Page HERALD FRONT PAGE EDITION Wednesday June 27 1090 BEST AVAILABLE COPK THE GEORGETOWN HERALD FIRST SECTION Ot OctoUr at EIGHT PAGES TOWN ASKS EQUESING ACRES Convert Seven Farms to Factories Stores Houses Rumour became fact when it learned this week that Mayor Jack and clerk treasurer John Kelly after council signed an agreement on the towns behalf with Developments Limited which may lead to an unprecedented industrial and commercial growth and a house budding program which could double the town a population with a few years The agreement ratified by a town by law came after of speculation since it was first known that the Duffy and Son real estate firm of Weston had exclusive lutings on close to 1000 acres of property abutting the eastern town boundary for an unnamed client The man behind is Rex whose subdivision is is one of the most fabulous planned communities in Ontario While Georgetown a possible will be on a smaller scale than this it will surpass anything previous in Georgetown s history Social and Personal Inducted At St Johns Uniltd Morgan McFxrlane preached in John lid Sunday Sure John Smith Mr i mlniater ten local an in from the denomlna una joined the ii for Res J LBI Milton In it a church Freeman Faithful Church A resident of Mil and George nit all her life freeman licit auddnly early Saturday morn 1 at tier home on Young Ida Bell i born on farm near val daughter of the late John and Jan W Inlaw Cunningham and at Norval Public School She I iter lived In when her fa ther retired and than cam wtih her family to Georgetown where ah married to Mr Kersey In A faithful church worker She- re in inert her membership In Church while also be ing an at the local Knox Church She a Sunday School fir many yeara and In charge of the mlialon tiund at Knoa for many She alao devoted a great deal of her lime work the Women Mlulunary boric the Mr crier la aurvtved by her and one brother William Cunningham Get Arm brother Robert died In Brltlah twelve year ago The funeral on Monday at the McClure Home con dueled by Rev Alex and Rev Royal pallbearer wen Gilbert ogham b Slrjlhroy Moll Watford Robert Cun J rial ft Jack mm v seven farm will go of production present plana mat Purchase been com pitted by Delrex of own by H Craig Raid W T Cratg Held Cleave Campbell Sinclair William Email Brae and Mr W A Trie for mar will become in of a new aubdl virion of and and store agreement hinges on th out at an by law paa- aad by Georgetown council which will require trie approval of the Munich Board towns pro- to provide trunk see ere sad to the boundaries of the is on the development being within town limits A new feature of ths sub division which may eat a pattern for the future locally la com pany a agreement to provide their own water linei and roads within property rive par cent Of the land area on the aouth of No Highway la being deeded to the town for public m as a new public school alia Harry A Willis Toronto Mr George Gallop returned to Montreal on Sunday alter ruling two week with father George Co Hop at Mr and Mr Lieut a returned home week from a v trip which took them through York State and New England to Cod Mr A her a and Mar Ann Miller from in town on Saturday gueri of Mr B and MlM and to attend Georgetown Fair Mr and Mr George Lawrence St Thomaa and lira The I ma Macon and family St Will I am a were Sun day guests with Mr and Mn Chtc Jewell and Mr find Mra Law Mra Jack Wiarlon and her lifter Mr L Kreuliuer of and Mlaa Ethel Gilmer and Mr rdon Crlchlon Brant ford were fair day at the Mr A W Gil refreshment wen featured duett by n an Mr Jack Bailey w In Mr La accompanying and greeting by I Rev Alfred Barker am run and lalter representing the Mr Ho I ley alao poke behalf of the wa chairman Mr Me introduced hi wife from platform and a bouquet of fl wert to her by Mr Harold Cleave Ml r father and mother Mr and lawyer and local George Cot of Toronto called or have retained to act rlenda In home town week In the town a In buaineaa Dan Cook who la a rancher An Important feature of In the lone Mar agreement la that per cent of Dan father waaaa the area will loduatrlal and com Georgetown many ago hi rtsrclal and the remaining per Place of bualncM being In the bull rent Present up In dl now the Brewer la per cent IS i commercial per cent re- 1 and pee rent farm north of No are led the part of in Located doae ba 1 to- London main line pur eaally he run from at adjoining the railway Vat Store Mr and Frank Keep Ep Surrey trig land have for a week Mra Keep a airier brother In law Mr and Mr Ray Mr Keep manag Ing director of the J Hewitt London When they leave George- portion of town on Thursday Mr and Mra U1 be mainly real- Keep will travel waat to Banff Van- Pack Lodge Rooms for Anniversary of Loyal Orange Lodge officially recogni ted 100th of found Monday night when vial tor from half a dozen joined with them pack the lodge hall prevent Included Dl iricl Marnier Ernie and Mailer Jtck Lodge aented Included Hornby George town