I went to a garden party TV SECTION A 1 lii In the left brought her camera he phony and at the Dominion Seed House on Saturday June 18 Mrs Jones wai one many people who lei up booth Tor exhibits the festival Proceed went to Canadian Cancer Society In centre photo Steve Kane the fine art of hone hoeing at the Other events Included demonstrations and displays walking lours music by the Hilton Youth Symphony and the Music Canada right photo attends University of Western Ontario was on hand for and greeted guests during thefesUville I le raid photos Hire a student week I Residents against development plan This week marks National Hire Student Week and the Canada Employment Centre for Students is alining to promote this annual event by raising awareness in Georgetown of students availability for summer employment Beginning Saturday June IB until June businesses and home owners are being encouraged to hire a student and students are also reminded to keep up search for summer Jobs Employers should realize that there are many eager enthusiastic students who are serious about working and students should acknowledge the fact that because employers do realize their full value ana potential are willing to give them the opportunities if they only seek them out Why hire a student There is an unlimited number of reasons Not only do students have lots of fresh Innovative Ideas and are willing to try their hardest at almost any task required of them but they also tend to have a fair understanding of modem technology resulting from new learning techniques found In to day educational system Students can be used to fill In for vacationing staff and if a hired dent is needed to return the follow ing summer they will be familiar with the job the working at of the particular company and they will also be acquainted with members of the staff Summer months are the best time of the year for students to seek employment in order to gain job experience as it is a time when they t burdened with the heavy workload and stress brought on by homework and other school related functions The Canada Employment Centre for Students Is currently matching students with appropriate employers and would like lo remind employers and students alike to con tribute to the national Hire a Student week by calling Angela Buskord at if they feel they could benefit or help someone else benefit Residents of a Gardiner Drive sub division built in 1966 are protesting a reposed new subdivision to be built the same developer Robert Duckworth wants to build a home subdivision on acres of land In Georgetown on the north side of Maple Avenue south of the Georgetown Fairgrounds and west of Gardiner Drive The land is now included within the expanded urban boundary in Georgetown and Mr Duckworth wants to it to build the sub division But residents of a subdivision built two years ago pleaded with cillors not to let Mr Duckworth build more homes in Georgetown Preston Kermack a resident at 15 Gardiner Drive said four houses on the street are still not completed and the developer has not compiled with orders to finish the houses Four houses on the street had all taxes eliminated In 1987 and per cent eliminated in 1088 because of the uncomplete condition of the houses said Mr The condition of the houses Is horrendous he said I appeal to you please do not authorize another victims said Mr Kermack Mr said his basement floods every time there Is a heavy rain because the developers have not completed the proper grading called for by in agreement That Is unreasonable IB months after moving in said Mr I don t think you re going to change this leopard spots Town Deputy Planner Bruce MacLcan said no agencies have ob jected to the subdivision and the town will be making sure Mr General Committee will Duckworlh slicks to the develop- the application for reaming later agreement this month Tax increase vetoed A consideration by the Hal ton Board of Education to raise taxes in order build new schools was defeated unanimous at the June meeting Trustees learned if went ahead and levied twomill in crease which adds up to to Hillp tax bills they would not be eligible for future grants from the government Once the building was completed Acton Trustee Bruce said the government will not give any support The ex extra money raised from the increase would have gone to build three schools in and one school In Burlington Once these were finished the funds would go to constructing other buildings as needed Warnings remain up Lung Association looking for support The high fecal bacteria count in Fairy Lake in Acton has not and the swim at your own risk signs are still upon the new beach The signs were posted on orders from the Regional Department of Health June 13 after tests discovered the high bacteria count Parks Superintendent Brian Shynal said there has been no change In the bacteria count and testa are being conducted on the stretch of water behind the wading pool twice weekly Recreation Director Tom said last week that sand being dumped In the lake at the new beach was stirring up the fecal bacteria from the bottom and that was con tnbuting to the problem Most of the water fowl tend to con gregate on that side of the lake Because that where many people said Mr Shepard Once the beach reopens dlstur banco from boaters and swimmers will probably push the ducks