WEDNESDAY AUGUSTS 1977 Home Newspaper of Hills TWt FOUR PAGES The fullsize paper reaching more than homes In Hills 7 billion tons gravel needed After snowing sufficient for the preservation of the environment that It set up the Niagara Com mission NEC protect that environment from destruction through gravel pits and ries the Ontario government now says that the escarpment must produce greater titles of aggregate In future Government estimates pre pared by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources have earmarked seven billion tons of aggregate for extraction up lo the year with another billion tons as a highly priority resource for long range planning purposes The Ministry advised the Commission that the seven billion ton Immediate target would require the production of at least 30 million tons of aggregate annually incrcas ing to about million tons the year 2001 The Niagara escarpment planning area pro duced 26 million tons of sand and gravel in and the estimate for is million A recent report to the go vernment from the Ontario Mineral Aggregate Working Party recommended that at gregate production from the Niagara Escarpment planning area should be maintained in the future to the extent within the objectives and restrictions of the Niagara Escarpment Planning and De velopment Act and the lives of the proposed new Aggregate Resource Manage ment Act The NEC however com merits that is is having trouble reconciling the Working Par intent to relieve the sure on existing supply sources promoting production from sources with the Ministry calculation of ever increasing production from the Escarpment The Commission alms reduce rather than maintain aggregate production In lis planning area and points out that It was formed partly because of the threat to the environment posed by the pre sent supply pattern The Commission also ex pressed concern over the Working Party recommend that the Minister of Nat Resources be given the power to amend municipal official plans or bylaws to allow for aggregate extraction in municipalities which refuse to accept responsibility far a reasonable output of aggre gate Limehouse pits reopen The Niagara Escarpment on NEC has Issued permits for the reopening of two v side pits on the Sixth Lint Hills council learned week The grave from these pits will be used in the widening of the interchange at Highway and 10 Armbro the com on that section of the reconstruction will start hauling from the pits any time Works chairman Mike Armstrong said and they should be finished by the nd of the depending the Mr Armstrong assumes that truckers hauling from lire pit just above 17 Sidcroad will follow the Sixth Line down lo that road and then go east along 17 Sidcroad to the high wiy The route for gravel coming out of the pit just below is down the Sixth line to and then cist along it to the highway it a necessary project of course Mr Armstrong points out but wish they given us belter warning The permits are set up by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the inlstry of Transportation and Communications we don hive any choice 55 MPH winds Fierce storm tears through Halton Hills A Glen Williams woman removed her baby from the crib less than GO seconds before a tree crashed through the roof during a fierce thundentonn that swept through Halton Hills Sunday afternoon downing trees power and telephone lines In Its wake The tree made a six feet by eight feet wide hole In the roof of Don and Jodie Norton Street No one was Injured but an adjoining bedroom has cracks in the walls and in the bathroom the tree plcrcccd the ceiling In two places LAMB IS BOYS BEST FRIEND Four tarold Graham reaches through a pen to pel his own lnmb April The fluckrclt have a farm anil one of lam lis BIA laws change Legislation governing improvement Areas of which there is one in Acton and has says Dour chard Hills clerk administrator Mr made Ins re June at an informal meeting of about JO merchants and trim down loivn who had gathered to discuss dissolving the Downtown Business the effect ivenea of an advertising they have launched and the extra taxes the 111 is costing them The term of of the members of the board of management who are oil same is council term two Mr HIV Ilia the board of management haw seven numbers orf whom council ipfints fn m Its oah ltd members the rest no ted by the Now boards of management lie sue and 1 jre reduced to one Mr tint council retains the right to the bo of manage by by law without whlcl I the ill lift in in tut must supply the clerk a lor with mm of Us HAND CHEMICAL CO Fireworks shed explodes An explosion and fire ripped through D storage shed at the Hand Chemical Industries plant in Milton Thursday Ing afternoon shoppers In a mall yards away a fire works display which rivals the best holiday celebrations Witnesses at the Milton Mall on Highway said the explo sion and fire sent fireworks The fire which broke out about caused an unknown amount of damage Milton fire officials said It is unknown whether an Ontario Fire marshal Office invest gallon will be into the mum of tie fire The shed contained display fireworks and pyro technics which Milton Fire Chief Jim Coupon sa caused minor injuries to a firefighter and forced his men to concentrate on saving near by storage sheds containing similar materials Plant purchasing agent Art a company of who hid Ik to I shed only moments before the lic said i i discuss the type- of con tinned with the such information could bo el by the ir Armed He thcrr it pur used I i the re to be ma used for training or exercise to odd a re ihstic element They include thunder inlartilhrj sim ilator lire Chief Albert Clement