaIcl Yeaa 39 liayl 65 Mr A aaiif the Bill offered a pre- mirnn to immorality The roan irtittpaid illegal ill Cereal ft yean might tarn roand and talte advantage ofinjh payment nd apply ttn whole interext ta defray tbe principal Tberefun be sMted ItfaOiefld ibe Bill that any iatcreel vdatttarHy paid aheald aul be rewtepfble Lot Veaa il nays 60 Mr HtBllain moved In amend tbe Bill PPi TOalmam of 8 per cent lo Ixiaer Caoada and 10 per ocat lo Upper Canada Loel yeaa 8 naya 8 The report of the Commiltse of On Whole W3V eoncuried io n s divition Tlie liiird leading waa ordered for lo- luorrDW Tke following Billt ver read third lime To incorporate tbe Peel Mtoaotariag Company To amend the Act of Lppcr Canada rcfipcclme Jumri On molion for the third rcidiog nf the Iliil to legalixe Ihe bylaw ot the County Coaocil Liaeoln be ptade of the County Town Ur Simpeon thoaebt h rmst eslrior diaary to propoM to llito bylaw which bad nu existctrcc il having been He Dtmd tbe ais iDoatba lioiat Tbe tlx montba hoiil wai loaloa a di- viaion Tim Itil Was pised Thirteen otbel privaio Bills were paased Ibe Houae teamed ttelevaaoeloek from QUEBEC frvM our om Cormpniat QwbK AjvU lihi Julia 1 MteDoaaU gaia sMic jMmdty f Iha oo Tor tfsajrae Tl oppwilia faal ibas snw u ik ikf U iry eofrpliit party i yr iirgI far pawtaaian uf powar as f UavWI idhiaeeeeryieisrMaaieB llr Mpiciif ao a a Baka IW lUva a aualte ih sptdiNislbt IMl Oah prvfarrlst Ik aid hgnit anlsa tha LosdA Jla asd ilaaMaal wras- lajea Haewdaaailkeli fcrtkafceiie lea yaiTt a OovrrBsasi iiimB vhkan laiiiif miieli af ika aaecaaulia la Baatika yaaly eipafclilura Call bM y hdrn for 1664 Wd Btk s year of Bvalaltlw Lallan A Dimiiialioo ef expecditore for MS haa bM eSaeted ef tix bsadf Ibsaaiad dvllan in I8C4 wiih eibet aeaatresd velepfd il will pobably reaeb t aillisa Debate eneeted to be waiia and divW on a cloe eid Wll prebaMy b takoa abovl Tuesday oekt Mioiaiaiitlitt la gooil apiriia Fiwnda ef ihepteaaai Ad- oiaitiratioa aboold iak dlffarM ud seaiain ibeiH aai EleelMa waadeladid to day TtiU ill give ihe eppoaiiioa aea vpe III tdvtllg If Miaialiy ia dial 1 a itoral Elsciien will fdlleir SoMeiiioet aoCitly mlt fired tf oaa aod bangs biak SoMtiaM i ii gcta tired af aociely aad btagt bitsHlf Tliree ef tbe Moailer piloti ia lb atttck ee Cbarlevlea aer ftere m ef Ibeia Ihe black hero Robert Sath wbote elploil Witb tbe iltatar liatoM of Ibe Boat brilhrnt epitoa of the war TT Mr Priibt picliKe Tbe Rail wayStalloa hat beea parehaaed fra Mri by Mr Oravett Ibe bm psblitbee fer lbs esaraci aaa ef 100 Tbia it lbs largett ae m aM for any iiol Eehth pitlur QT le Ibe is Lada fykbetaei tber are trally bwa ti 100 a fll000 Bwb aad ebiidrea aee about 70000 wraoaa tr naetally reei fiBg oaldoor rlief i Ik metrepeJii Tbpattper areyiHf b fairly eeni3 al 100000 ttrobt Tbe of the greaid Boen f a Boffltn bttllding have jutt beMi ditcovered tl Lyonl la ihe ef FouVierea Th prt of th wall whieb it left standing is covered on on add ith 11 and on Ih ohr aida wnb whit marble Seme Haadaoae aneiifi have been eilraeted front the niiae Tha ConfederaiH conihia yf crot tb Itsppalianaock in toitO bofii nnd hover aboill the lines Of TI llookrs army On Taaidty th mauding