SECTION THE HERALD Wednesday December The Kile log Festive dessert help melt the chocolate After mi nutes stir again The mixture should be very smooth Transfer a bowl cover and winters cold and refrigerate No custom is more evocative of of the Christmas season than the log Burning brightly the hearth it traditionally signifies the triumph of warmth and light darkness And because each Yule log is kin died with a piece of the log from the year before iitsancsscnilalpartofthc continuum whose part in holiday ritual dates back to pre Christian times Borrowing a bit from the Roman sacred hearth fires tributes to each household ancestral spirits its par gods as well as from Druidn lore which located its gods vegetation spirit within trees particularly oaks the Yule log provided a focal point for Christmas celebrations in many tries for centuries until falling into tual disuse in modem limes Today we remember the Yule log chiefly through the French dessert Noel a rich jelly roll cake filled with chocolate cream and covered with a dark chocolate whose surface is manipulated to mimic bark Traditionally served at Reveillon the laic supper which eaten after Mid night Mass on Christmas Eve the Buche de Noel would in fact be ap propriate fare for any Christmastime revel A bit complex to prepare it is equally rewarding for the dedicated cook not to mention the lucky people who get to share the fruits of the cook labors An excellent recipe for Buche de Noel is Jacques Pepin for Chocolate Yule Log with Mint Leaves is repro duced below reprinted from Volume of Pepin s of Cooking Alfred A Knopf a seminal work which is meant for the novice as well as the more experienced cook setting out classic m a format that alter nates text and photographs to facilitate CHOCOLATE YULE LOG WITH MINT LEAVES Yield servings Jelly Roll eggs separated granulated sugar 1 Up vanilla Chocolate Pastry Cream Filling egg yolks granulated sugar Tb cornstarch 1 vanilla IV c milk bittersweet or semi sweet chocolate broken Into pieces RumChocolate Ganacbe or Glaze melted bittersweet or semi sweet chocolate cream dark rum Chocolate Bark with Leaves 12 bittersweet chocolate 12 to 15 mint leaves extra larger leaves for imprint Decorations Confectioners sugar for dusting cake Autumn leaves or holly make the jelly roll cake Beal the 8 egg yolks sugar and 1 vanilla together for about 1 mmule until very fluffy and smooth Then add flour and mixwcllwithawhisk until smooth Beat whites by hand or with an electric mixer firm Pour Ihc egg yolk mixture on top of ihe whites Fold the yolks gently into the whites to retain most of the volume 3 Butter a parchment paper lined icily roll pan 12x16 in Spread he cake latter on the paper making it of equal thickness all over Bake In a preheated oven for approximately minutes The cake will be puffy when removed from the oven It will deflate and shrink slightly as it cools but will still remain quite soft and pliable For the chocolate pastry cream filling Beat the 3 egg yolks sugar Tb cornstarch and 1 vanilla to gether with a whisk Meanwhile bring the lc milk to a Four the boiling milk into the egg yolk mixture stirring then return it to the saucepan Bring to a boil stirring with a whisk so the pastry cream t stick and burn on the bottom Boil for about 10 seconds Remove from the heat The mixture will be quite thick Add chocolate pieces to the saucepan and stir gently with a whisk 8 Slide a spatula under cooled cake and remove to a board wiih the parttime l paper underneath still in lact When the chocolate pastry cream is cold spread it on tht top of the take ihc part exposed in the oven which has visible cracks Using the paper lining under ncath lift up the cake and begin to roll it on itself 10 Keep rolling still using the paper until the jelly roll is rolled up 11 The pastry cream is now com plclcly enclosed in the take roll Roll the cake up in the same parchment paper and refrigerate for up to id 12 lb finish the yule log remove ihc paper and place the cake on a serving platter Cut off both ends of log at an angle These pieces will be used to simulate stumps on the log lb make the Melt the bittersweet choc in a double boiler Plate cream and Tb rum in a bowl and when Ihc chocolate is melted add it and beat with a whisk for 15 to sec until the mixture lightens slightly in color and becomes about the of a Do not over whisk because incorporating too much airwill whiten the and make il set too hard is it cools If this should happen slightly and beat again Using a spatula coat the whole cake with a Ihin layer of the 14 Place the Iwo end pieces of cake on lop to simulate tree slumps 15 Continue coating the cake and stumps with the ganachc When thoroughly coated draw the tines of a fork through ihc soft to create a bark design Using point of knife make circular designs on top of the stumps and at either end of to simulate design on a tree At this point the cake can be refrigerated When cold cover loosely with plaslie wrap li is usuilly served at this point For a more elaborate serving variation chocolate bilk can be For chocolate bark Melt Ihc 12 chocolate in a double boiler and pour a strip of it about the length of the onto parchment or wax paper 17 With a narrow flexible spitula spread chocolate a thickness of about in smearing the chocolate out at intervals to make a jagged edge along the length on one side to laic broken of bark While the press the mint leaves and larger Ihe surface