SECTION A HERALD Mwcb LIMEHOUSE REACTS TO POSTAL CHANGES End of postmaster not accepted well ft ft By DAVE Herald The end of postmaster In was not accepted well by residents March Canada Post Corporation officials met with members of the communi ty to explain why changes were be ing made In rural areas But for many the reasons for the change fell on deaf ears Residents on the whole want the postal system to remain the same Others were adamant pressing for Information on how the new contract and commission for mail would be profitable for the contract operators A retail postal outlet will be of to an Interested businessman In to replace the services of postmistress Shirley Yates who retires May Why cant the post office in remain as it has asked one resident It part of the Canada Post Corporation plan to be finan dally self sufficient said communl ty relations manager Connie Read Canada Post is looking at new ways of mechanization and It Is not servicing new residential areas with home delivery The Corporation is replacing rural post offices with con tract outlets she said A retail operator will have a business advantage by taking over postal duties on a contract basis said Ann rural services officer One man persisted about knowing what the new retail operator would be paid What percentage of money will they Canada Post save We supply the product We have a right to know We re not at liberty to talk about it was the reply Said one resident You re trying to offer us this thing as an auction the most amount of hours for the wages for the same amount of postal service from the operator Canada Post officials said details of he con tract and commission payments were privileged information If there was no agreement reach ed about a outlet the mail would have to be sorted in Ac ton but the delivery for the rural routes would remain the same said Ms Read One lady complained that in the old days the post office was the main part of but now It would be part of a business The money question was repeated asked by some In the audience Why cant you tell us Whats the difference were playing your wages said In response to another question postal officials said the retail operator can make the contract system financial viable The mall helps to bring customers into the store said Ms Reimanis representing greater metropolitan Toronto that have contract operators said Ms Read They are Rome and Ashbum With supertaxes as an alternative if no one accepts the business pro posal from Canada Post residents expressed their dismay at that op tion One lady asked postal officials to watch Channel 9 news tonight about and handicapped access in the snow Ms Read said Canada Post nan people who are paid to clear snow and ice from around the boxes There will be a 90day consultation period from May before the post of flee implements any new program said Ms Read Residents will have a place to pick up thdr mall and even If a decision isnt reached residents wont automatically have to go to said Ms Read The postal officials seem to agree that If superboxes t work out It might be possible to go back to a con tract situation One lady received a standing ova tlon when she said I think the com munlty feel they want things to slay the same Another in the crowd was more an tagonistic For 130 years you been us Said one angry man The way I look at It you come In discourage the people and then bring In the Another woman added I still reel the people want the person to get a fair deal and shouldn have to take much of a cut Canada Post calls the situation a natural opportunity to make changes because the postmistress Is retiring Their policy Is to consult with local residents and make no changes in the postal system until theyve talk to the community In 1970 there were rural outlets changed over to contract operator outlets This Is an old picture of tbe General Store Wl which was the first peat office In the village before can were tbe most popular method of travel in ago Shirley Yates becomes the last of a long line the community The building beside the store the old 1857 first post office opens NOTE The following was compiled by G lends Benton from the Womens In Tweedsmulr History Book The post office department opened the first post office in Umehouse In 13S7 when the village name was changed from Fountain Green to The first postmaster was John Newton The first post office was boused in the hotel Immediately to the west of the present general store and post office The hotel has now been remodelled for apartment dwelling In 1877 the post office moved to its present location where it has been in operation except for a short while In 1968 when It was moved to Nobles garage The present building hous ing the store and post office was built in 1B89 after a fire destroyed the original in 1888 Duncan mid built the new building From 1904 OS Mr Croft served as postmaster followed by Mr Mr Johnson was the next postmaster who continued the tradition until 1935 At this time Arthur Benton moved his store from down the street to the present site and his father Frank Benton was appointed postmaster his death Mrs Arthur Benton was appointed postmistress a position she held until the store Its dream come true for new store owner was sold in 1967 Mr and Mrs Bourgue had store and post office for a short while and in 196a the post office operated out of Jack Nobles garage with his wife as postmistress Mr and Mrs purchased the store in Mrs Matt Stevens operated the store and was postmistress from 196963 when Patrick and Shirley Yates purchas ed the store Shirley Yates was appointed postmistress a position she will hold until her resignation takes effect in May when new owners take posses- Canda Post Corporation offdais told a large group of concerned citizens at Memorial Hall March that will not have a postmaster appointed This effectively ends 131 years of having a postmaster in the community WAITING FOR