MMMII THE NEWMARKKT EBA MARCH 27 iSBB Bw AdTiMMBaU AlkHi Hotl J 8tntin Ifv rrM OoW TrtrL PirM fluKrVvt McUtMtr Uuio If W Ttrt lilfhotltirT TpvMLliiuJ T fitdkvi MnlnrAe vr VrtM iMTtr Uitiid iMiinnr C T AUiom CtM Dilkibiad If Jhri AoJr llindtnoo TuMr 8l A Awcikob W SniftnH t I pnltcl pRwImtii and uodtrclct of elirtJ reii lad k tbill b iMipabl VoMhYotk ller tbn w bars til forebodiBft Bpen birh An Klrctor appnri u btsj io netiHWr ful onj I llcr toe e hara ibt bn- iwcr lo the tbcsl public And bting We ahalt odtDOV eoler Aiore fullv ioto tbe iuntion iCn pfJirnry ak ppfculaltd Dpoa bj oit cor beiaj a Ciadialf fo ar of bei eUile or lalargfd l lb IfiUtia CoUeil f AtMtnbl duiing Ihn riilianaul Tba tccoaJ xttma of lha abort Din nikfi iLi Acl rtcCiei Al f ISSO Tha Joqnalifjmc r of flifl Xtt in rhp di mnta leirJ rtBtiB rponJr bulubabaaeboafnlSireirrpf lb ar fr anu olbrr tialulo lapnM tde EraJir IfkttfVidDyVmhSTtb 1803 The 8 Bill niPUT 10 AS IHCTOIC Mr M K w an atithoril Cn lbenri ioD cf nnaltly lih regard lotbe prwen istaiion e aball tali- lb Ubrl If finion of Tew leadiiit ertalfr5 Before dcin ao hcmarcr a Bny nj K far Ae Ilomas taiboliea e conormeJ ii ould K difficult to lcnJ bat thry of Vr roTTK iben do and mrase i aa tliry hat lile and olui wrrepoDient OBder tte ovnoircn f An KLicritft aWher eo1imn liliiiJ the laBN fcror if cp- p funJs arrPfJ rte Sbool and no doubt cics he ffy ilieir arranomrtt Mr ku broogbt tha eJiiot of the V1 t aoTt- It nglil lo be book by his etpLdicncy lojie in- we bou UiX wliil wyi iba Po- tkereof boetr he rtaiiada us ofj tba Moatreal Tiur Ibe man learning lo tr- itTm Itcad the fLillowing ktarpfb and waa oMij lnb Pill Tliii R h Re lirliert be la Kill be uxlrf in in iht UM af ualaiilul iBCtta ekrr7 ccDtliutoeica New Grammar School Btll Tle AllorntyOetml Weil hil HtTo- durrd a Hill fur tlic further inpnte- Ul than cbia Ipper Cana- Thryear njiVin aoicral important cbanjra Vc of the raluable iiuli- lutionf Tlicae canl for lb moat proportion nril Comnisent and Prt areclited lirly to iseresrelbi elpa funJ5arrPa elBcleoey of Grmmoaar bet ix will bo obaerred bjx- aminitig ila eiacan it contaioi one pro iiino Bnjuat towards rMftt eapeeullf and 0D airoDly eoateodej axinit oo tbe oecaiioa f the CTiief Titliin Itrn place aoae jeara ao Dal IlKued by bit eonipaniooa or be lott jal l 8t A i zaBiie ibe prodsclioo vf AwJOtBUr ilw fal drire at i iftanon r Ar Erm gt rrvtiat i itawA tlaevb margractit i bi admit rr The waoa that n- Ok Weag r tliepavv ii ce maer a ic fneBUtTTe of the Rrdin Hrrprrcnt lag bia eowtitaenta Tiw itron nev er isade a liht tbii Kliclot kaoaa ritit veil Jtut vre and will now aliov ai liable lo toijei ty bate turfitfit lha rmrnehairlr a pment lrrcinietii a fonnet A1 WaUbihlfe un Ifia Cluor o itia Mou apeakiof fur iJia ovinmeni doittij iti- atiaance rormal ttiaubr irei pledged 10 cat ilio meiiute haka u ihe inngy of Jlijbefore Vt length npes tbe B- cPoAe Tti CtAvmifre oecuioa cDoriij tbU ih Jo mil lauiial il aia neaswrete a aecond reading howiag la aa It oe premaluft iv do pmniPL a y ani opnwn uian ji tnar i nnd T mnM ht lo It it A faU i jiaui MKcnrat rJ fhe itSil J Ix thia look liko t Ktt a n Kloclor ibinLa no tre RifjrcBct fro 1 P 1 wafmeirof usR vbat leadio Kdortsera have al- 1 Caida lie ad naaa otcc uf the ready said Tbe 7oelWs areek aaj 1 H eaable a fajiea at ialercaU There ean bnolo opiniona ihl Pf uVjeei amnng man rt aerne anJ deein P Granmar r pper mm Se lo- M ihrir i Jaaada in b better pcaiiion dtaa at 1 a in1a uieciaiian artnol open in Lp- 1 preeeal occupy Tbe lUI prorided ibat pet CanaJa acceaaabt lo noire Roman OooBty Couotilj thosld ipptBl the trua- hirh liyeaitlOilAraiiea ibal the Coontt footwila abotild porpoTt in erler hat onr reidcra may be able a prafecyeoisprebead tba aatareef be ebaBgeBpropoted We from Um Qucbee itremry Hon J trnvd tbe ice otid readng nf the BtA fr the fdrthet hs L lie U9 ant ite rlii Calii leJceO 10 cam i in meipute uiai viio ouoit vouirciii bhubiu Oar eonesnJent b evidently net e for GrjrScbb aa for fmlei a tbe lubjccl be bai tboB Tkc Lioiaay Tw Miaiatertal oflalt prortd proper lo take ui to lak for tbci j4 Iwboulj tbould be free to aU ibe yootb Hon Mr McDotuMi during the dii li la ftaieU ihaijf ibia Rill beeena Ia jot he coaoly wilbovt tb payment tUUd tjiii if QQlaiDi a1 il6 furnxf Mlil ilill i fit- H anolhtr i Ttc UnaoB ReforiB also hU Ii ij clear ibtrcforr tle SoMa llie same Ti fiiD hieb WDake were not pledgod to ang fjrti- ho flllnwla exlract- 1 auring iacuii i la aieu mai iiiBia Hiu eeeena ia i oi ne coaoiy wiiaoat bq pimi the prcvnt Itili i maieilally aiihe LVramen Scboo i nf fee for tuition eieCpl t naideaU Hill ji i J f ibl Wuca I the t owe or laeorpgnled t cr Hill dH lac wlthia which tbe Uraaimar Sefcool otiir Bin aod asain in aapportiiii Ir CaViBon ameodoieut Messrs Ic- Ii I rnctirtiTTil te ihink of oor ftne y lem iloooiedi but whan iha fieai rk I L i 1 I ptincipla o nonaeolarian eflacaKMi laonc D a W both Totrd Ibe origiaal toeaaure as intrcdticed and Toted for l Mr S In bis act they either did not carry oat oor corrta- peedentt inierprclaiioa of Mr TALL Vcmoin rialeDCGt or clae there was oo iDiiht be aitBalo