Home Newspaper Ha Hills Established 1866 A Division Canadian Newspapers Company Limited GuBlph Street Georgetown Ontario 3Z6 GARNET COWSILL Publisher and General Manager DAVE Editor PHONE SECTIO A THE HERALD Not total defeat Road South area residents may feel theyve been left behind in the planning of Georgetowns growth Last Tuesday they tried to delay the adoption of the towns Secondary Plans and a transportation study While their comments were met with sympathy by councillors the town voted for going ahead with ex panding our urban boundaries It shouldnt be seen as a total defeat for Mountain- view area residents Through public participation in the adoption they made some legitimate complaints about problems and concerns with new homes and in dustries These dissenting delegations also showed some flaws in the towns process of involving the public in such a major document Homes in the area of South will be faced with more traffic in the future theres no question about that However Ninth Line has been for many years designated as a Regional road a primary ar tery which by definition provides access to major centres Development south of Georgetown has been delayed time and time again After over 10 years of zero growth its hard to argue that Georgetown should continue to stagnate Two packed public meetings with more than citizens at each one let council know careful scrutiny of traffic concerns will have to be looked at From one public meeting residents gained a traffic impact study that will be done Halton Region on tainview Road South Continued lobbying will force council to act quickly and effectively on future problems Although the Secondary Plan was adopted it doesnt prevent the town from making major changes later to take off Ninth Line Citizens made some good points to council about the public participation process which should be heeded While meeting all their legal requirements the town made it difficult for the public to be kept informed Council agendas were made up only on the day of the meeting reports were written in bureaucratic language and the public meeting format wasnt understood by some of the people Thats not to say we dont think the people got a fair hearing Their message was registered loud and clear Council made a decision to adopt the Secondary Plan which will allow the town to grow We agree with that decision Another public meeting would not have changed councils vote Orderly and planned growth will be good for Georgetown Pressure from the public will help to keep that growth manageable Crowded out Council got to come up with a better plan when holding crowded public meetings Over the past two months weve witnessed two meetings where spectators were virtually spilling out over the council chamber onto the stairs and back lawn The council chamber only holds 60 people Thats fine Then meetings should be held at another location If this proves unworkable the least staff could do would be to provide microphones for speakers or rent an audiovideo hookup with transmissions piped into another room Its hypocritical for council to encourage public debate but then not provide enough room for residents to cdmfortably listen to comments made from the floor Crime fighters Partners in fighting crime thats what weve always needed Too often the public are seen only as mute bystan ders when it comes to aiding police in solving crimes But Crime Stoppers allows witnesses a chance to help police Anonymous tips from the public often give the police abetterchanceofcatchingtheirman Halton Hills doesnt have a Crime Stoppers program but we could have one soon if the interest continues Recovery I J STEVEN FOREMAN Advertising Manager Mill tewMi Blue fuzz is everywhere Persistence of Grit paranoia Queens Park By The single most unattractive feature of the Ontario liberal Party is its paranoia Everywhere Grits look hey see a blue conspiracy or blue haze or blue fuzz all phrases theyve used in the past In opposition that kind of mind set was probably useful But now that they are the government one would have thought theyd have grown up a bit Unfortunately It doesnt look like It The latest Incident Involved the Campbell Grant report an of allegations of Improper influence being exercised by prominent Conser vatives in the awarding of Ontario Hydro contracts The report was commissioned by former premier Bill Davis In after Tory names surfaced in evidence given during the Hamilton dredging trials scandal Davis refused to release it until those trials were finished Attorney- General Ion Scotl announced their conclusion just this week Letter to the editor BEENSHREDDEDT But before that Premier David Peterson after rummaging through the premiers office files complained he couldnt locate the report Its nowhere to be found he said with an air of bewilderment as one reporter Since much material from the Conservative era had gone to the provincial