Page SECTION C THE HERALD May 1SS5 Acton Villa Intercounty draw 11 against Rangers Last week I was so disorganized that 1 had tile time left In which to put a column together Some I know will say thank the Lord for small mercies However here I am to continue the good or bad work depending upon your point of view Opening days have come and gone and we are now in the swing I did manage to put Borne time in for girls bantam match and felt I had a reasonable game in the middle For those who requested an offside call on one of the goals have to soy that here must have been few folk who were paylngaltentlontothefarside field defender played attackers by remaining behind the forwards The Blues right defender positioned herself in gave problems for the central defence in covering two spots It was nevertheless an entertaining game TheBlueshadlhebareXlto the opposition 13 who included a couple of guests I understand Some of the young referees who attended a local workshop officiated for the first time and acquitted themselves very well Perhaps this may be timely reminder to all fans officials and players to be aware of the raw material In the middles season Referees are as much part of the game as others They will make errors of rules calls and judgement Just as much as team officials and players The youngsters particularly will need your support encouragement If they arc to remain as referees Constant barracking will chase them away very soon as his happened in the past I also thought that opening was pretty well covered in our papers you was In fair shape as well although could be better This season GOHS Is unlikely to be used due to budget problems at the education board prevent repairs going ahead Our flag football friends may therefore be using on Sunday mornings and as a result This situation Is not finally settled I only hope that naggers take care in their use of the facilities The GDHS came Id for some harsh treatment one Sunday in the pouring rain and the field was not Tht some afterward This and the improbability of using nets on the flag goalposts pose the only reservations for The group have another interesting concept this year There arc two competitive teams in Peel and they play with the usual singly registered players The other players will all play recreational house league and will also qualify for Die Mid Ontario league squads These players may be called upon by the M coach to represent Georgetown against their opposition for the day I understand that the M coaches may register any number of players and will therefore be able to call up the players in form Actually the concept of this style of representative team is not new other countries have used the system for donkey s years It Is a step in the right direction AT TEAK PERFORMANCE inuntry anil Herald columnist John right accepts a Irophj nl representative Pearson left Tor having over I kilometers this past winter Peaker was Involved in the the Kllumrlcrs program one of Just four Toronto area skiers and one of ID provincial to go over the kilometer mark Herald photo win over Agoal kick need not be taken In the junction of the yard area lines It may be token inside thearea or anywhere on the front line on the side of the goal post where he ball passed out of play Also with a free kick to the defence for on offence inside that area Georgetown sends 2 teams to JasperBanff relay run Specter win streak extended to three Georgetown Track Club After months of preparation and planning Hie final arrangements have been made and our two have been set for this year edition of the Jasper to Banff relay Rumors has It that the Toronto Olympic Club last year victors will not be attending The race director has announced however that ten more teams have been accepted 1 bring the total to each team fields seventeen runners there will be I hope the Motilities will be able to handle the traffic congestion over the first four legs which was bad last year Here are the two teams representing Georgetown this year J Allen Adrian Beer Paul Burroughs Titan entry in Central B Continued page CI tnncs said the Titans will move to Missis sauga no matter where they play He added the new home would make playing in the Central League much more feasible We re nine miles from Georgetown and 12 miles from Oakville On the basis of practice time available I would say per club the Central League gets more performance per buck spent than the Metro League While Innes has talked with many clubs in Central League and adds the response to the proposed move has been favorable he did admit some clubs aren too happy about the prospect of having this team enter I know crazy about it because we re right in their back yard Mimlco has applied for entry into the Metro League and the hope we have is that it simply be a matter of switching teams and leagues Another thing is that I can stand all the meetings the Metro league has and also If I going to spend so much money on the team I would like to see some away games Last year I saw only three games because many were too far Innes said in the Central league privately sponsored club like his own stands a better chance of competing on an equal basis than It would in the Metro league I don t see the logic of having a team say like Georgetown going to play in Kingston or against Bra be there but you d have a smaller base to draw from In our division in the Metro loop we played against Henry Can- Bramalea Wexford Weston King City and St Mike a The only team we could compete with sponsor wise was King City All the others are either city community organization or mega buck sponsored heard In the Metro league that one team had an advertising budget that was equal to the operating budget of another The budgets In the league range from as low as to as high as and over he said If the Central league for some reason or other refuses Innes team entry he said they will play this year In the Metro league then reapply All we want to do Is give the kids a place to compete Innes said NOTESFormer coach Ken South wick has been approached by- about a coaching position with his club We re talking to him about being one of our coaches Doug who coached last year with Port Credit will be back as one Gary Ford will help us but his main priority now Is his minor teem said DENTURE CLINIC J Kohari DT 122GuelphSt 7 GEORGETOWN 8778974 Alex Campbell Brendan Cleary Sean Cleary Bob Daniel John Grace Eric Hopkins Don Bruce Maclntyrc Brian Markham Drew Mark Albert