Looking Back THE HERALD OUTLOOK Saturday Mill Street fire a cause of concern Do you remember the night the old liquor store on Mill Street nearly burned down Maybe you were there I know I was I even offered my services to the Fire Chief to do whatever I could to help prevent a total loss of thousands of bottles of Crown Royal Bonded Stock Seagram VO etc He declined graciously Why if it hadn been for the gallant local firefighters I might have gone up in an inky black billowy cloud of smoke or flamb- ed right there on old Mill Street Surely you remember where the old liquor store was located on Mill Street It was directly behind the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce on Mam Street where Rapid is to day By George I remember We lived in the apartment fa fat StonesbyW Steamer Emmerson above the store and my father in law owned the building and operated his automobile business between the liquor store and Branch Royal Canadian Legion When vou were smack dab in the middle of two such popular spots you got to see a lot of familiar faces You know I liked that old apartment It was bright and handy to downtown If milk was needed a step or two A bottle of Pretty fall wedding By KAY WILSON St Stephen Anglican Church Hornby was the setting of a fall wedding 20 Carol Anne daughter of Gor don and Peggy Early of ana now of Barry Bay was united in marriage to John Clifford son of Gordon and Elaine Morson of Brampton Standards in purple iris candy pink carnations and white decorated the alter Organist was Joy Hogarth Rev Margaret Murray assisted by the Rev Bryan Nash conducted the ceremony The bride given in marriage by her father looked lovely in a white satin gown with lace trimmed with pearls A shoulder length veil completed her bridal costume and she car ned a bouquet of roses with streamers of ivy and ribbon Attending the bride as Maid of Honor was her friend Sherry of Orangeville Bridesmaids were her sister Kathy Early and Debbie Johnson friend of the All wore cocktail length gowns The maid of honor in can dy pink and the in royal purple The best man was Wayne Finn a friend of the groom and ushers were Dave Morson brother of the groom and Mike Scholz and Davis both friends of the groom All wore grey tuxedos The bndil party rode in a News stretch limousine the church to the reception held at the North Halton Golf and Coun try Club Master of Ceremonies was Rick brother of the groom Following a wedding trip to Banff and Jasper the couple will reside in Cambridge Prior to the couples wedding the bride was honored at several showers Linda sister in law of the groom held a shower at her home in Georgetown for the Mor son family of Acton hosted the McKinnon farm on the brides mothers side Early held a shower at her grandmother Ella Early s home in Brampton and entertained friends of the Early family All the showers were miscellaneous Pinegrove Community Club held a presentation party at the school Following a game of euchre Carol and John were presented with a pair of bedroom lamps and a purse of money Bill Brander chaired the evening Kay Wilson read the address and Mae Brander made the tion Fine showing Terraglen Farm A FREE GOLFERS POCKET DATE BOOK Includes golf facts and figures tour dates and a full year calendar of the ibt rt Mutual 1 i of limniimnl wiillikil with 11 jMHkct chit bunk lust fill nit ittochv is ltd I ItgiiMlKofdolfl ill nil In hi own I Mail coupon Liberty Mutual Insurance Company Queen St East Brampton Ontario L6V 1B2 LIBERTY MUTUAL Georgetown placed well the Holstem Cattle Show at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair for Peel County A March calf in the Open Class was Their two Sr Heifer calves placed and respectively Other area people including Don Cleaves of Norval Jack Fraser of Streetsviile and Jim King of Brampton came out of the show equally as well with their Hols cattle all from Peel Count rye for expected guests maybe a minute It had its advantages I really wasnt much of a milk drinker in those days But back to the fire This fire was far more than Pop Bowers garage Heavens this fire wasnt any old fire it was THE fire Prompt action was expected by the Fire Brigade in such a senous and they did a wonderful job They stayed untd daybreak to make sure every imber not member was thoroughly soused The family and those familiar faces I told you about were grateful for the firefighters great effort Here I told you about the fire but I haven told you about what happened when we woke up to the fact it was our place that was on fire Eleanor used to stay over at our apartment when she was going to high school and was in her bedroom Marg and Robbins from Brampton had dropped in to spend an hour or two visiting and we were in the living room of the apartment overlooking Main Street when the fire siren blew I remember Marg asking me if we would see the fire truck pass the four comers Before I could answer the firetruck came flying around the corner lights flashing siren moaning and stop ped dead centre of the old liquor store and Branch on Mill Street Heavens to Betsy I was taken back a bit believe me Unknown to me the back of the building was blazing away Goodness it was at this critical moment I made a terrible mistake In hindsight I know I should have made sure my wife Eleaner Marg and Russ were safely ushered out but the only thing I could think of was the new blue Packard car Bitting on the show room floor It had to be ed I was gone to rescue the Packard Have you ever tned explaining to your wife after such a dramatic incident why your first was to save a new car and she Eleanor and Russell were left to fend for themselves Itwasn She has a memory like a and to this day when I hear a fire siren I can feel that darn thing twist a little As the fire raged the crowd grew bigger I think there was a lot more wets on hand than drys Fire Chief Bill Hyde and his men saved the main part of our building and all of the liquor store to the great delight of the town drunk who had arnved to lead the cheers For God s sake save that liquor store Oh yes I managed to get the Packard out safely to the delight of my father in law my wife still maintains women and children first then old liquor store and Packards CANADA BELIEVES IN LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE I Now is the time to store your Summer equipment and get your snow- blower ready for winter SMALL ENGINE REPAIRS LAWN GARDEN EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE GARDEN TRACTORS CHAIN SAWS SN0WBL0WERS ROTO TILLERS LAWN MOWERS PUMPS GAS OR ELECTRIC MOTORS PICKUP DELI VERY a WINTER STORAGE available GEORGETOWN RentAll RENTALS SALES SERVICE 55 Sinclair Avenue Georgetown Ontario M0N J SAT