archives Peterson was asked if thats where he thought it was Im not concerned about the provincial archives Im concerned it might be In the shredder Who knows where it is he said The Innuendo was clear In oppo sition the Liberals always appeared to believe the Campbell Grant report contained damaging conclusions about Tory actions In regard to the Hydro tenders To prevent the Grits getting their hands on it the Conservatives had destroyed it rather than leave it behind Peterson Implied NOTHING THERE Of course Petersons office didnt check with the Attorney Generals ministry who had a copy of the report quite naturally since It was on that ministrys advice Davis hadnt releas ed It in the first place Scott revealed it at the same time he announced no further prosecutions in the dredging trials It totally cleared the Tories of improprieties In the process It made Peterson look a little foolish More Important than the report itself however Is what Petersons rush to Judgement showed about the persistence of paranoia in Grit ranks Peterson is the premier He might have checked with Scott Interestingly Petersons innuen- dos about the Campbell Grant report triggered a press release from Tory Bob who reminded Peters on of his earlier charges again government liquor Inspectors PAY UP Im talking about the subtle and Implied pressure that comes or tavern licensees to make their contributions to the Conservative Forty or perhaps the liquor Inspector may come In and you may get slapped with charges Peterson said during the election campaign Now however he brlsUes whenev er he is reminded of what he Thats likely because his comments were typical Liberal paranoia whims fashioned from suspicion without much connection to reality If not there should be an Investigation and firings wants an apology to the Inspectors It Is doubtful theyll get It As Petersons remarks on the missing Campbell Grant report Indicate the paranoia lives on Dead duck Secondary Plans Dear Sir In last Tuesdays Council meeting the Georgetown South and West Secon dary Plans as well as the contro versial Transportation Study were adopted without dealing with except In token measures the legitimate con cerns raised by a number of residents and backed by several hundred citiz ens who have attended the last number of council meetings The council adopted these Plans unonlmouslywhllethepubllclookedon In utter amazement and disbelief The council signified their assent In a recorded vote by standing with heads bowed around the oval council table giving the Impression of mourning at a burial which In fact it v The Secondary Plans constituted are a dead duck a non- starter obsolete before they were even voted upon The basic assumptions of the Secondary Plans are seriously flawed Fundamental elements of any complex plan Including identification of problems alternative solutions projected costs scheduling of costs and responsibility of financing on the overall development has not been carried out Even after passing the Plans neither the council nor the Town Engineer nor the Planner for that matter have any Idea of the total overall costs that may be incurred by the Town Region beyond the patently untrue statement that all costs will be borne by Ihe developer and that such and such services are Regional responsibilities While the developers will pick up the cost of servicing residential lots the Region is obligated to provide serviced industrial lots and will there fore pick up their share of costs totalling tens of millions of dollars for sewage alone These costs will certain ly be reflected in our bimonlhly Regional water and sewage bills The costs for water pumping stations and distribution trunks which again can run to tens of mill Ions of dollars cannot even be estimated at this point since sources of water supply have not even been identified There Is serious concern whether there will be an adequate supply for the total development It is irresponsible and contrary to good engineering practice to adopt the Secondary Plan without such fundamental information The basic concept of the Secondary Plan is centred around the assumption of an interchange of Line Highway 401 and the new proposed Highway presently The concept of a major new entrance- way into Georgetown focusing on Line and and dumping into major residential area was conceived based on this assumption The Transportation Study and all of Its traffic predictions were rooted In this concept did not express one word on this important question Armstrong claimed respons ibility for the shepherding of the Secondary Plan to Its dubious conclu sion and he must also accept the consequences for having bulldozed the Plan through despite the destruction of its most basic assumptions and the almost total lack of recognition of the validity of the publics concerns Coun Armstrongs recently quoted mean and dirty tactics with regard to the Regional Waste