-877-5213- the HERALD Home Newspaper of Halton Hills big with Communltltt Glen residents unhap Firemen rescue two from Credit flood milt River overflowed it banks early Friday morning and caused extensive damage to the diamond and the House residence located behind It water wan so that firemen had borrow a boat from red it alley Itoat Co to rescue Mrs Grace House and her dog when they left for more pictures see page Herald photo by Taylor Region refuses to refund excess sewage payments Kit II Tit ASHE- Herald Staff Writer regional council is taking the position that the best solution to the problem of alleged double hilling of norm owners for sewer usage latt in Is to do nothing A recommendation th sewer rite firming method of II ILWI for the sc system and rcjectine rebates or Is ipprovcd length hen the i deb it for llitir sewer usage on heir tax bill and now they rt on their water bill I wire issued the beg of I sage included rst t wis I ted d la two months of en already paid ha Tl t Acton honors Arlie White By MAGGIE HANNAH Herald Special Acton Chamber of Commerce chose resident Arllc White as the town 1B80 citizen of the year Mr White is an active volunteer with several organ lions as well as being keenly interested In federal and provincial politics He is an enthusiastic bowler and an derive church member He retired from and Co Ltd In 1971 51 years after he began working there as an office boy From until his retirement he was foreman in the upper leather beam house and he still bowls with the league even though he has retired It was hen he got more free time that he began doing volunteer work including canvassing for the Acton branch of the Canadian Cancer Society for the past years Five of those years he has been fund raising campaign chairman He also canvasses for the Canadian Institute for the Blind the March of Dimes and the Canadian Society for Crippled Children 1 never refuse if I fun the time he says In fact when the call came from the Chamber Tuesday evening telling him he had been chosen Mr homo He was out delivering canvassing kits to captains and selling them tickets to dancc next weekend When my wife told Dave Whiting had called I figured I knew what he wanted Mr White said I sent out letters to all the organizations asking for donations and I expected he wanted to discuss the donation with me 1 never suspected il would be this I almost turned It down when he asked me If 1 be their Cilucn of the Year Then I decided I be letting down the people who were kind enough to nominate me and that t be right so 1 leccpted It was the last thing I ever expected Mr While says he t as active in St Joseph s Church as he once was He was an usher there for W years but he has let people take it oxer now He still visits the shut ins however Besides alley bowling Mr White enjoys lawn bowling and played both baseball and in his youth He is one of three surviving members of County Champion ship baseball team from has one daughter Joan living in Acton and a son Jcrr lives in St Marie Mr White and his wife have celebrated their wedding anniversary have six grandchildren and a great granddaughter J hills varied from to Burlington Coun Joan of the sewer rate committee said her committee rejected giving rt bates to homeowners because money given out would be recovered by a rite mere later in the We re Iomg to write each homeowner explaining the billing system and send them the committees report out lining by no rebates are lo be gum out admitted that the publics confusion over the billing system mi be traced to lhe poor public job Iht in explaining the Is it legal to charge for utilities in advance Burling Ion Jimcs Grieve questioned region solicitor Dennis when question by Milton Coun Bill Johnson said that he believed tit billing system is legal but that legal counsel for one of the municipalities disagreed I questioned our about the legality of the billing Mayor Barrett explained mc tint it was not legal Terry of suggested that the region reimburse homeowners with a flat for the double billing and then increase rates in July to recover the shortfall Coun suggestion would cost the region so Bonnie Brown said niter making some quick noted that the idtmnistntivc costs would be in additional There has been talk of a class action suit in Oakville Johnson said asking Mr if this is possible Mr responded thai a class action suit is a hut he had not heard of any suit being instigated The vote reconfirming the billing system passed by an overwhelming twenty to two count with the only opposing votes being cast by Barrett and Coun Terry Cultural Centre fund is launched by mayor Major Pete Pomeroy has started the ball rolling with a 50 pledge to the newly begun fund raising campaign for the proposed million arts and cultural facility Mayor made the pledge at Mondays general committee meeting shortly af suggesting that Ab Tcnnant and Rex Jr members building committee be cochairmen of the fund rnis drive At the same meeting archi lecl Keith displayed a model of his design for the proposed new arts