RAWLEIGHT PRODUCTS needs distributors RawtoigM is ex pandino a I over Ontario with a new sales plan cash in on some cash Part ma or career opportunities Call LIVE IN NANNY lor ago 10 7 am months plus light housekeeping In return lor rent plus large bedroom close 10 and gel own required Reliable couple preferred Appy to Trio Herald Dm Georgetown L7G 3Z6 as manager heavy duty mechanic with years to into managers position Work in eludes tight manufacturing equipment service and In stall at ion equipment repair lis must Include hydraulic system shooting Call Mr Black or Mr Moron at inGeotgeiown 4518hw26 EXPERIENCED donutbak or lull time con see Ken T me GuelphSi Georgetown Unemployed Aged 1624 yrs The Ontario Career Action Program OCAP can provide you with on the job training for up to 16 weeks during which you receive 100 00 per week Contact local Canada Employment Centre or at Sheridan College 7936815 FULL TIME LEGAL SECRETARY REQUIRED Starting date flexible Prefer secretary with legal experience especially in a general practice Would consider person with executive secretarial background Excellent typing skills and telephone manner required Shorthand would be an asset If you are looking for a rewarding legal position apply stating salary requirements and experience to WILLIAM H BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Street South POBox Georgetown Ontario L7Q FLENSE MAKE ALL INQUIRIES IN WRITING ONLY LICENCED MECHANIC MODERN BUSY FORD DEALERSHF Ford andor automatic transmission preferred individual hoist overhead Excellent company benefits Here is your opportunity to make a lot money wtlh a growing progressive com pany Contact Bruce Lamp kin General Service Manager CAPITAL FORD SALES 361 GuelphSt Georgetown or caff 626 or 8464600 CARRIERS GEORGETOWN VICTORIA ST COLLEGE ST ACADEMY ROAD ONTARIO ST John to ACTON mason blvd Mcdonald blvd WEDNESDAYS BEFORE 930 AM DELIVERY NO COLLECTING 8772201 Call lor In REAL ESTATE i ii i FOR attractive bedroom detached on quiet oarage newly paved drive 16 32 pool nicely landscaped Call 7703 evenings WANTED immediately ex wood worker for window and door manufacturer Interview RESPONSIBLE person supervise 12 year old boy minimum housekeeping Line SKILLED Lathe operator or skilled Steady lull 416 456 ANTIQUE roll lop desk wages plus commissions OH IP 1339 FREE Career Glide describes learn it home correspon denco Diploma courses Ac counting AM Bookkeeping Bus ness Management Clerk Typ Secretary Jouranlism Television Servicing Travel West Toronto BOO PARTY SALES Everyone has Christmas needs Distribute Name towels quills toys mas decorations etc earn Plan now lor la I REAL ESTATE TEAK LIVINGDINING ROOM quality 29 PORTABLE typewriter manual with carrying case BATHTUB Ian unmarked welder with tips and cutter 853 60s BEER FRIDGE good Hon uselnrec room JENN AIR custom kitchen and Llllon mollat As now An dy FOR LEASE 10 000 15 000sq It truck level ship ping fully spnnklered heavy duly supply will build offices to 1 forhrslyear Call Ron Cook 8777471 4576130 ACTON LANDMARK One owner since 1912 bedroom older brick home 2 baths divided basement separate dining room garage handy location Constant attention has kept this home In very nice condition wood duplex ONLY JACK HOLMES REAL ESTATE BROKER ACTON 650 Realty Limited CHEAP 43 900 MLS for a detached 2 bedroom home in Grand Valley with a single car garage all on a huge ft 121 ft lot overlooking the village For a viewing call BERT CITY REALTY LTD REALTOR The Hobby Horse miles north Georgetown Market Place on Mount lid N Open Tlam 5pm Quilling Supplies 8779292 Claris Pottery MAIN ST GLEN WILLIAMS 8770947 TRIO MARTS Gills Cards lor all occasions Pool Chemicals Aids MARKET Box Plants 89 Ice Cream Cones all flavours 75 IN THE GLEN GIFT SHOPPEB rarwfljii Ha rule rail OPEN SUNDAYS 1pjn5pjn PRINCE ST GLEN WILLIAMS JILT INI 10pm FATHER SUEDE ishions oolwear Accessories Eaa tarn 8531031 OPEN Sunday your guide for Sunday shopping GEORGETOWN FRUfT MARKET VEGETABLES DAVENPORT couch LAST Supper wall rug It 1426 It diameter pool and p filter WASHER dryer while sell as a par or separate after piano with bench good condition sound days evens 457 7096 456526 29es New alum 2 storm door com with all hardware Reasonable 0467ls26 gal aquarium light weight fillers heater 10 fish alter 29es G 20 super cycle bike condition alter Pool I liter pump and motor solar 2 old USED 40 television lower and rotor HP Johnson outboard motor A 1 condition with tanks and Ines 00 or BO 29es SINGLE dresser calal530pm 4972 DOUBLE Bed good condition call at 5 pm 4972 5341s26 STOVE Goodconditlon call at FRIDGE good call at WASHER ocellenl tor sale r BDimtiti T HERALD Wednesday June FOR SALE WHEELCHAIR medical good condition 