The mini leaves will be left in the chocolate and the larger leaves removed at serving time 19 Press another of parchment paper on lop of ihc chocolate and turn package over onto a tray so the side with the leaves is touching the tray Re Repeat make a strip of chocolate bark for the other side of When the chocolate bark has hardened remove the layer of paper from the lop Hie chocolate should have curled up a little each end which at his point will help fit ihc contour of the cake Cut through the chocolate and paper along the straighten side to trim it to a clean edge 22 Place the chocolate still at the paper straightedge down alongside cake pressing it lightly against the cake If coating of the cake is still somewhat soft stick lot be made ahead and arranged around the before it is refrigerated The heat of your hand preying against the paper moy soften the slightly and make adhere belter the cake Peel off the paper 23 Remove Ihe leaves from both strips of the chocolate bark ihcy will have left leaf imprints in the choc which was the desired effect Sprinkle a very light dusting of confectioners sugar on the log to simulate snow 25 Arrange fall leaves or holly around the cake cut into slices and DEAR SANTA LETTERS Brought To You By Local Students and The Businesses Below GIFT BASKETS SWEET J COOKS SUNOCO SEASONS GREETINGS To From Al a Th Slall Street Georgetown a Sight to Behold jSgg UNIQUE GIFTS for young old alike 00LLS BOOKS BEARS Accessories The Doll Emporium IB Mill fl53 38BB EXTENDED CHRISTMAS Open Evtnlngi Call MM SI Screen Printing Textile Printing Specialists GEORGETOWN Georgetown Hobby ft Toy Inn 310 Gnttph SL Out MERRY CHRISTMAS To AD My Customers Thanks lor making our year CHEAT GRAHAM BRENDA 517 Main St Glen Williams 39B7 and a Cheer leader and I Love Holly Dickinson Grade a How an- Rudolph and the other reindeers Santo Clans How are elves I would like a computer and a keyboard for Christmas wish then was no cancer 1 leave you or Milk and I 11 leave cookies and carrots for Santo Love Markus Santa Workshop The North Pole H0H OHO Dear Children Well the big day is almost here and Ive never seen it so busy around the workshop The elves are scampering everywhere trying to fill the last minute orders we ve received It been busy for me too I ve been in the Halton Hills area several times now and I don t think there s any other place I have more fun And Ive been to a lot of places boys and girls Ho Ho Ho We re still not sure what the weather will be like for Christmas Eve but Rudolph s nose is all polished up in case it foggy and we ve got scarves for each of the reindeer in case it turns cola Mrs and I were a little concerned about last week It seems he sneaked out with Dan one night and they got into a little break dancing Dancer can handle it but a little older and he s not the high stepper he used to be But the whole team will be ready and the sleigh will be loaded when we take off from the North Pole this Christmas Eve Santa and Mrs Claus hope everyone has a Merry Merry Christmas Ho Ho Ho Lots of Love and Kisses Santa Dear Santa Dear Santo Mommy is helping me write this Dear Santa Claus How are your Reindeer- I mlghl Ieller because n wily years old ore you the reindeer and the like a tare Bear 1 hope It Is Tender Flrsl l a elves Are you all ready Heart or Brave Heart I hope thai l n h Christmas I am If it not lo much Julia will get some beads Please we you But I scared of your trouble with you I would like a com GREETINGS- U Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Clous house Hoy Mrs Your friends Cameron and Julia beard Mommy says I being silly and electronic battleship 1 J but I m still scared Maybe next thai no one would ever get side year I won t be This year 1 would like a Little Tikes frig lo go with my Kendell Grades stove and also a measure tape Just you some milk like Daddy I going lo leave cookies and some carrots for the homemade cookies and milk on Ihe reindeer fireplace for you so don forget to take them I hope It snow Christmas could please bring rl Daddy wil meaGTSnowraccr or Christmas Give Mrs Claus Jeffrey hug lor me Santo How are you and Mrs I am going to give you some cookies and J milk I would flke a W F Wrestler and a game any game I wish that A my Mom and Dad would let me ride my bike farther I am In grade 3 my J teacher name Is Mrs Street she Is nice I have chimney at my house How Is it up the North Pole But If 1 you can get down chimney 1 It leave Ihe door unlocked Just In case Oh I forgol I will give your elves some cookies and your rain deer Yours truly Chris Grade 1 Dear Santa Claus What arc doing up at the North Pole Are you cold up there It s hardly snowing up hear Where ever Mrs Clous is tell her I said J Greetings How do you moke your fly 1 would like to have the I Sega for Christmas I wish I could A sec you Dear Santo Thank you for presents loit year How many reindeer are there you to Clous l How is 11 at Ihe North Pole I like 0 have Adrlonri Burton working hard on the toys Would you 1 like to have I cookies and a glass milk and for Ihe some Car- phone 1 would lick a for Christmas and a typewriter I wish no one will gel sick again Love Katie Grade DearSanla I hope you ore having fun North Pole there 1 won Create your own Christmas stocking Who hunfe lirM hrislir stinking why the sinus stinking he irmt annul plight j I it ni I and mi money for writs Si I is llmv low f mirnaLLJbli huni near m Ihiis im ill ir