Larry WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER Home Newspaper of Halton Hills TWfcNTY PAGES the fullshe paper reaching more than 12700 homes la Hills Picke Up In P Trust still held Money deposited in a war memorial fund from the Trinity United Church In Acton in 1BZZ was turned over the Acton council and Ralph Denny of the church wondered if Hills Council had the money and the interest Pat said a few years ago he had been checking into various such accounts and assured Mr Denny that the money and interest was In a bond and he said the coupons haven been clipped for a long time The mayors secretary to report back to Mr Denny with the actual figures New offices Georgetown Independent newspaper moved Its offices last week from Mill Street to Main Street In the former Furniture store location Craft show Arts and Crafts members of Gcoretown present their Annual Exhibit at the North Golf and Country Club Oct There will be different types of crafts on exhibit and lunch will be available along with craft information Assistance needed The Brampton and District Labor Council full em ploy men I committee is opening Its offices on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7pm to p m to meet the needs of ihc working public who have questions about unemployment insurance workmen compensation Vol arc needed to answer phone calls Anyone interested should call Rill Cumpsly at Silver dollar winner Molly llurren of representing eounty in the Silver Dollar Competition held at won an honorable mention and silver dollars on a silver tray She also won silver dollars with her high scoring essay on the topic Public Relations Sells Milk Library board meets Hills library board invites anyone interested in the design problems of the proposed library to attend a regular board meeting Sept 14 at the Acton library The meeting will be held in the Watson Room at p Philip Brook will present slides drawings and models illustrating he design work completed to date on the new library Further meetings open to the public will held the second Wednesday of every Important visit Ronald McDonald complete with curls baggy pants and floppy shoes will be at the Georgetown restaurant on Guelph Street on Saturday at clock to meet his enthusiastic young Tans Book club starts Hills Georgetown Library is holding a fall readlrg club in connection with the Canadian Book Festival Each child must read five books from the booklist of Canadian Authors by the second week in November Children should register during the last Ihree weeks in September Scholarship award Christine Robinson II Georgetown won Bene Descartes Foundation scholarship University of Waterloo These scholarships are to freshmen mathematics students entering university Miss Robinson attended Georgetown and district high school Story hour story time for preschoolers aged five years old will be held on Wednesdays from la 45p m On Thursdays from 10 a toll 15 and from to 15 p On from to 45 p m In Hills Georgetown Library Film festival Four Canadian films will be shown at the Hills Acton Library on Sept 1G Sept Sept and Oct The first film is Volcano An Enquiry Into the life and death of Malcolm the second film Is Ordinaire the third film is Lies My Father Told Me and the fourth film is Luck Of Ginger Coffey Writer visits Richard newspaper columnist author and broadcaster win be guest speaker at the Local Council of Women meeting Sept 16 The meeting gels underway at 1 m at St George Anglican Church Street George to speaker A former Georgetown resident Frederick Hull will be a keynote speaker at an Alumni Seminar at Ontario Agncullural College OACJ Sept Dr Hull a world authority In the genetics of poultry will talk about the development of the agricultural college and its relation to the future He graduated In earned his masters degree from University or Manitoba in 1927 and his PhD in at Edinburgh Scotland In he earned his Doctor of Science degree and was awarded an honorary from the University of in 1974 The Royal Society of Edinburgh named him a Fellow in sister Jean Hull is a resident of Georgetown SUSPECTED RABID FOX SHOT NEAR GUELPH STREET A impeded rabid fox was hot in Georgetown lait week after it through a backyard on where five children were playing The children aged five to 11 years pltvinit inlne bark yard of James Bowles St and were called Inside moments before the fon was In a neigh whose wo children were playing in the backyard of the Bowles home killed the foi with a iholjun In a behind Company on Guelph children were I dm Michael Howies and Jumes Toohv and David and Nicky Varrlc- Ilr he returned home from wurk al about 3 met two men in front hi house who old him they had trailed the fan rum along Highway and that now In his back he hi then with a Shepherd In an field behind his The fox mucked Shep herd then for the lane- He said he trucked the fox in his car and saw poller officers firing revolvers at the animal wounding It in hind The fox Mr Ilr crossed thr road and shot It In animal control officer in Hills told last the head he fox has been sent to the department of and welfare Ottawa o be for rabies A report expected In about a week animal believed to moved through the area near Baylor Crescent Del rex Boulevard Guelph Street and Crescent pel Ice Superintendent said Ilr police are pleased to have Mr Varrlcchlo as in killing the II any residents of the area the fox travelled through suspect their animals may have hern In contact with the fox they should get In touch with the animal control of flee or their veterinarian Schwann said He said one family had to destroy Hi dog which had been In contact with the fox and another family has plat its dog In quarantine The incident a rabid animal in was about four years ago when a yearold boy survived an attack of hydrophobia after being In with an bent Sch wa laid Foxes are Dot unknown In the rural area around Georgetown be said but It peculiar to see them his far in town