CAREER IN TRUCKING Tran Sport drivers needed Now is I ho time train lor your Class A license For pre screening and job placement Information Transport Driver Training SI PART TIME required lor smalt retire vcr kennel must have own smoker references 4268hw20 LEGAL SECRETARY Im mediate opening is available lor an experienced person in a general practice aw lirm Salary commence with Reply to Tie Herald Street L7G 3Z6 MMMMMMtM late win elms newly covered 22os Excellent lion A 36511517 4284hw20 FREE Career Guide describes learn at home dence Diploma courses Ac counting art bookkeeping business management clerk 11 PHARMACIST REQUIRED lor computerized pharmacy in No Sundays or Stats Reply to Mr Brian Goderleh Ontario N7A 3X8orphoneS19524 7843 FOR PLAYGROUNDS Treated wood com on en lor easy sales retail outlet Reply immediately Box Callan POH1H0 ownasbo CAREER IN TRUCKING Tran sport drivers needed Now Is the time train lor your class A license For pre screening and placement Information contact Transport Diner Training London Cambridge COMPUTER Time Sin Model new condition complete with TV hook up and CRIB exec lent con new Asking 22es WOOD STOVE in condition RUSTGREEN now BABY riago Prim asMng UTILITY I It reasonable 2 677 4Q73tsl924es CULVERT culvert pipe Used caps lor Queen Size Brown Icatrierello Used 3 months 40601st 24cs RON RON practici SONY WALKMAN new in box wtti bit wamnty Pad CHI 877 3B36ts18 FIREWOOD CURED Ml ALSO BAGGED WOOD KHDUNG CUSTOM camper lor Ion Good on GAS Welder I Lincoln with good on 77 RED CKA COLA metal cooler 37641st after SMALL DRILL PRESS FIRST Comn union Dross pad DO 877 382Bls18 MEDIUM Size Hon king 15 877 3B27l18 22es HEAVY DUTY tj plastic pipe 100 pound pressure 100 feet lengths BOLENS HP hydrostatic with 42 mowef TWO NEW bucket seats blue lord ranger 3094 24es type sold maple round table nth leal 4041IS19 storm door 4042IS19 24os STEREO 4 channel solid Toshiba Boston Amp cassette deck phonograph speakers ROTTEN pick p or del very alter WHITE 374M7 iwwe THE HERALD WtOaewiay May 15 Page in 4474 upright piano ben in Boston Good con or Bo si Offer 39t8ls1B23eS brand new 15 00 FURNACE Thermo radant old Ex cedent on 20w OIL hot water 077 Aluminum Inn or best oiler 877 3364ls15 Woollen lolds 48 Slide shelves Biccllont condition SAILBOAT Pelican sale boat 2 sals traler and motor 877 25os ALUMNI ITS THE REEL THING at f let Sports Rod and Reel Repair Paris Quick Service custom rod making tackle sales open weeknighls I seals 1 red seal C end tables and one table Arbonte 877 ONE DOUBLE bed vanity and bench 392BIS18 23es Mercury with hat Call Dave FLOWERING Box Plant Marigold petunias etc box 1392 RALEIGH Moly Bike new used one season 125 4606 3689IS10 ANTIQUE lablo mahogany beautiful llnlsh sculptured front 400 o 1065 4029ls19 USED call LADY SUNBEAM pool table ail ac cessorles Call alter STEREO cabinet Hal style oak I Norval area 416 846 3679 40551st GARRETT and metal detector 42711s20 25es 877 3S5tts18 chair heal A good Wed only TtNOH ideal tor music siudenl Be air model old DO 3B14ls18 UPRIGHT Ireezer Kenmoro years old DO 7896 3B91s18 BLACK WALL UNIT 3 sec lions 2 glass doors Ideal lor rec room 3B92s18 CLASSIC cornet cabinet im beau i tut woodwork 145 Stroller old 7B96 3893IS1B23es FRIDGE Stave con ditico 853 3896lsB23es MIRROR 118 glass S3 42721s20 MIRROR 3 4 I glass 6066 4273ls20 SEARS QUEEN blue year old cost 00 new will sell 4277ts2025es WEDDING DRESS lor sale brand new never worn size 1920 8531619 4264IS20 RADIO ARM SAW 42B7ls20 ABOVEoroundpoot diamaler complete sand and many other cessorles SLALOM WOOD water ski Concave 3354 GIRLS fold ng bicycle speed brand new tires perfect lor campers or BO 4240ISS1 SIMPLICITY washer spin dryer lop 3954 GET INTO THE At Hat HORNBY TOWERS PRO SHOP RENTALS Cal 8783421 run FN a SAT NIGHTS it FOR TOFF CALL GOLF CLUB PUBLIC WELCOME WELCOME Pro Bobby Brcen ACTON MEADOWS GOLF COURSE week dty Licenced CALL FOR TOFF 8530631 RYE OR RUM guaian or 39l5lstB23es CONSOLE recotd 853 collee table