HELP AVAILABLE FOR SALE TOPSOIL and Area 8778410 8777970 displays floral applies lions Sales and Installs Horn KITCHENETTE SET butcher block table lop 4 chairs 175 TIRES Goodrich on rims size P175 sS60 for the pair after 5 p MENS speed bike 135 or bo everything from frames to nuts and bolls 135 lor lot EmyaiyTiuunri There something tor everyone at our YARD SALE Antique BRCHWAY FARMS Trafalgar Road Georgetown FREEZER F General Good working order Call 1537 evenings FRIG AND STOVEAI colour one year old excellent condition asking for both Afler5 call 3014 STOVE Avocado Excellent con dltlon FOR SALE 35 COUNTER With drawers Asking For more info Fertilizer Bark Mulch Put Mo Potting Soil Manure ate BRCHWAY FARMS Trains CHERRY WOOD Din Ing room suite like new chairs two arm chairs hutch and buffet ANTIQUE DINING ROOM SUITE largo solid mission- oak table chairs buffet hutch obo Call Floral Beige Couch good like new call 0649 Horse rorollller in real goon condition POOL HEATER Telcdyno Laars Mark V DR250 Singer Sewing Machine In good condl tlon or best Offer ALUMINUM CAP lor small truck FIBERGLASS CAP for lull size pickup BROWN TWEED SPORT JACKET brown pants shirt ties slie 8 Like after BLUE TWEED SPORT JACKET navy pants est shir beJ tie Hie 16 Like new 853 with baby PAIR P155 BORIS good condition atter5p es PLAYPEN m EIGHT FOOT SAILING DINGHY Mast Sails 853 3373 after FLYMO gasoline 22 cut Call WHEELER J LTD FOR SALE Mini load service or B770S89 AUTOS FOR SALE cassette running needs 1500 8773183 Good running condition needs work to be tilled 114 i6 Volvo auto pT7 fib sir low miles cer Ifled excellent 350 Authentic Kaiser my Jeep Fully opera Nona Good canvas top I wheel drive call evenings GAS RANGE and mat thing fi lg Avocado green Good working SMALL REFRIGERATOR high white used only months excellent tlon or best offer STORAGE SHED year old 1300 will deliver 1432 Will I Kill 11800 cert Coll 877 CHEV BAN Silverado 350 automatic complete trailer towing package Ex cond Cert HONDA CIVIC running tow mileage AMFM cassette OOP bo FORD Half ton pickup with cap Good cond asking Call alter Asking 14500 Call 1979 MONZA motor is Last cert In May of Call T BIRD TOWN LANDAU Power op lions loaded aulo obo Call or 7930 PHOENIX auto cert 11500 877 ask for Glen or Michelle FORD STATION WAGON cert Call as Is After 5 pm OLDS DELTA automatic s w a c small cert Call Larry evenings AUTOS THUNDER BIRD Landow series fully loaded engine run well Body good condition As is Best of 19S4 FORD RANGER XL 5 speed stan bucket seats tun cover PS tow miles 877 CARBURETOR and gas tank Parts never used a Dodge pick up 19B4 ESCORT red ps 4 sod good work Ing order LESABRE LTD door dark blue many options km only CHRYSLER FIFTH AVENUE red 318 many options ex cedent value at ltd FOR SALE 1980 FORD MUSTANG I960 COUGAR cyl door air many new parts 11800 certified 4300 1979 T BIRD good con 11500 certified or best offer 877 1982 HORIZON km standard cylinder new paint and tires certified 4300 Paul Loaded good condition 4394 GRAN FURY low mileage good new battery starter and 1977 FORD FIDO Pickup with Cap 1300 as Is call before 30 p weekdays AUDI Diesel 45 power rlocks brakes Sunroof stereo certified GRAN PRIX very good condition sport wheels and interior v6 automatic km 19 300 CADILLAC door as Is or for parts COUGAR 4 door new exhaust system good tires as Is HONDA CIVIC good for parts now tires new battery 1200 873 MAZDA speed sunroof pioneer stereo mechanically good body rough best offer or 833 es HONDA Only 000 km used for pleasure only Asking WOO 853 CLEAN Reliable 84 Celebrity auto with extras Original commuting owner 5056 COUGAR Good condition Certifiable after condition stereo cassette Perma Shine 4290 lei 19B6 GOLDWING mint on es 1971 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME 