Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 8, 1977, p. 15

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The Herald Second Front Wednesday June Page The fullsize paper reaching more than home in Hills Reed calls for action on water in Norval along Silver Creek A LIST OF WHATS HAPPENING SATURDAY Speyside games set to go The only Highland lamea to be held in Ontario this month are the Speyside Games to be held In Georgetown Saturday Gomes manger Sandy soys the games drew about people last year This was quite a respectable crowd for the first time such on event is held This year given the same sort tine weather as last year he expecting to Only ihe Fergus and Maxvillc both widely known and longestablished can hope to draw much larger crowds The Honorary Chieftain Col Colin Macdonald or Guelph will officially open Games at p m Col Is the Deputy High Commissioner for Clan Donald In Canada lie is also a trustee of the Eilcan which is a committee of the David Stuart Foundation This body supports all sorts Scottish heritage events across Canada The team and wagon will be featured in the parade bringing the official party to the games Both Georgetown pipe bands will also In the parade Although was the first year for the Speyside Games they attracted dancers and 15 pipe bands in the four grides This year looks better Already Mr McAllan says it has the dancing and more ore arriving dally They are coming from as far away as Windsor and Michigan in iho west Hen Sound and the north to the east and Buffalo and northern New York State to the south Dancing starts at a and runs through o about m or later with most competitors doing three dances The massed fling is scheduled for immediately otter the official opening of the games Mr McAllan wrote to toodd bands in Ontario and Quebec Of those have already signed up to come and he expects at least 20 to be here or the games Four Grade 1 bands have accepted the Invitation and Mr McAllan hopes to see at least seven entries in that doss on Saturday Both the Toronto and District Caledonian and Clan McFarlanc bands have said they will n last s first attend the games Thevw and second place bands In Grade Tin Pipe Hand is also coming compete Grade 1 Andrew Pipe Band from Detroit toft winner is reluming Legion Pipe Band last year inner is returning This year they compete in Grade The Junior and tin Scottish Society of Windsor second third place winners in the Grade competition will In 1077 The Girls Pipe Band and the Toronto Girls Pipe Band alio compile in to John vice of the Canadian National Exhibit ion Scottish World Festival then are only our or fin ill girl bands in Canada Besides he Georgetown and Toronto bands there is or wis one in London They were invited to compete but Ihe was relumed marked address unknown The other ill sir bonds are reported to be in Vancouver and Nova Scotia loo ir aw lo consider inviting his means thai seeing two all girl bands one is something a novelty present there arc seven bands in the Gr ide competition Since there are usually 15 to members in i hand Mr expects there will be pipers on field for Ihe pipe band ire tip l follow the official opening band competition begins at and the four compel lions v ill not end in 111 iboul This year there is a trophy for Ihe best drum corps it will be judged on the field while the bands are competing In regular grades A solo drumming competition is also new lb and will be open to both amateur ind professionals II begins at a m The solo piping competition for and lomls is also lo be held in the The KaiShm Kir He Club of Georgetown will on demonstration of marital iim voir beginning at 12 15 During Ihe the Millon Club will put on a demonstration and Percy Cowan of Scotland will be back show inj off the skill of his trained sheep dogs The heavy will be interspersed with the hand and dancing competitions the afternoon So far this year Mr McAllan reports that only three teams have signed up for the he hopes there will be at least one more entry Last year the was won by a team of Brampton firefighters Ten entries received for the caber toss 1hosi of Chuck George and Bill Campbell of Hon Hills Tills jear caber is IB to feet long weighs about pounds Mr McAllan tells us Mike or Kitchener tossed the 37 feel inehes just inches farther thin George Mr will be bick this defend this title and the one lie earned for pulling the pound stone Mr wild new weights have been made for formers walk This year they weigh pounds Although entries have been received for the Walk Mr Is dlsippolnled to find that red Hiding will not be able to Lay year lie literally walked with the event by carrying the odd pound 47G feet Last year second place winner Bob is recuperating from spell in hospital and is unsure whether hell be able even lhoueh he plans to attend the games anyway Tossing the pound weight for height over a bar woundup as a lie between George and Al Mooring last year Both men heaved it feet ilway will be back this Mr says the games committee are enjoying tremendous help from the parks and recrcilion