Community Ottawa convention nominations made Our branch meeting Is this Thursday at Do attend for Ihc many discussions and you have an idea or suggestion now is the time to bring it up Auxiliary president Hazel Dumper asked that I re mind all the ladies who hint their name on the list to go to Bronte or the social thai the bus will be leaving the branch at 45 this Thursday Mar If by chance you are unable to go please let Hazel know so they won wail for you Have a good lime ladies Also Hazel says there are Zone darts in on Sal Mar Call Marion Carney as to Information re bus dtpar lure Enjoy and Rood luck to all At last week Auxiliary gen meeting Zone Command Rose Green attended for her official visit and gave a very enlightening message to those In attendance Zone Sports officer James was also present and it is always a pleasure to welcome these two hard working Indies to our branch After the mceling there was time to socialize and comrade likes to relax and enjoy the friendliness our branch offers President Hazel Secretary Flo Carswell and Recording Secretory Rita were nominated as accredited dele gates to the convention in September in Ottawa Sept to Marg Clarke Johnson will be carrying our flags and Barb and Anne Nicholson wilt also be attending as fraternal dele gates Stilt on Auxiliary news I am told by Jean Re Id Ways and Means members that two Interesting and different days are coming up The first being on Friday April 11 when the ladies will be having a jitney Bingo at 30 All pro ceeds will go to chanty and this is open to everyone who wants something different to do Cards are cents each so tell your friends and all come The next dale is a Spring Sale April lQlh in our auditor This includes a tea room bake sale arts and crafts and Legion Lines By Roma Ttmpson THE lit BALD March 19SS Page is open from llam to m Oil paintings ceramics stuff animals jewel Iry crocheting knitting will makt ihng attractive tabic for ill lo enjoy I do suggest you get there early to advantage of all the nice things it toblt NO you mu know by now that we will n I be having for Friday evenings So will have Bob In Club Room and the tver popular Mini Bingo Next in the Lounge will be Boots April 5 1 was more than a Utile last week when papers left out a pariieu special notice I had given them regarding our Provincnl Curling I spent considerable lime on it trying so hard not to forget who had In way in making the days so pleasing and so successful My thanks to The Herald for putting in the entire Legion column A of work went into Hi four days for which agim thank Mac and all his A most hippy birthday to who a vtry special birthday last Monday Greetings to all with special day also We from Branch mem bcrs auxiliary send our and very best wishes to our friends Branch on great occasion they celebrated last Saturday whin they burned morl gage Our President Harold Bad ham and Elsie were invited to join the glad occasion I understand they had most enjoyable lime beginning with a sumptuous dinner all speeches were In formative and interesting and that the entertainment was exceptionally good was chair man of the building committee and along with John Goy Bob Fred Allen Ed and James we ledge the years of hard work that has gone into your Legion building and know many members your en tire iry have worked I ard alongside you Again for a job well done A busy night in our branch last Friday evening when we hid the draw of money prizes plus Hit draw for the 1980 Cut less purchased from Murray Motors Al Telford won tar and we add our congratulations Be ginning at the SO winners were Hank Russell 431 Wright Smith H C Davison M Ritchie Peacock 258 Art Law rone Williams J Payne 130 Bent 219 Her Carney Clarke D Day IB W Hamilton 322 Car Al Telford 290 car club chair man thanks everyone who has helped since the beginning all car club captains and all who helped on Friday The next car will run exactly the same way with the first draw taking place April 3rd and ihe draw for the car will be Sept 10th Tickets are In the prlnl era and when they are avail able for members to sign then arc on our way again More names needed for the trip Wed April Do you your name on the list minute tour short film and buffet to enjoy after Leave at 30 Tickets are MORTGAGE BURNING Member of Royal Canadian 1eglon Branch 197 prepare lo burn the mortgage on their six old building at a special dltwrr in the hall Jrlday evening Committee members Mien Bob Angell John brunch president Legion members burn mortgage at dinner J v By MAGGIE HANNAH Herald Special Members of Acton Branch 197 Royal Canadian Legion had something to celebrate over the weekend when Ihey burned the mortgage to hall The six building committee members McCutcheon chairman John Goy branch president Ed Footiit James Fred Allen and Bob put the match to the document at a special invito dinner Friday evening or and special guests A second burning took Saturday evening for the benefit of the branch member The building committee pur chased 10 acres on Wright Street in a year after Ihc initial planning began Mr said When it be came obvious that spiralling costs were going to leave ihc organization facing a quite large mortgage the decision was made to put a plan of subdivision on half the land and sell it off as serviced lots The branch realized about