Page I A THF HERALD Wednesday June ISM Cultural Centre drive Phoneins net GLT 3800 and supporters the After two months of Georgetown Utile Theatre campaigning among its GLT has raised almost members patrons toward the town new I theatre complex Kale the group is officially contribute toward he much- with half lis goal open its appeal to any needed facility realized and only about interested Individuals and seal plaques available for organizations who wish to The principal way In which the GLT Is trying lo fulfil Its pledge is by selling brass scat plaques to be affixed In perpetuity to the backs of Ihe seats in he new theatre Plaques can bear donors names thatof an organization or be In Memory of Individuals OPTIMISTS SHOW THEIR RESPECT FOR LAW The forge lawn Op 11 mills Club honored two policemen and a member of the public list week at their Law and Order awards night Constable Don foment and Dave were honored for their pari In breaking up two Juvenile theft rings t rant will honored for hit assistance in capturing a burglary Shown the officers and Mr Somen are Optimist president Norm Guthrie and chairman of the selection committee Herald photo Students in Acton High School total Immersion class will be undertaking a canoe trip from North Bay to Ottawa In replicas of pioneer fur trader 26foot canoes les canoes de The IS student plus supervisory staff will be wearing period coiiumrs and depleting historic characters from Canadian This will be the first time Ihe class has undertaken this of trip which combines the challenges of wilderness canoeing with a significant historical experience Class Instructor Paul says Ihe student will recreate the fur trade lifestyle- Including living on rations and During that time the students won be allowed to modern topic of any kind Guelph Mercury photo ACTON HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS RELIVE VOYAGEUR ADVENTURE By HANNAH replies Special canoes Ihosc boring Ere Instructor for the immersion class at Acton High School has come up with a scheme for bringing Cana history vigorously alive for his 16 students before they ve even begun the major project he got In mind his students and a couple of chape rones led the school Monday lo drive to North Day and begin a two- week 250mile canoe trip to Ottawa over the voyageur route used by Canada pioneer fur traders The students will be using researched his or her ctiaract so that they can dress the part In homemade costumes Many of the costumes re quired leather be authentic and Tannery don what was needed for their designs Also donating cash to help In he purchase of various sup plies were the Rotary Club and the Optimists Club Tamblyn said that while his classes have gone wilder ness canoeing In the north in past ears this is the first time ho has led them on a rip in this fashion The idea stemmed from a he went on himself last year with Hugh MacMII Ion who took a group on a recreation of Lord Slmcoe trip from Lake to Georgian Bay and Pone tang Can you see these guys stepping back a couple of hundred years forbidden to talk about modern things like rock and roll and cars and so on for two whole days Dr joked as the students prepared for a picture- taking session with Ihe press on Fairy Lake Thursday The students have already prepared a taped talk on heir characters and will be making a presentation at Acton high school June IB at to which tbe public is invited Tamblyn will portray Samuel Champlaln while the remaining characters making the trip ore Nicholas Glen David Thompson Peter Wetklo Co lonel Rusty Miller Nicholas A parks Paula Sandra Krisqh Jean Julie Pierce Elizabeth Simcoe Nancy Patterson St Jean Tammy Helena Champlalne Cherl Lindsay Pierre Jim Adam Luch Chouart Bill and Brule Frank Poplllon also making the trip will be Christine and Miriam Bea ton who will portray Peter The minimum donation for a scat plaque is in a single lump sum payment or by 12 monthly postdated cheques of each Those theatre supporters who do not wish to purchase a plaque but who would like lo make a dona lion through may do so by contacting any GLT member or by sending their donation to the Library Cultural Centre Fund Raising Drive Box Georgetown All donations are tax deductible as charitable donations The town will be issuing official receipts in tune for next years Income tax filing For more information regarding the purchase of seat plaques including the obtaining of pledge forma please contact one of he members of Ihe GLT Fund Raising Committee John Roe Mary Main Derek Joynes or Ashley Windsor On April the group held a phonathon which turned into almost a telethon as representatives of different community groups were interviewed against the back drop of telephone canvass ing That drive brought in about S3 in scat plaque sales and donations a second phonathon May netted about A third and likely final is scheduled for June In the meantime letters and pledge forms have