department and the town works department in setting up the grounds A 10 foot by fool stage for the dancers is being built on the grounds opposite the bleachers concessions been for the will sell from Scottish goods to typical Sc 11 is food will be by local churches and organ notions including Girl Pipe Band Liberal Incumbent Julian Heed wonts the government to stop pulling he wool over the peoples eyes and come to terms with environmental pro blems related lo the condition of the wells In and Ihe water in Silver Creek Heed challenges the validity of lea ling procedures of water samples in the river and told the government tan the problems seriously by implying the water In on all candidates meeting at Georgetown and district high school lost week Mr Reed said anyone crested enough in Ihe problem could check the For the informed visitor a brief look at events The Highland Games to be held In the Georgetown Fairgrounds on Saturday are the first of 10 of games to be held in Ontario this summer They will be followed by games at Embro on July 1 Cobourg on July Brantford on July Burlington on July 16 on July Max ville on July Dutton on August Bob on August and Cambridge and Fergus both on August Since the colorful traditions appeal to those of many nation nil tics the number and size of games being held annually This year a new organization called the High land Games Association of Canada started in Ontario in hopes of uniting all Ihe indiv idual games committees a cross the country So far only eight Ontario associations including the Hal ton Peel Highland Games As social on have Joined Mrs Betty Henderson of secretary of the national asso ciation says they know about games In other parts of the country and ore still trying to make contacts The actual beginnings of Highland Gomes have been lost in legend although It is generally accepted that they orginialed as a rude form of entertainment when clan chiefs called their men her for hunting military and to conduct clan business Since they were rough gam in their inception making use of whatever the men had hand the organ iters of the Games have tried to maintain that unsophisticated atmosphere Speyside Games committee member Sandy McAllon exp lains that thestones used in Ihe stone throw arc just what their name implies While other ces may use specially rocks to throw does not McAllan went Into a farmers field found a few stones ihot he judged to be of an ale weight took them home to the bathroom scales and chose the ones closest to the exact 18 pounds Likewise the pole used in the toss is just a rough log grove Casting the liar or tossing the caber is said to have originated among Highland woodcutters Caber is the lie word or tree trunk The caber is usually 17 feet long and weighs pounds though there ore several on lis origin including the suggestion Ibat men tossed logs from one side of i striam another instead of them ing i the logic explain the be the natural desire strong men to show off Iheir skill ind strength by compel against their comrades with the materials of their routines A well thrown caber must go once and ill is close is possible illy lie the We w int lo keep as close is possible to Ihe original idea of the games siys hi admits thai events like the k ill demonstrate Hi display indlhc sheep dog demonstration have been added lo hold Hie ion of less purist spectators Of the heavy events such as wur throwing Ihe weight for height and throwing the hammer whkh G imes does not only the behind the t Walk would pose a lounitul i spectators Since the were is parti as any other people lo using fills of strength lo show off their manhood included this in their gamrs While stone of strength In their contests was used for putting the stone the manhood stone was affair weigh between one and three hundred pounds which must lift onto a high wall This is a somewhat primitive concept modern sports apparently and thus in many North icun g title has been changed lo Farmers Walk based on the notion that farmers carried heavy loads and were virile males and a little about the dances too The judges are appointed by the Assoc in linn of Ontario and ire ill registered in According to Georgetown dancer Kalbryn if younrelrymt winning you should check their posture ly they point their toes lit ir grace of movemenl their arm positions Despite number of fe male dancers seen present games all of the dances were male dantes and until the last few years women were barred from performing them at certain games in Scot As in the case of kilted girls in bands the dancers in kills were frowned upon Use i type of peasant costume dress Ins relieved Iradliionihsts The dress is has i withered skirt i while with puffy sleeves and a liced weskil The girls go hire lt in dnnemg slippers fill lies The l- ling hi Sword Dance ind Ihe Se inn ire three dames seen regularly at although others m for more The fling is i million victory dance men put Iheir shields on the ind danced for joy on top of hem That is why the inee is performed in no spot Miss says Hi it it lakes three or four months