Pane 2 A HERALD ffedaeeclay Way It ItM Awards banquet Town to recognize citizens Over ISO men women and children from the art and apart world will be honored by the town of Htlton at a by invitationonly banquet for helping put this community on maps through their contributions In their fields Mayor Pete Pomeroy and council will be on hand to congratulate all those who made a year for the to remember and be proud of Those receiving awards are JONATHAN CORNWBLL Racing HURLEY IfTf TiraiU Doubles yaan DIXON Ontario Cup Playoff Champions IAN CLARK Canadian Junior Cross Country Champ BOB DAN I ILL World Track Championship Field BARBER and JOHN SOU Pairs KEVIN Skating Town Of HA Hon Hill MARJORY Arts Contribution to Town al Mutton Hilii RALPH Hallon Ml CHID WILLIAM H Hi PRANK HOUSTON Track and Plaid CHAPMAN junior B Scoring Champion Acton Sabre Cold MIKE DIXON 1771 Track Common wealth Trial CLIVE LLEWELLYN CommonwMlIti RICK nn Canadian Open Wrestling Championship DOUOLAS Boy of Canada HBATHIR CLARKE 19TOFSSA swimming inOFSSA swimming BANTAM TEAM 177B world Championship Teresa Lorlng flradlng Carpenter Carry Julie MeCerry Joan Archibald PUR SOCCER Beatrice Youth Challenge Cop Boo Howie Oram Eric Clark Blake Harrison Jerome Stone Tom Brian David Nick Art Sweetie Michael Sweeiie Kevin Gllinple Scott Murray Rob Gary Humeri Ron Glenn Br I Hon Scot Harris Senior Ian Clark Jon Lancaster Arnold Fergus Barnes Jim Allan Donna Karen ACTON MAJOR ATOM HOCKEY Harvay Pat chamberlain Trevor Wiliarns Campbell HORNBY JUVSNIL SOFTBALL ifrt Ontario Rural Soil ball Assoc ion Donna Stewart Leslie Water Waters Carol Raid Esther MacNaughton Diane St John Karen Brush Waters Nora Water Shelley Mary Lou La Carol Ann Laldlaw Earths May Bert Stewart Terry Brush Dave Leslie into CROSSCOUNTRY TEAM First Place Teams Midget Olrls MacPha I Susan Debbie Newman Kim Newcombe Webb Junior Sandra Heather Reed Ola he Jones Ramsay Midget Boys AUrk Eurd Herald Gary Hulbert Stewart lure Doug Gillespie Junior Boy Doug Smith Jim Les Oram smith Robbie Sandy Waite Berry Bob Bob Rata CHRYSLER RAIDERS 171 Intermediate A Champions Ray Evans Scott McKtntle Chris Milne Pat Ray Tonelll Peter Ron Twits Sturgeon Doug Juri Tom Daley Cordon Ron Fogs Bill John Boyce Stave Bill Humphreys Bluntly Archie Chase Terry Porter Jack Handy Gerry Ingllt Bob Hooper Tom Marshall Finn Stan Lerutso Dave Terry Harlow l7e ONTARIO BANTAM WRESTLING CHAMPION FORMAL SUDS Cathy Kuchmash and Kim MacLeod were hist two of many Undents from Georgetown District High School who took part In a car wash Saturday and Sunday outside proceed from the car wash trill be used to help finance the school formal Some of money will be to local charities Herald OUCH Enn of Georgetown was Misted onto a stretcher by Georgetown Volunteer Ambulance attendant alter car involved In an accident Thursday afternoon at the stoplight on Gnelpn street at the Georgetown Market Plata and the new Hills shopping centre The other driver Michael Wlecxorek of EtoWeoke was not Injured photo Apartments ready The Acton Senior apartment Elisabeth Street will be ready for takeover by the Hal ton Housing Authority his week Authority representative Dolly Moolden Monday that letter will be going out I the applicants for residence a soon the paper are and the It officially completed to let them know the apartments are available ltTS CANADIAN SCHOOLBOY Albuquerque Kevin Frank Mike Mike Taylor Chris Menhir Ken Ward Bill Davis ONTARIO PEE WEE CHAMPION SHIPS under II years Steve power Savage CANADIAN SCHOOLBOY FREESTYLE ton Diego Calif Doug Gillespie Mike Bob Coach Jim Hall GDHS math students among best in Canada Energ picture chan More nuclear power coal in future By TAYLOR Herald Writer Toe turnout for Energy For urn B0 Sunday night was maJ but then the theme for the evening was Small la Beautiful The concept of small being beautiful in waa the Innovation of economist Schumacher and la the of one of his books Members of the guest panel referred to work several times during the discussion and the evening began with a film which outlined philosophy