Home of Halton Hills Page SECTION A THE Wednesday May 14 1M0 A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Street Georgetown Ontario WILLIAM Publisher PAUL DORSE Editor DAVID Advertising Manager Second Clan Mai Rflftrrt Nvmbtr Old Georgetown may come of age with parks plan Ah what a leisurely languishing future we behold once oil supplies ore restored for town council has some ambitious proposals for the relaxing ahead and even Bell will see to some of our recreational needs Last weeks Herald was filled with from the recreation and parks department two public meetings were held concerning the new master plan for the towns needs and Ma Bell came up with the magnanimous gift of a playground for the John Street area Offered we note as a mere guidelines for the development of parks and recreational facilities from now until 1990 the master plan devised by the department and its consultants In terms of bigger and better estimating a rough implementation cost of 3 million For this relatively low capital output we could find ourselves several notches up the population scale with three new major ball diamonds one new In termediate diamond one new football field and five new Intermediate ones six new tennis courts two outdoor skating rinks a lengthy system of hiking and biking trails places to swim and picnic and just tons of open space to run around In Sounds like a bargain especially for the towns prime urban area of Georgetown Everywhere you look in Hills these days people have started seriously speculating on future development rookie merchants Joining veteran builders for a teteatete on topics as diverse as housing and reclaiming and renovation While council has consultants forecasting the future of the Highway 7 corridor through Georgetown shopkeepers in Acton are trying to coordinate a downtown beautificatlon scheme for their business core Others suggest com prehensive development schemes for the Silver Creek valley and envision new roads crossing traditionally landlocked properties to open whole new patterns for traffic and commerce In one of its more impressive scenarios the master parks plans foresees a winding web of foot trails which would tie urban centres to forested semiurban parkland and open rural countryside We feel that specific projects such as this one would not only do much to enhance the of the municipality as a community In the minds of trail users but would help the master plan on the whole make the twin communities of Georgetown and Acton come of age we are witnessing another level In the towns progress one in which civic leaders halted for the moment in phasing the towns outward growth concentrate on making maximum use of the available resources within The longestablished parks in Hills including the Fairgrounds and Prospect can continue to serve public need only a while longer Open space outside those areas can ana should be put to better or more active use by citizens We see the master parks plan as a highlyfunctional guide to realizing these goals goals which will take on more im portance to the average citizen as these trying times become less and less affluent Recreational facilities within moments of ones home be promoted in a simplistic frugal fashion on the towns part as a necessary objective of municipal service Letter from the Editor Paul Dorsey Danger signs in the mail Did six million Jews die In the Nail chamber or not The question la raited once more this week in one of the more eyeopening pieces of mall to reach The Herald in some time this one circulated by Ernst Zindel in the form of publicity brochures for the Concerned Parents of German Descent glaringly Illustrated with red and black type eagle symbols and yes even nasty swastika Partially a reaction to the recent decision by Canadian solicitorgeneral Kaplan to allow Nail- hunter Simon to his vocation of vengeance here and partially an outcry against the TV movie serial Holocaust which Zindel Is a complete fabrication this literature Is more alarming to me because It perhaps reflects societys dangerous lilt toward right wing sociopolitical policies To be sure Zindel examines the current mid East crisis in terribly rhetorical terms but severs his allegiance to the American cause there by scoffing at the US for seeking European assistance 40 years after it allied Itself with the Soviets to battle Nazi Germany In a commentary entitled The German Viewpoint he writes We fought Communism ten miles from the Kremlins gates and left 300000 dead antiCommunist fighters in Stalingrad while the Soviet empires American allies areabombed the civilian populations of our cities In a war against our wives mothers and children We remember the vicious hypocrisy inflicted upon us at Nuremberg by the Soviet American show trial tribunal Zindel goes on to accuse America of launching and fostering the kind of guerilla warfare It now faces In Iran calling the militant students of Tehran as American In tradition as apple pie The same mailout heaps praise on Olympic runner Jesse Owens but more because of his alleged admissions concerning the myths of Hitlers Infamous condescension toward the runner than because of the late Owens athletic abilities Zindel stales that Owens confessed before he died that Nail forces politicized and fictionalized much of what the West heard concerning the 1936 Olympics in Berlin There is an emotional appeal to Canadian legislators to do something about the way German- Canadians continue to be ridiculed because of the events of World War It repeatedly Illustrated on television as either bumbling oafs or murderous robots Then of course theres the Myth of the gas chambers Holocaust attempts to establish its documentary credentials by showing focus grainy washedout atrocity slides which have long been exposed as fakes by such historical research authorities as Fa urisson Where genuine these atrocity photos depict real victims of real war victims German victims of Allied air raids and European victims of the Allied hunger blockade The Institute of Historical Review In Torrance California offers for any proof that the Germans had gas chambers for human beings Finally theres an elaborate brochure making available Nail secret weapon art posters at each bombs planes cannons etc like World War II itself began as a reaction to the same kind of social problems facing us today economic Instability and political weakness While most Canadians will laugh at much of what Zindel has to say the majority do seem to harbor similar reactionary views on current global