14 HILLSOUTLOOX Jw IM Culinary Outlook Culinary delights for birthdays Jtid piny tan lime parents ihe of en while printed Yd all Ihj is needed for a successful parly is a little creativity and mm i on Why the help of birthday boy or girl ask Ihem kind of party they would like what games they want to play and ihe food they would like to eat The Tint step in planning a children party is choose a date a Saturday or Sunday may be preferable if both parent work during the week and tend the in vita lions weeks before the party Set time limit for the pie Limit the guest list to a workable number pending on your The Egg Producers of Canada have a booklet that is filled with puzzles and games for the children to the parly Called The Amazing Egg il is designed lo in corporate fun and lessons on lies that show how eggs have necessary mini and minerals your body requires This fun filled book let is available to jour Provincial Market Hoard Please enclose for postage anil handling and allow id weeks for Decorations are a must al any child birthday party Hang bright and colourful loons and streamers around Fish oil is in Fish oil is in Studies conducted on Eskimos high diet have created a revolution This research led to discovery of omega fatty acids the realization ihat these fats have made heart disease rare among the Eskimos who eat fatly fish and whale oil daily Since we re not a fish lovinj nation many people have looked tc pharmaceutical to up with a pill to add omega 3s to then diet While such a pill is available the form man ufactured by P Scherer Canadi Windsor it is only available tt researchers and physicians in Cana da under the emergency release program Tjdang many cod liver oil in a day another source of these fatty acids can be extreme ly detrimental ones heahh due to the potential for overdose of vita mins A and Eat more fish Thus without a doubt at the pres ent time the best source of comes from mother nature fish But not all Ash are created equal of these fatty acids Salnor sardines tuna trout haddock snap- per mackerel shad and bass contain hefty quantities of fatty Historically known as oily fish these species are only fattening when ingredients arc added or cooking techniques used which add calories For example tuna packed in water contains fewer calories than that packed in oil of away the party ft s a good idea lo put away all breakable items and limn he party to one or two rooms such as ihe rec room Children always took for ward to ihe food at parties After it is a special occasion which calls fot special food Hoi dogs mini pizzas and fried chicken ire quite popular The high light is or course dessert a child favorite pan of the cakes or Easy Scries Egg Produi Mail ling Board Ontario UN The part scries has been prepared to provide and detailed for preparation of meringues omelettes quiche Souffles and crepes The sel hip Dim 1 10 ml I baking 10 mL vanilla 1 cup chopped 1 pkg semi sweet chips Optional Toppings I cup mL semi sweet andchouilalcihips in lightly and floured 13 inch 21 baking pan Bale in SOU oven fir 25 to W minutes Cool to room temperature Orange Butter cream Frosting or sprinkle lop icing sugar if desired Cut into squares about cm If desired orate frosted squares as Dominoes Or as happy faces by t 1 in ter wooden spoon until creamy Gradually add icing sugar and orange juice alternately healing until light and fluffy Makes cup 175 frosting Write us and say why your Dad is so Special Pro Sports 8778889 Mil Your Dad could win onoo gif a CERTIFCATE Each of this weeks two winning letters will receive a Gift Certificate HOMELITE STRING TRIMMER I SPRING SAVINGS Convenient Practical Economical Priced As Low As Several Models To Choose From ART GALLERY GIFT SHOP 10 Oof AH Gifts For Your Father MAIN ST S DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN 8777654 Georgetown Hobby Toy Inc- k FOR ALL YOUR HOBBY NEEDS Balsa Wood Planes Plastic Model Planes Cras Boats RC Model Cars Trucks Games Toys Kites Rockets K My Daddy is the greatest because he made my room and I dont know what else Leslie Age 3 Halton Hills Day Care Georgetown 8774726 My Daddy My Daddy has short hair and long legs He is bigger than me and Mommy My Daddy likes to watch news Bugs Bunny and all sorts of stuff My Daddy cuts the lawn and waters the garden He likes to go fishing and play baseball and tennis with Uncle Richard Best of all he plays ball with me Michael Taylor THZG0 Pen and Pencil Sets 34 95 GSS OFFICE SUPPLIES EOflaETOWROHTARIO LTO4DS to last weeks winners THE HARRIS FAMILY of a certificate from HAZENS Special Gifts For Special Dads Floor Mats Sunroofs Pin Striping Car Care Products AND MORE CARS SHAPE SI Georgetown 8730570 1201 St Burlington 6393254