Pale THE HERALD Wednesday May ma Blaze destroys barn and contents Herald Special Haiton area era were called out to a bora fin May IS that destroyed structure on the first line owned by David Cause of the fire which destroyed hay and a few chickens has not yet been determined Are chief Mick Holmes said A tank truck had to be brought in from Georgetown area to give firefighters sufficient water to combat the flames A snowmobile and trailer parked In the barn was also lost No estimate damage was made Hilts firefighters were also called to a house fire at noon Sunday when pipes from a kitchen wood stove started a fire In a wall which spread lo the attic of the house on lot Concession The house owned by Peter Sac tor of Toronto and occupied by the Anthony Kitchen and Robert Schofield families Damage was estimated at Chief Holmes said there was no insulation around tha pipes where they went through the wall Motion annoys member Herald Special Town council won t be deal ing with resolutions sent by councils from other lilies any more unless a member or council wants bring It up for discussion A resolution from the town of Exeter asking other munlcipa titles to support Its call for an expression of national disgust over the Russian govern killing of GO school children in Kabul Afghani was the last straw for Mike Armstrong He asked council last Tues day evening If there I some better way of screening letters sent to council matters as Russian atrocities In Afghanistan should never get Into municipal politics he said Deputy clerk Delmar French pointed out that the letters are addressed council and thus council has to see them It was decided that future resolutions from other munici polities will be included In councils bundle for Informa only and It will be up to members of council raise the issue If they wish to support any resolutions in future Breast exam clinic The Canadian Cancer Socie ty and medical professionals In Georgetown are sponsoring a free breast examination clinic this Saturday from 11 to m at Georgetown Hospital Registration and Is at the Georgetown Medical Centre All women In Haiton Hills and surrounding communities arc Invited to attend the free BSE clinic Transportation can be arranged if necessary by calling A short film on breast self examination BSE will be shown and then a nurse will make certain that the pant knows how to perform BSE correctly Finally a local doctor will conduct a private and confidential examination The purpose of the clinic Is to detect breast abnormalities and to teach women the proper BSE technique and to encourage them to practice BSE monthly According to Valerie Kumar medical advisor to the Cancer Society early detect ion with cancer Is the answer and with breast cancer tbe beat chance of catching It in its early stages is for women to examine their breasts once a month BSE could save your life Last year women In Ontario learned they had cancer of the breast the highest cause of mortality in women Yet If breast cancer la detected early before It has to the lymph glands five year survival rale is per cent The best method of early detecting according to the Canadian Cancer Society is BSE Women may If they wish For more information about the clinic please call the Societys office at S Wealeyan Street 11M COMMUNICATION think about it MAY IS HEARING AWARENESS MONTH YOULL DO BETTER aWl FOR FRESHNESS AND No Grada Florida Tendar Goldan Swaat CORNONTHECOB 99 California Yellow Flash Sweet First of tha Peaches LARGE sin Dole or Chiquita BANANAS No 1 Grade Ontario Long Green Seedless Cucumbers Imported Packed Fresh Dally Spinach 79 BURNS STEWS 24Hoi tin 99 Embossed Printed Styles Assorted Colours LADY SCOTT of riffs Our Regular 1 B0NITA TUNA Macaroni Cheese KRAFT DINNER 269 Instant Assorted Varieties ROYAL PUDDINGS Mini Assorted Varieties NESTLES PUDDINGS tins 99 Long Spaghetti or Ready Cut Macaroni Detergent CREAMETTE QQ IVORY PASTAS LIQUID plastic Bread N Butler or Kosher Baby Dills Assorted Flavours Asparagus Fern j CRYSTALS YOU DO better WITH health beauty aids and general merchandise from Toothpaste Regular or Mint Flavours CREST Our SAVE BOOT OM TAJ ASSORTED TYPES 450 mi plot ml rnt Shampoo 550j SMASH LOTION Brute 33 Tablets Eveready Batteries 149 NYLON Garden Hose 499 tail YOULL DO better WITH Jane Parker bakery features ENGLISH MUFFINS JANE PARKIR CHOCOLATE Brownies 149 JANE PARKE PLAIN PICO OP Cake Donuts 69 JAM PARKER PIS Apple Pie 119 SAVE Fancy LIBBYS TOMATO JUICE 59 Our A PICNIC FAVOURITE LUNCHEON MEAT 99 Assorted Varieties DEL MONTE FRUIT CUPS a I Our Regular Price SAVE Instant Coffe PURE CORN MAZOLAOIL Action 522 Scott Napkins 149 KOUHNS ACTION SOS Pads 99 PARTLY SKIMMED VAUtno action tin Cottage Cheese 119 vAinmn jar Coronation Relishes 69 action VAinmn Pep Dog Food 289 m tomato action ALFHAOTTt TM Libbys Pastas 3 100 TASTERS C POWDUb3 KM TH ACTUM Javex Bleach cnrjAL actton men Bran Crunchies 99