1400 or best offer Uncertified 877 es BMW 3201 certified condition 13700 7093 LINCOLN MARK IV Arareunit Finished In deep maroon and plush cloth interior CLASSIC Automatic new tires brakes sunroof rally rims Uncertified or after CADILLAC ELDORADO Excellent shape Never winter driven Top mechanical Hon A nice clean tilled car i 197B FORD BRONCO 4 vB automatic new radial tires 1979 DODGE DIPLOMAT ps pb one owner 11000 cert Call days Larry eves 416677 PICKUP p new tires new rod excellent shape Asking 8531672 VEHICLES CAMPER TRAILER hardtop sleeps good for small car or motorcycle 5B5S pickup Camper sleeps 5 bath and shower double sink Furnace and oven 877 PICKUP CAMPER sleeps 4 furnace fridge and stove Pro pane or electricity best offer 877 3103 TRAILER Coleman hardtop sleeps six Heater stove canopy MARQUIS WAGON 460 engine loaded good condition Uncertified 1400 PARTS FOR 1971 GALAXIE Hood grille RS LS and Centre All like new 1974JAVEL1N seen Easy to certify 1987 OMNI p spd manual litre stereo 70 km Best offer around 16 3715 STANZA fer around 8742715 19B1 KAWASAKI LTD Many extras cert 13400 After p m 9634 1984 SUZUKI 75QE immaculate condition km well Untamed Pirellis SUZUKI Temp ter tone blue 8000 excellent condl Stored In winter 877 4898 or es YAMAHA Ex Excellent tlon low mileage 1700 7124after5pm SHOE HELMET with retractable shield Practically new Size Asking 71 after 5 Fawning FARMS Trafalgar Road at I Km tad CLEAN FILL WANTED 8777206 HH Furniture Ltd Armstrong Ave Georgetown FOLD UP BIKE Good condition 30 wheel ROTOTILLER Brlggs and good con 877 LAWN MOWER Briggs and Stratton Used very little 4870 BEDROOM SUITE with headboard mattress box spring frame and 3 dressers Call SMALL UTILITY Trailer Call after 8770574 MUSTANG Front end bra Fits Very good cond 145 Call BUICK 350 engine Conies complete with turbo 400 trans Both rebuilt Ready to go 1550 873 3108 dining room old Oak finish Well taken care of Asking LARGE SIZE mosqultt lamp ISO Call 877 If m KENMORE machine 877 afterSp SOLID maple oval tabic with two leaves 1100 afterSp es SOLID maple round table and four chairs alter large size Complete 4719 after bike In super con hand brakes GENERATOR watt hp Brlggs 1500 machine approx 15 f yrs old good working condition ISO TOP QUALITY above ground pool yr old liner deluxe filter pump obo 3192 WRINGER WASHER almost new ABOVE GROUND POOL complete with background deck heater and filter or best LAWNMOWER Jacobsen Lawn King 21 Rear bagger power propoll excellent condition 1180 Call 7762 SPRUCE TREES Nursery Stock dig your own 6 114 converts to bed very good condi 873 or after COUCH AND CHAIR Colonial style clean best offer 877 3094 Firestone Supreme mounted stock S 4x4 aluminum wheels Only 250 km 1800 2593 WASHER AND SPIN DRYER Apt slie used twice ATARI Video computer system joystick and cartridges Included yr old Call after 3 1 youth dresser with closet Good cond Call after 877 4391 REPLACEMENT VINYL Casement win In original box In eluding hardware and screen Size 73 1300 1400 REPLACEMENT VINYL CASEMENT WINDOWS In original box Including hard ware and screen size Call 877 1400 REPLACEMENT VINYL casement win dow fin original box In eluding hardware and screen 877 1400 excellent cond custom Interior vB 4 or bo 3763 ELECTRONIC DRUMS SIMMONS Comes with hard ware A steal at or best offer 877 If its for sale sells it so fast ITU MAKE YOUR HEAD SPIN When you buy a new appliance some furniture or any assortment of items do you just throw out the used item or do you put It asideJustincase By now youve got quite a pile of Items taking up valuable space Nows the time to call The Herald Classifieds Our prices wont you shake your head but our results will make head spin Call Joan the HERALD CLASSIFIEDS 8772201 8778822