It THE HERALD Wedawby March a law Prague painting captures the old historic city John Sommer IDEAS AND THE ARTS Last fall I returned several times to the Campbell House Gallery on Mam Street in Georgetown to look at a large painting there titled Prague The painting depicted the historic city as a labyrinth of daggerlike spires steep roofs and narrow lanes a spiky and spooky organism resembling a colony of corals I was told that the artist lives right here in Georgetown and that the Campbell House Gallery had scheduled an exhibition of his paintings drawings and etchings from March 30 to April 30 Two weeks ago I made an appoint ment to meet Selmeczi in his tenthfloor apartment in the old part of town to look at the prepara he has made for his show and to ask him about his life up to now Remembering the painting I had seen I expected him to be lean and brooding but the young man who opened the door to let me in is bet described as jolly and outgoing He has a full head and beard of very red hair and his big blue eyes take In the world around him with an expression of amusement His life however judging by what he told me about it has not exactly been an easy one He was bom in Hungary in 1955 His childhood was overshadowed by the aborted revolution of with the result that he became a bit of a misfit and longed to leave his country when he got older But first after he finished school he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest and became after graduating a graphic artist at the Archeologicat Institute there All the while he drew and painted on his own and exhibited his work in 24 group- and one-man- shows in his native country In he and his wife left for Vienna in Austria and there they applied for emigration to Canada In 1984 they arrived in Calgary and experienced both what it means to come to a free country in par ticular one as free of the spirit of enterprise as the depressed Alber ta of was They did not expWt to find jobs in their professions Ms Selmeczi is a teacher for han dicapped children but the situa tion was so bad they could not find any job With their last money tbey went to Los Angeles where a friend a job as a restorer Unfortunately their stay in Los Angeles came soon to an end because they could not get a work permit Saddened they returned to Calgary where they finally got hired as janitors he in a theatre and she in a hotel LOOK GOOD FEEL GREAT Mill and In they moved to Toronto and found work as a designer and draftsman in a Brampton firm He also took a course in ching at the Ontario College of Art Twenty months ago a daughter was born to them Last fall they moved to Georgetown Ms Selmeczi is a here visiting seniors and keeping them company Her mother is here on a long visit from Hungary to be a nanny to the little granddaughter As an artist Selmeczi will need a bit more time to find his feet fully His best paintings are filled with expressive force and have a stained glass color intensity his lesser paintings show strain as if they were created in a fit of frustration His drawings and et chings are the most accomplished part of his production Sly sym bolism subversive story telling and lots of drawing ability come together to make his handcolored etchings quite irresistible I hope that this promising artist will be welcomed into our community by artists and art lovers alike Couple wed By KAY WILSON Norval Correspondent community presentation In honor of Gary and Tracy Johnson Norval who were married recently was held at Norval United Church on March 21 The evening was hosted by Jack and Mary Crawford and Don and Carolyn Crawford Euchre and crockinole were en joyed for around people dur ing the first part of the evening Winners for euchre were Lois Reid Betty Johnson Harry Car- and Spencer Wilson Crockinole winners were Mae Brander and Joe Van Leeuwen Don Crawford chaired a short program and introduced Gary and Tracy Following a few well- chosen words he presented the couple with a barbecue and a purse of money Gary on behalf of Tracy thanked all for the gift and the evening and a beautiful lunch followed Euchre night NORVALHalton Plowmen are holding a euchre at the Boyne Community Centre April Lucky draws prizes and lunch Pinegrove euchre NORVALPinegrove euchre had four tables last Monday Win ners were Vivian Shaw Vi Preston John Hunter Enrico Carouso Lucky draw courtesy of Webbs Flowers Brownlow Committee was Carousos and Brampton WL NORVALThe Tweedsmuir History books were on display at the Brampton West Womens In Grandmothers meeting at the home of Margaret President Mae Dixon opened the meeting with a poem What is a Grandmother the Opening Ode and Mary Stewart Collect Secretary Mary Garbutt read the minutes of the February meeting and the correspondence A letter from the Peel Social Service was read which thanked the members for the donation presented to them at Christmastime and ex plained how the money was used Mae Dixon reported that the District Euchre was a success with everyone enjoying a delicious lunch and an afternoon of euchre Roll call Bring a pic ture of older times and tell about them was answered by all pre sent Portraits of family groups and weddings were the subjects in the photographs Handmade baby clothes which had been worn by family members were displayed A nightgown over years old made of white cotton with lace in serts and having very intricate hand stitching was displayed by Isabelle McClure Mary Janet Walsma modelled an outfit that had been worn by her great grandmother being well over 100 years old Isobel McKay gave an in formative talk on information that can be found in the Peel Ar chives and how the Tweedsmuir Histories and scrap books are im portant in retaining the past for the future Lunch was served by Margaret McClure Wilma Archdekin Catherine Laidlaw Esther Mc and Billy McClure The Annual Meeting April 10 will be held at the home of Mae Dixon at a i May I remind my readers that Hidden Bounty an exhibition of a selection of artwork from the col lection of the Halton Hills Public libraries will be opened this Sun day April from 2 to 30 at the Cultural Centre on Church Street with a big reception Regional Chairman Peter Pomeroy and Mayor Miller will deliver opening speeches and The Friends of the Halton Hills Libraries will delight you with their usual delicious refreshments The exhibition contains artworks by Robert Bateman David Blackwood Frank Black Charlotte Brainerd Gerard a Brands Ken Blake Yosef Drenters Ken McCaule Nazer Saila Jack Harold Town and many others There will also be a raffle of a painting by Frank Black A ticket purchased for might make you the lucky winner of Calm Day Bermuda valued at At the library Preschool programs are now underway Preschool Story Programs Registration for preschool story programs began on March 22 in person or by phone Preschool Storyttme March 27 to May Please notef no pro grams on April A thirty minute program of stories songs and games for children three to five years old Sessions Acton Tuesdays a m Wednesdays 2 m Georgetown Wednesdays 30 am or 2 p m Thursdays 30 a Tales for Twos March to May Please note no program on Apnl 18 About minutes of songs stones and games for two year olds and a parent This pro gram is designed for adult and child participation Sessions Acton Fridays 10 30 a m Georgetown Wednesdays m Saturdays 10 30 Baby Tales March to May A 20mmute program for infants six to months and a parent This is an introduction to the library books songs movement and rhymes for infants Sessions Georgetown Thursdays 30 a m RECYCLING II a wi la out Please Remember to Recycle This Newspaper GOLF GIFTS GAGS Our New Sports Gift Store Browse Through Our Selection Of Golf Accessories Gifts S Gags I COUNTRY LANE lOthLine River 8772254 STREAK SPECIAL PRESENT THIS AD RECEIVE Beam in on Beam Builtin Vacuums On This Month Dont lug a vacuumPlug in a Beam I Imagine a clean home environ ment with a BEAM Built in Vacuum easy to install in any home old or new 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