lliat appertioDOienta loada Oianuiar Sehotls Ter aad above XTj abouU be maiia accordiag to tbe daily iiHaa atliadaaoo aaJ Ml eerti- 6eaiea ahuuU be naied to aaaaten of tcbooli under tertaia Med ItOBs There were ettcal other claoaea of aiinor iiuportasoa Sine lb Bill W beta draw tha Chief ioperiDKedatof IM- cation M eowMted la mika Toreata i Coooty as well aa city for tbe porpote of the Bftl Tbe Bnl waa aot aaUke bat troitaMd ta l6to by Qxi btfti mtaber tbe tiewa of be uuk I sci b b ddd j irt Hall That the Bill prors our poadon Bat wbeltcr ibc j j prwcoterf An aUrm had CaaoAi ihe weic i inMiicd iKal eita II in pieces la ife proapKi anl i IS tel righl afFd tair Is aa i out Tf clearly beroc all prilai lha lhay may goraro ihemaeltea accorjirgly We migbt go oa and ill Colamfa of ex- undrtandinir But a little fur iracu like tba abore frota jodrnaia and for Kittoa Tba Cliitf Superialaod tiler oa n Kltclor puta Oi folio- i speecbea in tbe Ilocae of mea whose Uc gcot bad nt bimaf lo a great deal of iag worda inio Ir Wiuol mouih form principles dare not be qoeatiooed J trouble ia aaccrtaini wbea add in ibe Mcchauin to b supported by tbe GoterDmesl woi DratiaD be a inaUiy or nut has nollinp of tt ji7ic aa bad beea ialrudueed by I lo do with lb poaitiou we Maaeil in Mr Scott duriog last aeaaion lliw our editorial of last week aad is a aiTer Aa Elector can rceoeeile this las- able subterfuge at aa apoiopy for tbe sup wilb what be alatet ia tbe firii ex- 1 port of a mesiare lo which we are fuly tnl abore gitsa tbat tbe GoTersuicnl i puraaaded a tery large majorily ia thi- ifo 10 carry oul Ibia aeaiar Ridiiig are totally oppoeed The Bill 1 lirammar pBrpe Tbe Bill t are at a losa to aoderaUod doca aot dimply reader the old Scparatr j W make Ihe OraiDmar Sila bet- Our coireapondeol ocil procecdr inilicol Law more workable but nny of Ibera at tbey were at preaeat ia tbow wbal tbc ScparaM School Bll I larye eilcalaled lo foleranch tut JiuU better poeifWD thaa Coomoa la eoataio to wbicfi tJie OorcTBivnt were I P line of dc lie stioald ako remark that matkaticaWtwcenrJOteataaUandCaiho I power waa rfWB lo Vnion Sfeboob form- lclbua dtmyioBeooiaJ barmoey sadt by ajooclioa of Grammae a4 Cum- rfi boboola to arwl laaaaiweb ta Ibe Uaioa Sebool eyiiaa bad sol been preeente boca felt tbat the paopla of Ibe eoaoly shoald be eooipefled to rtppcrt tbe Gnca- mar choob for tbe beadt 4f fbe own ia which tbey wtf tituated a frorliloa waa eontaiaed ia tba Bill ao ai la aford a prjteelioB ti Ilia eCut thai tba tewa W ity iboold protid a aiaiuUe baildiaf for naderatooj lo be plelgedtiniy Woir iJ Jtanuin Wia fo Inn Ltion SMioM Tlis ii really all we were giten l BaderaUai Mr WiLnni would aop- port al tb Meebaaiet llall meetiag ad A i u r Ay file eiiilor W rile Aru ta id OKI OKl Aaotber rraaon beliering ibal lb amendment allud ed t waa all ibecbasCBfrfeBIated and aa Ibe I pper ilouae eleetioa vaa ful affording fivitful eaoae for eagcadcring strife and diicord Oo ihia point Mr D X MacDoSALl M P P aaid H bftJ lotif pppM J Schoola twcaUM h ihotfgtii ihfT voylU MCI hftti feljO ih Jitfffnl lini DiJ I drawiTgon for llia DirUiea it ws netif h daaaped adiiaable lo agitate he auljcct I Ig rcault of thia new BiU aad We acted oa the rery principle laid down n e in North Yok who bare ercr by oor oorreapoBdest rxptdimry a rather uiaenb thing at beat a jda va nerer like te admit in the gurern- meal of ear actiocs belieffng as we du beeo foteoMat io declaring oor oniont oa thia iantson for finiry aake acil oarelr9 for voisgbl and barter away long ebetialied prinelci for temporary thai it baa led to tbe groaaeat ioeonaialcn pll old Reformers who eta ia both cbureh and aUte but for tare labored M m ftoiioujilT the nonea we followed it lo gain what we j iate tta Stepaee School Bill was tbea eoneeiied and what we atill bcliere tndeeed to prvrent ibeir ctjl leadeo aaagrtalgood the tocoetaoftlie potty cic Aall flieso cdcb bo toid tbey tnual BBB ia tbe Midland contetl for na are fady pertsaded he will aot aopport tbe freaent Hill Thia waa anotbrr retton wby we bad nofAin to try os that Ocu- forego their bwiJily and ground the wea poBt of their eppnailiea aetoally belie ibeir weowei priaeipln beeaaae ihoae in whom tbey eeoCdinfHy tnulcd bare Oe iia jeeiTci tbetn or ibowgbt propr to act Aa Elector neat rtfen to a reaoVtion differently off So groaod of eipediea- dopladbat neither lhai meeting oerj ey to aobma a teooadary gvod Vo ny other Mceliog of the elector of Vtfrth aol All Ike nphiaas of Kleelor Vork ever dreaaaad tbat their tacabtrl and all the btekbaCuFfdesi of lie Mends VWUtadrocals tbe araewa of the sf MetariksedMttiaa cnabined w3i not tSfIt of Separate iheoU or Rire Ibejalter tbe temper of Nertk Tork oB the aeparatiala power or adrsnlage orer the Sahool Qaeatibe It ia a fnoeiple a Mpporter of CoDooa Sehooli Bttdear to tba as aay other tbat wtild be wbal art the facta of tba eaae The MBtvrt abadowed fortb by Mr Wilson M uiBJy to pre RotaaB Catbolie pow- r to form Uaion Seedoaa vbere towa- bordered oa oat aaotber and be ia Bond Head ia Sitaeoe wbeia lia aeraen of four towaabip joined aa a Ma is potoi It BtTcr waa dreamed that i fg