Home Newspaper of Hills Iaj4 Wednesday Jnmry 1880 A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Kit Main Si South Ontario 11 1 1 I- VDOKIMOl Publisher IM I ROB Advertising Manager Second Mill Raglitrid Number Magnus Paulson consultant to area developers seeking to turn the old Chapel Street school into a rest home probably knew e was throwing a wrench into the works last month when he dropped a weighted hint in the laps of town councillors Little did he realize how hampering the wrench would be Have a look at the Municipal Conflicts of Interest Act Mr Paulson told council mysteriously when it became clear the politicians had no intention of approving the rest home The immediate result of the consultant covert warning was a cautious declaration of conflict by Mayor Pete Pomeroy followed soon after by similar an nouncement from councillors Roy Booth and Marilyn The three are council representatives on the Georgetown Hospital Board which continues to work on plans for a nursing home of its own Last week the guarded advice of town solicitor Ray Steele helped council push the confusion and concern over possible conflicts to new heights by which even Magnus Paulson must be surprised Council worries over the possibility that any affiliation with local boards and committeees might constitute a conflict of in terest when related items come before council represent a classic example of rules and regulations tying up the job they were intended to expedite While stressing that they were speaking largely about technicalities Mr Steele told councillors last week that it could be construed as a conflict for example when a council who is also a Legionnaire votes on a proposed parade route through town Similar restrictions face councillors who are also members of the town s two chambers of commerce several other in stances were cited The absurdity of the situation did not go unobserved Councillors acknowledged that they would be unable to follow through on much of the work before them if they had to take into account each and outside affiliation The Municipal Act is so all encompassing it turns out that it appears to have a section guarding against any and nil of law and fair Council of course cannot be expected to take any further action on the conflicts of interest problem Mr Steele assigned report on the apparent inequities will be sub mitted to Queen Park and probably ignored by those who pass such legislation After that councillors would be well advised to keep Mr Steele warnings m mind when items of substantial importance come before them in future but for the most part their reaction to any restrictions imposed by municipal conflicts legislation should be simply guided by discretion Few voters and ratepayers would complain for example if councillors risked marginal public concern and possibly some per criticism over an apparent conflict in the interest of getting their done quickly efficiently and to all appearances in the best interest of their ward and com unity A timely poem about Canada I Williams who is of the Nornlc Studio Performing and compiles weekly Arts column has con Iribuicd following poem one of slip has written under Ihe lump Davidson drawn the names of her two an eesiril families He feel the poem reprinted here is a ilmeh reminder during current He ion cam of the kind of virtues and spiril which led to Confederation and lo in support of our national unity I HI We call ourselves Canadians What does it mean to you A land of freedom open spaces Wildlife and maples changing hue rhe first people of this vast country Are pushed to corners small The Indian and the Inuit Their cultures stand tall We never really understood The early methods employed By the natives of Kanata The name the Indian supplied There in the far freezing North We see our brother We ignore his rigorous life style His art work only recently discovered Still in a short span of years We settled two old world cultures The British with their protocol The French with practical structures Once again we misunderstood The worth and contribution That each could make to Canada And build a bilingual nation Instead often lived apart Within our cultural ghetto Refrained from becoming a pot Remained a complacent solo Ethnic groups did spring up Across this great Dominion They brought their skills and dreams learned our language settled by streams Now the lime to look anew At Canada our country With many cultures diverse and varied Differences volatile will we remain free Oh the smugness of it all Complacence in business power Knowledge rose to shake a Province Building another language tower There is space across this land To respect two majestic for tresses To understand linguistic Construct bridges to link Canada possessions Force together with hostile at Will only break a nation Instead build spirit to understand The desires of others build good relations Leaders many beyond The money authority and future voles Think of i country broad and tall Mesh together your peoples hopes Canadians cast forth your arms Embrace Ihe exciting challenge raw Erect a stronghold of might Mold the cultures into mosaic tight Let us all join together Stalwart and firm in one accord