Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 17, 1980, p. 12

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Community Ballina Seek support for boys soccer By WINIFRED SMITH Herald correspond ot Several ladies from this community joined other diet some relatives when they met lit the beautiful home of Mr and Mrs Lea Dryadale at Brisbane recently Mr and Mrs Joyce Sprowl entertained a June bridetobe Vicki Lynn Polo at a miscellaneous show er There were about pre sent Including the brides mother and her Aunt Blanche and cousin Debbie Miller from Toronto VlcklLynn Is well known Celebrate 60 years of marriage Herald Special Gordon and Violet Bowcn of Woolwich Street Guelph celebrated their wedding anniversary day with party in the Acton Band Hall The were married May 17 1930 by Rev MacLeod minister of Parkdale Presbyterian Church and moved to to begin farming In Shortly afterwards they bought the old Murray farm at Acton and formed there until they retired In I960 here as she spent much of her childhood with the Marshall on the Eighth line who are her grandparents She thanked all for lovely presents she received Mrs assisted by her two young daughters and the other ladies Mrs Miller and Mrs Sprowl served a dainty lunch and happy afternoon came to a close Residents were saddened and shocked last week when they heard that the farm home on the Sixth Line was burned down It was the former home of Mr and Mrs Jesse which they recently from The property is now owned by Mr Beatty The house was not occupied at the time as 11 was being renovated There are now four fad soccer teams In action for this week as the 1980 season gets underway The boys have been Ing hard for about six weeks and an now ready for the competition In the Georgetown house league in the squirt and atom teams The mini squirts will of course be enjoying the opportunity to develop their skills in the noncompetitive coaching sessions The squirt and mini squirt teams will bo playing at field and the atoms at All the boys would appre ciate the support of residents throughout the com season There is an additional place available in the squirt team for a boy born in Any Inter parents please contact one or the coaches Ivan Bird or Colton Family and friends gathered at the home of Frank Smith to honor him on his Hi birthday May The supper complete with a large birthday cake was served on the lawn The weather was perfect which added to the pleasure of the occasion The sacrament of baptism was celebrated during the church service Sunday when Mr and Mrs Robert Pinker ton presented their infant son Alex Pinker on for baptism Previous to baptismal service the junior choir al though small in number sang a beautiful anthem under the direction of Mr who also accompanied them on the organ Following the child rens story Martha Lewis sang a beautiful Inspiring solo with Eileen McEnery at the organ These musical lions were very much enjoyed by all present Mr Stiles introduced the guest speaker Gordon Young representing the Hills Camp of the Gideons Interna In Canada He was very informative with message and had some beautiful Bibles on Linda Is expected home from Georgetown hospital this week where she will be recuperating from re cent surgery Glen Voulz of the village Is also a patient in the George town hospital We wish him a speedy recovery YEARS WED Myrtle and Albert celebrated so year or marriage Saturday at the Lawn Bowling Ctab Family and friend gathered In the club home Saturday evening to wish them well Herald photo TAKING THE PLUNGE It may have cooled off somewhat since theo but Saturday nip to It but these four decide to take the plunge all it once The was a hot day The rivers and streams In the area were crowded speed their In the water was matched only by with children trying to keep cool Most or them paddled about la of their exit Ihe shallow trying used to the water which still had a cold Herald photo by Lorl Taylor Seasons last social event will be this Friday evening ELECTIONS JUNE I at pm Imperial member Bob Bowman has passed on to me this information or an upcom ing social evening the Imperials last of the season This will be May Friday at They are calling it THE SI NIGHT and you can pay at the door Your DJ for the evening will be Norm Eyre and you are Invited to come along and have fun at the liveliest shew in town Come and learn the Chicago Swing the newest line dance from New York Get a group together and plan on attending this Friday Got a chair or chaise lounge you want rcwebbed Now is the lime to consider having it done at ARC Industries in Hornby They do a very good job and you have many colors lo choose from Please leave items at the branch clearly marked with your name address and phone number They are delivered each Monday and please pick up at branch Prices are for a and for a chaise lounge This service run by friendly Frank King is not only for branch members but for ail who wish to take advantage of a Job well done My my I counted 33 at our general meeting last Thursday and li of those were executive members Secretary Lynda Wright read minutes from last general meeting and two executive meetings to bring all members present up to dale on branch business the past month All chairmen gave reports Gib Telford Ways and Means comment on Wednesday Night Bingo Good Job Gib and all your helpers Membership chairman Pat Chamberlain reported members paid up hats ordinary members and honorary members paid up There are a few In both categories that are not paid up and of course they DO NOT get their membership card or keycard until they do and they must ring bell to get In as does any non member Please see Pat before our elections June as there Is NO way you can vote if you paid up Don I lose that special privilege HOSPITAL VISITS Sick chairman Denny Wright gave a thorough report on visited those in hospital and those that have come home Sam Glsby In