Should anyone inspect that they or family member have been in contact wit a rabid animal they contact the medical officer health the animal control bureau or the police depart- COSTS INVESTIGATED Hockey teams town to meet over funds of the the gorget Holders the hockey clubs discuss the ilion of Hit mjlltr it is t fin met com millet it Its hat two weeks ago whnlhi til hi issut needed input of the Council however disagreed and sen tht issue ick il s hiding Mr Thompson Us lie rangi Liquid lunch rumor studied The Local Council of Women ha an exciting lined up for its coming year president Gail will be held in SI George Anglican Church at 1 on Sept IS Mrs said the will work on several studies throughout its term including a sludy on high school students who have been reported be drinking their lunch at the local hotels Mrs several members arc con about the of these rumors Another study will be on women and the again pro cess and continuing to work on an on going study of Iran Public relations In the schoc I system isn t very irfect we plan to hold public meetings to discuss the differ of system Mrs Slid Also the council will invito the town planner Marl Vcndil II to Inform the women in the community of what Is planned for Georgetown and what is be available We don I want any unexpected surprises she said Also guest speakers will be Invited to meetings and d will be held on Can Pension mil Plan and money from ISO per hour depending on use Gemini are showing a deficit for the 1975 and the Sabres behind while Haiders which made no list broke even despite a 45 per cent decline in the last and a per cent rise in The alternatives facing the Include reclassify ing the Haiders and the as adult groups us ore the Sabres now which means the would save an mated and the Raiders ON THE MARK Trustees veto no pay Long suggests 10 cut School trustee Don Long has asked fellow trustees to take a per cent pay cut in the wake of failure of trustee It motion Thursday that they all serve without pay It is second lime trustee has moved hat board work without pay At Thursday s meeting the Issue only came up because Ihc motion was seconded by Lisle who said she intended to vote against it Trustee long in speaking against Mr motion trusties that a cut of Id per cent hurl anyone here Trustees earn if GOO a year and at they would still he adequately awarded Trustee I motion which asks for an immediate pay cut will be voted I said 1 feel I ve been hired by people and paid by the peoplt This is not a frivolous motion on my part trustee said I m more or less used to public bodies working with little or no remuneration He reminded however that boards of illy colleges serve- without pay and reject almost per cent the null on of getting paid following the failure of his motion to get a vote other than his own trustee ac used the board For the second time of having made up Its mind in advance If all the clubs were reel tied as minor sports groups tht would save about the Raiders about Si 354 and the Sabres about C Pal Patterson said he Is opposed to club spokesmen addressing committee Intermediate hockey is a private enterprise s the taxpayers mid nut have to shoulder the burden of to keep the He said tint Ihc Gem In is are the only club in trouble and suggested that they should drop down Junior C which would have the club competing with towns of about 15 population Instead of the wilh such centres as Hamilton and Burlington Out if Ihc club spokesmen in invited Patterson said he wants to know how many imports clubs are using and what they get paid Note thai ploycn are forbid den lo be paid for playing The clubs arc allowed nine imports until January when they must cut back to seven Peter Morris said he is opposed to the town hockey clubs director Glen said in reply to a question hit ice al the arenas could be rinled other groups if clubs could not He said the rates if inylhlng a little low In relation other municipal Twelve ycirold James of Churchill Road south Alton is prepared for the Georgetown Motor Sport Club and McDonald Restaurant Hills Grand Prix Soap Box for Maple Avmuc Sunday The young Acton has been taking part in soap box races n Ontario his summer and two weeks ago a trophy in Grimsby for the safest car entered The this year open to all residents of Hills en to will start at 1 at Holy Cross school Tax break coming Maybe might get a lax ik next ynr if he budget target set Inst week by regional count is mil Council overruled a torn mtltee recommendation ling lor per cent Increase in budget for 1978 and ap proved in increase only equal to the expected increase in 1977 assessment Whal the argot means Is that taxpayers will likely see no increase in the regional mill rate If the is reached The new target is a modlfica lion or an amendment lo the committee recommendation made by Burlington Ben Ciprictti Mr called initially for zero based ting which would have re appraised all regional pro grams I do not know how anyone on his council including my self accept a per cent Increase in spending and an increase like wc had Ihlsyear he said The regional budget in creased by aboul per cent his year over 1976 Critics of the proposal hold the mill rote in line say arc loo many variables in system These Include Mich provisions as charges on debentures he budgets of non control able agencies such is poll Child Aid Society and user vallon and local isscssmtnl In t Mr says hat if council a minimum might still be able maintain lis present level f service He allowed mollification of his proposed amendment council learned hat is much as 5 4 per cent increase in assessment is expected in flu ton this year Actual figures ore expected sometime later his Critics say the increase In assessment may be considerably less giving the municipality less work with Oak lie Coun Card said he region is In the old read mill just like the provincial and federal Everyone Is prepared budget for nexl year but he cautioned hat he