Town- Country DRY CLEANING SAME MY MY 877 HILLS SHOPPING CENTRE theHERALDI SECTION HERALD Wednesday August 14 Page 1 This German Kdfi Ion a rill fry mover was used primarily to Fred the mannequin a good looking over The mannequin is wearing he original uniform of Major General Ncwuitiann Slkow Has the commander of he Division He died of a wound lhal occurred when a shell bunt beside his command vehicle In 1W1 low tnii anil tank gun The mm was Ihe moat effective lank gun of Ihe war It was even used In Vietnam War Both these pieces fought together In the German forces Call to Arms military museum along time stand still This tank commander was a fairly sight members of the 3rd Canadian DMslon and Canadian Armour Brigade who fought In the Invasion of Normandy This member of the Division proved to be a formidable foe in that Invasion Supporting the original cold weather Hying outfit this is bow a member of the Canadian Royal flying corps appeared In By DAN RALPH Herald Staff Frank has managed to make lime stand stilt in a small museum In Call to Arms Is a mill museum featuring original artifacts from World War I and II as well the Boer War Included in Mr Grant co Heel ion arc uniforms weapons and motor vehicles that are in runn condition today Mr Grant began collecting military items about years ago His present collection has outgrown the current site of Cal Arms and Mr Grant is looking for a bigger location to Just ly show his 17 Canadian and German vehicles and other artifacts Many of uniforms Mr Grant has are featured on mannequins The uniforms are out with name crests and medals they would have had back during the time of the However many other forms are not on mannequins because there isn enough room In a bigger location Mr Grant said would display soldiers from both sides If you show a an a uniform worn by a Canadian soldier by itself the person really interested If you show the Canadian soldi with how the enemy appeared the persons eyes light up and you have gotten his full attention That how you get him interested in story When you teach history in a moving way people do get interest he said Mr Grant become involved in collecting military terns partly through his father and grandfather Both saw during Ihe war years Both had stories about the war and we always had stuff from war around Mr Grant Is a con for museums and his work lakes him all across Ihe world This year alone Mr Grant has travelled to California twice Texas Arizona as well as seven other slat In the S Also he has travelled to England and Europe Mr Grant work nvolvcs consult ng in basic bu Id env ron mental controls show casing and exhibit designing themes Also he oval restores and preserves bits The fact thai I work so closely with museums means 1 can gel my hands on some items a lot more read ly he bald I know what to get because it is my business to know One con notice Mr Grant keen eye detail by examining some of his mannequins They have the exact uniforms jewellery maps and even of day Mr Gram has read a lol about the military hum i perspective in his learning I ve talked to thou sands of veterans an and German I can get people talk with me because I have some dca of what went through A lot of vctcr won talk about the Mr Grant said he hopes nol to gain mone tary reward from his efforts He added being able to tell people what actually went on Is reward enough It Is a great feeling to have a piece of history have in my hand that was Involved in the makeup of ihe world Frank Grant proudly displays helmet of the Imperial Guard Corps Members of this force were the personal palace guards body guards of Kaiser II This must have been quite a scene for those allied troops World War I This MGOS machine gun could fire SO round per minute and was used mainly In trenches In HI Even In the early IMS the Germans had shaftdrive present In their motorcycle This BMW was deployed in the Panier Africa Corp and specifically was involved In the armoured reconnaissance This mannequin exactly dtp lets what a Royal Canadian Air Force and Hoy a I Air Force pilot would have looked like In I WO Battle of Britain Sporting the winter apparel that was for their duty Oils Totenkopf Division soldier was stationed mostly In Russia An unit the division did right briefly In the Normandy Invasion CAPITAL FORD SALES- THIS WEEKS SPECIAL ENGINE TUNEUP 4 OR CYLINDER QNELOYiPntCEl QUALITY SERVICE QUALITY PARTS TRANSMISSION TUNEUP AT A FAIR PRICE CAPITAL FORD SALES LTD Giielph St Georgetown 8731626 BMtDL HOURS SALES Mon a SERVICE Monday to Friday 30 CLOSED SATURDAYS July a August HAVE YOU DRIVEN A FORDLATELY MOST CARS ALIGHT TRUCKS OFFER EXPIRES AUG 20 1985 THIS IS WHAT WE DO Remove automatic transmission oil pan Drain pan and icxqua convartar Inspect tor contamination Clean pickup screen Adjust band and linkage Install new fluid and pan Road last coupon coupon coupon coupon coupon coupon FREE 1CASE OF DIETREG COKE WITH ABOVE CHECKUP COUPON HA