This is in I m ike ihu djy nulcrials such as fill bust jlt kinj Eh 1 si Cut inks flfclL sloe Hi s ii and spa lo dim ens lop Also uff Claus t I bet ore working hard How Is Mrs Clous 1 wont the Cobra Bug arid Micro- Ma chines wish for Ihe Christopher Mortyntuk Grade Dear Santa Claus I looking forward lo seeing you and Reindeers How Is Mrs doing 1 would like Tic Turn and Monster Mash 1 wish for more Hockey stickers MatthewWalker Dear Santo I am looking forward to seeing j- How is Mrs Are you go are the elves wish I could see 1 elf and ralndear Love Grade DearSanla Merry Christmas to all of you How are you doing I hope Mrs How are you I as well as can be Claus la doing good If It Is not any How Is Mrs Claus la it snowing trouble I would like a Jill doll and a tinn there It not snowing here I would computer I wish I could see you on like lheM nd a Christmas I hope it to no trouble I o ana a com morc hflvlng tlme Is a PHONE PS I will the North Pole How old are you and Love Chris 11 Grade 3 Mrs Do you have a new suit Love from Jennifer Are your elves doing good and Grades they working good Do you have a DcorSanto Clous lot of elves How long Is your beard Merry Christmas oil of you How Is Mrs I would like a You are my favorite person at tl Jumbo Love Hippo and a Nosey time of ycor would like a Spell a Bear Ihe basketball net I wish 1 Speak and a Super Turbo Train could ice you Santa I will leave would wish that you would cor some cookies and milk for you every day So how are you doing Love Judith Irwin doing fine My mom doesn I have enough money to buy a desk So can you gel a desk for my brother Love Jason Grade Clous How is Mrs doing How are your elves doing For Christmas Dear Santo Clous would like lo have Little Miss Make I don t want to be greedy All I Up and Nintendo 1 wish for a horse elves How long Is your beard a going to go soon But I will talk some more My mom and dad I put on your record some limes Well 1 have to go now I will leave some milk and cookies for you and Rudolf aL By Amy Grade DearSanla For Christmas could you please From Chad Grade bring me doll stroller I have been a good girl Oils year Here is a pic ture thai I colored for you Thank your ho ho hoes and your stomach that shakes like o bowl full trouble would like a computer Just maybe a spcllmasler 1 hope you like the goodies Oh and the car are for Rudolph and oilier Dear Santa Hi how are you How is the Nor thpolc Well 1 m fine How Is Rudolph 1 would like hockey shorts a goalie stick I wish I could have a Mario shirt Love Trevor Grades Dear Santa How arc you and Mrs and the Elves and the reindeer Is It cold up there Is there lots of snow up there I will leave cookies and milk you And carrots for the reindeer I would like Maxlo and a chair for Christmas I am sure thai you would liko those things too 1 thai I could live on a farm because I like animals and especial J horses I love you and Mrs if I hope Ihat I will sec you on Christmas Love Michelle Grade nose still glowing What A our reindeer names What are Elves names Do you have J I In the North Pole Do you dogs up Ihere I would a and a fish I wish 1 can see and a hockey net Thank you for reading my letter I wonder how your smart reindeer From Tracy Rees Grade con carry you and your beautiful slay And I very proud Ihat your hard working little elves can get the toys done before Christmas eve And How is Mrs Claus doing and bet that night every year Mrs Rudolph How many children wrote looked so pretty I bet your I hope not much How fat are is very heavy Merry Christmas you going to be this year 1 hope you ana an most hove a can come to my house By the way forgot How Is Mrs Sanlo do- Brian and Justin bow are the Elves doing Is it tun at too If it would not be too much Grades the North Pole I so Is Rudolphs nose still glowing What A are your reindeer names What are Santa your Elves 1 hope you ore having a good time school In tr- j How is Mrs Santa Claus For have dogs Love Sarah Grades j like a watch and a new pony Santa computer How are ihe elves I wish you Merry Christmas How ore you do- for a watch How are your rain Grade Ing I hope Mrs Clous Is feeling decrs I will leave you some cookies good How are your elves doing I milk 1 will leave 8 carrots I love Christmas My favorite day of wlllbrlngmelotsof toys Dear Santa Claus f year Is Christmas because like Love Matthew Key Grade I decorating the Christmas tree How is Rudolph I would like some Every Christmas I get to put the Nintendo games and micro on lop of the tree I would like on machines I hope we get lota of electric piano and a computer 1 1 hope you ore having good time wish could sec you your I wish I could see you Are there lots Love Wesley Whltlam Grades reindeer Merry Christmas of snow storms there Are your Love Soro Robertson elves almost finished making toys I Grades hope so I would like to get a new DcarSantaClaus r video game I will probably give you I looking forward to seeing youA a present too I know you are very and the Reindeer How are the DcarSantaClaus small Is Mrs Santn Is she doing making Merry Christmas Santa How is sewing right now How do you make two things I Mrs Claus I would like lota of My your reindeers fly Do you get would please U Little Ponies And would liko some presenta all the time How many Jx a a Smooches 1 wish I could have my elves do you have I gueos I never have some computer know Bull want lo know t Yours truly Heather Sanderson Grades A Love Amanda Grade J