Georgetown hospital probab ly home by Ihe time the paper Is out Bob Dunn home Fred Hue Georgetown not too well Percy King George town coming along nicely Herb Robinson home Bill Korzack home and feeling much better Ken Jackson one of our most recent members St Michaels Hospital Roy Georgetown Hospital Walter Louth home Jim Murphy Milton Manor he and Maggie doing OK William Milton Manor the same Doris borne Bruce Collins home Ed home and doing very Legion Lines By Roma Timpson well Mike McGill home and would enjoy a trip to the branch occasionally If any one can oblige Mike please do We are happy that many of you are home and hope that soon all our members will be much better First vice Norm Ward had a duty Thursday when presented to President Harold Badham a Certificate of Merit Award Harold ing been away on Legion business our last Honor and Awards night missed out at that tune and was caught unawares on Thursday Joe speaking for the Air Cadets says that another Garage Sale wilt be held and this one is July at Norton Cres or Bill Moore If you have something that needs to be picked up or you can take it over to Norton Cres May car club winners were 425 Ed Stafford 294 Buster Wood Jim K Telford Don Cook and 106 Madeleine Collier For the week of May the winners were Flo Malbeson ill Flo Walker and M C Da vies B6 A Nicholson and J Home economist wins a Dresden Plate quilt By Mrs JOHN BELLBODDY Herald Correspondent Last Tuesday evening members and eight visitors met at the lovely home of Mr and Mrs James Carney on Walker Line below Milton for Iheir Family and Consumer Affairs Womens Institute meeting The new president Mrs opened the meet ing with the ode and collect Mrs J McPhail acted as secretary in the absence of Mrs John and gave last month minutes and the Roll Call which was answered with What I serve to pec ted guests Mrs Alexander gave the report of the District Annual at Old Mends gather for Memorial Day GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY and Wilfred Breen celebrated their Seta anniversary Saturday with an open for family and friends the Liens Hall Herald photo By MRS AW BENTON Herald Correspondent Presbyterian Church was filled last Sunday morning when Memorial Day service was Tbe choir sang two anthems and hymns Mrs AJ Benton provided accordion music for the final hymn at the cemetery Rev Peter Barrow gave an Interesting talk about cemeter ies in southern Ontario and delivered a abort sermon as well The ladies served a plen tiful lunch afterwards while acquaintances were renewed by folk from Toronto and the surrounding country side John Benton and Lynne Bus were two local public school students who enjoyed a bus trip to Ottawa last week sponsored by the Hamilton division of he Canadian Auto mobile Association They took part in a mam moth traffic stopping national Jamboree parade of uniformed safety strong from serosa Canada They visited the bouses of the Governor Generals residence he Museum of Han the War Museum the Science Centre the at the Civic Centre and saw the musical ride by the ROM Three full days I HiUcfest May then Mrs John McNabb drew the winn ing ticket for the beautiful Dresden Plate quilt the ladies made this winter and the winner was Nancy Schmidt Home Economist for and Peel Mrs Treviranus reported on the officers Conference she had attended end Of April then called on Mrs Bruce McClure for the program Mrs Ford Introduced guest speaker Mrs Carolyn McDonnell who is National Director of the Beef Association on the role of beef animal in human nutrition which stress how the cow Is important to the human race by the grass it consumes she then demon strated with a sixpound roast how four meals can be made when you can cut it up into different ways yourself Everyone enjoyed a taste of the beef strips with tomatoes she prepared Mrs John Bird on the violin with her daughter Carolyn on the accordion delighted the ladies with their musical numbers Amazing Grace the Voice in Ihe Old Village choir and Ashgrove Mrs Harvey gave the courtesies and after singing O Canada and W I grace meeting closed with a social Take a look at the following names nominated last day and If you feel you know someone who could fulfill the available positions for the next 12 months sure you are out to vole for them this Sunday June 1 President Ward Badham P Chamberlain D Wright For 1st Vice G Telford W Smith Bottoms D Bell Clarke Eliiolt Tut Harrison 2nd Vice M McLean Henry Hale Wood Mallabon Executive 4 needed Bradley A Bowman S N Monk J Gilchrist Lewis J Golden J D Chamberlain Also If you dont see a name on list be sure you are there to nominate the member you feel will help Branch for next 12 full months Mr and Mrs John Rowley from York England are visit with and Alice for a few weeks We warmly welcome Janet and John who have been to the branch and met many friends of the Mallabons They tried to tea a new da nee to those In the Lounge Saturday evening The Farmers Wife Elected members of the Auxiliary to other positions are Kitchen Convenor Anne Nicholson and Sick Convenor Edna Appointed members are Banquet Conve nor Marg Clarke Pianist VI Hewilt Bazaar Monk Entertainment chair lady Liz McNellly with Watson and on committee As Sgt At Arms Marg Clarke will have five standard bearers to call on when needed although only three are needed at one time These girls are Jessie Johnson Marlon Carney VI King Joanne Cole and Helen Cloutler These ladies would appreciate your full co operation in the next year so where and when you can help please offer Jan will recalling you for banquets but there is a lot more to help with As you know Branch sponsors the Royalettes and as a rule for the first home game it is the custom for our president to appear with the girls along with 1st and 2nd vice presidents This year was no exception as President Harold Badham Itched while Pat Chamber iln was at bat and Norm Ward held the position as