Members of the guest panel were Liberal energy critic Ju lian Reed regional who also a member of the Solid Waste Management Committee William Stevenson a repre sentative of the provincial ml of energy and a member of the Porter Commlsaion on Electric Power Planning Co lin MacFarlane a represents live from the provincial Mini of the Environment and John Mitchell a member of the Rural Development Out reach Project and the Energy Task Force STUDENT The forum was organized by the Mission and Outreach Committee of St Andrews Church and the moderator for the evening was Arlene Calla A group of students asked questions of the panel relating to the energy Issues The movie presentation which started out the evening was a National Film Board of Canada documentary outlining some of the basics of Schumaker philosophy The fundamental premise that an economy need not continue healthy The most commonly held economic view is that economies must grow continuously or they bee owe stagnant Several members of the pa net commented in support of Dr Schumaker at the end of the film Our problems can be solved by taking a small view Johnson said Mr Reed said the challenge the people at the meet log conflict between creature comfort and a de sire for Individuality carry within us Inside each one of us that longing for reflection of Schumaker a phi losophy he said One of the from the panel a request for Stevenson to predict the chan ges In the global energy pic ture over the next JO years Thats very thing to do Some are easy to predict he Oil ac counts for onehalf of the world a energy requirements now and It will account for less than that years from now Were effectively running out of oil North America Is moving dirty Stevenson Such tar sands oil and shale oil are more costly and difficult to produce but because of u shortages In conven tional petroleum supplies these fuels will become more Important Coal win also become a larger and larger part of the energy and have a way to clean It up Or Stevenson and sir both predicted a timted reliance on nuclear- produced power We In Ontario have one of the most nuclear Intensive so cieties In the world and that will increase Stevenson said Mr MacFarlane said nu clear power has a number of advantages and He mentioned the fact thai it Is a cleaner fueling system than coal and that there is a lower payment In terms of life because mining coal Is a more dangerous occupation The major disadvantage other than safety problems In the plants Is disposal of live waste I think we see a greater reliance on nuclear power Mr MacFarlane said The question of the safety of nuclear technology was also raised Stevenson and Mr Reed said the Porter Commis sion and the provincial Select Committee on nuclear techno logy found that while there were undeniably risks they were on the balance accept able risks In the minds of the committee and commission members Dr Stevenson said the commission looked at the alternative which for the mo ment is coal and found the dangers of coal to be more Immediate and more sive Add rain Is the current cause for concern among ma environmentalists and one of the panelists asked what the government la doing to solve the problem There are more questions than answers about acid rain Mr said The main problem with acid rain Is that there are two cause fur dioxide and nitrogen oxide and no one Is sure which is the bigger villain The problem la compounded by the fact that two separate methods would be required to reduce sulfur dioxide and nitrogen t oxide If one were Installed It might be found that the other chemical was In fact the culprit he said Solid waste disposal has been an Important Issue In recently and one of the young panelists asked Coun Johnson how committed the region Is to construction of a resource recovery plant We ve been talking about a solid waste plant since J and I think well be talking about it until Coufl Johnson said I think the regional staff Is landfill oriented and some of the councillors are too Johnson said council lore from Halton Hills are as landfilloriented