prepared to be called The Messiah who will fate cuts He said council this year talked about budget cuts but when il comes to crunch you all caveIn Coun Carl that council can t have effective budgetary con trot when it also prepared lo seek greater capital projects financed out of tax levies Injury charges dismissed conflict of evidence noted Allegations hat Olympic Jim Day abused a 12 yearold show Jumping horse named Pied Piper were dismissed in provincial court Monday Day a member of Can gold medal winning earn at the 1968 Olympics In Mexico City hid pleaded not guilty Aug 29 to wilfully causing unnecessary injury le- he horse The charge was laid by the Ontario Hu mane Society It arose of two training sessions with the horse by Day June I and request of owner Susan of Misstssauga Witnesses testified that fol lowing an inspection by vctcr In irlans Pled Piper was found lute spur marks on shoulder and welts hree to five inches long over it sides rump and neck Also one eye on was damaged Dismissing the charge a gainst Day Monday Provin Judge William Sharpe said there had been a conflict of and the prosecution hid not proven Us case beyond reosonable doubt He said that although Day had spurred the horse struck it across the side of the head with a crop his object had been and discipline the animal Although these actions caused scars chastisement of he horse was necessary lo prevent Its habit of rearing boiling and twisting Judge Sharps added that there Is doubt about how Ihe injury to Pied Piper right eye occurred as a result of being struck by a crop While being ridden by Day or when the horse struck a bam The defence claimed that while Day was riding the horse was out of control and Day said In denee he would whip a horse on tho head and use spurs on Its shoulders only under extreme circumstances Jim Elder captain of Can ada equestrian team told the court that under he stances he would have done the same thing as Day You are talking about one horse In 10000 which present such difficulties Elder said ANNUAL ADDRESS TO AREA COUNCILS Region is a good deal avoids duplication Morrow By GEORGE Herald start writer Regional government Is a good deal Morrow chairman or region told Ballon Hills Milton Oakvittc and Burlington councils last week He said much of poor public acceptance of the regional set up could hove been avoided if the public and poll clans alike better knew of pressing need for local government change Our former county system was over one hundred years old he said It was designed service the needs of that time Now besides cars rapid transit sewage plants social services and police Is part of the fastest growing area of North America he told Hills council last Tuesday The former county did not have a legal or political framework which would permit local officials to effect solutions to our modern day problems chairman also tried dispell some myths regionalism The charge of duplication Is false he said formerly there existed eight separate councils Nowwehaveflve At that lime the were five separate police forces now we have one Wc had seven separate garbage dumps some very poorly controlled and hardly safe by todays environmental standards He said region s forces arc working lo eliminate any unnecessary that remains Regionalism in foci has brought some benefits In certain areas and given framework Tor Increased benefits for the elected councils capable of meeting the challenge The chairman talked bulk of his 18 minute address of bend its regionalism has brought In the area of planning the former municipalities did not have authority outside their borders so the growth many limes was based more on properly ownership rather than on proper use he said Under regional government wc now have the possibility of planning for he proper and effective future use of lands within the region He said that region wide studies In housing and transportation arc helpful to proper planning And for first lime in an ecological and environmental advisory commitlee has been established Through regional govern men I the province Is turning step by step more over the planning process especially In mandatory review of committees of adjustment and of land division commit tees the chairmnn said In the approval process which had previously been operated virtually no political Input by provincial civil servants now operates via Individual approvals by a regional council which represents Individual local munic ipultlics He said thai when the region completes Its first official plan minister of treasury economic and affairs is prepared lo urn even more power back to the region by giving Ihc right lo amend the official plan itself Mr Morrow said recently questioned the treasurer on the matter of returning responsibility of water and lo the the reply was that the provision for wnlcr and sewer services arc crucial planning tools for regional government development strategy Devolution to area municipalities would be a retrograde In that ment could then outstrip servicing capacity The region eon not pace development If It lacks control over water and sewer project Implements Resides savings generated by economics of scale In sewage reatment road and repair critical services viewed from a regional standpoint may provide them in the most economical and efficient manner ho said He said that the regional police force hat the basts to provide more effective law enforcement and has formed a network with neighboring police departments No longer can the of this region afford Ihe negative wasteful and unproductive members whose sole aim Is to return lo old system which was burdened wilh duplication and an over abundance of elected people the Irm a Id The problems we face ore serious and Immediate and only the work of positive commuted represenUt Ives will permit those solutions lo be implemented He said that only by a partnership between lhe municipalities and the region can a community feeling he developed