tba CbaKb of Roma look tba lavaabjp of eoold be rat mp iaiAaboat 7 ScJm Sreiietf and k eAeetaally eal off taxation for Com- son School purpo aad Ihit too lo Se doae at the option of yfaw aaea aa tbla Bill prori Tbe cWlan of tbi Rid iaf CTr iia tbear aaaetioa ia Caror of alWwiag leacbna fas ocniSeait Aen aaM Lower Casvdb isKilaiiea or be- aaae tbey bad takes bol ordert lo pre- om tehoole in Upper Caaada asd paid by Proriaeial tad Mgaieiptl Bel tbia Bill itft toab Buy W ib oa tad a proportioa f tU Maaiei pal arCUijy IUterTtgTaBlraidal beio- fW W gma lo Mpport lb laacbiag of 4h biaMMby Hertk Tork Mny WMCBted ia sort that the priaeipW ct gepenle Seboela sheeli beotoW or la- nWitiai had ealealaM to vaakaa ibe CoMM SahoKl I ia aactioaa ibrM aadfoar of iba Carrapl Mr PrtrMiiaa Act of IMO la HI o oiifKnifiaBn5f5rr foaad generally to work bwrmowienaly The prorialotta of the Bit haS been made widely known la Ipper Casada by the learsed Chief SupcrialneBt of Eduea lion who la lit preparatioa bad kept Ha waa a Caihilii himietf an be pccially ia riew iba iaportaaee of Bak T ling oar Grammar 8chooUby allowing la- of the tabliahmenl ofmaaterahlpt of Ag- hren the Romaa Catbolica ihemaelro oral CbemUlry Natural Pbiloeophy and other tcieaoes fit inatilotiona for tbe preparaliOB of the youth of Ihe toaatiy to enter the LniterMtief Now where we find faalt ia that prop erly qialiied aed tvCeieatly adeaeeed pupils of tittogm are aot allowed U at- tead Grammar School witkeM Aiitioa fee while papil are allowed to atlead frea from the Coaaty t m y be aaid by way of argoDieol lhal Coaatj Cooacila eaonot lax tillage tor ibe sapport of ih aebooU aad riliagea paying toiiion ftea It but an offaet lo the Coanty tax but let aa exaauae ibo Bill a Utile farther It alao protido but it mC laeelieeed ia ibe abore apeeeb lhal the CovBcil of taeh cilf am or villaoi tiaK ftntuU nth neeamMjationt and tttker nfjKrt a Itit tcayobailutft apparaliu Ac 4i llu Drd Trulta nay nquirr Wbat oompeotalioa for thia heary oallay an rillages lo reerira J Simply Ibe prtrilege ef payaag wifiea c for tbose who Bay aHeaiL If tha Bill prorided lhal iaaa- meeb aa riagtt bad ac aaaaiy taa to pay 0wtrdi the aap tbeat iaatilalioBt tbf be rciiad te fotaith aeoocaaoda- lioaa A aad tbea iaai free ta atkera woald be a abow of jattiee bt a it no alaada rilUjjet will baet lo pay daarty far tbe piirll of banag b Oraanaat School loealad ia Ibeir aidat aifd eoat- ptlUJ lo pt Imitinem Apart fron tba tbe mum appaat to te a good oae and ai it will m aaa p antU afler tbe raeeaa ve taka Ibe Mttrty of calling tbe atteaiioo ef oar rtprae lira ia botb H to tbe ttideal injaa- liee likely W ba done aaall eillagce wbera tbaaa iatlilatiooj artlooaled Ia toa aed eaiia tba iajottioo old bo b to graat Wa bare eoa witb may aroMra ef lb avroaadiag aovBtry ud Aad vitbaat aieapilo tbey an oppsaad to reoaifiax adraatagea at Ibe tsptua of Tillagca It ia trve tbal taat wgbt ar gue tbat Iba aebooit ovUWtoadadwkb rttiJetU Tblr if a aiKake Papila matt eotaa Bp la a pra ataadad bete tbty an adaillad aad by tbe tiae tby aeqaire lha edaaaliM aeoaaaary to ad- aia a wy Urge proportiaa apoB ae Inda or eaOiaf AKthaaa ba tbe fcOowBg WBUiki Tbe Gnawr 9ckeel tf Ui aamed mo will defend tbooKb it aaertS their mrttt Hoi or beat ti cal friend othfrtite For aaotber prasipie IWtar ia tbe Bcw School Bill we rtfti Mm Biaetor 10 au articlo elaewbere ib oitr eolmaa to4ay from the Glot ft Wedfliiaday ImI beaded The QaealioB ef ibeDay aed whan ve add to wbat ia then ttaled laige aliee out of Ibe Reaerre by way of oommautioo tb injaatioa of the BUI ia aren taoea apparaot ElMtion Law Amaaded Tbe Haaorablf loliealor Geaeral Wfiae las iarredeeed a sbAri Bill l aaMad iba EWclioa La Iba IVe teatioa Compl Piaciieav arpailia tneelary alt Clasti irar praftdts tbal if aay Raprt aealtlirB retaraentit ia tbe LagiUalite Ceeaeil or Uifialailie AstaaWy ef lata Prefiaea it p befora iba pro per Tnbaaal tf lbs bagbUtifi Ceaatti oi Lrbtit Awaably af atiaf wy of Iba aaaat MailMtd aad tpaaiM a of the tswaiitioi efMr act probabiled ia aad by iba trreral tabtaadoaa of tteiiea oaaaad PP Caoada bare bcfitofnra btaa rery poorly protMed far ladeeJ aad the caaieaee baa beta tbal but lery few of ibeai bate bet Uylbitf elta ibba a tardea to tboae bo bate lakes aa iMereilia heir soceeia I IW diSereat lactfhiet Oram- air Scbdat TrWIeea IbN bifbcAa bad bo pewtr 10 ley h lala for ibe lapport of ibe acboels lader ibeir clitsft tterpi tpon Ibeir ewa pbckela iVf hate tiiliply akalbeilt roiid fbemby Carraent tal MMlbcrelo tiinMit faodt ahd do- Dttioas a Bake a rtff poor taltry lor a IVkcker Tba ItralBmar Schoal law is tbit reapecft nierAljr isrCcieal aad tttt BDradiilW bie iba nillnlrodu- etd bylbeTtrnier meela Ibis dificuly Boat Miy wt fear if psHtcd ii ila preaeol krf Iwa a HeoJesey t carfy tbbip too Tay Vn ik elbsr exWrme Moat tovtfi tod rillaet art already latc preiry btatlTy for rtie keppartof Ibsir eaaaMB tehaola tiB a dtiaiod for a lte taoaat forlka ciectioB ol a waoi- i v Msiler Gcnen alao of be Minit- mar Sl bHdig td purchase of hr I to the Uller rMiiiffiM cenimtf ni AB itert L ri tpiaat Iba Hw rs many ptcei I fullowog