Page THE HERALD Wednesday April HELP WANTED HELPWAMTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELPWANTED FOR SALE FOR SALE JOIN OUR TEAM We are looking for ambitious young people interested in earning some extra money while providing an important service to the community Give us a call for more infor mation and to register for routes as they become available LANGSTONE SIMMS METCALFE GARDENER MOUNiAINVIEW SEDEN PLACESUMMIT LANE routes also available in ACTON Call Marie Shadbolt 8772201 THE CORPORATION OF THE Town of Halton Hills 1 Halton Hills Drive O Box HALTON HIUS Georgetown Ontario Recreation and Parks Department Requires a Facility Maintenance Operator The Facility Maintenance Operator wilt maintenance and other facility operational duties as scheduled under the direction the Arena Manager General Qualifications knowledge in operation of refrigeration equipment Able Id converse with the public Able work minimal supervision Willingness to work shifts including some weekends Bon da bit Mechanically inclined In possession valid class G drivers license Educational Qu a lid cations Grade diploma or equivalent work Wage As specified in the Collective Agreement between the Town of Hills and Local 73 Interested applicants should submit a complete resume with references together with letter ol applicalon to be received not later than Wednesday April 1990 of Halton Hills Superintendent of Facilities Recreation and Parks Departmenl P 128 Kalian Hilts Georgetown Ontario Dental Assistant Certified dental assistant required for new prac tice in Receptionist duties also in volved Experience necessary Please contact Dr A Puma 14168542247 or 14168498140 after 6 HAIRSTYLIST CarMr Opportunity In Georgetown per week plus Requirements Must have established Must be flexible with hours Must have pleasant attitude For Your Appointment Call 6708475 The successful candidate Reference and In terUbfiry Loan staff assist En collection development assist patrons in an automated Reference environment and undertake some general administrative responsibilities Full time position shift and Sunday work required Educational Requirements must have MLS SALary S30153 1989 under review plus benefits Respond in writing by April to- Lewis Hilts Public Libraries Georgetown TRUCK DRIVERS REQUIRED Attend Oldest and Largest School in complete Class A training with the professionals Over graduates Job placement assist once available No experience necessary MERV ORR TRANSPORT Mad Office Corydan Pi Cambridge George Dragon Requires Full Time Cook Apply In person at 7 Main SI Georgetown OtCall 8734459 between 10 a 2p m Dickie Dee Ice Cream Earn 5000 to 10000 per day from your own home or small business Manage a number of ice cream bicycles in Georgetown or Acton for the summer Contact John Webster 4168635558 HOUSEWIVES Mothers and interested persons needed im mediately to sell toys and gifts for National Home Party Plan No Investment deliveries or money collection Call Person to run ladies dis count clothing store Phone Country Lane COST ACCOUNTANT with advanced standing CGA CMA CA for printing plant Barrle area Snort term assign ment also available Fax resumes to attention Finance HELP AVAILABLE PERSONAL HELP WANTED PRO DUCTS need distributors in your area Our customers are Waiting to be served Call collect 1 DECORATING Call Roberta 8530860 eves ANNOUNCEMENTS WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY Photographer has dales available for 1990 Packages tram Call 8382191 FOR SALE Appliance Opening Special 10 OFF Brad Mi St Georgetown 14168736575 VISA Lose Weight Wanted people lose up to 30 lbs In the next 30 days with brand new DIET DISC program Natural Dr Recommended Satisfaction Guaranteed Earn Call Toll Free 14165500222 ARTHRITIC Pain Aching Back Stiff Joints Sleeping Hands OILlietpsl Send for brochure Information Land Box Portage La Prairie Man frame grey and silver bike excellent condi tion racing quality OBO Cory evenings FOUR Pirelli P77M and S tires size 70 R14 two well used two good condition 8733999 even- SEVEN piece dining room suite oak finish excellent condition or best offer Call SHUTTERS different sizes each 6820 FOR SALE BALDWIN double keyboard organ In cludes rhythm section and fantom fingers recently serviced Original cost 620000 will sell for firm 8779259 STOVE Moffat asking OLDER bedroom suite 7500 es cherry finish double JET PUMP HP in- eludes elector and foot 877- valve good shape have JJj BEAVER table band saw Wheatley Jointer com plete with motors All excellent condition Call 4168733973 after pmes Nintendo 15 or more on one car tridge from 9500 GIRLS bicycle ex cellent condition For more information call CHAIN LINK fencing mesh pool fencing 40 x high GARDEN tractor Case 8534288 after with 48 inch mower 00 or Best Offer es SQUARE BALES Wheat straw hay clean oats Can deliver in small lots 8730364 Terra WEDDING Dress plus matching hat worn In 89 size OBO Call 8734643 after BRAND new oak single bed with mattress good for boy or girl asking 45000 call 8531672 after OAK Kitchenette comfortable caster arm chairs table with one leaf Asking ex cellent condition call 853 1672 after es GML SALES 5199416268 PORTABLE BAND SAWMILLS Canadas leading manufacturer offers four models to choose from SAVE MONEY MAKE MONEY Free Brochure call or write Wei ham Road Barrle Ontario L4M Phone NORTHERN FRUIT Decorative Shrubs Evergreens Seedlings Nut Trees and Raraflora guaranteed delivery Reasonable prices Mailorder only Catalog 1 Golden Bough Tree Farm FAX use our fax machine sending and receiving 99 weekdays 96 Saturdays Youngs Pharmacy VACUUM CLEANER Filter Queen In ex cellent condition with all attachments Including hair dryer rug sham- and vaporizer Call 8770735 STEEL BUILDINGS for immediate liquidation 30X34 Complete with end walls Other sizes available Positive savings We pay the call 18006684338 or FUTURE STEEL Buildings Factory Direct Large selection of and ex St Eave 6796 Call Future SPRING INTO A STEEL BUILDING In Reduction Sale 16x18 1699 30x40 with solid end- walls Factory direct savings While quan tities last 1800 6685422 Chester field and chair floral Excellent condition 877 KROHLER Green chesterfield and chair good condition es STEREO electrophone console model CHROME kitchen set green table and 4 chairs SEGA MASTER SYSTEM 2 controllers lazer gun games All for 12500 Call 873- COMMODORE 64 Keyboard 15412 disk drive TV modem disks and more 4449es Stove white good condition WEDDING DRESS size Southern Belle style or Best Offer Wicker bed hardly used and accessories Best offer BLACK natural gas acorn fireplace ex cellent condition Call ANTIQUE white bathtub with claw legs Excellent condition es Your Total Trailer Store We have It all Guaranteed Workmanship Bay Shop lor Your Service needs Mobile Service Available Large Accessories Inventory El Check out our Weekly Specials Furnaces Air Conditioning I Awnings Apr 2022 Fn am 10pm Sal 9am 6pm Sun 12 noon Trailer Sales Rentals 519856 SERVICE Main