the stored inside the building were a typo used by the air force as bombs They contained phosphorus Chief Clement he was concerned men be ng struck by flying pro jet tiles whith Just like an sol bomb and they fly all over the went up through the air like a kite occurred when firefighters arrived on the scene II was treated nil from hospital for Bob Kerr one of the first on scene said he hid learn he blaze to provide protection from his against the exploding bombs It was like Spitfires he said was under control within an hour The fire first time the Milton had an platform I l til is i car which they budgeted or W0 although all lint may not be spent year Acton tie halt applied for the ceiling sum which means each pay substantially more than thdr counterparts li the chairman of the informal meeting if the Downtown Business which was formed with express purpose of the MA should be dissolved In favor of the board of ii Criticism if the of the board and he identity of downtown was he rd Somi businessmen ft it there Is to way could make mcjnngful objection to the of management s poll if thej disagreed and that the seven did not r present the entire down It cm one of unci ipp to the board of and a downtown businessman as well suKjested that a future meeting lo held to review the of niinagemcnts pro gress Peter Pom troy like Booth a council appointee and downtown merchant that the group needed to so members wire aware of what is happening Hills council feels it has a group the board of management resenting the downti mtrchunu said The is do still have Downtown Business Assoc ia lion It mi and the Down toy Business will be held in September a which lime the issue may bo re Lawyer Monty Hyde a member of the board of man reviewed the brief history of the in George town outlined how it is spend its budget Half of that sum was for promoting the downtown through advertising and spe cial events such as Pioneer Days and sidewalk sates There likely be a surplus in the promotional account he said The balance of the sum Is split between manage ment costs used to hire a person part time to do the work of the board for consul to come with on idea for the downtown and on actual improvements Mr Hyde said the Toronto Paul was selected out of four consultants to come up with a conceptual type plan for the downtown tint will go before council sometime In August I- ifihl to ten parking islands ilunng a tree and benches are in the design stage now for the downtown Mr Hyde said Other improvements Include belter use of the downtown logo at entrances to the down town and parking areas and on banners The men were split over the effectiveness of their advertising campaign to at shoppers and keep In the but an overwhelmingly majority fell that the cam should change So for the campaign has been limited to an advertising supplement produced and tnbuted exclusively by Herald and merchants felt thit actual signs and posters would be better used as a continual reminder rather than a monthly supplement It was felt by some mer chants that the front page of the supplement should not pro claim sales but promote the downtown in general with bet ter of downtown logo Thii matter will be taken up by board of imnagcment at Its next meeting Milton fire fighters used floating thing like what the Hydro linemen use only platform Thursday to douse the flames bigger allowed an aerial attack on the ire It which destroyed a storage shed at Hand was purchased a year about Chemical Co The floating form some hosed last year Curious on lookers flocked the scene from tho nearby moll Tra is backed up along the town main thoroughfare for almost half a mile Smoke could be seen In Hornby four miles to the east and on Highway Deputy Chief Caul son the plant had a similar fire about two years ago which levelled another storage shed The cause of that fire was tied to a malfunctioning oven used to dry the phosphorus in some pyrotechnic materials that a similar cause is linked to the Thursday since- no oven was reported in use In the shed Hand In lustrics is on v the plant was manned by ski stiff Orange canvass in vain None of the business and professional men in Georgetown who were canvassed Thursday to form a club showed up at a meeting where members of the the sponsoring club were willing for them six members of the Kiwanls itself only a year old but already boasting 43 members pounded the rgetuwn pavement in the downtown tic plazas In starch or men the minimum needed to charter And although they felt that there was a potential of about men who would join to their chagrin they learned th it unlike their hometown whoc the shops shut up at p in business and professional men In Georgetown work until They have a room the North Helton Colt and Country Club tonight Wednesday and decided to use the intervening six days to continue their recruiting campaign There arc about In countries Jack secretary treasurer of the Eastern Canada and District told The Herald The district has clubs with members Membership open to all races creeds and colors he said but Is geared to the or independent businessman who can devote some time to the regular business hours Ml the money that a local club raises in a community is put back Into that community and not sellout he said eost of sustaining organization mes out of members fees which vary from about a jearinlirgt clubs No Kiwanian gets paid he Winds during the storm were reported at 80 kilometres per mile by weather fore casters Visibility was reduced to less than 100 feet during Ihe height of the storm Al the rear of Main St S in Georgetown a tree crashed down on the car of Mr and Mrs Robert Hamilton and on a storage shed as