Disposal question were very much in evidence with the undue haste and the obvious prior agreement that the council was going to pass the Secondary Plan that night regardless These tactics are completely inappropriate to the counc il of the Town of Halton Hills The council should address the obvious deficiencies in the Secondary Plan before It Is presented to the Region or the Ministry of Municipal Affairs for approval Those in the public who are not yet aware of the implications of the Secondary Plan On Ihe evening that council adopt- should become Involved and monitor The Rolls War What one of them gives out each the millionaires would stop worrying year in tips would cover my congrega- about It Most rich people ore Still lions annual budget scrambling far more bucks Just like the How about the owners They average Jack and Jill Money may end agreed to pay those astronomical worries and desires sometimes sums So far they have been meeting but it gives rbjelo others that take their their payrolls The capital value of a major league franchise would pay my satisfaction Is spiritual salary for about a thousand years matter not a material one The Bible tells us that but many people never As a pastor I am supposed to listen lam exaggerating There are real it Some learn It only otter with a sympathetic ear to peoples economic issues at stake business painfully failing to find satisfaction in roubles In a dispute I am to listen to mailers which I do not claim to things and money and possessions both sides with equal sympathy But I understand But then I stilt remember Only am having trouble mustering any my surprise my Incredulity as boy heart finally bo at ease for cither side in the on being told that men were actually Greed Is a mighty It Is a baseball players strike baseball a game I making a false god out of money Financial rum a bit Possession But 11 is a reality for a boy my us in this world If greed were not on tot of heaven included a problem for me would not feel Blue Jys yet They few twenties in my wallet year Nine hundred and thousand Christdled Forgiveness for His sake Is even second woud CTough One has trouble viewing the play- listening Mr lovo and forgiveness is the only as downtrodden labor Their All right Lets finally get serious average salary Is many times lhat of There must be lessons in lunacy Only Jesus can strike out sin and ihe average Canadian It takes a PhD For one thing money docs not satisfy hit a home run against selfishness But In mathematics Just to write the For another greed is a mlghly motive there I go talking about baseball paychecks for the richest players Money satisfy If it did all again the Plans and in response to the publics written submissions the Town Engineer advised that the had no priority He further advised thai Ihe Winston Churchlll40t inter change would become operational in With this stunning advice the whole basis of the Secondary Plan was demolished But except for Coun Levys timid expression of his concern possibly this might afreet the basis of the Secondary Plan not one further word or consideration was given by council or staff to the destruction of this basic tenet or the Secondary Plan It was impossible to conceive that council would proceed with the adoption of the Plan in this light but they did actions of council on these matters in this period prior to the council elections In November It is unfortunately becoming the conclusion of many that Ihe only effective way to affect a change In the Secondary Plan is to elect a new council that reflects the concerns of Ihe constituents rather than those of the special real estate and developer Interests on council Yours sincerely Peter WWoolgar Eden Place Georgetown THIRTY YEARS members of Ihe Canadian Legions Branch 120 captured the Sybil Bennett Trophy at the Credit Valley Golf course Top shooters for the Legion were Ken Nash and Chappel Mr and Mrs Doug Sargent receiv ed a phone call from a woman asking if they bad a box of Muff eta When they produced a box the represen tative produced a bill Frank Palleson is the new engineer for Acton and Milton replacing Ross Simmons He is a graduate of the University of Copenhagen and has worked for the Toronto firm Armstrong Kingston and Hansen Clarence Anderson a Union farmer was appointed to the North high school board He Is replacing George Cleave Cinemascope Is going to be install ed at the Theatre The screen will be feet wide and lite feet high Now many of the best movies will play Georgetown FIFTEEN YEARS AGOGeorge Colli- son started his job as Georgetowns Recreation Director Volunteers are an Important part of the recreation program he wants he said Mrs Diane of 10 Eden Place has helped design a group for housewives of Georgetown Canadian Housewives Register has a branch started by Mrs In where she just moved from The group designed to develop the ladies cultural and social interests will