GO JfWS GO Blue Jays Tumblers Limit per purchase of a mL btl of CocaCola Collect all 10 Part of the proceeds support the variety club of Ontario Thanksgiving Values Sewn SECTION THLJILRALD Wednesday October IBSS Project Smokeless advances By AM Herald Staff Smokers region beware From behind he shield of Medical of Health Graham project smoke less is advancing This month the group is surveying fellow employees at the region through a questionnaire on the present regional smoking policy The region does a smoking policy although many employees are unaware of it It is voluntary and has no real built in enforce ment Project smoke less is going to see if It should meatier None of the regions municipalities including Hills pot in the work place other than Bur Oct North District Scouters Club held their first meeting of the 1985- 86 season Sept at the Optimist Hall Terry Colter the chairman opened the meeting with a welcome and prayer District Commissioner Sandy Booth had all members their promise The Milton District Scout Shop now has full franchise to serve all scouting needs it was announced Their number is 87W906 Members were told of a marquetry course wood veneer pictures offered at the Cedar vale Cottage beginning Sept Call 8771906 Brian Stewart was invested as the new slant District Com miss oner of Scouts The guest speaker for the evening was Betty Granger who is the chairman of the advisory committee ladies auxiliary for the Scouts Mrs Scout ladles auxiliary are the helping hands that can assist in super vision hobbles crafts uniform exchange badge examiners and District president Gary Elliot spoke to the group on his role and focus to the district It was announced Jean Bel show is the new provin representative to the provincial council Mayor Miller Is the honorary president and Rev Jeff Davison is District Chaplain Bryan said the Beaver fall outing would be a trip to the Ontario Science Centre Peter reported the Cuboree would be Oct Sixer Seconder workshop Nov 2 and craft workshop Nov A pioneer and woods man camp is slated for Nov I 3 said Brian Ste wart Scout orienteering is Nov 9 Apple Day is Sept 37 and Day Parade is Nov 10 Reports at the library You won have to fork out to take a town report home with you for perusal any more Councillors will hence forth be stocking up the Halton Hills public libra rles with four copies of all major In house or consultant studies for lending purposes They 11 include four copies of the Hills Official Plan the recent approved Georgetown Secondary Plata and the town zoning bylaw among the major docu ments Although there ore copies or these a Is at the library now they are there as refe rence copies and can t be taken out Previously If you wanted to take home these documents for lengthier perusal you had to buy them from the town and they werent cheap purchases Town clerk Ken Richardson warned against putting in the library informal on that may create problem later Indtcat lug the bylaws of the town We should have covering note that If they want to check further they come to the town office for clarification Mr GRADE A FROZEN EVISCERATED AP SELF BASTINGGOLDEN DELUXE MAPLE LEAF MIRACLE BASTE OR DEEP BASTED SAVE UP TO 840 PER TURKEY Butterball Turkeys SAVE154kg70lb Calculation based on the purchase of a 12 lb turkey LIMIT PER FAMILY WITH A MINIMUM PURCHASE EXCLUDING THIS ITEM First time offer iy Stores NEW NON RETURNABLE PLASTIC BOTTLE COCA COLA CLASSIC- DIET SPRITE- REGULAR SPRITEDIET TAB OR 2 litre size CocaCola SAVE 80 per bottle WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS Prices effective thru Saturday October Stti 1985 SAVINGS SHOWN IN THIS AD BASED ON OUR CURRENT REGULAR RETAILS J I