events witness the allegedly praise of the American public for their presidents botched Tehran rescue attempt These are dangerous times we cannot be seduced by voices convinced that war vengeance and other strongarm tactics are the answer to our problems Clowns and harmonizers how to hold a seminar Ottawa Report I Stewart MacLeod Ottawa Bureau of The Herald Not long ago a told me that the most lucrative business In town involves the selling of seminars You wouldnt believe it he told me Every day there are half a dozen seminars in Ottawa most of them organized by some outside organization at an outrageous fee He roared on I ve seen seminars on communications an the role of the public service on the treatment of war veterans on leisure activities on architectural landscaping on the equal opportunities for women children and animals This man who should know what hes talking about says government seminars represent our fastest growing Industry All one has to do he claims is organize a seminar In a downtown hotel set a stiff fee and it will immediately be filled with enthusiastic public servants After hearing this information I tried my best to find out some financial facts about seminars but 1 didnt have much luck FAST COURSE But in the course of my diligent research I come across a fascinating document Issued by the government and entitled Group Roles Handout What it is in effect Is a fast course in seminar observation There Is no point In going to a seminar It seems unless you know what to look for Anyway this nifty little government document starts us off in the right direction As it says the members of a group take many roles and knowing what some of these roles are will help us understand how the members of a group interact with each other It goes on to explain the roles First there is the And the document defines this as someone who makes sure group stays on the topic Next there Is the Someone who clarifies the Ideas which the group is discussing zer Someone who keeps track of the progress that the group is making and keeps the group Informed as to how they are doing Unfortunately no one seems to be keeping track of the grammar We also have the Information giver and seeker Someone who offers or asks for Information related to the group task The brilliance of these definitions Is awesome Isn t if And don t go away because we havent even looked at the less helpful group roles to watch for CLOWN OR JOKER A clown or joker is cleverly described as someone who distracts the group by being funny And a blocker critic or dart thrower is someone who blocks or criticizes things that the group tries to do We can assume It would also apply to someone who insists on playing darts while the others try to concentrate on the clown joker Heres one that worth remembering Quiet Member Someone who participates very little or not at all In the groups activities And dont overlook the Interrupter Someone who interrupts the contribution of others These are examples of some of the roles which occur in groups declares this daring document Hove any members been playing these roles In your groups Can you think of any other roles which have not been listed Yes I can think of a few but they apply to people who write documents entitled Group Roles Handout and they are rather unkind I would hate It If the harmonizer thats someone who keeps everyone calm were to wash my mouth with Civil service still growing despite McCagues cuts Queens Park By Derek Nelson Queen Bureau of The Herald Statements from Management Board Chairman George are a rarity in the legislature While an administratively vital Job if performed competently Management Board is low profile Mr McCague is responsible for making sure Queen Park spends Its money as efficiently as possible the government equivalent of a corpora tion accountant or comptroller But management efficiency not sexy politics so the opposition never queries and Mr rarely volunteers information in the House during question period That s why it was unusual when Mr actually made a statement recently doubly so in that he was responding not anything provincial but to a report from the federal auditorgeneral That gentleman said thai if the Ottawa civil service performed at only BO per cent efficiency still below the private sectors percent instead of Its current per cent onequarter fewer personnel would be needed US TOO The distressing fact about his report is that although it may apply only to the federal government it adds to the public perception that government cannot operate efficiently Mr McCague said In fact the Ontario government rather proud of how productive it is and while opposition have been able to dent it here and there the bottom line seems to bear Mr McCague out On Feb 1975 Ontario had 87109 employees excludingHydrotwhileonFeb this year It was down to Permanent staff reductions were not so severe but even there 1980 showed only compared to back in In the same time span the federal work force expanded 3 per cent adding people to an already swollen bureaucracy BRASS TOO Interesting too Is that Ottawas Idea of holding the line or cutting hack appears to be from news reports to fire secretaries and clerks Mr McCague claims a IS percent reduction in Ontario a senior management levels the number of executive positions dropping from to Since 1975 it thus appears we improved productivity of our work force by I per cent per year Mr McCague sold And when one takes population growth and new programs into account the cutbacks are actually quite remarkable Mr McCague believes the civil service is now at an appropriate level and only isolated pockets exist where further cuts could be made TOO MUCH Actually thats being as anyone whos listened to lowerechelon civil servants talk privately will confirm More than few drones are still taking up space at Queens Park amidst many hard workers But fat Is inherent In bureaucracy and no big operation whether government or General Motors can run without a bureaucratic The advantage the private sector has in trying to keep coats under control Is that corporations at least until Chrysler have to make a profit and therefore need to stay as efficient as possible Government because its a low proposition can expand endlessly All the more reason then to be Impressed that Ontario has held the line while Ottawas complement has ballooned sight The question opposition Liberals like to ask it how the numbers were allowed to blossom here in the prior to the establishment of the resti in program Haltons History