EAS needs survey for customer okay Continued from Page At Bell Canada would need to add more equipment to their switching centre to handle the anticipated increase in calls If EAS were Imple mented Mrs Gray said The long distance lines are for the current volume Jn George town but the number of lines in the trunks Increased she said If the accepts the on Georgetown and other communlli will be given an indepth survey asking respondents if they want along with a higher monthly phone rate At least SO per cent of the population must want the extended service before It is Implemented Mrs Gray said An area representative for the region north end west of Toronto Mrs Gray said frankly I not sure the majority tin Georgetown would Business might benefit An extended area telephone service might be a good idea Mid Georgetown Chamber of Commerce president Dave Kentaer think the Chamber would look favorably on It he said means residents have to pay long distance fee tor calling Toronto bat they would pay a higher monthly phone rate The Chamber has made no formal application to Bell Canada to ask about the service but in the past Chamber members have tatted to the telephone company about rates he A manufacturer or In Georgetown will benefit and it may result a more complete and taster service for customer orders he said Georgetown businesses pay lower rents In town compared to Toronto but their phone bins art much higher the Chamber president said Businesses woo go ahead and support the proposed telephone service if local residences are against it be said Mr KentneralsoisconcernedthatActonwontbelncladedtntheservlce seeing the move as another divisive wedge between the two communities It could mean that some Acton businesses will move to Georgetown to advantage or free calling to Toronto he said John McDermld PC BramptonGeorgetown said Is up to the Individual Residents will have to pay extra fees In order to get Into the Toronto market be said I know some businesses will like It he said For seniors Turn on your lights for Kinsmen tour The bright lights of Georgetown willjbe in the spotlight tonight as the Kinsmen take senior citizens on a tour of toe Christmas lights have been touring the town for the past seven years and plan to keep it an annual event They senior citizens just love going out Everyone always has a good word Ted Savage lost years Klnsmeq publicist said Kinsmen pick up seniors In buses them a tour and take them to St Andrew a United Church where they are fed snacks and are entertained Thin year the Regional Police Choir will sing and conduct a sing along Pick ups of seniors are between and Pick up points are at Aratttroog residence the Sargent residence the Legion Hall Moore Park Plaza the Centennial Building Sliver Creek Towers the Smoke Shop the Preston Store and the Bennett Health Care Centre Anyone unable to make It to those points can arrange transportation by calling Doug Gregory the chairman of the Kinsmen tour of Christmas lights at The place and time of departure is the Delrex Smoke Shop at p m The tour will last about one hour Mr Gregory said In the past It has been quite successful We always have around ISO seniors come out and they always want to come back Mr Gregory said This year Santa will be along for the ride He will be travelling from bus to bus during stops and giving out little gifts The merchants of Georgetown have been helpful every year Mr Gregory said Pood drinks and prizes given out after the tour are mostly donated school buses ore donated for the night The Kinsmen pay for the gas ana drivers also contribute by helping serve food and baking goodies Doug Gregory plans to make the event bigger next year If he is still chairman Perhaps there will be a Christmas light contest judged by seniors he said But next year Is a long time from now and things may change he added It Businessmen from Campbellville and Milton have asked her about EAS she said but she s had no calls from Georgetown businesses In some communities the MP has taken up the cause she said The first of the communities to receive EAS will have the service by 1987 From that date It will be over a six year period Ms Gray estimates Georgetown calling rate to Toronto puts the town In about the middle of the priority list for ISO Ontario communities eligible That means our town might have ah EAS line by if residents vote yes she said The exchanges with the highest per rentage of calls to Toronto will have GAS phased In first she said The good neighbors Continued from Page said Money also needed by the Good Neighbor Service All donations should be made out to the Good Neighbor Service and sent to Mrs Siena Van Cleaveholm Drive Georgetown Ontario Some Georgetown churches will have special collections for the Good Neighbor Service Mrs Van said Any and all contributions will be accepted as late as Dec It and that includes toys collected by the Klnettes Joanne Stiles is chairman of the toy drive She expects they deliver new and almost new toys to about 100 children this year That includes teenagers for whom there Is a shortage of toys More toys are needed for teen Books records games and whatever else might interest older kids are needed she said Dropoff points are Johnson Heal Estate The Herald the Georgetown Post Office or at the home of Joanne Stiles IS Heather Court For more Information call 8770722 The Good Neighbor Service will collect and sort food and toys with the Klnettes at their base on Street after Dec IS If you would like to help put packages together or deliver them for Good Neighbor Service call Mrs Van at or Joanne Stiles at Food and toys can also be droppedoff at 2G5 Guelph Street after Dec is Call either of the chairmen to make certain someone will be there before making a delivery Octopus lurks the octopus Is going to be at the Georgetown indoor Pool Dec 130 30 Dec 281 Dec 1 Dec 30 for free public swims is going to be at the Acton Indoor Pool for free public swims Jan 30 Jan 3 30 Jan 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