Foamy fallout Firemen prayed hundred of gallons of tire reiUlant CUef Bob Hyde termed the biggest we had In foam on the leaking Naphtha Petroleum track at Park Georgetown Emergency Splllt response Thermal Ltd do Todd Road early Thursday Worker team was on hand to help clean up the spent II hours cleaning op the which Deputy Fire Herald photo Tough financial year increase in town tax bill By BRIAN MacLEOD Herald Staff Taxpayers who live In the urban areas of Halton Hills will pay more or their municipal bill In 1968 Rural taxpayers who don have to bear the financial burden of street lighting child crossing patrols and garbage collection and disposal will only pay about more on their tax bill this year The town passed a million budget containing per cent In crease over last year on Monday The budget Includes more than million for capital projects or the town the Conservation Authority and the Hydro Commission The Credit Valley Conservation Authority projects to be done In Hills this year require sup- Six awarded by Halton safety group Six residents of Hills were honored by the Safety Coun ell or their heroic and vice to safely Barry Page Gerald Wilcox Douglas Andrews Andrew Havana Andrew and Keith Sim each received awards at a banquet held In their honor In Ookvlllc Douglas Andrews Is a volunteer firefighter from Acton who awoke June 18 to the screams of a female In distress He ran outside and saw heavy smoke coming from s neighbor house A woman was leaning out of her second storey win with a baby In As his wife summoned the fire department Mr Andrews the woman to drop the baby down to him and passed the baby to his wife He then retrieved a ladder and climbed to the window and rescued the woman Mr Andrews then learn of yet another victim in the basement but despite his attempt was unable to effect a rescue because of he advance stages of the SECTION A THE HERALD Wednesday March WW Page ire piemen of Just under from the town The Hills Hydro Commis sion wants to sell Its building In Georgetown and consolidate Us operation in Acton To do that they need to borrow almost ft million from the town to upgrade the building in Acton The Hydro Com mission will repay that debt The remaining capital projects for general administration transports services the fire department recreation and cultural services and the library will cost a total of million The 3 million budget includes more than million or urban vices almost for street lighting In and some Scrum over field use ends in compromise The North Rugby Club will not be able to use the soccer parks at or Gordon Alcott Arena to play their home regular season games A request by Rugby Club Presl dent Sandy McKenzie to use the fields for eight home Saturday games and for one doubleheader against a club from England on Aug was denied council Monday The rugby club offered to pay the cost to move the composite posts to allow soccer and rugby on the same field from a field teslde to one of the two lighted porks In Georgetown The club also offered to mark the lines an the two parks Mr McKenzie said the rugby club would move back to the Acton High School field where It currently plays if the weather was bad to avoid damaging either Cedarvale or fields None of the other fields In Hallon Hills are suitable for rugby either because of their site or dilapidated condition and the Georgetown High School field has been made too dangerous for rugby because of the addition of a broad Jump pit close to the sidelines he said Soccer groups are vehemently op posed to rugby on the fields I think we could work with the soccer groups but they won t work with us stall said Mr McKenzie Georgetown Soccer Club dent Dave Moloney said he has a petition opposing rugby on Cedarvale field He said volunteers are threatening to abandon soccer If rugby Is played on the fields I was angry when I heard about this he said Soccer has restricted to four days a week on the I elds one less than last year to allow rejuvenation of the fields In between games said Mr Moloney If rugby moves onto one of the fields flag football be far behind he said Thy club maintains the Ac ton field not suitable for rugby and there ore no change rooms or lights available for their games Mr Maloney said the rugby club Is using the at School for their practices without a permit Kids are people loo said Mr In this society its all yuppie stuff All the small groups want their own thing But not at the expense of the kids he added Minor soccer has over BOO girls and boys registered be said Rugby has about 150 men playing Mr said Inter County Soccer President Alex Tough said Alcott and Cedar vale fields are the only two good cer fields left in Hills He feels rugby will destroy them Mr Tough said the soccer club no longer invites touring clubs from other countries to play at Cedarvale If a touring club visits Georgetown plays them in another community he said A report by Town Recreation Director Tom Shepord is also strongly against playing rugby at either of the two fields Rugby would set back all that we have tried to accomplish over the years by restricting soccer use and denying other groups re quests to use It said Mr Shepard Councillors denied the request for regular season home games but they Instructed Mr Shepard to report back oh the possibility of allowing the on Aug 171 the town collects In taxes for the Business Improvement Area The per cent Increase In the budget translates Into a million increase To the taxpayer in Halton II Us that means those who live In the ur ban service area will pay for municipal taxes this year In the rural area Ward J the lax bill wll be lower at While the inflation rate In the Toronto area Is running at just under five per cent Town Treasurer Ray King has had to deal with a one per cent assessment growth and a two per cent Increase In provincial grants this year While attempting to keep the in crease under eight per cent the town had to pay to finance the new Civic Centre The town Is also hiring two fire prevention officers a public works foreman a development technician a custodian handyman and conver ting a part time secretary to a per manent Job All those new Jobs will cost the town almost 174 Nothing was cut out of the capital budget proposed by the town Tew remarks by Budget Chairman John McDonald was a very very tough financial yeor said Coun McDonald Attempts to keep the budget in crease low while financing the civic centre and hiring new employees proved difficult The town has also sent a clear message to service and fund raising groups to not rely so on the municipal taxpayers this year said Coun McDonald Barry Page was recognized posthumously for his work with the safety I as a committee member Mr Page suffered a hmrt attack in September while on holidays in he Dominican Republic Mr Page was a fa commit tec member who rarely missed meetings His constant presence lent continuity to commit Ice projects sold Mayor Russ Miller Andrew Andrew Jackman and Keith Sim helped to save the life of a man found asleep In his basement on Academy Road In Acton last August A grease fire broke out on the main floor in he kitchen Glen don was carried to safety Just as the smoke had begun to enter the base ment area Andrew Jackman ex the lames with a por able extinguisher Along with Keith Sim the other men Andrew and Andrew carried the resident to safety Gerard Wilcox was recognized or his 30 years of service to the Georgetown volunteer ambulance SAME DAY TAX RETURNS 8772217 WORK THAT BODY presents An evening of preventative CARE HEALTH and HAIR Join us for an Informs and tun evening Breast so I alary The Cancer flty Ha SV Carp Fash on WEDNESDAY APRIL 1 3 988 at 7 30 Tickets 5 ea at reception Light Refreshments Proceeds Donated to Cancer Society LOOK AT OUR NEW FASHIONS WEDGES OPEN FLUTES WINGTIPS All Summer Colours In Stock NOW BRAZILUAIM FLATS The InLook for Daywear SUNGSand PI MPS 98 We cant show them all Come to Fletchers and look at 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