THE HERALD OUTLOOK NoveMberll 1MB Entertainment The syndrome News Hem A San Franciscobased organization called Poll Scramblers trying to mount a counter attack against that bane of election cam the endless flood of opinion polls Poll Scramblers is urging voters to undermine the polls by giving false and distorted answers Good gnef Just It voters disseminating nformation and self serving little Tibs the pollt clans What a novel concept Naturally we re all heartily fed up with polls To beg with there the fear that they can skew the whole pro cess by a bandwagon effect Besides the fact is that polls are rlably misleading When for Instance voters are polled as to Ihelr preference for prime mm a poll will proclaim that per cent support Whatsit per cent sup port Whoslt while 17 per cent support Whatsis name As such the poll com pletely suppresses the truth which Is that when asked which leader would male the best per cent laughed bleakly and IS per cent dark oaths And now at long last we re told how to undermine the whole wretched pro cess Just Imag bow the campaign have unfolded In the news re ports If only we strategy a month ago Oct 10 A newly released poll that the Tones enter thecampaignw ih the support of per cent of committed voters with the and the Liberals trail badly at per cent Prime Minister pro med that the poll shows Canad am are respond no to his eminent eco nomic record John Turner and Ed stated that they g ve no ere to polls and Oct A stunning new poll shows that the has vaulted the lead per cent of support fol the at M per cent and the at saslrous 17 per cent lant Ed sa he had no me to comment partly because he no credence to polls and partly he and Luc He are busy drapes lor Sussex John Turner claimed the poll shows his ugc start to gel through Brian d he never comments on polls add that he ves no credence poll that shows him last place Oct The election campa gn took another unexpected twist today with a new poll showing that S3 per cent of are suddenly undecided Tory and strategists were stunned by the result while the Grits were cautiously hopeful Said one Turner aide Ninety three per cent of voters are muddled indecisive unsure what direction to lake Gosh Ihcy sure sound like Liberals to us Why is Harrison Ford in a slump By Kleiner I taluk Harrison Ford Is the scxi est man to come along since Horn bat Us last few movies were real stinkers What has hap pened Si Okla A Every actor runs into slumps like baseball players It may be that projects which seem terrific just t work out as well as hoped Or it may be a case of him or his agent making bad choices But he I have a big hit again be a too good an actor to keep slumping forever We think Hunter Is an excel lent show portraying what law en force men t should be Someone told as that Fred Dryer Is deaf It this Grand Island Neb A No Before be hotted Good Morn in America David frayed doctor on The Bold Ones Wu be also a physician called Local And what was the name of Ike on be played that part Texas A He played a character named Lucas Tanner on a series by that name but Tanner was a teacher not a doctor On The New Doctors which was one of the segments of The Bold Ones he play a doctor named Paul Hunter I would like to know the name of the movie Gene Kelly made In Ger many with the M Pier Ad- In It too and was either In SI or SI G PK Ohio A That was something called The Devil Makes Three Q With the greenhouse effect in the newt Id like to know the name if a movie that starred Charlton Helton and Edward G Robinson which was about the Into re and the world was all covered wiln green smoke PH New Concord O A That was a film called Soy lent Green and It was a chilling forerun ner of the greenhouse effect Q Why da acton and actresses a ways refer to Texant at being cow boyi or cowgirls with Southern cents 1 a Texan and I do not have a Southern accent nor am I a cowgirl Houston A Oh you re the one It just that cliches abound In the movies People from Brooklyn all talk with a Brook lyn accent while In reality most don People from Kentucky arc all hillbillies And Tcxans are all cow pokes It shows a lack of Imagination on the part of writers that all HI I m years old and Interest in acting Could you tell me who to contact to find oat more It MA Neb A The Ideal person would be your highschool drama coach if you have one It not read books by acton and about acting In your library If a tour ing company comes to town try and meet some of the acton In that com If you REALLY Want to act you 11 find a way today by a new poll that free trade abortion and the environment are now far down on voters list of con cerns The new poll shows that the heartbreak of psoriasis is foremost In voters minds followed by concerns about neighbors who do not return rowed lawnmowera and let their dogs the government s record on dandruff control while John Turner unveiled a billion garden tool retrieval pro gram Nov 10 All parties refused comment on a staggering new poll which shows the Rhinoceros Party is poised lo form a majority government Strategists for the big three were in seclusion while Rhino organ Mrs were reportedly sit ting round a kitchen table staring numbly at each other and drinking heavily Nov Doubt has been cast on the validity of the entire polling process the wake of a new poll which shows that per cent of Canadians believe Rin Tin Tin would make the best prime Said an aide to Prime Minister Mul opinion polls are meaningless Nov is Ottawa was In an uproar to day as all three major parties sched simultaneous press conferences to announce hey have dumped their leader and replaced him with Tin Tin Shrugged an aide to former Brian John Dlcfenbakcr had a point Pollsarefordogs Take a close look you may be a winner If the race In- 1 by the arrow Li yours you re Ibe lucky winner Of a I fair of Georgetown Cinemas courtesy passes Call us atl or or drop in at The Herald I Georgetown Onl to claim your If you re not a win- 1 this week keep on looking Next week It may be I GEORGETOWN CINEMAS STREET CINEMA 1 STARTS TODAY Evenings at 7 00 9 15 pm Matinee Sat Sun at 2 m Ernest saves Christaias CINEMA 2 STARTS TODAYI 00 9 1 5 m Matinee Sat Sun at 2 00 p m IT WILL TERRIFY YOU CHHDftV CINEMA 3 7 00 9 15pm Matinee Sat Sun at 2 p Con tarn Djca STARTS TODAY THE Accused