Paces SECTION A Tilt HERALD Wedneidav Decs Waste incinerator only a matter of where and when Region wants input on future of EFW in Halton Sometime In the next 10 years a massive waste incinerator Is going to be built somewhere In Halton Region It a only a matter of where and And Region wants residents to help them decide where and how that energy from waste plant should be built has a commitment to burn per cent of Its municipal waste laf recycling by the year 1996 That promise la a part of the Regions argument In favor of the proposed Burlington landfill site currently under consideration by the environmental assessment board That board will choose either the favored site In Burlington or Halton second choice In Milton The energy from waste component is crucial Right now Is truck the tonnes of waste pro duced annually here out of the Region Thirtyeight per cent of It goes to Occidental Chemical Cor Duration In Niagara Falls New York where It Is burned Less than 10 per cent of it is recyd and by far the largest chunk about per cent is shipped to two quarries In Niagara alts But that can go on forever Halton is paying more than million a month to dispose of its In its quest tor public input Halton set up a public Information forum at Georgetown District High School recently to give and get information The response was dismal environmental approvals coordinator Linda admitted it difficult to get the public really Interested until you identify a site Simply put trie public will only get Into picture when they learn an plant is planned for their com unity But then it may be too late Public concerns about plants typically centres around the impact emissions on the en vironment and the health of nearby residents the safety of the method of disposal of ashes produced at the the Impacts on people noise odor lower property values etc living near the plant the impact on waste management programs lie will assess according lo public acceptability considerations technological reliability marketing of waste pro ducts how much it will reduce trie reliance on landfill consideration of energy and resources and how much theplant will cost The whole process will follow the complex Environmental Assess Act the same act which Is par responsible for 10- year million search or the com landfill site Heltons new site is completely separate from the Reclamation Systems Inc proposal to build a landfill site In the Acton Quarry The Acton proposal Is a private com plan to accept million Ion waste from other municipalities including Metropolitan ronlo In Ford Motor Company pro posed an EFW plant for its plant But public opposition forced Ford to abandon the Idea Ford have a small opera lion now that Is generally operating within government guidelines And a consolidated hearings board has recently approved a private pro posal to build on plant in Brampton on the corner Highway and Dixie Road capable of burning 367 tonnes of municipal waste a day That process has suffered delays because of appeals by the City of Brampton ana local residents Cement build a huge plant In Mlsstsaauga The company has been through the environmental assess ment process and the Ministry of Environment Is reviewing the Idea A study potential energy sources showed waste Is Ihe cheapest source of energy or cement said Mi St Lawrence Cement would tonnes of waste a year Of that about 100 tonnes of waste could be burned for energy reduc ing their dependence on coal by about 10 per cent The waste could come from Peel and Regions But la it salt Despite an abundance of en said the newest technology keeps effluent levels well below govern menl guidelines A citizens advisory committer set up by Halton In 1985 endorsed In the first phase of study options for waste management and EFW potential areas will be Identified as well as potential technologies The study which Is also In a composting waste export and refuse derived fuel similar to EFW as options for disposal will be completed in the late sum The recommendations will then be Jut to Regional council That will be by another round of public consultation Then any recommendations ap proved by the Region will be Im pi cm en tea needs lo know what residents think of now To voice your opinio out more about EFW at 13 Region studies alternatives for location of EFW plant During the next few months will be looking at many ferent sites throughout the Region to identify possible sites for an Energy From Waste plant One potential site named a lfi65 study was the Beardmore Tannery in Acton However the tannery has since In order to locale an plant a particular area Region on site Or municipal a nearby market for the power created by the plant There are also constraints on where an tFw plant can be located These include any area considered en vironmentally significant areas with high quality agricultural land any area close In course any ana located on flood any area near a residential In 1965 when the Region took a serious look at energy from waste six potential customers were idui tided possible users of energy from such a plant Finding a customer for electric or steam produced at an EFW plant Is a major step In Ihe pro- Coop project likely to proceed The cooperative planned for Carrulhers Road In Georgetown will likely go ahead even if the town doesn t help In the funding Lanlana Profit Homes Com the firm building the units asked the town in September to waive HI in lot levies and delay In needed road improvements so the project would be inexpensive enough to gain funding approval from the Canada Mortgage Housing Corpora The CM has now approved million for the project leaving tana in search of from other sources spokesman Adam told town nous ing task force recently The town has made no decision on the request to waive lot levies and will pay for half of the road improvements now with the town picking up the remaining But would reimburse the of road development the project is Companies face charges for improper disposal Mr said the development which was sewage capacity Monday will likely proceed whether or not the town waives the lot levies However If the lot levies are not waived It is possible that the elevator in Ihe three- storey building of which only 19 units will be con profit housing may have to be eliminated LanLana is now going to the drawing board In an attempt cut more costs The corporation will then approach the Ministry of with the support of the to ask or the remaining It Two companies including one Georgetown firm have been with improperly disposing In dustrial waste by the Ontario En Ministry The two companies charged are CUrkaon Gordon of Toronto and a numbered company operating In Georgetown as CCP Liquidators press release from the MOE says Gordon were receivers In Bankruptcy of