catcher Ted Wllkea introduced to bis assistant Glen and to his team of Nancy Janet McKay Dea Ruther ford Joey Bennett Jennifer Barb Curry Michelle Gies Becky Haloneo Diana and Monica Pollock A great bunch of girls wbo have done us and themselves proud many tunes SECTION A THE HERALD Wednesday May 2a IBM Page I ON THE HOMEFRONT My memories of Auntie By SUSAN DE Herald Columnist It Is a strange experience reacquainling yourself with a relative after a year absence with a lady whom you once knew as intimately as your own parents My mothers sister Auntie as she is affectionate ly known amongst the family Is here for a threeweek visit with my parents As both my brothers and parents have taken Intermittent return visits to the homeland only yours was the unknown quantity for her to rediscover along with my husband and children My initial reaction upon meeting her was one of shock II was as though time had rolled back years and It was my grandmother once again standing before me so closely doesAuntieDnowresemblcher mother Here was a lady I had looked up to and suddenly I was confronted with a lady who barely reaches to my shoulder in height While I will not tell you her age suffice it to say she is into her seventh decade forgive me Auntie if I am giving away any well kept secrets and she has lost none of her sparkle and lest for life Always having lived in a country setting In what is probably one of the most scenic areas of England she is an active leader In her community She runs the weekly whist drives the bridge nights is caller for the regular bingo addicts and is never too busy to sit down with her grandchildren and listen to the newest rock albums TOWN GIRL Visiting Auntie D and my cousins during Ihe summer school holidays was always a highlight of my childhood As a town girl a passion for animals the country setting suited me to perfection Saturday was market day and my cousin Janet and I would head off to absorb the sights sounds and smells of the open arena where cows and horses were auctioned We would gaxe at the pigs and chickens for sale and long to purchase caged rabbit whose unhappy future was undoubtedly the local butcher shop Puppies and kittens were plentifully available while flowers and a profusion of vegetables were attractively displayed to tempt purchasers equipped with string shopping bags For the rest of he week there was the open countryside to explore by bicycle and a nearby field of tethered goats lobe petted We pulled of lush grass that lay beyond their reach and placed It before their steadily chewing jaws and if we stayed late enough for milking time a Jug of rich warm milk was the reward for our Oh the beautiful golden days of summer childhood with secrets snared and explored between cousins over a mutually purchased can or sticky sweet condensed milk delcctably spooned out beside a gently running stream Meanwhile Auntie D has taken to Canada a vengeance She counts the number of llghtbulbs In each dining room light fixture turns off light switches jealously exclaiming over how much the electricity would cost her at home leaving my parents to fumble around in a suddenly darkened apartment She revels In the unlimited amount of hot water for baths reluctantly ascended to the top of the C N Tower hen refused to come down because she enjoyed it so much She has seen Stratford Niagara Falls had lunch at the magnificent golden Royal Bank building in Toronto with my sister in law and has partaken of her first barbeque at our house She has met kind strangers who have welcomed her Into their homes and has left them In turn with a refreshing viewpoint on the comfortable way of life we take for granted Just as memories of Auntie D have supplied me happy memories I hope her far loo short visit here will supply her with enough events and lories to keep the village of Dursley Gloucestershire agog for weeks Refugees are guests atCWL meeting Two former Southeast Asian families now living in Hills were special guests of the Georgetowns Catholic Women League at a meeting held May IS in Holy Cross Church auditorium Sponsored in their recent immigration by the Holy Cross IndoChinese Association the Dang family from Viet Nam and the Vongsavath family from Laos were introduced by Mary Tucker and Brenda and were presented with household appliances on behalf of the CWL Member Pauline Miller also welcomed special guests from the CWLs Hamilton Diocese Council including president Dona Noonan third vice- president and resolutions convenor Helen and corresponding secretary Monica McColl The new executive for the coming year includes dent Helen first vice president Siena Van second vice Pauline Miller third vice Julie Varricchio secretary Trudy Edwards and treasurer Willi Marg Wilcox introduced Carlos Domlngos his wife and daughter and presented Mr with a calculator in appreciation of all the work he has done Tor the CWL One of the guest speakers Helen Chisholm said she hop ed she would see a good turnout of our members at upcoming CWL convention which will be held at the Holiday Inn Hamilton May 30 to June 1 As In previous years it was unanimously agreed that pens will be presented to the Grade graduating class and would be given to the best girl student at Holy Cross School The sum of will also be given to the best girl student In the Grade class at St Francis of Honors BA for Donna Brown Donna Lynn Brown a gra duate of Georgetown District High School will with a four year Honors Bach elor of Arts degree In English and Communications in cere monies to be held at Convoca tion Hall University of Toron to June IB Donna is the daughter of Ellen and Don Burns Honors BM for Frank Mandarino Frank Ma received his Honors Bachelor of Mathematics Degree In Computer Science at the University of Waterloo recently Frank Is the son of Mr and Mrs Anthony Mandarino Delrex Blvd in Georgetown

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