Page THE HERAI OUTLOOK Saturday September IS Family and friends help celebrate anniversary The family of Jack and Mary Crawford of 2 enter tamed family members friends and neighbours on their parent Wedding The evening was held Sept 9 at the Peel Regional Police tion Centre in Mississauga Their family of Jean and her hus band Gary Stern R Georgetown Bonnie and her hus band Bnan Neely R 2 Bramp ton Bill and his wife Lynn Crawford 2 Brampton and Don and his wife Carolyn Crawford R R 2 Norvai hosted the evening Their eight grandchildren en joyed the party too including Katie John and Diana Sterntt Craig Cheryl and and Erin and Bradley Crawford The cranberry theme enhanced the tables and throughout the room with many famil pictures down through the years Former minister Re Waller Ridley said the Grate A beautiful hot roast beef buffet dinner was enjoyed as well as desserts that caught at lent ion Their eldest son Bill was Master of Ceremonies and called on his Jean who introduced the lit ad table including Ed Arm strong soloist Bridesmaid intone an usher Marion Joes bridesmaid Jack and Crawford Muriel Maid f Honor usher and Twvla n flower girl Special quests were M mother Mrs Some lilt in her and Re sen Nixon is well as Ra Ruth cousins of Marv from chew in Jean also thanked her parents giwng her music lessons and in siting slit to to Sund i School which she didn I in to and now is grateful for Howard a cousin of Jack and Mary proposed a the couple He spoke of the fine ex ample they have set for their children and grandchildren with their involvement in the commum ty and church where they are dedicated members in Norvai United Jack and Mary and family had just finished heading up a week long stint for the United Church Booth at the Steam Era in Milton on the Labor Day weekend Getting the booth down Milton giving it a paint job stocking freezers with provisions and being there for four days was a time C Bill then called on Ed Arm strong sing I Walk Beside You as he had sung ears before Carohn Crawford he grandchildren in tin guitar in singing Skinn I Been Working On He and Old McDonald s Firm Craig give his speech he won in the Competition it Public Schod Kids Mone Bonnie mud lit children Chervi and i d of Music Re Mi as well as D in the Window ind I in A I Pol Fred and ml Lois ill fr the if Church give numbers Hod atu rdnn along viti the org in for seveial old joined his v fc singing two found land songs Music Friends and The Farmer Sit Dreaming at In Lois the guitar News Some Norvai people however are worried about the boxes out side and the build up of snow etc that older people will have to con lend with Where are the Good Old Days where the government was for the people By KAY WILSON Correspondent The nine Laidlaw and men cousins accompanied by Lois sang I Wander Today To The Hills Mary and Church in the Wildwood Son Don recited The Crema of Sam and Alfred and the Lion with many chuckles from the guests Bonnie Neely accompanied her father Jack when hey sang I Come To The Garden Alone and The Old Rugged Cross as they have sung for m iny times before Bill hen called on his father lack to come forward and say a few He spoke on behalf of and himself and thanked all coming to make this sar a day ilways to be remembered Get well wishes Get well wishes li Chester r il win is i in Menu 1 He spit in Community upset M Norvai people are upset villi the hinges that aie now to be m with mill People were issurcd all would be the saint however rumor has it that residenls have been told their mill be changed to a rur il route number village people have par Implied i survey to determine where will get their mail in side in a retail utlet r outside at supertaxes but ballots have not vet been counted By Glenda Hughes I have been asked fairly frequently in the past months what percentage homes have dropped since the boom I know that there are stats available that will give you the average home price in the different areas but I find that this is really only a rule of thumb and not applicable to every home As is usually the case the high end of the scale always gets In I the hirdest so people who have homes in Ihe plus bracket are not only finding il difficult to sell that price if given 18 months ago no longer represents anything near he ictual selling price of today However the good news is that those of you who arc sitting it the low end semi and slarte- bungalows ire in very nice position The prices have not dropped in his range Although there is definitely a difference in price from 18 months ago is not the simp spread that we art seeing it the high end Now all this means to you it is now more lo move up loo much the bank book and you can do si will the not being so out of reach II s an option hat does not often hippen in this profession so you might wan to think taking intake of Along with that good news you arc pn ibly saying under your breath yes but it looks like it will be a pro to get m house sold even if I want to get to this stage Well I am happy lo report thai he low end of the housing market is mov along quite nicely now and if you carefully to ytur agent regarding pricing and having your home prepared for sale you should be able to make those dreams come true this ill For of you who are trying lo move down the ladder is nol quite so sturdy However I still a in pricing right and if you ask your agent lo give you the litest figures of homes like yours you should be able price your home and get it sold If you don t listen well and do nol believe figures then you are going to have a problem and this dream come I rue Homes Sold Creatively Hughes is a Sales stilt with NHS Br He as Emerald Isle Bedroom Gallery 130Gu4StGxgatown 8732753 teaaEjgv