Page II SECTION THE HERALD Wednesday July 13 AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE MOTORCYCLES MOTORCYCLES MOTORCYCLES 980 MUSTANG with CAPRICE HONDA Excellent YAMAHA 195 RZ Stroke CLASSIC good run- condition Candy Apple SPECIAL 10000 kms near Included condition low mileage showroom condition certified condition needs Red must be seen some body work As Is 0262 July HUGE YARD SALE Something of Henri Tim GARAGE SALE A Cat kMll TM you Mtj SIGHS ml 976 A BROUGHAM good con- Inside and out KSVlrm tledR77lB03M up Oct VW Rabbit Stan- titled est maculate condition dard body fair wllleer- MAZDA easy firm 846 or firm to certify This Is a steal at 500 SUZUKI GS750ES Best offer certified 19BI KAWASAKI YAMAHA Virago 1000 LTD mint condl- cc very low Km tlon after excellent condition or after July 8731726 alter 5iX or leave new HYUNDAI PONY loaded body new paint engine needs wor or best INCOLN CON 90000 stripes original miles deep red m cassette offer Call Greg 453 stnd 66000 or certified REC VEHICLES FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE 1978 PLYMOUTH les VOLARE runs good best offer uncertified 6 G D TRAILER FIRESTONE RADIAL TIRES for the pair Call Alison at 1980 MUSTANG cylinder cassette excellent Series Straight Wall up certified to ft wide Payments lease or pur- chase we have a plan Brougham for everyone Cell door loaded excellent condition 32 Heslop Court CHRYSLER automatic slant TERRY TAURUS cylinder excellent TRAILER Fridge or best offer condition certified after weekdays CITATION 46000 furnace awning 3 bathroom sleeps Excellent Hon door 3 Gangrabbit 10 fljlt VOLUME SET Funk cages 6 x 10 flat NOVA door Smali cyclopedia AMP contactor 1963 MONTE CARLO ANTIQUE DINING well maintained 9 pieces includes QUEEN SIZE hybrid China CabTrTet and weterbed semi- proofed air new muf fet 8777034 motionless Includes box spring bed frame miles pb auto cruise DIESEL 4 mint condition Florida door sunroof Al BOLER winters owner tlon Certified trailer Stove furnace fridge New tires a es BILLIARD TABLE full foam siding water TOYOTA COR Brunswick Monarch bag mattress cover and OLLA needs work or solid mahogany in healer Like new Ask- good for parts New laid with pearl slate Call B73I925 clutch very good tires after fi es or best POOL SLIDE high fireplace In- adder serf anchor HONDA CIVIC PONT I AC needs little to certify PHOENIX auto ps 400 runs well great I960 AUDI S Diesel body wmags loaded good condition iwiaa 4394 es electric start and Wiscot FORD LTD with Auto console buckets til trailer 1800 obo Cleveland modified duel engine nrf mntnr mint cert in April FT YORK RIVER Aluminum Boat with 96 Mercury Engine Good condition m es CLASSIC Wagon ps pb air 1976 CADILLAC as is certified 653 These businesses have the convenient hours to serve you STEAK EXPRESS BOXED MEATS FROZEKF0QDJ FOOD GEOFtOEIOWH ATDELBfltBLVD target convenience store St fiEORGETOWH St Clair Ice Cream Cones market place Lottery Pott Office GEORGETOWN HONDA Look over on Sunday Buy tram ut on Monday about or Warranty on most used cars SL Georgetown 8731818 es cottage Pre BUILDINGS New types steel and wood cladding For true value Action and answers 416 Leave message or col lect pm weekends Ask for Free brochures SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your frtondx neighbour rlmttv who thought tfiey could HAPPY BIRTHDAY THIS IS THE ACTUAL SIZE YOU GET FOR ONLY PHOTO GOES HERE Your Message Here Us simple bring In black and prolan grueling Wo will placo you column lor only s prepaid Rogular line Deadline is Monday publication Pictures fay bo SO GO A the HER Georgetown 87788 and give us your ad in our Happy Ads Olios to larger greeting Wednesday bo I Of up Iho day all or HEAD 1DAYM St 2 Herald Classified Catch of the Day No matter what It is If youre buying or selling youll calch all the bargains and all the customers you can land with a Herald classifieds With reasonable prices and effective results you cant lose And thats no fish story The Herald classified or ASK FOR JOAN FOUR 12 tires small competition complete mileage after with sail Excellent condition WIDE SELECTION WWM used doors for sale Call es AUTOS FO SALE PORTABLE TABLE SAW base CHEV SUBUR- Excellent BAN excellent condi tion Call Mike Hon complete towing 74 JAVELINE New brakes chrome wheels tires interior great good 22 or Ideal parts car Good motor auto trans tires OBO THE HALTON HILLS HERALD the HERALD Home Newspaper Halloo Hills Established I860 GEORGETOWN EASYSELL CLASSIFIED ADS F In tto form and nd bring it into I TrwHefaW along your and I Name Phono UP T0 17 WORDS 5300 UP TO INSERTIONS OH UNTIL YOU CANCEL YOUR AD