as staff pro vided the landfill site Is not located In HUla The councillors up here were upset when they thought the landfill site was going to be in but when Site came Up they ail voted for it The problem Is once the councillors have a 30year landfill they forget all about resource recovery and your children and ren will have to wrestle with the problem Coon Johnson said For all the bard work we ve put Into It I cant see a resource recovery plant unless we get some changes In coun cil or some changes In tude Georgetown District High School has a considerable wealth of students talented in mathematics according to a press release from math teacher Sheens Kewley After finishing first among schools entered In the annual Euclid Math Contest In Peel has gone onto a tenth place finish among the 90S Ontariowide schools involved and ended up overall among the schools entered across Canada LATE DEATH NOTICE CROSBY nee Ford Daughter of the ate Cecil and Louisa Ford wife of carl Crosby mother of John Jimmy Andy and Slsler of Thomas Herbert Jack and Steven Ford Fife and Bonnie Funeral arrangements lattr WHOLESALE PRICES On amity Und Can Tracks Bank Terms Available WILSON CAR SALES Off pm MS Mail St N cti Sunday evening at St Andrew a United Church They were left to right Juilaa Reed regional councillor BUI Johnson Dr William Stevenson Colin MacFarlane and John Mitchell A panel of composed of Janet Bams Linda Hipp Alan Reed Mary All worth and Dong Hannah asked questions of the panel I LABELS FROM YOUR MAILING LIST fllA 8778664 4562226 EUROPEAN PAINTINGS WANTED 1930 par top cash rot mom OF Bator Victorian Inttrlora Saatcapas CONSULT THE EXPERT BEFORE YOU SELL I R I C SI Toronto MIR ATTENTION I JOTS GAL FRIDAY SERVICES HAS OFFICIALLY TOi J Personnel A OR FOR OR WORK IN ANY I GIVE US A CALL 8771356 SPECIALS Buy Now and Save SAVE ON TV STEREO RCA HITACHI SHARP FBHIR AIWA I EXTRA A FREE EXTRA with BONUS BONUS CABLE CONVERTERS models to choose from LOWEST PRICES on track TDK Ham XHE BEST BUYS MASTIRAND DEUI ATRIAL ROTATORS I towns The school ten member math team Includes three students whose final tallies placed them on or above a per cenlile and added their district honor rolls Doug Fisher the school top math student finished second In Peel and 30th in Ontario while Derek Ferguson was filth In Peel and Louise wan 13th in Peel The contest resulted in both the school and Doug Fisher being placed on the Ontario Honor Roll and the school s name added to the Canad an honor roll Other team members were Susan Cathy Hope Robin Jones Herb Maureen Jenny Smith and n Thompson The contest was based on per cent multiple choice and per cent full solutions the latter of which were marked on accuracy completeness and form saajwa BOOKS CHRISTIAN BOOKS RECORDS GIFTS STOCK REDUCTION SALE OF RECORDS TAPES PRICED AT 3 FOR OR EACH an NEILS MUSIC LTD OPEN Tuts Saturday A Instruction Sheet Music Rentals IN Street Come to Church finest In VHP TOWIRI Channel Cater Meads CMvatlen Amplifier stems E CHAN NIL BRAND to yew ST JOHNS UNITED CHURCH OF GEORGETOWN AND GLEN WILLIAMS REV OR HALLCTE LLEWELLYN Sunday June 1 Ma nam WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THIS AUIANCE CHURCH Main SI S PASTOR PETER RALPH Sunday June IM Sunday School Morning Worsnip Evening Service A Everyone Welcome Ralph mi MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Georgetown EDWIN H MITCHELL Telephon Sunday June Family School Morning Worship Re affirming our Message We Preach Christ Risen Coming Again COMMUNION Evanlng Fellowship Sharing in blast I not of Our Sermon A Sample Servant Expos I lion of I Thtsse Ministering to Children IS YEARS LUTHERAN CHURCH Windsor Road Carol St Vacancy Pastor REV ARTHUR Sunday I Lutheran Hour ST GEORGES CHURCH Anglican REV Sunday Jim TRINITY SUNDAY Eucharist HALTON GOSPEL TEMPLE OF ON NICHOLSON June ltr WO Buses To Serve Rao ton m Momlns Worship indoor Camp THE DISTANCE DIFFERENCE Genuine Healings Baptism The Holy Spirit True Repentance Salvation Cnarasmatk Workshop A WELCOME TOTALMINtSTRY TO THE WHOLE FAMILY CHURCH FOR COMMUNITY