and swans to a different part of the lake he said Annual crankoff July 1 The Annual Canada Day Ice Cream CrankOff will be held at the Halton Region Museum Kelso Con serration Area Milton on Friday July 1 from ID a m to p m Visitors will be able to crank out oldfashioned ice cream using hand operated ice cream makers The an Celebrity CrankOff In vol lng mayors and politicians from Oakville Milton Burlington and Halton Hills willtakeplaceatspm In addition there will be spinning demonstrations children games and contests a White Elephant table a bake table refreshments and tours Admission to the Museum Is free for this event although regular Kelso gate fees will apply Cream will be generously supplied by Flcldfresh Farms The Region Museum Is a division of Planning and Development Department The Lung Association Special Appeal to help children young adults and many older people who have asthma has a halfway mark Our goal for Region Is says President Mary Campbell We have raised To reach or exceed our goal we need the support of the community Anyone who I responded to the special appeal sent out by mail Is asked to send In their donation to day To find out how to donate to the appeal to help people who suffer from asthma phone the Lung Association at Support is urgently needed This money will be put to good use The Lung Association has always I rived to meet the needs of the com munlty Asthma Is a special con The Association serves in two ways through the conduct ng of the Family Asthma Program and througl support of medical research Their community work has strength and vitality because of the support of researchers efforts to find the cause and treatment to alleviate suffering In the last 10 years there has been on upward trend in the incidence of asthma Havoc is caused by hospital admission estimated at a year and the startling statistics that asthmatics days in hospitals for treatment of their asthma With this help the Lung Assocla tion can reach Its goal and will be enabled to conduct more Family Asthma Programs during the year Together families can be helped to breathe easier Kitchen damaged in fire In the past week Hills firefighters responded to Ihree fires on Saturday June IB and one on June IS A Kingham Road kitchen burst In to flames Saturday at about 30 the result of an unattended pot of grease on the stove Damage Is estimated at is The Georgetown Fairgrounds ex perienceel a small fire Saturday night shortly after 10 It was a mall rubbish fire and there was no damage according to the fire Legion The Branch mourns passing of our Comrade George Hughes a longtime member George who served In the Royal Air Force during the Second World War will be sadly missed by all who knew him Our deepest sympathy is with his family friends at this time Second World War and Korean War veterans are Invited to attend the veiling and dedication of a memorial plaque at the Georgetown District High School on Wed June at Rev Arthur payfoot will conduct the dedication service This memorial to those who attended GDHS and paid the supreme price In service to Canada Is a High School Centennial committee project CAR CLUB The halftlme draw held on Hiiro June IB made tne following members ISO richer 39 department The cause the lire seemed to be children leaving an open fire unattended A Hydro Transformer was guard by Ihe fire department shortly after p Saturday The transformer appeared to be fire- damaged said the fire department who waited until Hydro officials rived on scene A small grass fire at Fifth Line and Slderoad 25 at a m June 19 caused no damage Rod Sandra and Janice Murray Ethel Sue Lloyd Norton Tony FRIDAY NIGHT EUCHRE High lady Lois Richardson 2nd Jean Miller Gents 1st Gord Harley 2nd Bert Porter SATURDAY AFTERNOON MEAT DRAW Winners Dorothy Gord King Vem Kirby Ab Ford Mary Russell Ken Jones Joe Martin Ken Nash Jim Hayes Bob Tost Larry carried home the packet of steaks NEXT GENERAL MEETING June etc Buy A Lb or Buy A Box prices In Effect WhUe It it Site Ends JuhZSJSB FRESH RIB EYES to LB SIZE We will cut wrap to your specifications Belmont Meats PURE BEEF PATTIES La SOYA MARGARINE LBS No or preservatives Sarsfleld APPLE PIES 8 24 Unbaked I P0PSICLES Assorted Flavours 399 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 8530101 5 MILL ST ACTON ONTARIO Ft ratty worth tf Drtvm to Acton HOURS Mart 9 to Fri 9 to Sal 9to6 Sun to CENTRE Georgetown ONESTOP CAR CARE SUNROOFS VNYLR0OF RUST PROOFING TOUCH UP PA NT CAR COVERS SPLASH GUARDS RUNNNG BOARDS WINDOW TINTING PIN STRIPING I SAME DAY SERVICE WINDOW TINTING SAVE DeeZEE FREE RUNNING BOARDS installation 10 Good Tin Juni2SBS 8730570 Guelph Street Georgetown FarvlewSt Burlington 3254 Here your slock up our footwear TO EVERY LADY IN HALTON HI THAT WEARS CHECK OUR RACKS ALL PIONEER PRICED AT OR MORE OFF OUR REGULAR LOW PRICES All regular stock Sizes 1 1 C4D AN colours Not In all stylos EVERY LADY IN HALTON HILLS SHOULD CHECK OUT OUR PURSES and CLUTCHES LADIES Cougar SANDALS ALL 15 MENS FLORSHEIM and JARMAN DRESS AND CASUAL SHOES ALL REDUCED AT LEAST 20 CHECK THEM OUT1- OFF REG PRICE g ATHLETIC SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Example All Children and Youth sizes to Size REDUCED 30 ADULT SIZES OFF Reg Price SUPER SPECIAL MENS SUMMER SHOES NATURAL LINEN Just right tor casual w Colours Beige and Light Sizes 7 to 1 2 1099