jI cKpaiiIiuUI 0 THE HERALD Wednesday January 1WQ Page rage J principal says What is the best fund for ITS YOUR Rockel Ive got the best RSP plan your friend says What is the best plan you ask And you are then told what your believes to be the best Im sure all of us have our opinions everyone believing their plan is best Lets examine some of the best plans Many are offered by the savings institutions such as banks trust companies credit unions etc Others are offered by Life Insurance Companies and still others by mutual fund com as well as stock brokers The best may be the savings institution type because we feel safe in that our monies are secure because the principal amount not the rate of return are guaranteed by CDIC Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation up to The best may be from a stock broker if you are the type who is an excellent investor knowing what to do and when and are usually right You can have dozens of stocks m your The best may be a mutual fund RSP where the past has shown you should average at least per per year and more over 10 and 15year periods and longer short term 1 or 4year periods may be very lucrative or they may not because equity funds do fluctuate up and down short term This writers opinion is that the best is the one that gives you the greatest rate of return with the element of you desire And the one that fits that description we believe is the self administered mutual fund program Why do we believe it to be besf Lets examine some of the ad There is a self administered RSP program run by a company called MRS Multiple Retire ment Savings allows you to have up to 10 different mutual funds in the one program with on the one trustee fee 2 There are over different mutual funds that you can choose from 3 You can change the you have amongst the 100 different funds but limited to only at any onetime You can have money market funds earning interest daily usually paying much more than the savings institutions You can have Bond Funds investing in Government Bonds resource funds gold funds mortgage funds real estate funds and the good old equity funds that have averaged over per cent over the past 10 OFFICE MAGIC FOR ALL YOUR OFFICE STATIONERY NEEDS years You can have a mix of all types of funds limited to 10 to meet your needs 6 There is no lock up in that your monies are tied up at a fixed rate for up to fiveyears as they are with many 7 You will usually be working with an independent advisor whose firm has no product of its own but advises you as to what mutual meet your par tfcular needs and goals What Is your favonte RSP in vestment program Does it have additional or better features And what rate of return does it have After all the person who sets aside per year in an for years at per cent rate of return will have a value of If the mutual fund pro gram averages per cent as they have in the past you 11 have 235000 Almost twice as much Which would you rather have to retire with For Information ask for RRSP Brochures and contact Peter Drive Georgetown or phone 877 Paul J Rockel is the author of the best seller Why I Invest in Mutual Funds and President of Regal Capital Planners Ltd Davies ByALANMACKIE the Herald Getting a new principal may seem like an ominous prospect to a number of students but the students of Georgetown District High School have nothing to fear Thursday morning Bryn Davies takes charge of the school with the philosophy of kids and their teachers are both students of learning Mr will start his first s job with a lot of teaching experience behind him and with vice principal ex penence at both General Brock High School and White Oaks High School He has been in the teaching circuit for 18 years but notes It gone by very quickly OF ARTHUR Famous Price Sale Continues SAVE 50 OFF ENTIRE STOCK 2 MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF THIS SEASONS NEWEST MENS AND LADIES FASHIONS EXCEPT DENMS SPRING ARRIVALS SAVE to 50 OFF OUR FABULOUS COLLECTION CRUISEWEAR SAVE 50 AND MORE On Mens Suits Sportcoats Blazers 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the classroom He said the principals position is one of the best jobs in education because you haver a chance to in fluence the lives of many kids and staff for that matter It is amazing how much there is to leam at GDHS be said not on ly about the nuts and bolts of a job but also about myself Communication Inc a CCllUlGr Now you can install a new phone system without taking up a collection Putting a new phone in your office once me he putting your old phones in the garbage Pin is putting an end to that ith its new Modular Switching Systems Hit systems that let plug in ike or model single line phone So now you cm cut costs by combining your old phones with rullfeatured Panasonic phones And if voure ust starting a business Panasonic you lots of room to Room for 12 outside lines and 232 telephones computer modems fax machines or cordless phones So don t be talked into throw your money away on mother system Talk to us St eorgelown Ontario 8733310 Loans Mortgages The Municipal Savings Loan 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