s popais iB tba Que- bc Mfreir and iraoifer It to OOP col Mored by Mr Jackson aeeoadd by 1 RoailbouK tUt Ibe Inipeclee ba ib- Ifucled lo BOIify parlies deptiag Tiaber oa Proipeel Street In rertoelW ste Witbla one week or lliry iH proiecultd tceordinc tt law Canied Mninl by Mr Mandea weeadtd by Mr lUtdboasr lhal fW BrLaK lo tniaals rnaniKK Itrge te eafofeM rn aad after MonJar iti aad tbal he Cirrt fira noilce ia Era to ibtl effrel Ctrried Oiilaollo of Mr Jaikson teeoaded By Mr Mtrsdrn tlie aurelies of Mr Sbtreji were aecrpleJ aod eeilifieale ofJrred lo briiifd so oi tbe IJr Law rrlal- iefto latffns i cooptied wilU- Carried fie Council Urn aitjeurard Tbriiitifc force We are indebted lo the Hon Mr Vti0 for a copy of lha lleporf the Coontj Agricultural umn to ho tbe extern cf tbc ecw or- Porioant lo niltic a mcrllng ot tlrt r 3 t T5ie llfMrt oT Iho MfliTia Ocrart- Dinetort of the Caaty Society lod of tremlr7 ex- pUoe at the North Amancan Hotel New- ry jiry benefit aarket on Satcrday lait to ir otsanitalion A ttr Pr Pratent tbc Ircaidcnl MrT Lflcj- tince from ho policy itonned bj the ooek aai Meatra J KcrguoaFuih 1 Ulh n few t tj worJf wliat ino itato lh volanlw A Pbilipa J Irooidci 0 S P force ws a le commcnocmen af May C Henderton and E Jaekauo emipinlly aiafaclory io- A etfmmnoieation rat rcceirrd frcm icreatc that has rinco bees rcaliied Ae- the Toronto Klectoral Society asking cording to tire ttemenl jrpecd for Ihr vt 1- 1 L iu iitfoTmalisn of the HoAtr abont Ita Nertb lork lo unile with then in hold- iog aa Uaion BxbbilMM lo Totooto i iexl faH infjrmalion acifuircJ ly Lieut Col Wiley Abo from Mr Fleminr teedmtn To- Jurin- hij aubeaeot toar of initcclion roBlo offetiag lo famish gardco aod field jt appfgrs hat of the eoapanica cmbrae- aeedi a reduced laici cd in tMa tlateffietit not IcM than 29 Ihe Auditors Report wax alto pre- representing 1 450 liien were never pro- 9eeted aad adopted peilj oraniKd t h period when Mr Oa melion of Mr Ironaidea accoaded Macdoosld beeaire Minuter of by Mr Smith tbe ScereUry waa inalroct- Jiiliiia llcn tho lolal eftcientfoiw did cd 19 eeinowlrdgo tho eonuaniealioa not exceed 1100 rolunlcerf tlhla rtb geeretary of llo Toronto Elec- momcor ibe oal ia 25010 ahowing lorti 9ojtetj aod repwfally decline be iji j few nonlha ander tbe ja- ioTllttrM V aa ta boMiag an cxhibi- dicious encouragement sftnded addlllona tioil amounlin lo 13070 hare been vblatned Od oT Mr traBside aecoedcd ric results 3iuirod by an analytitof lj Mr Fergason the Vdtert Repor tho force show that tbc tiilea of Vpper 4at ordered to b printed i Canada eonlribulo fewer rolanteera in Tbe tff holdiag i8pliwg Show prortion lo their popalation tbantfiosa and Plowing HaKh wai tbcajitcwaeed al gf fowcr Canada wbilat with regard lo toaa leagth birt rt1 iearniog that tbe the rural dialricU Ibe eate it rereraed Spring 8bo fct Kilfg o be beld he larr prnporlion being furnished by near aod for Thllibbreb act upper Canada Thus In ibeeilia Low- IensoetiAs ibe Board Anally decided to fumithea 5 500 or aay 36 fur hoM oM taafs tSaic Sbo the Mod of too Vpper Canada bol 3- pTl 025 or tav 6 for each 1000 On tlie Aftef ofepirlog a Prize Lift and ap- j otr haTl Ihe rural paru of Lower pointing Jdge Ihe following Cbmmlltee I Canada jield 47J0 W 9 for each 1000 wu appsltlKil lo make ibe neeesaary a U 754 ia Tppw Canada or 9 raiiacMta Mer T Ii Heai fof atl 10M Strikiaj an arengc ef eocl J IroBtidc Joieph Bbgtrt John f the per eentaihaKgbily ia Rcftn Beuten Powell OS PhllilD and fjr of Lwer Canada beiawpvarrlsef loha KaadalL ji for each 1000 of lit pple ainat A rtlation wu aJao adopted reaeind- 1 boul 0 for each ihOTaiaS in Upper Ctw ttbarate which prohibited aniclct of lp lo Iftih Kcbruary 52 eatlnfeer matnrtieftfte being shown mote than once I empaoics la CliM A bt been Bald for or compdlins their being mtoofaelored jr lfi62 he toll cf the in the In which the show waa beld fjnicn1s Uing 2R72 In CIns B Tba noard tliea adjourned companirs wcri paid an BfcTegale of 20Br2 in ku of cloihing The aalbor- iied Drill xiaions number 34 ia Lower Canada and 42 in Ipper Canada Tic rtluriij ot the Militia show lhal 21 dislricia into which the Village CorporfttioBS Mr Rtitt r p for Dendi has Introdaeed a Bill 0 cflsnd ite powers of of sfiewaJk wbicb we bf to Me beeotw h illH CorporatioBs nlatinr te clraoiti I Iroxinee Is diiidcd cnbnea 4rt bati liona of wbich 197 belong to Ix5cr Can ada Dividing this branch of ihe mililia I into flauc in conlixoily wilb the law Cltate ll Ensels fbil ite Cooiie3 ofj g hce regain Iowrr Caliada any iaeerportlcd rlllaga ma pass Dy- ll class senile mm 3330 2nd data Lawt far niiag ao ey by a rate lo be service nno 521 reaerre mw 20- 105 Upper Cjnida lat elaa C3333 2nd ciM reaerte 25917 Tolal rank file Lower Canada 1HD48 Upper Canada i73WS The ealireated number o aiililia men of all raakv it In Lower Canada ltKI0rO Upper Caaada 230000 d eaally oa Iba wbola rateable proprrif of te tillaa for Ite rtlief tad soppart ef te rtriJent peer ia be Maoi- eipalily CUaae 2ad Tte Coaacil of aay ril lage aay also pass llyIaws forcoaipef ig ptraeat lo renors snow ice sad dll froa te aidewalki in froa of