BILLS OUTLOOK lata April M UN Hills OUTLOOK published each Saturday by HILLS Home Newspaper of Halloa A Dlvlilon of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited at Street Georgetown Ontario Second Class Mail Registered Number RtPRESENTATIVLS Sharon I tolling worth lathy EDITOR Dave Rowney ADVERTISING MGR PaulLeishman ACCOUNTING Mike Bowen Pauline Miller CLASSIFIFD ADVERTISING Joan Elaine Kuiyihyn Tbeir Housing still Twos a Crowd the albatross By BILL BUTTLE Queens Park Watching be start of the spring sitting of the legislature It is bard to find words to describe the mood of the place Expectant might do Thanks to the London North remit the opposition New Democrats and Progressive Conservatives feel the Liberal government finally has developed some chinks in its Impressive r- Oo the other hand Premier David Peterson shrugged off his party loss of the seat si an aberra tion Privately however the Liberals where the Liberals are taking the most visible hammering The lead- off questions from both opposition leadersdealtwithlt The managed to convince the Speaker to allow an emergency debate on Sunday shopping SIMPLE MATTER But the Liberals plan to turn over to municipalities the respon sibility for making a decision on Sun day shopping is still essentially a simple matter One Is either for it or against it Part of the reason the Issue has such high visibility right now is that opponents of Sunday shopping are will and financed not to suggest the Liberal inj Sunday shopping was the ke In London North But once Sunday shopping becomes a municipal debate should move on to t lower level of government The genuinely issue facing Liberals is housing which lias than an octopus In many cities and towns there Is just no rental accommodation In the Toronto area there is no housing available it a price with the reach of many Most developers tin Inst interested in building cither rental buildings or cheap Housing Minister Chaviva who probably wonders what she did wrong to make Premier David Peterson give her such a fob is probably Ingle most tieseiged minister here Recruited personally by Premier was just the kind of bright young female the Liberals wanted centre in the last campaign Surviving a bruising battle and charges that she wis parachuted Into her Oak wood riding she rode the Peterson era lolls to victory over a long time in Shesbeen in ever since On the first day of this sitting she announced the introduction of new regulations limiting the conversion of apartment buildings to hotels Unfortunately she did It In the hallway to a group of reporters rather than in the legislature Itself which the New Domocnts and Conservatives no end The Mike responded with a hilarious lecture directed at the government benches using a map of the legislature as a prop pointing out the assembly chamber where she should have made the announcement Tempers flare over proposal for Ill go back for the bread you tell him about the eight items Employees role great in business operation staV Your Business By Business News In an of increased companies in tustomtr sirvicc fortunately Iht message is slow in trickling dawn to those who an sup posed I tic service store tank tellers rip he post office might lead one be that postal workers use service to ex d with it r en same could be ore whose favor seen be It not department The line is as they waltz oft for coffee loo Bankers have their problcn including scheduling You blame the tellers for wanting leave or lunch a 12 The noon rush though results in 1 that tch way block But the fact that branch banks arc when banks inne made helpful and know led utile people at a branch make for customers To this end the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce which suffered employee morale in the nasi begun publishing its employees on report In which it subtly pushes the merits Of customer service Bit CHAM Creating a annual report for employ is a good id although mav wonder if it s necessary when the bonk has its own internal newspaper News itid a new video network But it is necessary The bank is trying to d something bit ranlj succeeds Its culture Employee support is Turning around the battleship has been a slow process but the Com merer seems to be succeeding The annual report shows what the bank is doing right It makes financial statements com pn hens ible The profit and toss stiteminl is div into two sec tions where the mont from revenue and other income and where the money went expenses profit Tin becomes what own and what we owe to customers In the form of deposits and to shareholders in the funds invested by shareholders and earnings held for shareholders As reports go the Commerce rt to employees is rather dull to look it li t demonstrates with restraint that tin banks newspaper and video will do more than the annual report to Infuse the on with a new spirit mikes tun of office newsletters but practically everyone reads them Hut do such attempts to foster cor spirit brin the desired By themselves It unlikely that and newsletters would help n Merely urging employees to belter service is not enough On other hand persuading people that the health of their enterprise is their hands could bring good results Attempts at communications usually start of tile mark sooner or iter branch i big takeover will catch employees by surprise fcven so the Is on the right track Skeptical as employees be appreciate management at to include them In the business The fight by residents To save their village turned nasty at Halton Region April 13 Tempers flared as residents prepared for D Day the day made the decision on how much reconstruction the Gudph Line in will undergo Residents have been fighting the Improvements furiously for about a year Last summer Toronto Sun business columnist and bellville resident Garth Turner ap peared before the Region Planning and Public Works Committee claim was planning to do eaten reconstruction on the road without consulting the residents A fact sheet circulated around the village apparently contained some inaccuracies and some regional councillors got their noses all of Joint about that So It was off ton rocky start it all came to a head in Wcdnes day s three- and a half hour discus comparison the rest of the agendo took less than minutes to M residents agree needs some work but thej say public meetings and questionnaires on the work were slanted in favor or the Region One resident wrote go in Burlington and satisfy that devilish urge Residents also want to preserve their tourist industry which brings in about people on Sundax s After most of Wednesdiy 11 dcligatlons were throuiji criticizing reconstnictu plan one resident began a point saying I don want to offend those of who may live in Burlington but he was interrupted by an angry Regional Chairman Pete Pomeroy who said Why not You ve offend ed everybody else Mr took the first opportunity to apologize for the remark Phrases like unique quaint rural atmosphere ana jewel of Halton were used to describe the village by residents Burlington Councillor Walter Mulkewich said businessmen are Just trying to preserve their tourist industry using the rural atmosphere mask Lis Behretts said groups passed around false Information creating hysteria Milton BUI Johnson handed over a confidential paper to a delegation In the middle of the meeting Fred Oliver and Mr Turner stared each other down When Oliver asked Mr Turner If he would go along with a proposal to remove signs on Regional road allowances Mr Turner said Is this going to be another personal attack If you want to get rough I can get rough Coun Oliver replied Com ml t tee Chairman Pat McLaughlin threatened to lock the two In a closet to settle their differences After Marilyn chastized Mr Turner for his abrasive behavior Pom Sheldon Introduced a motion In divert the million to other projects in Holon When the motion lost Sheldon said she was pleased it did She just wanted provoke discussion So what the of all this The committee voted for whole protect except one provision for parking Oh and if vour construction com pany Is thinking of wing for the tender beware If you accidentia knock over the wrong tree you fork to the a penal Poets Corner Its Over I Hope EPITOUS NOTE The following li a poem submitted for publication by Hope Simmon a Georgetown dent and a at Notre Dame School In Brampton rrsovFit irltiover don t want anything ruined anymore we are a learn let It be said that people get along together And together the way we will be And our lives in fresh an look beyond jour soul to nee only hatred But I ok beyond for the 1 of nil lights are not always blur my heart Is not light place But tomorrow that a bond so Will shatter If not cared for a memory Is never lost losing It is harder Think and listen ynu can he whliprn of the birds hear the sweet of ll always be then- 1 loic In watch the star twinkle at night And sit your bright beside As the of love brushes by us u Tom Is rrmrmbtr nd today Is a Itiildmoillirlnthei si III cause Is J glorious