From our files THIRTY YEARS towns oldest woman resident Anna who will be this coming September was honored at a special snow at the Rtoty Theatre last Thursday when a special Mother s Day program had been arranged Wheldon Emmerson was emcee for a stage program which included songs by Thomas Jean Harley and a quartette composed of Messrs Warnes Jim Burns and Charles Tyler University Tours presents an IBday tour of California and the Canadian Rockies Personally conducted Standard Pullmans throughout Grand Canyon Los Angeles San Diego San Francisco Portland Seattle Victoria Vancouver Emerald Lake Lake Louise Banff Best hotels extensive sightseeing For see it all A county rate of mills was established at the meeting of council last Tuesday In Milton The 1950 rate is over a third higher than last years rate of Reeve Kenneth Dick of Milton finance chairman presented the report in which it was estimated that the county would have to raise with to be spent on roads At the Theatre the most eagerly awaited motion picture In years The rest of the TWENTY YEARS Controversy over responsibility for fixing East roads appears to have been settled amicably On Monday Mayor Hyde reported to council that at a meeting between the town and Department of Highway officials Delrex officials Developments had basically agreed to bring roads to standards An unforeseen Increase in construction costs resulting in high tenders have left the hospital campaign total short of the required amount It was believed that the need for funds was over when the target amount was reached but the opening of construction bids revealed the original estimates were low by several thousand dollars Catherine Dillon daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas Dillon 1 Glen Williams was honored to have a picture of a negro head which she had sculpted in the Globe and Mall on May Miss Dillon will be going to Europe to study departing on May 24 A former Georgetown High School student Bill Is the new middleweight boxing champion of the Canadian Navys Atlantic Command Representing Bill floored his opponent four times In three rounds before the title fight was stopped in the third The small cottage at the corner of Chapel and Streets by the United Church came under discussion at the planning board meeting this week A local builder received a letter from Miss I Bessey the owner concerning the advisability of renovating the present structure and erecting a new one Ken McMillan Emery Street will head the Ontario Hockey Association again this year Mr McMillan was unanimously voted into a second term this week when the met to decide on their slate of officers for 19SMI TEN YEARS AGOOpcnlug date of the Golden Horseshoe Is the middle of June owner Carl told Esqueslng Council last night Monday The delay was due to the pending court case which according to Peter Bowman has been withdrawn temporarily Beaumont of Glen Williams ia In satisfactory condition in Toronto General Hospital after receiving a kidney Sunday from an lByearold Toronto youth the victim of an automobile accident The Credit Valley Conservation Authority will start no new projects this year because of a per Acquisition of new land for a reservoir development of the area just west of Georgetown and the start of a recreation area at Mcadowvole with a reservoir and pond were a few of the projects that had to be shelved A Halton County Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation executive said on Friday he has discussed pink listing of the County board of education with the provincial organization Paul Martindale of Acton president of the said at a mass meeting of county secondary school teachers that he had discussed both pink listing and the possibility of the parent organization entering local contract negotiations The Georgetown area has been designated as part of limited growth zone by the provincial governments design for development The 23page report was released to municipal representatives In Toronto The growth pattern for the huge Toronto- centred region puts Georgetown In a commutershed belt where recreational agricultural and other open space land uses will be retained to the maximum degree Georgetown taxpayers are faced with a three- mill tax rate increase this year despite higher government grants for education A residential rate of mills endorsed by council on Monday means an increase of lis per year for the average taxpayer baseball park almost a reality last year when council purchased poles and a lighting system moved a step backward Monday A council motion opposed only by Reeve Wm F Hunter sold ten foot poles lighting Imported from British Columbia to Wm Can- for less than what the town paid for them ONE YEAR AGO- Years of controversy may be over the Georgetown Public Library and adjoining property have been recommended as the site for Halton Hills new combined f 1 million arts and crafts theatre and library complex Subject to approval next Tuesday municipal officials will open negotiations for the purchase of three private homes on Church and Market Street which occupy part of the land needed for the planned foot complex and parking lot The payment of to assist in the restoration of Actons centuryold town hall has been recommended by the towns general committee After a lengthy debate Monday night during which allegedly parochial comments made by some councillors raised the Ire of those representing Ward 1 Acton the committee agreed to earmark in the towns 1BB0 budget for the project provided provincial grants were assured first The Cheltenham brick yard Is one of nine quarry operations the minis try of natural resources is expected to ask the Niagara Escarpment Commission to reconsider for development approval within the next few weeks Three civilians and two Regional Police officers were honored at the annual Optimists Respect for Law banquet last week The awards are presented each year as part of Respect For Law Week Nancy Kelhsm Margaret Beaumont Dr Alex Asheiunirat and Constables Tom Nicholson and James Turner each received commemorative plaques Schools have a responsibility to provide means for physical education but arent responsible for the fitness of the Canadian child Jack Richardson told Georgetown area school principals last week Mr Richardsw coordmator of physical and health education for the Halton board of education said the childs parents must be supportive of the schools work In keeping children fit or provide a model for fitness themselves otherwise the school wont accomplish much