Ite premises oweed or occupied by Ibes and for re- aerieg ite aaa at iba eipease of Ite JDonatim Party On Wednesday aironing lati a rary targa number of lTi4 frieodaof Ra K r aceupanlMica el dfal- I Mititur oflbi and aaeb latl wieaiOBed llrLas nay te place asaamUoJ lo do him honor a th raaideneo of Mr KoatarSiartoir Af ter lea and a tocial artd poaum trening a aubalatitinl leslimoninl of reapact waa Aa loany partita anvaktitg te ijolnte as ta wWn Ihs Ntwiasckri Slfieaa paaj vlll b sfile aa aty JiW stalainal tbe eoMpaalta ofnad tere m far iiBaiiliiUte aapKUdtat of Ike OarsiBntai bat I Key are snlUng far adliiinaaJ tpirpiialiaaapai Ptr Mkeni leearer erpwiai He oavanfaaita wU be aatll tha Lefialaim ta ite reUsa fuada In tdnrtiaing eotaaai today VUl ba bead lereral paw aaneutaaaaBj nv TarecHb Maws 0 1 W Cx an larfa Mllline tod Usnlle Ooeds Vr flaAHa saaaUjsbrral i ab welt vortby r a riaU by aay ef ear rHeafts ialerAx la itfah pgrehaaaaja Tonmo while M ba Crjeary oftff iff Bn wailief ihefarmlafeab vtr rao b aerH satKfiieliaa 4li Caffee it enaiitrnl ihe betl In ilia City o MaBtK Dx Moatars Miaua cw fASitioat- Tbit rery axrelleni qDartctl i 10 hand aed qiiila tnainiairta iioitrth- staniling lha enil Ulacord and strffepiail ing in The Siaias us foim TMpuiaiien for lha baaoty an4 aBiauanaawT iia fuhion plates aod fullneaa ef daiail Ie preaeni nnmbar eonlaina rhe Likenea of Mrs Gen TiM entraeingi of ihe jw aly worn at ihe Jae ftrk rweprltn Ol eotiva Waimaaoii seill tee t run da ibi work ihe poblishar ariA rtpfle Mr- E WiaaB Cominercial ol rha Viobt we bast ieeaird ibe Annual Repoit of Ihe Board of TrnJa iih a Re new of ihaCewiuiarceaf Toronieter 1961 Ii it a pampkUt ef aoAa tixiy pagee aad anbreees mach aiajisiical and eotaneieial mailer of inteft Tha Annual Reeiew i a Very iffipoiltol Jiebmeni and giresth reader an intVt he traile and com- merea of Toronin tVa ahall fenltb oui laadertatiiacis froro Ihia woik ai M aail 7- CorrfBfOfllitnrf ZJ r noi rapMiibl m prfftriiieJ lo Mr Darktr by A Ma j Llo M A wilb suiltbit ttmarka lo lich he nv geoilcmA fatliagly re ide lo apply eiter lo be wtele of Bcb lllar tocraia afreets or otter loeali- liat I at ibe coeaetl aay tbiak adri- saM for Ite public beaeGl U trill te obaerted iba wof4rfia9 it sard ia tetb thaws Ite Caeacili mof past OyLawt for ibea pOToas or aay I besa Aaaeadiaeati to Ite P- Bar Mr aaT W M Maaseipal Al era aaeb Deeded it Vrila l I Ml uicn U rtetivM Th rnowoifd lo pwtrd of wmarkt OomneiL WOpKlpally eaab Tb ocea- I iiAD VM UM of much tftd dl TU C4 mt ot i 0 mrktd mMn th ium eeeaiag last All ite eaten preaal- beld Ite Rnre A Baullbee Bs- i Ite tteir i Alter readiar tte AiBies aeeouattj r h I r Oanaral SBBmur wen prrtealed fo Uaoai liwaa mi atrriaat ta Poll Chill last Jaaaary j The Manieipal CoancQ of tbe Slaptea Webs lor lakiog Sarsia lo i TewBhipuf King laeneat Btia Beial9il Aaylaa tHOOj and frVB W Kirk for artioa Be At oar next publieaiioo da Oa aoooa ot Mr Oa- b e acoaded by Fidr e abll iaau tbe Mr HmAmm ib bcrt ftccouU wert a rtftrnd lo Ite PiB Coaaillee a aa i UMn VlU PMM OMT M 0 SiaCe Mr MtrMeft pr teeua a pelilioft froa 50 nltpayrt io farer of gnaiieg a eerii 9 jjH lUBlioe to tte teeoeaoe- feate of Lkna lo icba 5arei gi j fP SUarea 11- 1 iai asaka way far a Urgt UeSw j iBpenatiea Ur Roadbeau presralrd a report from Mr Tsbtt U now ia receipt of tte Read aad Oridga Coaarrfe bit aew Bpriag aed SeiBKar Ooede ef ibt Tba Coaacil oa aotjoBf naoNrd ilvelf preeaol aeaaoas tapertatiaa sabiai alt irte a aaaailUe of ite wbola to coaider ik Ute dntgaa aad paima la draa fwda Ite faiaiiaa aed Repoitt fntaatrd Mr elebae Sn Adtenlaeaeal Uaradea a Ite cteif j Tte fnyer of ite petittoa ie faar of W By a pnrata kiiar frota a R- fete obtiair r certiicata f preaeBiaiie iba Midkad Diristaa wa lean LiMMt vt fT9ilt4 rturo0 to TvrvoU I iIm Pv TI Road aad Bridga CoaaiUM Re- part riltlii la ite laabr d liater n- for tte Bridge oa Tiaotby Sirtet bwkrM ardertd le teparcbaatd Tte Fin Eagio Report was rrfrr- rad la ila Ftn asd Water CoBailtea Tte Ufipde aMr lr te hMUterSae- baa aad 100 feet af Brabck netay aho 1 ladder ao fat loay g in eoaaaa at aad te tpaaa aitt lofttkar wlib oat daM latter backeia rbea ibsag ite T U Editor tf U AnretsrAtf lX Will yon peimit mt incsll yam aiirniien anj ibrougti ihe cvlurant of yeu journal Ibe aliaoiien of your eai4 h acme rmaik whieb appear inyomailiio rial of Iba QOib Insteai cnrKerrmig rh Scbeel Bill af Mt S wbieb has pasted ila ihiid leacJiog ia iba Hauaeul AMiBbly Thai an Kle refers 14 ite eel la orebni- ad when the preeeal Minltiiy came iri ptwer whkbVo alcatdybefinnint larrup Mt ami Ibe Tmib mneileinarf by aoi a fw itel omo eompremlee if goai Oiinci- ptea had bean mak by lha Uipei Canala raembersof tbe Uorernmeni wliicb ragir frart ami aril proynvsiirminiij il is iniiqial- ed ae fully leallxed la tbe progrcn vf ibr Sepaitle Bill- Ve ere liable lo ferfel and ite adiw may bate fofoiien rhai irBalialety afii Iba preabt Ooreiivmenl waa Inmni Mr tVallfalUfa OS the Hiat af Ite lleasr peaking fvr Ihe lieeernoieol during iheii aWacerorieallf announced ibat Itey weie pir jjed 10 rary this mcaara A a public nweiing held