been sent to fellow theatre groups belonging to the Association of Community Theatres ACT requesting their support ACT has already purchased a seat plaque Now seat plaque Bales open to all Interested It Is hoped that schools will follow the lead of St Francis of Assist sorority groups like Delta Beta and other such organizations not specifically committed to raising funds of their own To all those who have contributed thusfa George town Little Theatre sincere thanks They are and Judy Pom troy Walter In Barry and Patricia Cannon Jannltar and Michael Jackson Ron and Batty Hill Greta In RoMrt Lea Ktn and Ball Mary and David Main Ron and Dorothy Hunt John and Linda Re Pat and Nicola Windsor Family Vera Macdonald and Jo Haad Tla Hamilton Lemon and Cord Lemon Family Joseph Evtlyn and Duant Frerldit Harry and Rot Ins Law Milllctnt John and Llghtowlar Rlctiard and Marlon Hogan Jean Judy and Brian Robinson in Bar baraHocM and Mr C A Thompson The list will be updated for publication on a regular basis Implementing a new policy which provides recognition Tor Mick Holme Harold Towns ley Sam Trnnanl and town employe with years or more service council honored and from left rear Bern Van I- lee Ace tenmenMondaynlKhtforlhFlrdedlcallontolhecommunlty The Bailey Herb Red and Bob Lindsay men receiving pewter tankards and scrolls were from left front Town honors senior staffers By MAGGIE HANNAH presently chairman of the Herald Special Area 1 Firefighters Every community has tlon Mr Towns ley has been people who served it faith area manager in Acton for fully for many years either In years a paid or a volunteer position Sam Tennant Wellington and Halton Hills Is no Street Acton has been with exception the town outside works force Monday night council since he Joined the Acton presented mugs to members of Public Works Department in the works force and volunteer February 1954 He has just firefighters who have served retired as an area one Acton Esqueslng and George- volunteer firefighter after town and more recently serving more than 35 years as Million Hills for years or one of Acton firemen more Ron Ace Bailey Duncan The moat senior man on the Drive Georgetown Is the town outside works depart oldest active member of the Red Area two firefighters He join Churchill Crescent George- the Georgetown fire brigade town He started out as a in July 1955 and has served as grader operator with lieutenant captain and deputy IMS and district chief was assistant road TOWN OF NOTICE TO RESIDENTS OF THE TOWN OF HILLS I PR I NO CLEAN UP The Town Hills In cooperation the Regional Municipality of Halton has arranged lor temporary coo facilities at tht former landfill site on Armstrong Georgetown to receive spring clean up refuse transported to ill by private facimias will be available for on ins following Saturday May 1980 Tuesday June Noon to Thursday J una Noon to Saturday June am to Usa container facilities only will continue to be available to after above dates Bob Lindsay of Li joined the lownshlp roods crew In May 1W7 and transferred to the town in 1974 the arrival of regional government Mick Holmes Hills Fire Chief has spent 33 years with the fire department since he first joined the Acton fire fighters In June 1W7 He became the assistant chief about 1956 and volunteer chief in 1W1 When regional govern ment created the paid position of fire chief In Acton he took it Then when Georgetown fire chief left and It was decided to amalgamate the positions and have only one chief for Halton Hills Mr Holmes was chosen for the position Alf Duby assistant public works superintendent for Halton Hills has been a town employee for years He started out with sewer and water section of the Acton Public Utilities in August 1951 Two years later he became superintendent of sewers He became public works super intendent In I960 when the Acton public utilities commission became Acton hydro and the town got sewers and water Bern Van Fleet of Nelson Court In Acton has been a volunteer firefighter for years He has been a captain assistant chief and was district volunteer chief in 1ST7 He is also chief of Beardmore fire department Leo Synnott Klngham Hill Drive Joined the Acton firefighters In February Wayne Kelly Willow Street Acton Joined the firefighters in April 1953 Harold Cameron Street Acton Joined the fire fighters In April 1953 He Is AIR CONDITIONERS Model AC 501 Trill Btu unit coots up to cu ft and comes with a 5 year warranty During the first five years after the date of the original purchase wiH repair or replace any parts which become defective in normal use free of charge to the purchaser Service cols and labor included While Supplies Last Only 229 95 AVAILABLE AT GOODLETS DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN 8772551 Do your cleaning now I 20 0 F ALL DRY CLEANING AVAILABLE TIL JUNE Barragers Cleaners Ltd Guelph St Georgetown of on and two puce ilyUi plains ami pattern from 2Q up A- 00