ANSWERS- postal operator on a com minion Umehouse residents turned oat in basil If a business does not accept large numbers to hear Canada Post the Canada Post offer the village officials tell hem about tbe new may have to me to postal system in their receive mail Herald photo ty A contract will be offered to a Postmistress ends career bringing news to Limehouse Its been a dream come true said Delia The new owner of the General Store says its wonderful to move back to Umehouse We love the area and the community Something we always wanted to do was to work together In a small community Her husband Mike and she were both bom In England Delia lived in Umehouse from the time she was years old and left when she was about IB The couple moved back to Umehouse three years ago May a they will be taking over the opera of the General Store formerly operated by Shirley Yates Mike is a foreman at Continuous Colour Coat In Rexdale while Delia is a reservations agent for Air Canada They met while Delia was on a holiday in England and they were married in Great Britain However the post office and the general store should be one and the same said Delia Canada Post is a large corpora tlon and they are relying on the goodwill of the community and com spirit she said The owners are excited about their new venture and plan to make some changes In the near future with the store One of the Ideas is to open a small tea room said Delia Scones and cream would be a specialty A country crafts room with antiques is another possibility she said Id like to make it a community place and a meeting place l STORE HOURS ft Friday Georgetown 8777361 NORTHVIEW CENTRE By CHERYL MOODER Herald Staff Sunlight streamed through the orange striped curtains flooding tbe back room of Yates General Store In the of tiny post of flee postmistress Shirley Yates sorts the morning mall After five years of bringing news from afar to families Mrs YateswIllretlreMayZ Mrs Yates spends an hour and a half each morning after the mall rives from Acton around 30 a sorting letters Into named pigeon holes and redirecting mall At her big wooden desk she does her monthly statements and The rural post office offers the village a variety of services which Include mall delivery for rural routes and general deliveries money orders registered mall sell ing stamps and special deliveries get to know your customers Mrs Yates said Quite often customers would stop off to get a few things from the solitary store a stamp or two or stop for a chat In a big main post office you go in get your stamp and that la It Mrs Yates said The postmistress found her customers friendly and has gotten along with everyone When her sister passed away Mrs Yates customers were very good to her People are very willing to help you out In a jam she said Mrs Yates also liked the idea of having her home attached to the store snow in winter and the traffic she said Moving to the quiet village of from her home In Nov IS 1963 was not that much of a culture shock Mrs Yates and her husband lived on a dead end she said Mrs Yates decided to retire from her job as postmistress for health reasons she said After she has settled in her new home and undergoes a back opera Mrs Yates said she may go back to work For now her plans are pretty much up in the air Her retirement may see an end to the existence of a post office In been a rural post office in the village for 131 years It Is convenient for the customers Mrs Yates said It will be a shame to have it dose after all these years COLOURS PRICES COME IN AND BROWSE HANDBAGGS PLUS GUELPH ST 8732446 Delias parents arc Betty and George and they live in Umehouse in a house beside Umehouse Memorial Hall Delia said she and her husband will try handling the chores at the store between themselves but thev will probably employ another staff member She is pregnant and tins in May The new store owner was at the meeting and she said the spirit of the community members was fantastic However the situation she faces now is very she added Tbe contract isnt open to with the post office and she In dlcated its a matter of how much she and her husband can com ourselves People are very concerned about how much we have to give up In order to provide the service she said SAME DAY TAX RETURNS Step Mead Be In Step For Spring And The Easter Parade With These Fine Italian And Canadian Leathers 8772217 After five years as postmistress of the Store 131 years Post Office Shirley proximately Tit families on the Yates is retiring There has been general and rural routes get the mall rural post office In the back room of from the post office MICROWAVE COOKING For Beginners with Denise Edwards New class begins March 28 six week course From 7 9 pm COSt 50 Registration Food Foe Enrolment GDHS Main office NOTICE OF PROPOSED ACTON QUARRY LANDFILL STUDY GROUP Reclamation Systems Inc RSI of Milton Ontario is proposing to develop a solid In the Acton Quarry A Study Group Is being formed by RSI to assist public In developing an understanding of Its proposal The Study Group will hear presentations on specific topics related to the proposal A question and discussion period will follow each presentation Interested organizations groups and individuals who wish to have representation on this group are Invited to apply to the Project Liaison Officer before March 30 Interested citizens are invited to observe the group meetings Meetings will be held bl weekly through to November 1 Questions comments and requests tor further Information should be directed to Ms Protect Liaison Officer Logic Inc Dennis Street Rockwood Ontario Phone Italian Leather Gloria Vanderbllt Wedge in Pastels Cream 72 Canadian Made Calico Wedge Open Toe In Periwinkle Blue Calico Flat With Ankle Strap 52 Canadian Made West Loafer In Open Weave White Only 60 00 Calico Low Heel Sandal Woven Texture In Red While 60 Canadian Made Westies Flat White Featuring Soft Beige Ostrich Print On Front