iaibaMrohtn- k Hal in Ihis tillage lael semmer when our aeabrr hiiM accepOil ihe v lice of yohdtor tieneal apeied again lefoioibt caotaiieeai Ie realei ior au eircior Mr K- rvn I Ihink -ieeiioii- e1 Mr Wilaon oa ibe Sepeiaie Sclinvr Bill which Iba MimtTy ere pUiled m uppert Mr Witan ihan euM ihai ibr Miawarv had nnaledeil fi iiMiiie wliaeh were oeaidwia4 aead aruJ vfllcierM ir glllae Ihe pHnrpaof ihe 2ifieroi 3 hool nair rXMa ihai ile BillioboMp- pr nel by Ihejuvcrncnnl era ml ibe iae aa bed been himducei by Mr ihe liSI awieii and nferred te tiai m- fMlmi ceniaiiifd n ihe Bill e rfci aeMiw h baa peaed rh luwr llmue en Ihe power 10 enable Roneti Caiinlirs le- labitb a Sepaiaia Scbol eod H incd i iii aacriun all Koman Cailulioa app erini of 11 wiihm a redrot of ihrra milea ie it niileer ihesiieef ilie toliealHeOMs amh luurrgijil te Coalmen ScciiaAS o- ionlitp bunnilaty ne VVhal did ihr editor e b Cm who waa praaeal ai ihi puliK meeii rtiea aay oa iba aiilr Sm a ttori Wbil was Ibe raeall U rhe meeting I A eoie rtpwiBg eaaJaelieai wiih t elplsnaiion and ceHi leiee in oor meisbar Ma citrHedofa aaaaf wioutly and sburily afier he was re eiecied wiiheui tfipnoiiixi 1 1 Sorely M editor caonu bae furgmien Ihi Tbaae ibaafa were ml dooa undera batte tel ia Ibe bread ligbi of lay al a laM anJ inv eniial aaaliog of iba eaaertal Nenh Ywk Tle vlteeiione 10 ibe pioeile M he Separata aehool Bill ia yenr adnoiial ap- liaawalary recna Be all agaie toate lar Quebec aelh fllAtrtL Alteaiiea u celled 10 ite Mica of be Clerk ef ibia TilUfa agaiding aiiiaali niBBiDg at large ia tte Maniaiiiy Tbe aoittace baa baeeao a graal abai aaay ialbantial carMBa baee piataad ite mailer babie sbbCvaBcil FaraataoaapMaibal Itey eaBBOl leara Iteir alelgbt or vcgocM oB Ibo aiiaet viiboat teing aaoayed by moaBaad la te parcteted bi ows and pigt Abaltet tea laaksteeaaaUacted loael aa Water Sintt tear Ur Hadgtt oae t HrlBMfii btt lafk oa Mw aa MaiaStfaet oppoate Dr Naaba aadbie aopeib Mapeef Upper Caaada tbe aa4y appaaa tte Pmutf Of j i tie cletrly drawn anfiha naan 6f placde tsawn by ite iyUi ol ite Ma- acrWiitoHUpobtetei iaipaiiir Tte Ceaartlea of ite Coet r pfMittd- li ilMMtteia aagatiTt repart aat prodoetMi altoaod ea ihit a- n ardar Tte laepeclor tbaalj da bit I aeet Mb pablia faenr 4f ibtaagboai ite Piarlaaa It aeaiaiaa fub- daaaklaaraaeaad iba Cayea Uaiih eiwiefaianeefihaPbHa ild ad IM rtfMaMiliH af tte CfWHIla Inge ef Upper Casada I roaienl iheB iial aciion o ihc Minltry hlibiir m far foa ltnihin rdi fer drleer ii faleebtiril 10 Inpitr ranfibeee The Jneed ihr jril n Ilia llaaai ihaliaeihy arcplrriie hy piailaiinrd it ai alf Pii mctunu heriaalbir ronJilenl piriimn m rbeir etien The Bill bey h pnor ronwi pi It4 0110 wKrIt latedMfMian impneaaeni ft be prea 11 afMa arwl iher legarJ thai D aoelo 11 begnae lawas C lat II i eill ihe duly ol barie1 nen le airfield irikltr- aaidnmaand rettokteaey a lo rxpuea a iifpoaa alceiy ami Jaahle daliug Will thia enntrtinii ak I frewiliriiMirN iii ro occepya poriMM ol ite celuiDns el you roflfntl Yuare A Eitcroa Newratiktl Marrh J4 ISSi- t Itel Aiimisl i- Ibe peo Ly t nidin i ik fi Hartford hsi1 bi wnU bis wMa 4ttl tte Miei Oftly pJ 1 1 rT J bf Ite isdprfctit iplrr jhauJoad tad de rd Drpigu ColoniQl ply to ibe Bill paaead in AM Wbethi Ihe principle if iter Wll be gead er ll Ihe preaeni Minitiry ae not rwponsibtafw Ihe laaadiMtiea a it ilxy feand ii in ei- nekce u law haeeiecngnixd iiaaerea- sary onder ihe prvswni Licaniiariee 14 Iba oouoii aeJ bareMaciiODrd ti ty aappitt- ing a Beaaare eaiiyiug eel its iniUal diuict O luaanenh ae Ibeii policy au pablaclT annouocet at rtte lla Ihe Miaiaiiy waa lamed and teeijeoa ol iismeotershaa beeo ree1eeil iheirena Hilaenriet htte a far aaneiiafwl K ala He iben bare anr eril erebediugs beau lealixedT Why aati fenh tUe defaB el OiMtuataadSoapwienI Had any paeaier triih regard 10 ibit aeaaara bwen eiaUiaiJ iVo Aia tte peWie Condtbaing sqaea- dered f Is IheiO a recklew eilraragance pa giag Ite roaaiiy merwilcairfy ailab t Br ne nictaa I Yea M eOilnr aed year readK will ilbgreal aalialatioe adail thai Um gea eral policy fi ibeUveerrimeal bat baenira prfceeiveal wiih twcencbaeal anl ilia hiibeita ibair rflaata tare baelMraeier led by energy asd aaxeM Dae any sanweMbf ite name of a lUbraaer wish loaeallM Mioiatiy defealad By abom aenU be eap laca lhaa t Lei at net expeci 100 muab tiaoad ataieeatanabip lik eosad sean applied M tny eiher act ject das BOl imply Iba ardertng efeeeiyihini aa wa eoald wish rl le be niliwr rr making Ibe baatafibaofa aaibry ae Thu ripadsenay te a eey bad avier ani sreafly of opinion ihtl il waold ba dilD- eoJi le a aaieapafar aoch mure lo geeers a eaniry regard lu it aliiy Tba late Lard Macacley in bit lliatay efEogtiad aya The ttataea ef poli- liet is rwapreatia If ibit balrae gea erally in ne eeeniy can Ibe ferea af it a lealer iten ia Caiada bare we bar IVO tactioiia eccvpel by diStnM racee and ia aaeb eeeiioa a Couiiaea Srtital laa and a SaparUa Seboal ayaira Will ite Bill n it baeaM lab maiaially aCi bo effaciency tt a tangle Ciaata Scbaal a Ite Menb Aiding ol Yark I teea yri to Jars ihtt ii aill Wl it eaiite fliieiiy ihisreiatf