begin meeting officially next month Harry Wlston Is the new secretary- treasurer of the Credit Valley valion Authority Much of his experi ence was gained in military He was an administrator in Germany and he served as a member of the International Truce Supervisory Commission in Viet Nam Kinney Shoe store opened their store on the corner or Gueiph Street and Mountainview Road Mayor Steamer Emmerson was present to cut the ribbon Former Georgetown high school teacher Miss Gertrude Fait Is the new superintendent of special services for the Toronto Board of Education Her salary is annually TEN YEARS Brelsford is the new minister of the Mountainview Baptist Church He studied at the McMaster Divinity College and has been a minister in Mountsberg and Police Constable Mike Michalskl- wlll represented Georgetown at the sharpshooting competition on the Oakvlllo firing range At regional headquarters he scored out of Claire Wilson Halton HUlsa live stock valuator reporter that two of Russell Perrys sheep were killed by wolves The Acton farmer will get compensation from Ihe town The Georgetown Merchants were able to grab sole possession of second place because of two outstanding pitching performances BUI Tilt threw a two hitter to defeat Palermo and Sieve Miller threw a three hitter to defeat Oakville by a 2 score Pastor Peter Ralph his wife Sharon and four young people left for Montreal to participate in the aid project called Viet Nam Heartbeat They will be sorting and distributing articles donated to the Vietnamese refugees FIVE YEARS George town members of the local cricket club were picked to play in the district allstar game Ashley Windsor Bolkissoon and Kumar were If Ihe Georgetown Cricket Club defeats Milton they will secure first place In Ihe Smith Division of the Hamilton and District Cricket League The council and Mayor Peter wished town lawyer Ray Steele farewell He has been with Georgetowns legal firm Helson McMillan Kogon and Associates for nine years Georgetowns Thompson and Gerry Peace will meet Mlssissau- Graft and Harvey in the Buick International tennis championships at the Gordon Alcolt courts If they win they will be In the finals the whole purpose of- the meeting last Tuesday was to consider the responses by staff to written submissions and presentations of concern made by residents at he July 8 public meetings yet there was not one word of discussion on these matters by council or staff beyond Coun Levy seeking assurance from staff had replied the publics concerns Staffs response to Ihe publics written submissions was only just released Tuesday afternoon One can only conclude that council and staff Judged these concerns to be trivial and they were obviously not considered before Ihe vote that same evening With Ihe exception of Couns Serjeanlson Levy and Sheldon who at leasl voiced some of the concerns of Ihe public the balance of council did not participate in the debate beyond a fewplatltudcs A number of councillors Poets Corner Simply living gives the soul make body a welcoming portal MARLOWE DICKSON Beeton Efforts between Mr Kozak and Ministry of Health to arrange for him to become a landed Immigrant in Canada with the possibility of opening a clinic seems lo be a stalemate Kozak claims lhat It will take Canadian doctors at least one year of training with him to use his methods safely As of 1983 when a program based on his methods was Its been four years now since a commenced the Ontario local Georgetown resident Tony returned from West patients in collaboration Germany and as he stated then tne Valley of Death AthQugh fl Wfln Tony was dying of a chronic skin day salary was offered to disease called Epldermylosls Bullosa nm by Iho Ministry of Health closer which caused bleeding severe pain examination revealed that and skin to slide from his body contract was far less generous than it if bumped appeared to be on Ihe surface Today is a cured man who requires no needles or medication thanks to Ihe treatment of a Romanian born biochemist from West Germany Pavel Kozak His battle however Is not over as he has devoted his life to seeing that others suffering from this life threatening illness will receive the same opportunity he was given when the Toronto and area Lions Club President will no doubt surpass even donated to make his trip his wildest dreams possible Ontarios program still does not cover the cost of sending palients to West Germany Thousands Proposed working arrangements also did not meet the standards Kozak felt he would require Tonys pledge to raise one million dollars to send other for the treatment has almost been realized in the past four years The Canadian Foundation for Chronic Skin Disease with Tony death do not result Tony la special guest on Against Odds Wednesday September at pm or Thursday September at on Halton Cable This column will return In mid- September Until then I wish m readers an enjoyable si