ported 00 7096 COFFEE and end 853O205 3911ls1S23cs APPLIANCES s love ex cond 41971s2025es SAFE ft Cal 4090s20 25oS laigo milk glass lamp from old ii Acton filler 0 m sis H H Ltd Qaorflatown FOn EASY SELL CLASSIFIED RESULTS CALL 8772201 BRUNSWICK si pool table rarotv used at 453 ADMIRAL PORTABLE Dish washer w ih butcher block lop in trade lor a dinger a tor 4 year old SNOW BLOWER heavy duly 8531045 SEARS pleated drapes rustnatural colour 75 Almost new 18B4allciGpm 3896ls18 so It lumber lor lot 23es GLASS Table lop 40 625 1045 23os Iransml 1951 1045 VICTOR 3000 Business Com 354K 2 mbyte included design QUALITY TOP SOIL 8773267 8770689 RUG ORIENTAL RUBBER lencing a 7 YAMAHA RECEIVER 65 walls Technics reel Drive Semi Auto turntable Tosbba tape ROBERTSON Gas stove wide 192B 372l1s17 Fuller s Box spring 60 castors Briggs lawn mower 65 00 3330 7 22os Iter or 37351st WOODEN wndow have been replaced Including alum storm Call all or 30 6693 4052ls19 24es MACHINE rag II In bulton holer and blind si tch 3 drawer cabinet 4050ls19 DESK 3921 van ly top 00 3094 40451519 GIRLS to speed bike Raielght modulo tires used years In good condition 4048ts19 SINGLE colon mates bed maple drawers and headboard no mattress asking White West sell clean stove new lion 300 or BO 395DIS18 MANS speed bike 2299 SEED and fertilizer spreader bar typo 3900 4O7gis20 MATERNITY CLOTHES ox cond lion For more In alien calf 41511s20 SANYOBETA VCR Machine Including 2 cassottes ok like new Hillsburgh 519 4182ls20 CAPTAINS bed with mattress All In excellent condition Asking 41631S20250S STEEL Garage door complete with hardware 1045 3B83tst8 23es TRUCK CAP Ills ton picK up 00 WHIRLPOOL loi bath tub Per 42B4ls20 OLDER STYLE eld char good condition 8731510 4091ls2025es NEW ALUMINUM clad casement while Insui glass wilh screen alter 4203ls20 FORD OR CHRYSLER wheel or more Inlormatlon call CAR RADIO AMFM track 877 VAN bench seats brown clip in each best oiler 4736 Piece White Wicker dinette close weave round glass top table new condition 677 3369 4093ls20 CEMENT MIXER good condition reasonable 1421Bls2B25es CHESTERFIELD suite pee like new chocolate Mown must sell 350 or best 7672 alter 856 4214ls2025es STOVE good on make an oiler 3515 LADIES long lormal gown mother bride or guest Never worn sue 14 167 25 1065 40301519 PROFESSIONAL Rabbit Houses two 15 3952 12 P garden tractor with 42 mower Phono SALE Dresden plate Queen Earth tones quilled 42241320 Star double red 4226ls20 Daisy double light greens 677 4225ls20 SALE Star and Hearts King Navy and burgundy 1377 4227ls20i25es WHEEL HORSE TRACTOR cab plow blade snow blower mower wheel wo chains in ex eel new tulle rv 077 JOHN DEERE Farm tractor wit cab Die sell new paint ring and pood condition model 1020 SHARP recorder battery a so AWFM short wave Stool Antique Year very good condition 4474 FLUSH now qt water table tor cottage recreational vch 7 CHEST FREEZER I kit cupboard with Kelvmator stove it In plus up cupboard exhaust Ian EASY loader lb capacity 1800 trailer 2000 40141s19 SELF mower Mas ere rait 4 catcher old RIDING excellent ion cut 499 077 after 4003sl PING PONG table gen dron excellent con 877 CANOE 16 2 paddles all I ko new Call ROTO TILLER rear 1983 HP speed reverse rec lion Handle mounted control 4016ts19 German 36 piece 3924 insulation Western Ontario prices Cer lied applicators Exper In agricultural retrofit since Call Warmth Insulation box 460 Per K7H VITAMIN BIBLE Mindeli book pinpoints which vitamins lo take lor your par needs Postage Pad Phone toll Star West Sales 10B Bole SI Won peg Man R3L 1 DRAFTING machine Heavy Top quality 416 HAY ideal lor gemly Hull up win drows From Mower conditioners from Fertilizer spreaders small and largo Phono 4771 FARMEOUPMENT THE SST 1 WELDER Power supply charger Rods 532 1800 115 DC Charge batteries mounting Limned Box Ux bridge Ontario L0C1KO POND OWNERS For Improved water qua lily and birds reduced algae in stall AIR Literal ARBRUX Limited Box 10 Uml Ux bridge Ontario MOBILE KITCHEN Fish