Acton high school commencement irCIIONC Tilt November 12 Page must prove selves again student With a humorous The road from adolescence to adulthood is a long one some of you not have taken It Acton High School Murk said to old teachers at the school annua commence ment Friday nljhl Mark told fell on graduates t entering working world or university requires a deal of selfdrive to preterit oneself from being submersed In the newness of adulthood In high school you may tune been Mark sold Now you prove yourself all over again He added that while Industry train new personnel and expects something in cturn for lis iniistimnt students should alio iniest in The world ohm us nothing We owe it iverylhing lie said The croud obviously picas the address in a strong standing ovation Winning diplomas in Friday nights The Sandra Patterson Memorial Award Music Nancy Patterson Nation Hills urn lure Hon Robe Li on The Horn Hardware Due The Motors Scholar ship Marjone The Campbells Furniture Scholarship Marjone Ramsey The and Kithy The llrooslud Memorial Art Joe The llalton Hoard of lion Cindy Brill Jickie Denny Parker The llmal Canadian legion Scholarship Mark Sawden The t Glenn Standard Products Athletics Sharon Cook The Standard Product Technical Proficiency Brent Pry The Standard Products Mathematics Ward Martin Osso The Staff Scholarship Jessica Martin The Products of Canada Martin MikeDoml The anadlan Imperial Dank of Commerce War Trite Mike Dcnal Trie and Com pa ny Award Mike The and Iward Julie Pierce The Award Shop and Nursery Award Shirley The James ledger Prof I Award Shirley The Clara Memorial Shirley The lalieilde Chapter IODF Dale Anderson The Mason Rotary Scholarship Merle The limited Ward Alice Mulders The Acton Lions Club scholarship Chi Chan Frank The Oil ten Jim The High School John High School Achieve ment Wards Jessica Other presented The Line War I Shelley Wong The and ompa Ward iear I Science Brian The Scholarship Family Studfen SusunAuty The Nielsens nothing Prlie Year trench Heather Thatcher The Award t Science Tairn The Or J Award tear Biology Barbara Insurance War Patricia Foster Laurie Steve Scott The Gal Pal Ladles Wear Ward I Family Studies The High School Technical Awards 1 on 1nul Brent try irFinSllS Trent for ml Stiphin Tliomison f was among In it University who rweived degrees it hi lUirhliroujh I fill convex Nov I Mr his f ffiSMS parents night wolfi Sl in Is holding its n 1 ji 1 1 from Parents in invited toe mi I ilk to rheschoolis Km I ill to run from 10 a to If pm is itlLs toys gift ideus ilH m h on silt Guiinl school Is clljlfnM Jujjkrul lick I Mark Sawdrn Highs valedictorian his audience of parents students and teachers In a light hearted the past year events Id the school Mark called on students to use their own selfdrive in coming to grips with university life or life on the Job market during ceremonies at the school last Friday night I Herald photo an ornn lo All lip Jrjn ljirly Trie a i frliicB tryltn I Lilian llflh sherry llailailay 1 Juhraoii J tri 1irry I Madrid Waynr Mr Ip Munro iilinKMit my mOikvilli Lions bringing Santa rigiinil inuicil jurmlssiun to the rollout I hold Us Santa is this year Ihe tin I sponsored the Tin par ide will at Mix re Park and THE UFETIME GUARANTEE ALL MUFFLER COMPANIES WOULD GIVE YOU IF THEY HAD THE SUPERIOR PRODUCT CUSTOM Ft HEADERS RICHS SERVICE CENTRE LTD Hwy East NEVER WAX YOUR CAR AGAIN ONE TKMTMENT AN AUTO CLEANING LTD OCISS Vine The roi line tower Simon CHARTEItED ACCOUNTANT Phone 5 Street Georgetown Ontario J Novak J Kohari DT Georgetown Denture therapy Clinic GUELPH STREET on Highway builds Post Phone 8778974 7912314 GEORGETOWN TIRE SALES LTD MORE GO IN SNOW FOR YOUR LIGHT TRUCK SAVE UP TO 33 80 PAIR EACH INSTALLED Take advantage of these special sale prices outfit your light truck with quality built snow tires from Goodyear But hurry this sale ends November Traction Sure Grip Wide lugs for dependable grip on hazardous winter roads Heavy duty nylon cord body 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