profit on the lots and this helped considerably to cut the size of their mortgage The branch opened Its doors officially in September The building accomodates at dances and is booked for many local functions Including weddings The Acton Rotary Club and the use the legion hall regularly for meet while many other organ hold special events The committee had expected to have to renew the mortgage but things have been pretty favourable Mr said and were able to clear It Instead Branch president John Goy says the branch will be looking at making further renovations to building as funds be come available Among these changes will be the addition or a billiards and trophy room and some internal changes There Is also a plan to set up an remembrance theme in the foyer eventually Among the highlights of Fri day night dinner was the presentation of a meritorious life membership to Bra Ido for his legal service the branch The honor was granted by po mini on com Grandmothers attend meeting Irish songs highlight March UCW meeting SMITH Herald Mrs Edna Short ill was less for Ihe March meeting of the C It was held in the church basement on Tuesday evening of last week Due to the March school holiday ma families were away so the attendance at the was smaller than usual The dent Mrs called the meeting to order The roll call was Quote an Irish say Mrs Sheila Stiles gave Devotion which was The Gift or Love There was a short business session followed by the guest speaker Rev Stiles who spoke on the topic Healing Ministry A few Irish songs familiar to all were sung followed by the benediction Willn and Sinclair assisted the with lunch and social lime followed MbXICOIIOMDAY Mr and Mrs Bud Snow returned home last week from an holiday spent in The i family enjoy a holiday during Ihe school The Buckrcll children also accompanied by parents sent a few days in Mr Lloyd Marshall had some surprise visitors last Wednesday as he was a birthday Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs John were her parents Mr and Mrs Caver lev from Bosnian Manitoba Palm Sunday will be next Sunday March at all churches lo mark the begin of Holy Week The sacra of Holy Communion will be celebrated in Ballinafad church There will be a Good Friday morning service on Apil at a Cookie Week April 6 to will officially be Cookie Week in Hills Tic towns general committee passed a neon it indition which should approved by council next iy proclaiming that week Cookie Wrck on Monday risjHiiiM to remit from area Girl Guides By Mr JOHNBELLBODDY Herald columnist Tuesday March IB was Grandmothers meeting of Ihe Women Institute at Ihe home of Mrs George Bird with forty ladies present Of them were nineteen grandmothers Mrs J M Mrs Bird Mrs Clayton Wilson Mrs M Bird Mrs Picket Mrs Wilkinson Mrs Guy Wilson Mrs Robert Cunningham Mrs J Stark Mrs G Wood Mrs F W Wilson Mrs Ward Brown ridge Mrs Ha 1st Mrs Nurse Mrs J Carney Mrs McClure Mrs J Hunter Mrs W and Mrs Shore Mrs R Alexander opened the meeting a short poem the ode and Collect Mrs J McNabb read a poem to a grandmother seen through an eight year old eyes A pretty flower was pinned on the dress of each grandmother Roll Call was A pleasant remembrance of your grandmother and bo many beautiful ones were given Mrs J Hunter reported on the recent euchre The nominating committee to select years officers are Mrs Wilson and Mrs J Hunter Mrs George Ironsides of was present and judged the thirteen carrot loaves which had been brought and explained her reasons but snld they wee all nice and even The first choice she selected went to Mrs John McNabb and 2nd to Mrs James McPhail Mrs inson had the program and called on Mrs Guy Wilson for the The only old per son is she is no longer desired to lorn then followed a panel discussion by Mrs M Bird Mrs J Wlckson Mrs Bird and Mrs W Wilson about retirement from the farm As they told us its retirement some active service but still continuing certain things in life Each one Spaghetti dinners enjoyed by Globe carriers By MRS AW BENTON Herald correspondent Mr and Mrs Dan Porter and Brian motored to Ihe sunny south for a short holiday recently Kinsmen meet here Tin Kinsmen Club of tit tow ill be hosting the annual tonfertnee of Kinsmen Club on April About to 175 Kinsmen a around Toronto Mi ougn will be in attend with the year Id founder of the lion Ihl John president will it tin Tl guest for Ihe net will be Jot i from Ihc Grand Valley Foundation A ghlijjit of the cent will be of the K40 Club in K40 is a club for kinsmen past members tvr the who are no 1 for membership in tit club In Toronto Hall in Region left Jimltitlan 1 resident Junior Ontario Tom Milton hen live re from Ihr Op- tern Milton Paul It 11 il Miller of and I I I rrilttrul Junior farmm SORORITY YEAR The town general committee Is recommending to council that April 1980 to April 1981 be proclaimed Beta Phi Year In Hoi ton Hills The recommenda lion Monday s committee moiling ON THE HOMEFRONT- Secret fears become real By SUSAN one week and it Is going lo take an exorcism to remove the ugly Images churning around in my mind He all have hidden compartments In the recesses of our minds where secret fears and hide during the daylight hours only to unleash themselves as 1st and turn on a sleepless endless dream ridden night The fear violence lurks vividly amongst