Acton Oak Me and Milton A highlight of the evening exemplification of the Royal Arch Purple degree on candidates George and John Seattle lodge 1 planning a big pub lic event later thl month In Community Hall Slew arttown a euchre and dance a aataaHwaa oana ray rrontaaja and a York where they will also concentrated England on the Mauritania Attendance If at you don I the motto of George Louth can tile hockey or Sanitation meeting on Sunday at the arena had one drawback lack Thompson Back Again In Hockey Picture THE WEATHER Mr The normal for month September were maximum OH which I degreea below nor mal and minimum being I trcc be nurmul The rainfall Hi Inches only Inch below normal The average ah own on are much above even the average fir September and Thanksgiving Em WOOD Hoi J Hollcj of id A Inn if Vu ton at home of Mr and i George Burt on the Line ii pan week end were Mra and hi Mr J Pol Mr TuJh Toiler I Toronto Mr and Mm Hurry Marchlngton and Returning to local hockey pic ture altar years retirement Era was of the hockey club at a well attended Monday meeting la the arena Mr Thompson will hav a cap able group of seasoned club with a of new blood to guide the destinies of what ever loop it la decided to enter this Several were talked over the meeting A rumour that an ruling will alter Im port picture would work to Geor getown favour In Intermediate rank If It about The pow er that be are banning after October 15th which would bring a decided homebrew flavour In place of the Import load ed with which the locals har competed in recent It Is be lieved that Milton Oakvllla would be this year and Brampton arc both go ing Senior Serving on the executive will be Leigh Bradbury past president Jack Hart lit vice president Bob meander Clifford and Mayor Jack honorary and executive member A M Baxter Tom Beck ett Bill Jack Rut Duncan Jack Gunning Tom Bob Lane Eld Silver Art Scott Allium and Norman Hill ENTRY LIST SETS NEW RECORD AT GEORGETOWN FALL FAIR McCLURE GRAND PRIZE GOES TO MAN Thomas Hill to the S3 lb weight f the range uttered a a prize during the alc at Home Mr Hill and Sun Wright tied wilh their gueia t company olficial Samwell drew to decide the at More Saturday Wright will receive price valued at When ended Saturday W Kennedy Toronto manager the Co and a former was to Hrold McClure on the he taken to give a fine lerge furniture day during ihe sale a lucky draw made from weight sea wilh of pic turn and lamps Thoae who won lhee were Leslie Bob Ham Bell Joe Hall jr Mra J Paul Alcott Mr Bam Walker Mrt Rev Alex and Deana Despite Early Itywrnpour Cat Receipts ware on Par with last year Deputy Mtaktt Fair Sheep and Ho Show Brofw all baa art another meeting tor rrtlay Bight and ttaoa who are Intsraatad la playing and en serving in an capacity should lake note There only Roy TlwmfNii Top Junior at Topping hi Brampton Fair record where he won tha ahowmaaahlp Roy Thompson son of Mr Mrs Vera Union took ai Fair on Thia young peel Calf When Ihe annual George Fall Fall which by Agricultural Society closed It gale on Satur day evening official were able to announce gain In many depart some of them the moat apectacular in Deapite early report and fact thai heavy rain drenched the fairgrounds in early morning crowd took advantage of the sunny afternoon and brought the atten dance up on a par with 1B33 Vlal to hall display on Friday night made the larger crowd pleaaed the director moat waa the record breaking entry in Ihe hall display whan at no other time there been such an array nt home baking and ladies work coupled with a good entry In fruit grain and vege Aa many a fifteen entries could be found In of domestic science The for the moat point In baking and ladies work went to Mrs Norman of Acton and the mocN point In hall to Mrs Jim Dill of who awarded the T Eaton at Co silver tray eye- Its Keen interest displayed in hoy pie when M plea were entered for Judging Ori ginally the called ft only two prises but the led targe entry David Ue kenxle and Kevin were flrat and second wlaaers by Gary Tester Gerald Men Mil Bill SI year Old Of unusual interest was the fact that the judge of beautiful Bow er old Mr of treasurer of the Ontario Horticultural Society Thla grand old man and sower retains all hi faculties and did a wonderful Job of placing the award Mra Wellington had most point la this class sag haul ale work of public school continued on Page in Setfawday Show A of Tire prevention week will be a demonstration by Georgetown who will modern me thod The event 1 called for In the Lion Club lot the pott office and barring ac tual work or uneeesonaftle weather be one of the most events in town According to Fire Chief William Hyde brigade Intends to con struct a smoke which will enter to used in such c will be set off and will shown how type of fires such oil and Dm I sat Ms perl a aajlaris one way to a sad Ms Barry May- eease est as a la a that fee a fair eg whew Lawn Tsaa ft srilliHn flgtMMTaM to setaaes a was lay parade Joha la