I age SLCT1QNA Tin- HERALD Wednesday IMS class Local graduates honored School letter recipients show oil Jr nl lnl the Centennial Middle I School after graduation June Andrea I Hal sen I airs happilj proud day of their Fourth gra tun I fro ihe elementary Barry I el flack rou left lo right Mark 1a Shane Hen Michael Mo romulls Tl Denis ink ke Murphy Da Id Tony Sandy Jahoor Third Joncph Michael Simpson lirl Monk Mary likes and Catherine Ingham Front row Tanya Michelle Clement Jcannlne Calne Rose Marie Mac rod Melalnc Karrflina Kncio Ic Muller Krlsten Hare I Jenny Cook Julie and Wendy Teresa Rock I nolo submitted SCHOOL Major award win em at tie graduation row Carrie most June ore front r w Jennifer llutinl Johnson drama award per cent Josaltls per cent Nicole I Dean Campbell most improved boy Sylvia llrown trophy I McQueen valedictorian and Anne William award and James Woods a Hack Herald photo girl David Krisly Osborne graduates earned honor in their sub Jects at lie graduation ceremonies June Iron Ian Stuart Math Glllell family studies Kevin Mc Murray French Ktrstcn Johnston French in mrrulo A In n Industrial arts and I cask glis llnck row Jennifer mule Joy art Christie Duller science Herald photo Small letter winners nt graduation Anne Williams Jennifer Heather cwmonles June are front row left lo right amy Amy Annabel Parkinson Burke Gordon Klrslen Joy Nicole Tyke I Isa Valerie Andrews Tracey MacArthur and AnnLa In erlne Volmar Joaaltli Christine Coumans Last row Mark Tim Shier Jell Willows Jennifer lira Greg Derek Kcnn Mills Middle row Christie Grant Bowler Chris Ada Osborne Herald photo and David