CI KIN II TIM HI ELKS LODGE 540 Meet the Elks Hi IIMHMIRFIT I I will be a weekly column I I of i Iks I and of of rn il fc in this country r now is tola mem Ix of over iluiml is the Elks Purple jo undtrtakmg by the BPO Elks of lu lr in the Order of the Royal Purple I Iks IurpU Cross aids any child under the urn to tn in where financial IkeirUlj Ihi fun i Ins expanded Hit llLafncss and Development il focusing on Hie possible inlirMntion of impairment To IPO f Iks have contributed limn ihrouli llusproRrim In the problems of Hills Iks I instituted and ri like to extend a fraternal to Brother Barrett Brother irs Urol hi r Edward and Brother Neil were accepted into the of to remind all Brothers of next regular The Grand of Cordon Brewer be big NTS J- OH I Mill- ii HI HP lexlgc Christmas and xlje Hill 111 pm 1 I hikesale including sale of If ir featuring Grind llu Brevier Clius in Georgetown Our i in the with ind help lodge Mam I We hope to have nn out of town guisl St Mint meeting with HP Lodge Georgetown is pleased to announce soli sponsorship of the Georgetown be called Ihe Georgetown in sealing our 1 mall future competitions our colors i liki to mention the will be in Hie Milton Claus Nov 15 n Sim rims Parade Nov the Acton t Iks trim Muggy and Joseph J mile Jinphrll Tripp and Norma lollottinga mony Friday night come under the lllcraldpholu The merlin next month will also in selling ihotol lit is tikes stationery gifl ripping the support them by Iks I UP lodge extend toner lliihtmns to and Mrs Fred on the rlh of a grandson fur Brother and Mrs Bernard o lo and Mrs Jim ml tin of son Don Monday our 1 ikI on Me mil ink slid in knowing more about Elks Lodge 10 plnsetonlail Brother Hud or Brother I I idus intiiig information on Joining the Order of tilt Ho the Honored Royal irolvn National leader visiting lrdnn IIIlFWFit hi Benevolent and Order of Elks of in idi will be visiting the llillnn Hills lodjt thur reguhr melting tins Sunday I Nov Mr Brewer hails from Alberta tr of the BPO Elks of for years EXCELLENT STARTER bedroom Iramo loch well reir C ill PRIVACY PLUS stylo lifoplice COUNTRY homo tu PRICES BETTER town on ill foe loom Iran It iq torn Priced from S30 lo I Re winy Call Hill 389 Main Street Milton Ontario Tel 8788101 or Tor 416 8269218 Blood clinic is this Monday omcJiuOOOLiii usions of blood t pans lonitniLsof id from donor- n some 10 per from re rushed to s where blood Royal Trust 8775237 Real Estate Services tor 111 pone ills have me life span We units based on projec Mil supply of donors in the need il Win is support from our donors from tin Is excel lenl oh rtspond quickly Bui our real I is for donors on a reguhr All hi illliv lielween 111 ire encouraged to visil llinr blood donor limit mil st for themselves simply Ihey 1 unit of blood lo help a being Ill 1st re number attend vour at Holy Cross hurt this Region gets help on waste Special The prnvinchl govcrnmenl 1ms iprccd to provide person for a committee to review Hi I Ion regions waste menl report The is that ideis in the report will be Implemented Russ Miller id of tlic region said Miller said the mini of environment the mini of energy and the region will each contribute a member lo the committee In review the Kiibornc Report The will be look specifically at parts the report addressing refuse de rived from fuel and the lily of some sort of front end plant to reduce Hie amount of to lie burned The committee Is to present a report on tlic report by Jan ITS SPECIAL down polios I I el I Dims room lr Oh it HILLS ESTATE Gncou brick mi It loin Open oyer in Oik od A S hi C ill Bonn I LOOKING FOR PASTURES Tiy llu- hone el I roll no heed did t PI EXCLUSIVE CRESCENT RAVINE LOT iyl3 til floor I in ly PEACEFUL LIVING by Iho Credit Rlv mo arid FAMILY ROOM your It I folly l in loi LENT INVESTMENT Sill we an help you better REALTOR Use Christmas Seals AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS JUST 225 ANNS CARTAGE PIANO MOVERS FULLY Move WILL DISMANTLE lillIWilW TEDS DRIVING SCHOOL Shells St DAY OR EVENING INSTRUCTION MO T Tai Seal Dial 4006 LEAN TO JACK BEER CALL 877 5844 CARNEY ELECTRIC THE BEAUTY SPOT SERVICES LENDING A HAND II puppet making lime For Dili ul riKislrrrd In In punnet innklnB sponsored il for I lev r Here arc shown In i BARBER HENLEY LTD SHEAS MOBILE CLEANING CO LTD WORK GUARANTEED INTERIORS RENOVATING CONTRACTORS ROOFING LAFFERTY HOME RENOVATIONS MATH ALUMINUM BOX 114 CHURCH ST GEORGETOWN ONTARIO Aluminum Siding and Fascia Storm Doors and Window Seamless 4747 FREE ESTIMATES GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP Mel Taylor Aluminum 7574 NO OBLIGATIONS AT YOUflCOHVEWIENCE EXPEiri REPRESENTATIVES SMART WAT TO SHOP COMPETITIVE PRICES LOW COST INSTALLATION WALLPAPER ON WHEELS CENTRE PHONE THE BEAUTY SPOT Brampton Monument Works 451044518261363 RENOVATING CONTRACTORS GRIFFON LTD Laying and Con PLASTERING REPAIRS WORK 416 877 PLUMBING I HEATING BILL GARBUTT Plumbing Heating Ltd RADIATORS REPAIRED CLEANED PEEL RADIATOR SERVICE lit SI Weil Rear Dixit Cup 4517177 EARLS FIX IT S SHAVER SERVICE Spec i in jinall A PERSONALIZED NG BUSINESS BANQUETS SHOWERS PARTIES Clares Precision Sharpening 8774976 STORE FIXTURES Renovations Add New year re net inn it lor it type MANDARINO RETAIL SYSTEMS LTD imHiiiWm HALTON PEEL TREE SERVICE R 1 Oakville flATES FREE ESTIMATES IN5UI1ED PLUMBING HEATING SID SPEARS SONS Alter UPHOLSTERING COUNTRY CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY CALL AQUA SOFT WATER THE WAY IT SHOULD BE COMPLETE LINE of Water Treatment Equipment for Homes 8776242 INSULATE NOW CONSERVE ON HEAT WARMER IN WINTER COOLER IN SUMMER WE USE FIBERGLASS CELLULOSE FOAM FOR WAILS ALL OF VENTILATION ALL MATERIAL API Wo cany the Government Grant Program MEYER INSULATION GEORGETOWN MILTON busy call DAVE LOCAL REP I