p Un Mounted In a tandem Fully Ideal lor service club Musi be seen Passed by health department Phone 457 Rosewood dining room lo sideboard led horn Europe pieces 1 3886ls1B23es BRAND new pool tiller large pool ARTIFICIAL stone I replace USED DESKS til cab nets board room tables storage cabinets bookcases oil to dralting tables lesiairran lables Lovers Hew and Used 254 Adelaide South London Monday Friday 9 Saturday 9 12 ownasls NIKON 35mm camera metal body excellent condition ELECTRC saw good motor 424Bls20 WESTERN YOUTH SADDLE very good inch seat suitable lor pony 0340 Pago MAP iralSouftiwBstern Ontario All lots Concessions Regular special 12 Each lax included Sylvia Shirley tint 1SO GOSLINGS WHITE Top quality available May June El McCglly Chatham 5J3 CENTRAL VACUUM Manulac has limited amount Central Vac systems Com plete w ih canmsier Molor all clean tools and necessary parts to Install Regular 593 on sale lor while sup plies last For call anytime 800 BUILDING OWNERS ROOFING Urelhan loam com posile roofing roofing with the built in Insulation an effective roof treatment lor your com mercial Warmth Insula on in Perth 1 or write Gore East Perth Ontario 1J6 lor site inspection and est mate 453 Phone POOL SALES Loading manufacturer a ted number models Is having a clearance sale Package includes motor pump liter skimmer I ner and deck Regular reduced to 265 HOP Tested Rams Transportation can be arranged Talk to us about our Finance plan on your next breeding Ram Murray stationery accessories Various types styles Call The Herald St SET OF Blocks pes made In Great Britain Ex condition asking 00 Rob 4967 alter FIBERGLASS CApfrjr pickup 250 BOYS grey r 4019ls19 wilh hood and 25 00 SIMPLICITY apartment sue dryer 397Bls19 POOL healer oil Ire bo ler MORTON Cross Bow 150 lb pull Won as a prize never used 16D0D 13490151511 FRIDGE STOVE excellent shape selling as a par 500 853 RUG Beige 7 READER GEST add lions Germm 1957 Readers Digest monthly In English 3900 7 MODERN stylo chrome labia chars 3481lsl5 Mi with weight sot KITCHEN table circular glass 350lls15 DINING table wit walnut 4290 35021515 20es WHOLESALE STEEL BUILDINGS Factory direct prices No middleman and Straight Wall Buildings Wont bo undersold Guar an teod best on today Call 7353 pool kit never used make an oiler 24esd SWIMMING POOL gas In good con dilion Best Oiler 39621519 FRIDGE largo door liostlrce ha vest gold ideal lor cottage SOCCER SHOES good con please call 877 2495 lor more in I or ma lion OPTIMIST BANGORAMA Giant Garage Sale Monday May 2085 8 am 5 pm Georgetown Fairgrounds A wide variety of items for everyone per spat car and 1 person Number For reservation phons JERRY GETTY DO YOU WANT TO CLEAN UP FOR SPRING CALL KIWANISCLUB WE ARE LOOKING FOR ITEMS FOR OUR ANNUAL GARAGE SALE POSTPONED UNTIL JUNE AT THE OLD BARBER MILL WE ALSO HAVE SOME TABLES AVAILABLE FOR RENT SO YOU CAN HAVE YOUR OWN SALE FOR MORE INFORMATION AND PICK UP CALL FRANK AT or CHRIS AT BOYS dress shoes sue black loafers 24cs BIKE Boys tumor to speed Trader MID cut ling back good condition Call DMX R pper with racing parts excellent shape 3472ls15 NEW mahogany wood Tama brum Sel Includes Throne 3 Cymbals used months Cost will sell lor or mike an oiler Moving Is reason lor selling ELEC IRONIC Organ and excellent condition single keyboard Rhythm sec purchased Irom Thomas 7937 20es wide 877 alter Call 10 a SECOND HAND Glass sliding doors 1865 4260w20 25cs POOL 1ter and pump 42781520 25es GARAGE SALE Dtvnridg Cn EktLMayiS 2pjn hoi valor cwfld RUN THE LOWEST PRICED AD AROUND FOR YOUR GARAGE SALE on FOR A COLUMN INCH AD AND WHEN YOU BRING ADM THUS AND PAY THIS SMALL AMOUNT IN ADVANCE WELL GIVE YOU 2 FREE SIGNS AND COMPLETE ON HOW TO RUN A SUCCESSFUL SALE LAWN SALE SAT MAY 3 FAMILIES GARAGE SALE tun Acton GARAGE SALE Sat May Road North GARAGE SALE Sat May II Oaoryatmim variety iiems LAWN SALE SAT MAT 11 fcJOjnZpjti Qartatown GARAGE SALE Sat May IB Moor Parte Cm Qaorgatown BIG YARD SALE Sat May la lOtUnghamRd Since Wry I