Andrews Joe Bray Mclanlja Bray Jim Clark Joe Cleary Mark Duncan Roger Duncan Ion Halllwell Keith Helmut Donna Metcalfe Rod Morrison John Owen Charlie Cam Steve Ward It is encouraging to note that all the people who ran for us last year will be returning Still it was a chore to round up committed people In the end we actually had four of whom will be spares in the event of injuries Our contingent will be flying out on June 13 that Thursday night with friends relatives in Calgary On Friday we will head for the mountains leaving most of the runners at Lake Louise and the first five runners from each team will proceed to Jasper The individual legs have not yet been delegated After the race on Sunday we will return our rental vehicles and head for the airport to fly We have had a tremendous amount of support this year regarding fund raising The club has been selling draw tickets to raise money and will be the pancake breakfast at the Mayor Road Race on June In addition we have had generous donations from Georgetown Vorian Maple Lodge Farms BASF Scarle Dr Scholl We are expecting further donations from local businesses Chrysler Canada has donated a van for our use out west but perhaps the most generous donation of all was from Bill at M and M Pro who Is giving us 34 sets of uniforms The importance of this donation Is obvious but the magnitude is heart warming RUNNING SHORTS Upcoming events for our club include The Longboat 10K on Centre Island May The Bread and Honey 15 K in Strcetsville on June The Mayor and K race right here in Georgetown on June 9 Herald Stall Tht Glen Williams extended Ihne after Orungtvillc and Rock wood last week Intercounty fast edged orange- Tuesday on a ho mi run in tht ninth inning by outfielder Andy Broad next night In an away against the Glen r outdistanced their 11 score In the starting pitcher for the Specters Mark Curtis went six innings Then Gary Hails climbed he mound for four innings and was credited with the win Sports in brief HoustonKing winners The Gordon Ladies A Tennis team opened their season last week a four game set with Swansea of Kay King and Audrey Houston J decision which included score the lit breaker Br en da and took their match to three sets before losing out Dorcen Thomson and Pat Harris dropped their game Ball hockey help needed The Recreation and Parks Department Is looking for coordinators to assist in running a summer ball hockey league for children 10 years Program runs for six weeks at two locations Tuesdays at Georgetown Memorial Arena and Wednesdays at Acton Arena start at 30 and end at Thebt paid positions Interested people should cull or drop in to cither office Mill Street Acton Join in the Challenge The Town of Hills accepted Challenge We will be competing just for the fun of it against other Canadian communities with a population of 30 to persons The aim is to get the greatest of residents to participate In minutes of physical activity Wednesday May Tint all there is to It plan to spend 15 minutes of the day doing any activity that makes your faster walking bicycling swimming rallcrskating dancing etc etc etc For more details call 202 Adult swim times The Recreation and Parks Department offers adult daytime swims at the Georgetown May 11 13 18 43 am 12 p m Admission fee is 10 per or more information coll after 877 7721 COMFftRE CLARION tied of the gome s hi me run for the win Ted Wilkes Catcher Glen tcndley well and of fen si I had some key hits for the Specters Wilkes said Wednesday night in Itoekwood the winning was Curtis while Mark Curtis hurled fur six Innings in relief well In the romp especially Mlkt Reynolds And Bro Glen Fend ley Robbie Wilkes the conch said Dew had a home run in game Both pitchers were praised coach Wilkes for strong effort Tuesday the Specters played home in Glen Willi KFYNOIDb night the travels to Guelph for a Last week in their first eanieo the season the clipped 3 Wilkes has still not heard myth about the application he made last month for the Ontario Softball metal tour 4 The The tourney would be wm fur the AA zone plans from which an Ontario champion would be dee Wilkes said he is hop ing to hear something about the application later this month Meanwhile Ihe Glen Spec en ore preparing to host their annual tournament T0PS0IL Barclays Haulage 8779991 PRICE Clarion BUDGET PACKAGE CASSETTE WITH A SPEAKERS fat 8772425 results known QaaMcuvu a buck you go for it Installation- IT Only for normal Installation When you rent water conditioner from Culll- nan ofttes will install It for one dollar OFFER LIMITED CALL MILNES PLUMBING FREEEST1MATES 1605 AGE SERVICE REPAIRS CLEARING 3638 HOME OF THE WEEK From lha lldi brick home with dtcoiatlve li and B its large windows modem tone he which j jHtiiantly pit id throughout thi A oyer to in curved while loom ami room step off on tide Tho often a bay window and fireplace and to lite com If dining room with Its view th backyard off lha dining mom li the generous tiled Kitchen and dinette the Litter In a charming gtcenhouie with trench that step mil the rear patio Another door Had to the tunny with fireplace and gtan to the lame patio Upstairs the largo with dnoblt door entry a large walk In a titling ana with feature window and an optional vaulted celling are to front the home It alio In eludes a with glared root over a whirlpool a doubt vanity and Three additional bed mom one with in especially large tht three piece bathroom which a platform tub The noma Include a basement and dmibrt lit flnlihtd floor It leal To number order the minimum con struction oackana tela economical at 00 A construction pekagt of eight till a tingle tl It add for pottage and han dling Ontario plena add aakts la Send lot lha current edition of Select Homes magailne ttriet B9 featuring Imaginative decorating and home plus top quality home and cottage every type AvtHaUM S3 To SI IB handing To order any of He mi pfetit tend cheque or money or der payable lo tha Home of the Week to- Home Ihe Week do Hilton Kills 1B1 Reidala Ontario LOW MONTHLY FREE WATER TESTING SALT PICK UP SELF SERVE OR DELIVERY 877 1821 SPECIALIZING IN INTERIOR EXTERIOR RENOVATIONS AH Typea of Carpentry Repair ESL CARPENTRY BOUCHER ALUMINUM A STORM WINDOWS AND STORM DOORS SELECTION OF COLOURS FREE ESTIMATES AIR CONDITIONING A REFRIGERATION CENTRAL AIR HEAT PUMPS SALES SERVICE INSTALLATION SERVICE ACADIAN POOLS FREE ESTIMATES 8779562 WE CAN BUILD YOUR BUILDERS OF CUST0M 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