Needs regions approval Acton social centre may get home riina council is needed now lo Social ScrvitCb and Informatl on Centre the new home it wants In the renovated Acton town hall Memoirs of the health and Santos A and Jason could wait Ret their hands on the lire equipment at the Georgetown lire hall lust Wednesday The members of he Hon Department lol lot program were treated tour Ihe equipment and talked about fire safely Herald Family corn festival at farming museum golden days of play host to the Agricultural Musi I- dimly Corn Festival On Sunday August from noon to p visitors arc invited to enjoy the interlaininR activities in celebration a bountiful com Thc main attraction is freshly steamed corn on the cub A large engine cooks the com with the husks on selling in all the fresh sights grown flavour Visitors can sink their teeth into l treat as they enjoy and sounds of dancing dixie land band music and demonstrations of corn husk dolt jnd wreath making corn husk pipes and much more In addition the Muse um hectare site features over build and displays for the visitor to discover The Museum is located of Milton take cm or is for dtnls 50 children SI rsl farm l Museum is open dally and security from regions decision Herald Special Alton Social Service and Information Centre be financially solvent the end year if regional supports a decision of Us services committee Committee members decided last week to Lr ml additional for this year and to that mueh Hi base budget for next Whiting noted the centre has n forced to come back regional council over Iht several years seeking more money lis and grants have been loo tight to lis needs the grant sought is been about the same amount He suggested giving the centre ihe amount in ils base than trying to find a grant every year chairman of the centres Iwiril of directors said the region used to make its rant as a lump sum early in the year and would invest the money and use the interest until the principle was required nils extra helped to avoid the ill irlfalls have plagued the the regional policy was changed to pay grants in irlerly Installments Mr said has approached nil service clubs and churches- In Aclon for and has become even more visible I m in in its workload Centre director Peggy said the busy this year because of its in lo get increased services tor the town She cited opening of the day care and the youth employment service as in which centre staff were involved sen ices will help gel unemployed people to cul welfare but also require and increase centre costs The centre used be operated by one person Now mo members arc required at ill limes The requested Includes for the cost of moving ihe centre from Its current office on Mill Street bast to the Acton town hall Transferring telephone lines will cost in itself centre expects to spend on tin pes rugs and file while an extra is set Tilde to put in walls to create small Centre rep la lives were delighted with Ihe committee the 300 be added to its fur 1986 Mercury have recommended approval of the planned move alter Dave Whiling dropped efforts to delay a decision Coun dropped his efforts after trying to stall the decision would only delay renovation work the to Whiling had to get the decision deferred give town staff time to a proposal for housing the centre at Old Stone said Hills council was very concerned about parking problems at Ihe town hill and also about how volunteer fire fight ere would view the centre as a neighbor Since the fire hall and the old town hall are attached structures the fire fighters were very involved with the halls Talc Whiting was also concerned regional and town staff had not met to try to decide on a loca lion for the centre Coun Whiting said he first raised Ihe issue of buying the building the centre Is currently In because he feared If sold quickly the ccnlre would be left without a local Ion A public debate has been brewing over the town desire to locate the centre in the Old Stone School a plan centre directors have opposed because Ihey fell the location was wrong for the handicap ped and elderly residents who use ihe facility Regional social director Debbie Oakley said at a meeting with town staff and directors It is clear is not pre pared to move into the school so regional staff have recommended the lown hall as a new location Start looked at both Ms Oakley said I think Ihe Stone School has excellent potential and would be quite happy lo work with town staff and other users to put other programs into the build Coun imme diately suggested the town see what else the school can be used for and get these people a place to go director Rev Gerald Ronnie said he saw no reason to delay a decision on the centre new location The centre board had investigated possible locations and decided Ihe town hall would best meet needs Halton Kills Mayor Miller had the lown would support B decisi on Rev said so trying to renegotiate the question would be wasted effort Courtesy Gurlph Mercury Two tenants for town hall While nolh ing is official yet the old hnll may already hive tenants seeking space when it reopens this fall Ted Tyler spokesman for Heritage Acton said ihe Acton Social Service and Information Centre is very Interested In renting space In the hall and the heritage group is interested in offer the centre a long term rent lease The hall was built by people of Mr Tyler said andhavingns tenant a centre which is a service lo the community would be an excellent use of the building Mr Tyler said he centre could have a long term tease at a very modest rale if it can get from the rcglo social services provides much of budget nut make money on the hall Mr Tyler said Language training approved Several North Halton families will be able to participate in a special language training program for their handicapped children this fall The program called a Hanen Program helps parents to help their handicapped children communicate It stresses ihe use of natural everyday conversation as an opportunity for the child to learn language The training is conducted in group sessions so that parents having similar problems can share information and experiences The parents applied for government fund Tor the program several months ago through the North Association of ihe Mentally Retarded 2085 for NHAMR From 1 through June 1JSS the Hilton for the Mentally Retarded received in donations Some of the larger contributions came from Standard Products ltd Our People Fund ind Williams Some or the donations were car marked for particular projects The balance were put into a capital fund which is used toward costs of equipment and major expenditures 1 1 lountcun dump LUNCHEON SPECIAL HALTON HILLS SCHOOL OF DANCING GEORGETOWN RBTHEWTHLACMtHt CLASSES START Sept REGISTER AT St Georges Church ST SEPT Silt Tib AFTER FIVE THINGS TO DO AND PLACES TO SO PREMIER CINEMAS SEE REGULAR AD FOR THIS WEEKS SHOWS AMD TIMES Hwy 79 MAIN ST S A CANADIAN A THE FIRST CHINESE RESTAURANT IN ACTON LICENSED UNDER THE L LB 0 RESTAURANT RE 336 QUEEN STREET HALTON HILLS ACTON 8532060 FAMOUS CHINESE FISH CHIPS ft CANADIAN FOOD in MMidghl Oft HOLIDAY 1Dpni TREAT YOUR GUESTS TO A doit yourself BUFFETS Great for Picnics Receptions or any Event where Friends Meet AS FEW AS 15 AS MANY AS 1500 Buffet Consists of 3 pes chicken per person 2 3 different types of salad 3 Bread buttered 4 Plates Serviettes Forks Wet naps Bread trays serving spoons 7 Table cloths 2 pc buffet also available 2 per person per person 116AGuolphSt Georgetown