rioaeaiaaT f itillqaair from ibe Reparuef lha Kaaafba apiuMot of aeOI- betat Hr Wiltoa telkrad Ibit Bali wvuldeeRtt ite Mabo Mr McOtfa- gal ibaaab iba Bill aaU artta ite qaatilaa aal ibartftwa vaald iiaJlf teie it at Mr MoUaa a Koaee Caibe- lic aogVl ay ihai if ite Bill pbeaeJ be flVkl te salited h ir If it da aa Bote it aoald land lo e liberalouuitfia lien el Ite teboot syaieai IT paieil 1 waahJ tatile a leog agiiaiaOpBJiiiaal and religtaat qeawiua tud So Birer wooU aaa wM w lu Miag caapai Ila laljy be- liatad II aalf reaara Xiaterd and at elaiieal iaioiferaaea lb paliiieal aaiieia Ua Mroaaiy bapad ibat it vbaU paa I T if if ff n i Arrivkl of Boropa IlAlirAX Mar 23 t83 Tte Eupups arrired hrrc at ihit Borainz n rtinit Beaton Tho aewt it not uf great im- portanoe ihc til thtorbinn lopio being the entry of tho Priaeeta Alcxaidn into London on tha day ibe Keropa tailed Tho prcpanliont Btda wen on an un- axamplH acale tad a bnlliant dcBioa smiioo aould itka pita Tte Tiuu aaarit ibsl daring tte hitlory of London tba bat seear tacn tuch a day tad the eaaa of iba dcttton- itnlioB it ite pride tnicntiaod bj the oation for tte aonl oaiBtnae ef he Roytl FtBily niaedby tte rirtaa ef itt bcail ttecomaaata Ba Amtrian afiira in tte joaroalt ai enlmportaoi AWaahingtan leiwr Ib Ihe London lltrtttil ataarlt that a aeeret tociely has been diseoeertd ite Beaten ot which were kworn to kill Pmidant Lincoln Iri Ihe iloMof Lords on ite 6ih instant Karl Htrdwick tskc4 if in i- aioring te Oalway eoelrtCI it waa in tended aate toy alicraHon ia ibe poni of dealiatlion or departure feid Slanter tald lhal here had teen no propoajla of tbe kiitd trhalerer I the lloeaaf Oaamont Mr Bnn- lay Moore tivred a rentallon rrgrcitins tha dUiurbiitoa of fMrvdIy rctaiiotit with Braxll and hoping that tbe Goreraacnl ill lake all honorable tan lo raiorc imity Ho deMnced Ihe proedlngt of the Britith aMlT tl Urstil A general dtbt4 follo in the cnuree of which Mr Lalird indieitcd ite dipo BMioBetiea oflklOoeemBent Tht reeolaltoo lat Bnally withdrawn Tte kiag of Bam baa acaepiad te arbittallon bclweef Bratil aod Knglasd The laiett Mtlli dcepatchea asy tbit tte ferar hat tMIfy left Priace Alfred tnd te it ttaadily bpraTlBg lie troald not te able l allM bit brolhtra wed- dins Bitbop Cdann daalioa te augiatleB of hii briber Btabopa that he tboald i- tign Il ittialed that iteSnglWi and Frcath wen quite agreed a to ibe teitor of ibsIr notn 10 Keteia regatding Poland lU- irci it ox for ite minaa ptriitinn IB wbicb Poland hat been iba eteiia bei iter are regarded at ihiBg of ibt pai aad not to te remedied Uoih Gorem loenit howcrer apeak as mineaily et dip- lomtey alloat of iteir beso for ite fal- filatcnlofllieaalemn pnmitaniade to tte Poles by graaliog libWal iaatiialioat ITALT Tb Pope tea nfoatd lo Maept Cardc Bat Aatoatllia raaitetien MtCTff AiSgllCA Tte Bntil aiaI baa teait rcMlrod Tten it Biiihing ex is reference 10 Ibe AnidBrailliaa diSeully wbiah aoaiia- ued te te vtraly eaata eaoaiag t depnaian ef Wade Rat Tte ladita inTaria af Ite froallar of Baeaos Ayia had rtsuhtd io eoBtiden- ble loa of propoiy LATggr LrHiMX March 7 Tteertal af the day baa beee tte ptaaagaef tte Priaata textadra tad the PriiMafWalatbio Londoa Tte Koyal t left Ike Noa mHt Ibia aataMf aad aiti4 at OnreacBd tefon aoaa Tte weleeoe eia lasding tbera waa alhaalia aad bril- litBt Tte partT reaete4 Ieadoa at I- 30 and proetaded tovard tte city aaid tte Btetat exeiwoaeat ani aathatiaaa oerer before eqoalled ia kStgUnd vciT LATnrr Tte Priaeeta AIxaadra bai ai ufcly at Windtor IMdtMl qaiet aod leadiag dove- ward PruriBioat dal andia4 dawa- aiL Litmooi March Tib a Srid Nath k Co aad oibm report Aour dell awd Btwteagcd at 2lt aSSa VVbMI qaiet aad Undeaey downward red wia in Ba a 9t M wUla weelen lOt a IBt Cd i whiu toalbera lOt M a 1 la 3d Core dull 3d a Ad tower j akod 3Sf a SSt 3d while S9a Od a 30t Od CltClATi Jlar 24-Mjr-Genu- at Burotrdc trrivrd hers thii iiiMnWj Tho ha a petlal drpieh iroa nhicb gim tte fuUow- iog Melligenec Wiin Ihe last fiijrdji ihc Cnfde atca baia mtdo icreral rtrBiiiinea caising eonindcralla pickM rlirhialing a our srtMlo frcnl They donl ap pear siiious liOTtrer lo brin- on a geB cral eSRnacm luliatlc infnualloA from he rcrninis ihi the erac- ualiun of VidtSar 1 biing adtocalad pruiuincnl CoHfcdeniA dcclaiingr itel by wiihdnwii te iroc fmn Viekt- bur tnd mataii lrm it Middle Tea- neaace thry canubie Genenl lioarcriBt 10 rrpcat he uxrreiuCBtt if GtMrsI Batll Ust yrtr Sniall panic of hacttpfj ed along he railroad L-Mpl- 10 ejplare our lrar No mio damage ao far ht beea done lo ikc roal The road it liearily uuardtd ParulcJ priaonrra from MuunI Ky arrived here latt ni-ht- Tliry coa- 8riu llie capture of ihal place ly ihe fvdenta Col Garrard nllaclrril thtCo fedcrito forcet unJrr Col Clark mler- day near Sterlio dii jog item lo Oatu rille Caiao March 31 Tte Mrph papes of Seadar npart anniWr canit or ri1 off bung npeivd IVoa lUa MisiTpfi fO laiira bvluw llrleat itilo Drrr rif froa Wsbi gle Ie aid iato Sti WTT liter by HbKb aaeew leYtato City tod ilaiors Ueff rswte bad It is aSi rcfinrird that wfl of ptrra i tUibnal htie rraclid ilia lowrr