the other demons either through recognizing possibility ihnl we are capable of it if pushed far enough or of being on the receiving end Last week my brother has savagely beaten in a nightclub by a gang This huge gentle bear of a man has never raised a hand against anyone In fact as older sister I used knock a few misguided young heads together when as a pipsqueak he used to get picked on by 12 yearold bullies While he could never brag My brother is bigger than yours he certainly could and did respond with My sister can beat you any day Subhuman While John now out weighs and out measures me by a considerable amount I only wish I had been with him a week OR a futile wish undoubtedly but my rage at this violation of my brother as an individual is such that if I could only have been there to help him He is my brother my s son his young wife husband he is loved cared by many people John is respected across Canada in the television field and was in fad working at the time of this outrageous assault As producer and director of his own television show he wis taping a for his regular Saturday show club alone but for cameraman At some point and I do not yet have all the details this mob of subhuman individuals and how else can one describe them erupted into the club and chose as their victim the somewhat physically small cameraman John of course had no recourse but intervene and go to his assistance These animals and I use the word advisedly because I do not know animal species who this way sensed bigger game and united as a mob against my brother They broke his nose they broke jaw A finger was smashed they kicked in his teeth and multiple hairline fractures were savagely inflicted upon his skull their boots Both eyes were swollen closed and so forceful wi re that a distinct heel print of a boot was left Imbedded on side of his mercifully unconscious face John has a family and friends who have been sickened and revolted by this totally unprovoked attack All is shed helpless tears of rage and trust in the power off the courts put these people away where cannot do such harm to anyone else for a long time I do not care if they were high on drugs or alcohol I do not want the bleeding hearts to delve into sad and sorry childhoods and beg us to forgive them white forgetting the agony of the victim I simply them removed from society so they can never again hurl anyone else that I love or quite someone you love told of heir own activities such as trips they can now take knitting and crewel work and rug making quilting scrap books pul together hospital work One took a course in tailoring and box loom and had on display scarves and place mats she had done was all very delightful and Interesting and thoroughly enjoyed by every one A small gift was present to Mrs Vi Alnsworth for the grandmother having a birth day in March Mrs J M Wick son who has 19 grandchildren was given a small remem Courtesies were given by Mrs Hoist and after singing the W I grace the meeting closed with a social hour IODE Regent represents Chapter at convention The monthly meeting of the Countess of Strathmore Chap ter IODE was held on Monday March at the home of Mrs Freddy Burton The standards were placed by Mackenzie and Re gent June Ross conducted the meeting The minutes were read by Secretary Freddy Burton and approved and Treasurer Helen MacDonald presented the Treasurer report The pri purpose of the meeting was the d is burst of Na and Provincial Funds which was satisfactorily It was decided thai the Re should represent the Chapter as official delegate at the Annual Convention held this year at the Holiday Inn in Toronto accompanied by Freddy Burton and Joan Moors Final arrangements made for Annual Bridge party to be held on March in St George parish hall This yearly has become very popular with the community and chap ter is confident that this year party will rtpcat the success or former years The Anniversary Dinner will be held In April Neptune Restaurant and arrange were discus The meeting ended with The Queen and an enjoyable social hour followed with lunch served by the evenings tosses Peggy and Thelmn Wilson Mr and Mrs Charles Sin of Wclland visited his sister Mrs AC Patterson last weekend and all attended the wedding anniversary of their cousins Mr and Mrs Jack Sinclair of Willowdale held in on Anglican church there on March 15 Dr and Mrs J of visited their cousin Mrs A W Benton on Sun March 16 and on Monday Mr Alan Sutherland and son Hugh of St Catherines formerly of Newfoundland visited Alan left as a child of sue years and is now married with two grownup daughters and a young son Thirty four Globe I Mall car of the Georgetown area enjoyed spaghetti dinners served in Mcmor hall a week ago Bad weather interfered with the euchre planned by the I for March 13 Those who the enjoyed a friendly evening of euchre and the lunch that followed The postponed marathon will be on March with lunch following LIFE MEMBERSHIP Royal Canadian Legion Branch 1B7 President John I presented meritorious life to lawyer llraida at Ihr mortgage burning Friday evening The ward granted by Dominion Command la Ottawa recognition of Mr Braid to the branch In the property lo build Ihtlr new branch and In letting up the plan lohrlpdffray the mortgage costs Only non members ire eligible for lab rare Id photo