oficardf Ihe Southeri BM Hora civAlty tnd men were cM lured ai Waterliic Thd river is flUia rapidly and ibecoaditbD of iberoidatjS ioipioiiag Cf A novelty haa appeared et en in tbeabape of a diving leacbiee which il ia aalJ cau be used a t aiat detiructive engine of war or aibeaariD beilery Tba pereofl wbe eUm le bt the invetiior la a Spaniard naaiad MakJ turiel and alreiady sMBeibiiif like Sflte thDCteaddclkn beta beea raleiO Havana tu eeiabh Uia to build ea ki flMcbiots FbteltiiV MiiL AT Siacei MiT tTiotaa BT EltsvA iienai aMU a led t MiddMoa Ceiiire asd bloagly to Vaneery Wai blown ep yaMdey by iLa baretiag of Ihe boiler Tbe etill waa toWly deeirttyed alao frt era fifty Irafdedlaiaei PiMriiMf wtrrlllld On ma wee MowaM- about fifleeD feel in Ihe air btil tttfm- rioaaljr injured No fartbef paMnlM ae yet 8ftWat AffQ SB PvTfamr CM TnHAD Cttw up Th ditpeekloD of ibe Blh ibePiierbofr waa dended- rn- Sutied district Coon ed wiauMm Jadge BeUt dldtWiet IM BalFliKI the ediUMy oP tbd UeFtdd Staiet ney wlo Immilitely traaiA Mr Arebtbald tb Britiab Ci wae ptnt in coaK Tbe pioeetdiial agaiaal Ibe Vbaerialrf daifB iMltqnif ed M IM tiMket A Lm WITH rH tttrfitf reaide ia Weehlilkioa eiiy ftoUmfti nry ere Waeilbgt to the pr son of Menr Wlaer IH sriMill prieior ef Miadre tfUI KOHbtm V the exlttind rtf The iaao MBfiy alaftr jtitftif MtSt It h repelled Ibal ibe cbeaea Kia of Oreece Prmce William of Dee- laaik it dMiihd is ba lb butbtad ef Mr Wilin itiboji hj ttiike oui oiy alafty reeaybiiritB pride M hliMelf BMfiJVl eat lo oiben tn sMf UilerilewtHrtM ihejboef hdKiik vU ibaFimlAtii dent 1 Alexbndra aod eiber Tbia aged reliitt of e eft eta eW aswng tb iDiimtie fri oFr4nC laektoB S S TW Fi barg eerriafoadeat f ibt 1 Kleridita tell Ik feUoiria slory While tpeakiag ef peUim il a kmd coaeeelM wtib a tfiec ew Fredervakal I HtiV lb bcaeiref Ibe cerieea AiMdtlkjH a Iradiliee U afciag wwdiKerertd nisg ibr ealb befte Ibe Bele6 ary war Tbrt aeelbi bsfarea MM ef peace 11 dried Op aad eewedy 1Mm4 rwaaiag tgoie dHe befstw lb wwef 1819 aad firts befedakaeeeie Ibe B war il agaia dried op aid ae wilb lU Metteaa war Three eMa btfire fall of Fert Siapur H ifM rBalagaad a aberl liM tiaca MHfjh I give B By eMbse for iK wkt was bora asd la liviagMar Un fjfj nd woo bat eonidrrable prepvr Nd ehrt lo bet il all Ibtt will B pacs ie ikre aostba fie lb Ayiegt of lb apfiag f Ovx or Tiu Vs WHO At a social leBptfssee plbariaCSa Losax isid tbc lollnwiagateryl Htai Illbaiial9a publitbed lb Peer Mf GBariTita whitb slrvck Ike irti pw eal blow al Iba obaosiost itaafi Tbe veadert aaed le aell a lira ad f v tb pofrr One day ibn resdrvout al New Croat tiresi a 7 oni of rettt kowa is tbet My big pieeer Ha laid lie k f Ihe Bvwt vvBdei Bad jaal be ftiae- the New Bailey and added it IM fc If I had aoflKlbieg i- Warl weeU sell Ibeu f lat If Ay p pritet ibey would blH t t M L touk roiid baa kal aod kail B erewa waa raitfd I Ih lad waa ftftliW with a tepply of paper waal Ibea look ear f lb preKljtMMf frea hitle lo aere by dil ef stedise4t ad sa splilad fer bnlsedJj stbid lfsilie is 0 aaae wia Akl Reyweed aad i M priatit AsBtai ibc aayar efMaMM laet Cselt Ik I L

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