miilbolhe VieLsSa caoal One srsitll l p1 iin Like riondeact The Qaeitioa af tha Day The Bn we Itrn nf ike clrarler of Mr 5oiil Shool illl til lax wt likt il A ptoflion of Ibe IZJih ele i likriy Crete a grat dI nf irAakW amorig oer mrinCipaltifs Bld W fofl Iiry nn ih- Coiem la It lhra ratflvd tint rtrry Srpartle ischoid haH be rntiil I- a 1rtrp in Ibe faid tDnimiy graMl bjr ilia LgiUtun nl Ibn Pira for lie Mipoit of IJrmnrm clwl and rteH te anlitled o t tt Ilsf Other palJie gmstt Mivimrad niid iJlttmrnlt Jr Cetik waoit iyhnj furfmrt now tuofe ar htfjur In Ae nurfr bf Iht vrinct er iho muiticipttl atikmit rt Ur ieedraie aware ha Ibera itt trry genrral drsie m tb eoantry 4 Iriett in tpply llie wirmry areroirg 10 neleipali1ies fnn ite CIrrgr lleserTet lilbe iraaii1l nffundtfir Ih tappal af CrHwmon Ibe fkrgf 1 ttt rtr htring te nuint1ly dniiedfiB Ibx nsklal and nnial iiBrnrrnsat t I penptr f Uir Caiida ibrir t ailar al ant popr diiacUntiia i ia lha f ailar Mil to 1 Ibr rKrrd rsi nadssBd brtdgea tkd ike CiMnnrMi rreet lit niy atrae fir ifiprrn f ikra wliirh rilr aoy rrWniblaner I lh n4jCl of tte riiinaf atrpiiinr tr- nngaferrtt ba rwrt ihe pArl jii WAiihal titf a mnl wa lkrly 1 1 pnea kitMr tenficul ii oar CniaaM Sabn- T abora rlaac rmfifMh aaaai- cipalilirs a great t Aare f Ibrw tppO lMitiMt It tUr eptrsa KrnwMag le tiwil ef tte pepa of Oirrr Cenda e tie conrhierd liar ralbir iten prrifiU ilte prnreda af lie lrxy Urvnts Miifiaailr apirnprit rd for ite aupTorl ef Ihe IVoieajtC n tgiofi o te dirreleit In ite aaainlraaata itl priMl srhioh la laliirh tteitarllan of H Roib Cherb are ItaabI iVyiAl dirrri teia tlifter frAiaa ewstrieaal parpoa Annrkr aiirinaii error af tba Bill fa ia regaid l4lH tiae fkrpi rte Sepat Sehocli opeB tira ptwd Ite Ijowrr llaata It eeld te MiWe for ite lntlceef i Srpanu Sebnal In diaw iba Gaeeiiaiftt allowaitce by keepag il apea a aiaglt 4ay ite year A more diMslmae apiMea cewM no te made Ite rArei iaeriiably te lhi tte aebaalt waiH te Amarlean BTolaUon- ClCiMTI Mtrek33 Graral Baraaide aa1 raff wdl arrift at tbit city loaarrnw anraiog Ite Contmrrcwif te a peit1depaiek Ooia MtItr wlaeb r It i rrpad- ti ikt Ibe Coafrdrrat iai itcroaed Riler la fane Grnrtal Jowph Jubafoa il iaafpecird will Uka laaa cntHsaa ef rte Col- Martle tray at follaboaa Iba Mob le Adtotittr ite 5lh ia- tal citiaa Itel iba talidfielnl allack e Ctarleslrn it a liat aed tbat Ik at kaw will te airaick oaagalf eiy li strnagly aiiiaala Ibal Uetnle is lit feel ebjtl rf tiitck frata Ite Ytim Pta e dilioa rrprrteat ttel Ite aoitaeata ti law bl Ibel Ibeie it erery preeptcl el githngtbraafb taecesafcUy Oir fonet bad deterkcJ aear fteea- wood aad acre beaagiag Fort Pcater- ita A large aaater vf ear raapeila were tedly daatgtd iagelliag Ibioaghtte Pak Tte raa Ziaaea oterbMled tte fwa ar Htrkllcl alfh SOOO teles ef tataa a ite lOlbiut crewduf ter adaal itel Ite i were caapelled lo laa bar BtbMa tbd tera ter Tte fedrr tin bB tte clloa oa trery pdaitlM at Ite Krdenta adaued kept tel a fi nfibe year aa4 eoce atpeaded wi MaN I ke Bill baa drtrwd ant only ayra by iraiithifi tte ete 0rraaeat allfwV tal aay teMfcaaf ri Nl YBC Mcrtb 28 IDb OmM b tea Ite r ipeCNl derrxK- WatfftaoTev Marcb S3 I glariaea M4a la 2ypeiliarai fma Al- CteaangiiiC nuiti Ite tfy aiirat rarrfgalt I at oa Ite Mxawri tly teea canfalty Head Ite SaMla aid aieaat brt ata ire erery rpnri laity lo Ibe llierarabf iiadioasy le ob aat it parp efeb- lalasag a Urge than af Iba UaeasMriNl tad aoairipti faadt daeoled la adetlie tl pBpetat aed 10 cripple Ite Ceaaea Scbnel ayalOHa Tte aeaare tet rtaeit ad ibi neciioa of itia Lwer llaaa bat I tet yet In paa Itenafb ite Leglalaliw Cnancil aad lo iKeite Ite U ttBl tad aity case la ite AstraWy ftr Is enKnriraee ia taesdiaeei Tbera It tlill liar for tte pMple ef Upper Cii 10 aa itei- itfffarace lo ptTml Ihf aiaaan breatftg bw Darlaglte lal few dtyt wa tetany ceirrd etraee eaalaaactiioaa fraa Iw ceaaliy abich abaw itel Oa papk n IkTiegWy armiard A iaait te alrrady teea bald ia ite Iowa of UaalS 1 abicb a paliIMB H ite Lef4aiiea oa4 waa aatiaae1r tdapled Aaniler witlit bis baea keld at iltr- rifllon iaibe NotH Ttdiag nfOICard whirll fte oare tif Mr iHrDnagrt Ite eater fw Iba Ridog was a coadrieoed A aaeeiMg i pedly M hfid teroain tal we dwM grf ibal eiber P foWw- Cote Xv troa Chi Sas FBciiC9 MKck Uoag Kneg dares tm M Ibal9lbl JaaUj Ulak tad OJot lata bad da chad Tte aWpsaafs af Aariicaa aMM goedsO N Yerk OOalM- fttw MM wa weaker bai ia laiaaiid for AaasM tad EegltaS Tba tbia Uoaaaea of ite tea bad ttM far tiaa FiaacMC Ste m aew TT eal aad has oH tera teard fraa ltel laeractl Niagin bl la ta qca ef ananyeeal atd Biii b tly ho loagar af lailha alrs i4 Sbaatei- I ba fi rix rrnrt of Rteagi irrr lhal eitilriaplala aCaMlCrwMr lu CivM wilb Nel B bar bf ialinii Tbmjrla iba CaBe Ibal Kwit RKibl In aare m ite apprevioa ef ite ttel aulikriy 1 te Irahlzd It bis eratied te be Wbita llvaa ib Oararaaaet all ite Sernlaiy ef Ite Watf ia wtralp tagnKiUdeeit Tbt 7 trtlirsi atlnlteliaa Si Saluiday rirarag tail tte defanarwla al ofMr Jrba CrearditMB cej was baikt lo dah la brr a Herri Iteariaia a tte 9SB7riHrTfSRS757TCr5titegrTT