well The Hamilton were absent when the tree fell Bald their dought Mrs Betty Williams On Beaver Street In Glen Williams the wind storm top pled a great branch of Maple tree knocking out power lines and breaking a hydro pole Into three The ire which marks the property line between the homes of Mr and Mrs KarlH Mocschter and Mr and Mrs narrowly missed a home across the street where the residents were out Mr Moeschtcr said the storm was like small cane on their street Mrs Moeschtcr added that the rain was so hard it came In the house between two closed Streets and roads throughout were littered with tree branches and debris from storm and police were out in force Along west of Highway Seven Region Police worked until after midnight directing raffle since a tree blocked the road Officers answered calls in Acton where wires were down on Frederick Street Poplar street and Church Street In along Sixth Second Line wires were down and a tree blocked the Four and Fifth Lines A spokesman for police said Ontario Hydro was work Ing steadily and also worked on Monday to fix damaged Heavy winds blew roof off Ion bam ft 1 Georgetown and parts of the barn were found scat along the Eighth and Ninth Lines Firefighters were called but there was no fire Firefighters answered minor calls after the atom Sunday Deputy firechief Dob Hyde said Tuesday One was lo extinguish a small tree on fire at Mrs H J which had fallen against tho hydro line Another was Pickland Farms where a tree had fallen against the hydro line and a third Georgo Henderson Lot and Seventh Concession A Georgetown Hydro spokes man said residents in Glen Williams were without power for about two hours a tree on Beaver St fell on a feeder line A small number of residents In Glen WUllams were without power for four to five hours when a hydro pole was broken Since It was a long weekend Georgetown Hydro faced a manpower shortage the spokesman said and fire fighters were a great asset tho hydro workmen A fallen tree on Queen Street that broke a feeder resulted in residents of Queen and King Streets in Georgetown being without power for about IV hours Workmen of Ontario Hydro will be making permanent repair to a hydro lino on the Fifth Line spokesman said Tuesday A fallen tree caused severe damage to the line and workmen finish the job on Sunday he said Although damage was slue throughout Hills no injuries were reported A win dow of Supermarket in Georgetown was blown out during the storm police said Tuesday Trees blocking fie were lying across the Ninth Line Tenth large chunk of a tree on the Seventh Lino was still there Monday night he said Picked Up in Passing ROBERT ANDERSON In critical condition Robert l son of Mr Mrs Richard M Weber Georgetown In critical con did too In the latemlve care unit The for Children Id Toronto a hospital said at press time The boy bs remained critical since J ply IB when he was struck by a car on Dan can Street Robert sad his twin brother Chuck bad finished paper roate and were en their way home boy were of Centennial School and Robert is wellknown for his ability In wrestling fife f alternative Hilton Region council will discuss afteruse lives for the Site garbage dump today A special council meeting scheduled for 10 a will bear a consultant report on site planning of the proposed dump at Britannia and Trcmoue Roads Regional chairman Morrow said Friday the meeting will be asked to recommend on after use for the site three alternatives recreation agriculture and forestall on Ho said agriculture appears the likely choice of those members of council he met with and should it be approved then the University of will bo approached for liaison aid area municipalities will be asked lo consider providing disaster aid to Cobalt Regional administration committee members felt lost week that any similar action by the region would only be duplication two A May fire swept through the northern Ontario town destroying 5 million worth of homes and businesses accounted for about half the value Ontario has agreed to provide for each collected by he community Major pair review If you use any of the facilities of Bronte Creek Provincial Park on Highway between and Highway Five Ihe Ministry of Natural Resources wonts you to talk back The pork is In Its fifth year and the ministry has hired the research firm of GD Boggs Associates of to carry out a major review of the project Ills providing all users of the park with a tabloid questionnaire of questions Deadline for the questionnaires Is August 30 and summary of tho findings is expected to be ready for publication about the end of the year Yeggs crack letters safe Police said about was stolen from a safe in Zeller store on the holiday weekend The Job had the earmarks of a professional a police spokesman said at press lime The safecracker used a pry and peel method Instead of using explosives and entry to was gained by removing four cement blocks In a rear wall of the police who are Investigating Student militia at Camp Niagara training with the Lome Scots Hamilton Peel will meet nearly COD liensoldiers from Mill District at a summer Niagara on the Like Hamilton mlllUa will be perfecting their weapon skills August whereas students of Lome Scots will be at the camp for a month The Lome Scot students will return for a final week of training at the Georgetown Armoury In August Go Transit bans smoking Nonsmokers have won another battle Smoking on GO transit buses and trains will be prohibited January In the GO transit year lifetime smoking privileges have ranged from smoking anywhere on the train to a ban of smoking back to smoking in selected areas until new policy prohibiting smoking again