May wisdom tolerance be our motto Keep Canada one we shout aloud HA ARC GtOMMA TO A Of AC Maximizing those conflicts of interest VIEWPOINT Soviet invasion recalls Hitler the time to cry wolf is now By We hove begun a period of unprecedented crisis when the dual settles the lace of our world will never be same Canadians arc found to be a pubhcolly indifferent lion No mailer what our views seldom do we lake issue so strongly with anything thai it our social lives A small example would be our political views How many of us would consider avoiding a neighbor because he or she Is Conservative Liberal or anything else lor that matter We have an unspoken live and lei live policy I mind my business you mind yours Ycl despite any aggressive weareslillas nationalistic and proud of our any other national If we had choose a single word we would choose com ycl il would be a grave error to believe thai our complacency is formed of indifference NAM In ihe United States ico a theme of Sixties was Nam Hell no we won go ok young people lost all taste for a so far away against on aggressor they even Identify Cana dian youth was never really a ir Today Identified nation as as States the rest of the free arid purl of that aggiessnr is and affects The aggressor con be seen stepping out from behind the Iron Curtain pushing a war machine before him as Hitler did when he first moved into Poland The nations of the world did not react to the beginning of the madman march shall history condemn us again for the same mis Those who believe that is another long term VielNam are sadly mistaken No matter how fierce the tribal alliances of the Afghan people they will be no match against the technology of the Russian military machine Russia has decontamination trucks in Afghanistan raising the possibility of chemical You can Del your bottom dollar that any NATO agree or any other agreement on how war should be fought will not be honored Just as nil agreements and treaties have been ignored in lime of war throughout history Russia policy has chinked since Marx first mentioned in world domination lb a fixed The American counter at of cutting off wheal sup plies or any other trade go has all the effect of wet on Russian policy Wc in west fear war the loss of our people Ihe horror war brings and most of all the nuclear holocaust Willie communis of IIil world have trained their youth towards the military we have trained ours towards the good life While the com ant has been diligently storing military harvest we the idle grasshoppers of the west have played on our fiddle of unrealistic dreams many other nations have left our defence lo the might of America as though one nation alone could tight our battles while our is protected from the reality of communist regimes Now we face a time of iruth Fit FDOM TO If freedom is lo survive we must quickly take a stand If the world at large merely looks distastefully at the invasion as just a politicil incident wo will soon watch helplessly as nation after nation falls lo a communist government Afghanistan is the beginning of a wir machine will continue to roll with or What con do I believe lhat winning my thing begins with an attitude People throughout story won against the greatest possible odds Winning begins with taking a stand first on the personal level next an the national level What wins is the mind of the winners becomes set in an attitude will not accept defeat no matter what the odds no mailer the price may be but the lime to cry wolf is now the flock his been devoured Then Is an old adage about the of a bow and arrow against a lank but a tank is merely machine driven by a man and a man cm be killed as effectively with a bow and arrow as any weapon What makes Ihe bow and arrow effective is the mind of the man wielding it The against suppression of ihe mind which is the ultimate communist weapon is worth any price any lenge Without freedom of thought you kill the human spirit and you ultimately kill humanity wolf Ottawa Report By Stewart MacLeod returns next week Government aid to ski resorts insurance against bad weather Queens Park itlur and if snow Infers fin inciat vihv not run or cold wt ither for Ski in Ontario are crying the fin Hue these days so the for mil II s Hit in fashion Hit lliciry seems lo be thai enterprise is real so long as one mokes my but jovcntment is heller during llu Inn limes Mild lick of snow arc hi lined by the operators for heir problem and resulting need for The government response is ilely noncommittal when the resorts should have jusl been told point blank that tax money was out of question Imagine the rush to climb aboard the train if the government yes If resort operators are to benefit Mother Nature was light on snow this year why not hotel and chalet owners restaurant euro bus lines or ski shop suppliers UN TOO Whal the government would be doing Is insuring the tourist industry against the us Hun incidental concerns is well It aid tie three of the ski s Ms lb it season is to against the onequarter reputing fairly ski conditions It mi in per cent would receive inn it In compete ik If Ins extended ilstlf li ilk id is II suffer bankruptcy I hi most I inn us ski resort in Ontario Win wis