Page 14 THE HERALD Wednesday November 1990 Chamber of Commerce looking for input By DOUG Herald Special It has been some time since I wrote about Chamber of Com merce events in Halton Hills or other issues that concerned the business community Its not that I didnt have a lot to say but rather the time to write a column However two recent events nave caused me once again to get on my soap box The first was the recent rial election and the campaign tactics that were used The Libreals led by David Peterson extolled the virtues of their good financial management and told us how through their good management Ontario had a million dollar surplus After their defeat the new NDP Government stated that this surplus had suddenly become 5 billion deficit Quite a change in eight weeks There is an Ontario law called the Business Practices Act which was enacted to protect con from unfair practices by businesses The act states that no person shall engage in an unfair practice and they are defined as such a false misleading or decep tive consumer representation and and unconscionable consumer representation made in respect of a particular transaction The Act provides for fines and jail terms upon conviction The way I see it the Liberals were trying to sell us a service for five years and in retrospect they did use false and misleading statements to get us to buy or vote for them How come they weren t charged Just something to think about Now let us move onto the Federal Government who are us ing much the same tactics in their advertising campaign for the GST I was reading an in formation bulletin published by the feds which showed what prices were going to come down and which would go up It is a coincidence that the majority of prices are going down Hal Ha The one item that really sticks out in my mind is the example of the price of a haircut It shows that a haircut will go up it assumes that the barber will pass on any input credits that he may be eligible for Is this reasonable I say no way Do the feds believe that the barber will price his service at and then apply the GST on top of that to come to 54 Come on Garth give your head a shake of course he won t While I agree that the present Manufacturers Sales Tax must be changed this type of false and misleading information serves no purpose but to alienate ordinary Canadians The same week as I read about the haircut I also noticed that a watch importer was fined for false and misleading advertising in regards to savings on his product It seems that our laws to protect the consumer are enforced by the government I ask who will pro tect us from them The Halton Hills Chamber of Commerce is here to help we ap preciate your calls and input GOURMET MEALS FOR TWO NEW YORK STEAKS CRAB AU STUFFED TOES MIXED VEGETABLES for That Super A for BEEF WELLINGTON CRAB AU STUFFED POTATOES MIXED VEGETABLES 2095 SURF A TURF B W FILET or LOBSTER TAILS 2479 CHICKEN KIEV CRAB STUFFED POTATOES MIXED VEGETABLES 1795 LOBSTER TAILS SHRIMPS OC SCALLOPS HS SOLE HS 2679 8770721 TEAK EXPRES Blvd St Centie Georgetown OUR SUGGESTIONS WON BE Rear Entronco Corner of S Maple PICTURE FRAMES GUNDTOYSSeiectedi CANDLES SOAPS FABULOUS STOCKING STUFFERS Come See Us Today Pictures Presents 24 Main St South 7CCI Downtown Georgetown COME TO A PLACE WHERE CHRISTMAS IS ALL YEAR ROUND VvT Potpourri Musicals Candles Potpourri Burners Bells Decorations Salts Pepper Shakers UNUSUAL GIFTS KEEPSAKES COUNTRY CHRISTMAS CRAFTS 8772254 10th Una 23 VOUHGS CHRISTMAS BOUTIQUE FABULOUS FRAGRANCES WHITE SHOULDERS 50 JACLYN SMITHS CALIFORNIA 00 CHLOE HOLIDAY SURPRISE pur MAIN ST S GEORGETOWN 8772761