Pippa Food wear Inc The charges allege that on Nov 1W a liquid chemical was removed from a Cambridge plant and dispos ed or In a Cambridge landfill site Suspect nabbed Through an activated alarm system police apprehended a suspect who had entered a Street business early Dec Police damage was caused from entry into the basement window of the building but no merchandise was removed A Georgetown man IB will appear in court Jan 1989 on charges of break and enter with an Intent of theft which was not certified to handle hazardous waste said Ron Schwtndt a Ministry spokesman at the Cambridge district office Gordon and On Ltd each ace one count under Ihe Environmental Protection Act which relates to using a waste disposal site In a manner that is not In accordance with the condition set out in a certificate of approval and one count relation to transporting in dustrial waste using facilities and equipment that arc not certified for use by the province A trial will be held on April and May 1 1989 in Cambridge Provincial Court NORTH END NISSAN 10 MARTIN STREET MILTON ONTARIO 8784137 Available at The Herald Office In either or 5x7 Sizes the HERALD Just Call TJs Your Electronics Hospital We II patch up your tape player and put your stereo n a Whatever it takes to get your equipment on road to recovery and in top working order we II do Wore your expert trouble shooters i FREE ESTIMATES To All Carry In Repair JJ ELECTRONICS 873 meet 7H TOP DOGS AT 1 PET CENTRES LHASA AU 54999 a rat 1 MM IIIHt Mkmm 5b This churl Indicate Ihe skyrocketing tipping ten the environmental approvals Linda pays to Id garbage say cannot continue la simply bury lis llcgktn faces In Ihe coming The Region They like the idea of building an energy from director management John plant Herald photo Some have misgivings on EFW Although Halton Region energy from waste as a major solu to Its garbage crisis there are groups which say such Incinerators ore merely experiments with human Jim Mahon chairman of the alliens Coalition to Maintain the Environment a group which organ lied to fight the plant at the Victoria Hospital In London said netds 10 or 15 more years of testing By allowing plants now the government Is in effect making guinea pigs sold Mr AM the cards are not in yet on EFW Right now everyone s jump ing on the bandwagon he added By promoting as a solution to problems the government Is creating a situation which basically an experiment To me that not on acceptable situation said Mr adding that he has seen some absolutely Godawful EFW plants operating In Canada and the United lie then listed a scries of major concerns EFW opponents have about such plants They include garbage is not homogeneous The types of waste entering on plant cannot be properly monitored so hazardous wastes con be burned it Is not possible to achieve an efficient burn capable of proper Incinerating the waste burning garbage changes the state of the matter thereby Ing unknown by products which arc then exposed in the atmosphere the combustion process can cause highly toxic A 1966 report by the federal government showed In cinerators to be the largest source of dloxins in Canada burning creates dloxln filled that Is difficult to properly dispose of If con tarn contaminated flyash is burled at a landfill site It Is In a condition which Is highly water It can mix with rain and the buffer zone of time common to decern ling materials at landfill sites Is lost sub- micron particles can escape Ihe extensive filtering system in in even the best plants Iny particles created by heavy metals can remain in human lungs permanently there Is no buffer zone of time with an plant Contaminants are ex posed to the atmosphere Immediate ly even after cleansing higher release stacks which have become populi pollution out over a larger area scientists may discover new eon tumlnanta In coming years the attitudes of EFW plant operators can be dangerous Some firms think of garbage as a eat energy source rather than something which should be efficient disposed of and others might ac cept hazardous waste If they can find enough waste lo bum Mr Mahon group is monitoring the incinerator at Victoria Hospital He admitted that have been made safer recently but the industry is Iryinn to reorganize itself to meet the demand for waste burning he said Colin a Georgetown dent who was a consultant on the Victoria Hospital plant said some concerns are legitimate but the technology is available to make the plants safe But what la the definition of safe Mr asked A main concern Is how to dispose of lamina ted flyash he said Some US incinerators are mix it with regular waste and disposing of it successfully he said And new filters which eject a neutral agent such as lime In to the gas stream are highly sue In cleansing and trapping tiny particles he said Although there ore concerns about testing results are not valid enough to hold back energy from lerely spread waste said Mr We now have a large body of knowledge of what the risks are he said A well designed and well operated plant can operate within the stringent requirements that any jurisdiction has put in place so far with a comfortable margin There are many things in life we don t know 100 per cent about said Mr We should have enough con fldence In the technology that EFW should Energy from waste suffered setbacks from suffered a setback 1960s with tin discovery of highly toxic dloxins and furans commonly produced the plant In the federal government set up the National Incinerator Testing and Evaluation Program tested two operating plants The first on Prince Edward Island w a tw combustion facility In that plant products were burned twice found that when the secon dary chamber turned the products at a very high temperature stack emissions reduced significantly putting emissions well below government guidelines Next NITEP tested a dry and semi dry air pollution control system on the Quebec City Mass Rum Incinerator Test results showed that to be equally efficient in burning waste pro ducts In Europe and the ted energy from waste has since taken off In Swcedcn a montonum on plants in 1B6S was lifted a year Inter There are now at least EFW plants operating In that country Ho 1 PET CENTRES kUwrt SB l Mil LOOK GREAT FEEL HEALTHIER AND BE SLIMMER FOR CHRISTMAS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Expires PURE CHOCOLATE CHIPS I 5JJ ib i i I mmiCOov J COUPON ii SUPER TEA VITAMIN C TABLETS 10OFF SAVE ON PACKAGING Did You Know SWEETENED COCONUT Flaked and Shredded Slid would bo ignis More Ihnn denial up of food wo buy ends up ihe rocyc ed recycle Wo the staff at Bulk Klub Foods Wish you a safe and happy holiday season nouns Wd Thurs Ftl 109 Sat WATCH FOR MANY INST0RE SPECIALS Bulk Klub Foods 7 MOUNTAINVIEW 8732234 MORE THAN JUST BULK