centre The fund raising goal is Mayor said in announcing the plans lor the public participation portion of the funding for ihe complex The donation by Mayor was actually the se cond donation made Rex got credit for the first donation when he placed a dollar bill on the model The fund raising goal is an attainable objective He said that he and Mr according to Mr Heslop compared fund The way we arrived at that goals in towns with a figure was assess what similar population to could realistically be raised in Hills an area oar size Mr explained Dominion Hotel trial postponed Hi Writer The Credit River went on its late last peck mating in i spec a but damaging rise in residents called the worst they seen in When the itc in the hours of Friday morning the took the course of resistance and poured eastern bank into the eld Davidson homestead now owned by Ken and Gratt House dumping chunks of ice P la pounds the house and on the ill The was estimated to Im up to five feet deep leaving Mrs House by her self in her home Town works employees tried to re scue he with one of the trucks but the got stuck in the The fire depart rescued Mrs House the fnmilv dog late Friday orniiif aid of a boot Inane Ihe Credit ton panj Wolfe of George town lost his I he went to check on son trailers lie owns which ire in tin flood in hack of John Street apartments cheek on n and Jit in tl It push into pond and under a oer he 1 hid my arm trapped foot in the limbs of a ml until inn in my hind and Hut I came fret I sure J id be out of tht w ite r though Mr Wolfe who spent 11111 I in hospital inLs 10 11 1 fire the mil seme for their lelion I ve neier seen anything like it Mr Wolfe slid I don Hunk cm blame its been i peculiar ir we there arc a lol of unforsecn stances tint to the flood I Slim own- the louse on tie iwirlhe eorncr of bridge told The Herald tint the iter time up encr mil flooded his bast 11 40 cubic feel per second Wlui tie flood w iters lite the rile is cubit Cut per second rthofllc front end r Haulage the Mr- Hill- mil the tin fin mining most II 1 no this Ik use I don I Iniltoehop the ictbcrs ij to get Ihe k in Mr Shire sue it Credit Valley isuns tie flow rite of the lit River in Teachers vote on settlement ir ind or II ree I us wluli w ilehed luild bill I 111 in could tell Jin it it is In flood j Hi of lip week wire told In the it re he dredging dim this winter In pen lit eh nun I help illeuititle floodini It Mrs House slid How in Glen sidii hue fiitb 111 idnffiuifc I the win ill 1 1 look at it tint By HANNAH Herald Special Both the Board Education and its 1 secondary school I en hers will be holding ratification voles April on a tcntalive contract Agreement over the weekend A news blackout by mediator Martin Tcplitsky bans publication of the details until after It has been ratified by both parties The agreement reached early Sunday morning after a marathon bargaining session began Saturdav will call a halt to fears of a strike if It is accepted by the board and teachers members of Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation District Halton Hilton secondary teachers voted per cent In favour of strike action to back up their contract demands earlier this month a Her months of negotiations produced no The teachers members of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation District Hilton turned down he boards final offer in Thai offer would have given a level four teacher with maximum experience allow ince The teachers wanted a settlement closer to the provincial for new agreements reached during the past year That is about inges in the pupil teacher ratio mil in the retirement gratuity scheme were also in contention flood pi 1 our I mil nnd the river utilize find is whit I call 111 Mrs House said Ml ithorlty s it II medio ith but course would did them before The VCA s d the VCA would have done rent through tic of hindsight authority if Glenn I if done differently d on Herald Mlllon Provincial Court Judge J E C Robinson tenia lively set the court days from September to 19 as the dale for the preliminary hear of three Acton men with murder after the death of man m a fere which destroyed an Acton hotel last August The lengthy delay was ne cessary to allow Arthur Malo- who represents hotel Mercuri lime to recover from his recent and catch up on the wort by that illness Brampton lawyer John Smith who represents fendent Michael McCrystal told the court the case would require a lengthy period for disclosures In order to mini mile the number of witnesses to be called Since it seemed best run these days consecu tively rather than splitting them up two or three at a time he suggested the whole matter be set back to the fail Milton lawyer McWil liams represents the third fendent Leonard Cripps Captain Bryan figures winning the international Bantam Hockey Sunday was worth it especially when he got a kiss from Judy who her husband Major Pete In the presentation of grand champion Jaycee trophy beat out other teams to win the week long tournament More la faports Week Herald photo by Mark