found ill Itv i mm who went three sin t Ins tiki risks with the profits Tints private is all that the com plaining resorts have not gone so far as to money paid to Hum by season holders who have nol been able to use snow less slopes The Is one the government is well advised lo slay far away from sot that one can blame the resort operators for trying Everyone seems to be lining up for a share of tax dollars these days ami ir too least the resort owners only want money for this In all the weather will revert to normal next winter But Chrysler Corporation for example is likely to be a bottomless pit Into which the HERALD Phone Haltons History From our files linn government is inclined to jne n losing in Ihe pin ill scttir should Hi rik of 1m1ji in North western Ontario hit tourist resorl needed a miserly few liiindiid thousand for the private Mr il rs lei put ll on its feet mill il liter nil the iivcrnment owns i d si is open THIRTY County farmer Nurse of Georgetown ended up i winner at the Provincial Tractor Dm mg Championship held at the Coliseum in Toronto January 19 Mr Nurse gained fourth place among the contestants from counties in Ontario who entered Junior Farmer Equip- Project For his skill in handling farm equipment machinery he was prc sented ith an Seat and a pnu money cheque Doughs dowdy a former resident of 1 imcln use and a of Georgetown Sehool Ins been appointed business manager Maclean Magazine Son of the late Gowdj who lived for at I before moving he Ins been minagcr of the financial Post since lM2 Grade students at Georgetown High School will soon have advantage of shop work home economics training Tile decision to have students go to Milton iwo half days weekly for courses was made a meeting of the North High School District board on Mi AMI Telephone and hydro poles came tumbling down like so many wooden soldiers at Ashgrovc Friday when i traclor owned by Burns Trinsporl I with wires hanging low across tie seventh line their most recent com if of ice The truck was just pisl the Ashrove corners when It Ihe wires aboullhe height By the time the driver brought the truck to ill seven poles on each of road had been pulled down Georgetown s reeve Sargent was elected County worden when council chose lis 1960 presiding The office whs last held In by Stan Allen now Indent of Hilton Centennial Manor A Junior Chamber Commerce is a if a minimum of young businessmen show interest I- of a Joycce organization was d a director meeting of the of Commerce last week Moore subdivision wos on the it Georgetown council Monday js surveyor Carr shiwed map outlining the new land use tint the map showed only the of future development and lhat deli comes later Questioned as lo why more industrial land Is not ntained in the subdivis on Harold lined that the government slid there is enough industrial land in town it present In serve a city of 175 and it will sanction too much more lion is transferring his rrif mil inlng business from Tori to Georgetown He has been his business in Toronto Rex dale and Weston districts for the oust thru vc While Queen Elizabeth wis in Canada this summer Mr liecseman was called in to Delia li in the ind upholstery In the plant it was used lor the Royal party trio Ihe north Tf v County Health Unit approved the and to be al the Golden I rstsh i Id Concession the issuing of a liriinl fir the tower and two bullions lo In use tin siniliry focililics a Idler infurn council Mon liov specnl milling of council will held Friday night at which both and opponents of the would no other business would Ik years is caretaker of Harry Savings retired Im tannine it the year ill but Hit last e iht vc hi solely fur g connected with tin Including culling the icres of grass grave digging and laying for monuments in Ihe an overtaxed imcrteiic irea wire symptoms of at Georfelottri and District Mi rin this ir Comment i if the ir end ripirt released this wuk I Fred Whit liktrsnd pressing the govern mi it for tin expansion which was by tie OUST in further lpproval has been received Ml The between the lint ino rm the owners HListMl wiisGlm Taxi ended Monday wilh tin verbal of Ontario In si I ixi members met to jsly ratify a which took effect Monday The which covers drivers owners urn roper dispatchers In eludes a number of items such as wages working hours About packed the id municipal centre last Tucsihv as if to verify by their number result i i reeenl survey which showed per cent Acton shoppers believe Shopping should be xTJinttcd to follow through with Its pnposal to build a square foot plaza on the community istern boundary A planned two- storey addition to the Murray Memorial in Acton will stimulate use of the and add a much needed recreational facility to Acton Keith president of the Murray Memorial MCA said the annual meeting Wednesday Mr said Ihe addition is only in planning stages al present but fairly tcnlalive dates for completion and type of facility have been determined The Regional Police has received the report by the Ontario Police Commission on the force last week but the contents of the report won t be made public until Ihe local commissioners have met with the to discus the report some time before the end of the month m