14401ls22 STOVE while needs repair with 3 44 HP Massey recently overhauled In good condition 4397ls22 Alii CONDITIONER WINDOW MODEL T U used very little condition very reason OLD REFURNISHED upright piano sound wood ivory dim alter lire wear lor CHANGE table with bath 35 NEW stove element complete with ring bib lor older stove LOVE LY old lam on chains with centre lend wo largo milk glass shade witti cut glass lamp old In Acton Alter CASIO Portable Electronic keyboaid Many automatic chrome and and volume pedal alter PATIO Slate concrete each 1 1015 I RING 00 14K 3 nils NEW nfjer 150 EL MIR A Sweetheart airtight like new Call BIKE Girls 10 speed ex to Hint condition STOVE flood con dillon avocado green KITCHEN table and chairs or TIRES 19575 safety ninety driven weeks led balanced new 75 CUSTOM made white sheers 120 as new 85 4472 476s26 CAL Aquarium w stand completely equipped fi SINGLE bed dresser and chest 3235 4137ls22 LOWRV ORGAN so Track rhytlm or syphon nook or best oiler ACORN FIREPLACE with hood and heal shield 6 us TROY HP nod condition 77 Men s Small Grey Flannel blue with white Call Ier4pm STOVE good condition 877 alter PIANO Storey Clark ce lent 1 or bos 4 CHAIN LINK BROWN Fence 1B0 It Includes and hardware del very 853 concrete blocks alter USED phone alter 30 pm 2 General Radial tires an Dodge 853 1 boiled radial One grey sola and chair One codec and one end table SELF propelled lawn mower variable speeds 22 cut rear grass catcher Mulch DISC Camera now still In box 35 9BS4 DARK BROWN chair and chesterfield 15000 6621 at 4422 GIRLS twin bed and whte headboard white wooden desk includes drawers 4D16alter430pm PATIO STONES con slone- Call BLACK lor h tan pickup Slid ng Side wndows GIRLS BEDSPREAD and sham lloral alter 4 30 27es GlRLS SIZE leather boot rollerskates Good condition 27es BOYS drt heavy duty shocks with pedal brake Asking ELECTRIC RANGE Mol harvest gold continuous clean excellent condll on 350 or evenings and weekends USED CAPTAINS SEAT lor van 127ls23 ON SALE swivel and till ft Ltd Amotiong Ava Portable sewing machine with cany case 225 DO m ike i3 ORGAN Hammond two note keyboards pcdVs rhythm reverb excellent cond 1483 BRUNSWICK SLATE Pool table Including all accessories 650 00 1386 ELECTRONIC Organ 2 keyboard 27es PORTABLE singer sewing 60 GOLF bag and clubs 4144ls22 27es COLOR TV wth stand remote contiol ecei pic lure B77B915 MODEL receiver watts tatai Lkenew650Q0 MORION Magi Doss Bow lb pull Won as a never used 13490ls15tl DIRT BIKE condition many new parts oiler Terra Cotta 14293ls21 CONCRETE Cardan compos containers also far drainage For more inlarmatlon alter RVE OR RHUM Barrels teedtresh or UPRIGHT PIANO Bench made In Boston Good on 650 or 3B15 27cs BLACK AND WHITE T and stand 1 4896 cat 1 44B6IS22 CHROME KITCHEN SET and lour 169123 CHEST FREEZER It flood 4896 165ls23 Sewing machine drawer 1 MENS dress shoes brown 0BB11s23 MENS LIGHTWEIGHTtwolone brown suit jacket 30 worn S3 2Ces BABY 074ls23 SWING now 15 STONES tew grey edge is DO ALUMINUM screen door 00 4491522 Vegetable gr 44S9IS22 27c FOR bales straw 100 853 4492IS22 PIECE ROOM Suite dark pine colonial Sell lor 20011 or lor smaller colonial or Iradtonal 877 BEIGE Chester eld and corduroy PK many ok racing parts race ready BO must PORTABLE pump and fill ngs Bnggot Strati engine used one season quart PRESSURE COOKER with new ars brand new 1054 4122IS22 27es LARGE CARPET 1 old DELREX ALUMINUM LTD si 8775383 AUTO SERVICE 8779981 BEAUTY- ARTS HUB SHOP Cm Wit ABHalriMdi REXWAY CUSTOM FHAMIXG PICTURE PRESENTS GEORGETOWN PHOTO 8731237 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES nOB0DY PARK AVENUE COLLISION PARK AVENUE CANADA COMMERCIAL BATTERY LIMITED 8533500 7J BUFFET KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN OPTICAL COMPLETE ETC GFORGETOWN OPTICAL PUJMBMHEATM- LTD Plumbing HMllngd StiMtMUWwlt Q11 Piping 55SKUURAVE 8773638 H ALTON FOBAULYOUBTlflE NEEDS COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE N 8775110 TRAILER HITCH lor custom mado SALMON rods reels and down CHAIN Saw yr old 65 677 SEWING MACHINE In cabinet excellent condition WHITE por table TV 25 FOLDING Ping pong able 30 00 excellent condition 75 877 SUMP PUMP Good working Older 7023 ONE MOTORCYCLE JACKET worn times new 250 asking 175 alter ALUM SHED dishes small 4 shelves Johnny Pale 3 shelves flower stand tronome hum tier GARAGE SALE MDnnenCn iljc RUN THE LOWEST PRICED AD AROUND YOUR GARAGE SALE or FOR A 1 COLUMN INCH AD AND WHEN YOU BRHG THIS ADM TO US AND PAY THIS SMALL AMOUNT IN ADVANCE WELL GIVE YOU 2 FREE SIGNS AND COMPLETE ON HOW TO RUN A SUCCESSFUL SALE SUPER LAWN SALE Jwi to YARD SALE 8AT JUNE tun DRIVEWAY SALE iMMHSt FAMILY SALE GARAGE SALE Town Una MON km cm rata tun