learn fling it Is usually Hie first sludenl is laugh Some the sword dance ununited in when Mai e innurt crossed his sword over Ihnt of his beaten or Joy icross second story suggests that wis i dunce performed to muse the Iroops in camp ibe ijlil i The had be cautious owever f r If hey touched a word it wis an omen thai ihey In wounded In bat It icing sword fore lib for the diliueek sugeHls I Id llnsdincel ikes five month The needs five or six months to le Is mosl recent in origin of Ihe three performed reguhrly When kint weiring of kills iftcr the 1745 relielhon Ihe Scols turned lo making I Irousers to prove lo enemy that they him The and fool move minis show Iheir defiance of the spirit if not the letter of Kingsenmiinnds Hon Mac mid s a flowing graceful dance she is said lo hove performed in tribute to the departing Bonnie Prince Charlie Is sometimes seen games The Aboyne dress Is Ihe traditional cos lume for this dance since is a The Sailors Hornpipe ves a lot of symbolism from life of he seafarer while the Irish jig Is really an English parody on how they sec the quick temper and shifting moods of the Irish people these dinecs arc also seen as extras Ik sides the Ihree compulsory dances Fibres Supplies for I Knitting Crochet Weaving Macrame Handmade Crafts weavers Park Georgetown 8777421 Toes Sat Thurt GREENM0UNT NURSERY 32 Albert Street GEORGETOWN 8777473 QUALITY PUNTS AT PRICES BEDDING PLANTS Petunias Marigold Salvia Verbena Dahlia 80 Begonias Impatiens Geraniums Ivy Geraniums Tomatoes 95 60 VEGETABLES Cnlory Cabbage Onions Sprouts Cauliflower Broccoli Popper Eggplant PEAT MOSS FERTILIZER SALE fl I 4 It Man i J Hill I 00 lowColiln Manure I J So oonLownFertltlroi i So So iij hut Lang ASul ii tail FOR EVERY WORTH OF PURCHASE YOU GET 1 PINK GERANIUM FREE Wi lew ltd viable lends tilers and other JULIAN GETTING IN A VOTE Now that she bos handouts from all the candidates this Hills lady only has to make up her mind which one she prefers Her hrolhcr poppedher balloon her swiped her pencil and stuck herself with the button She stuffed back into the litter bag they came in and decided she glad she too young to vote log book which record tbe number of noun tbe bypass pump used at tbo water pollution control plant In Georgetown The Herald checked the log and discovered that since Jan 1977 tbe pump has been used total 109 hours pumping BOO gallons of contact sewage in lo the river The pumped to this bypass pump does not bypass the plant official stated emphatically but does bypass certain vessels of the plant and goes into a chlorine con tact chamber then Into the river The plant was built to handle a capacity of million gal Ions per day and now handles about million gallons During he heavy rainstorms a surplus of water runs into the plant Increasing the volume to a maximum of million gal Ions per day The water pressure builds up the off Iclal said and the water Is pushed through much faster which results In a shorter settling time than originally intended Reed checked the number of hours the bypass pump was used In February 197G and said ho was appalled He referred these figures to George Kerr minister of the environment who was Until he new sewage treat plant scheduled for 1S79 is Mr Heed said the problem will bo fled He wonders how much capacity the new will be approves Ontario Municipal Board Friday approved a zoning which would permit Investments Ltd to build a 1 development at River and John Streets in Georgetown The project was opposed by Properties Ltd a S McLaughlin winch has plans for a 301 acre development south of the Credit on Mountalnvlew Road The McLauahiln opposed all development on the grounds that sewage treatment plant allocation win laxen up ay developers thus leaving none or its planned development The OMB ruling means that Hills council the right to decide sewage treatment plant allocation able to accept and with the project growth rate how much will the bypass pump continue to be used And he questions if sewage bypass Ing the primary and secondary sewage treatment systems and pumped only into the contact and then Into the river is related to the pollution Norval wells He the problem of con laminated water In wells become evident about ago the same time period as overloading lems started with the sewage plant In Georgetown A Norval resident Mrs Ro bert Taylor rccieved the res ults from a water test taken Sunday night staling her water is contaminated for drinking purposes with a reading of plus total and six fecal A normal read acceptable from the Board of Health is col if or and fecal Many residents in have a similar problem and feci there is direct ship between the quality water in the river and the water table Reed is now wailing for information on when capital funding will be released from the region or the water line running to The fundi arc supposed to be included In the budget Mr Reed said but if the region 1 approve funding a meeting will be arranged between myself George Kerr and regional chairman Morrow to address the prob lem To The Readers of The Herald Georgetown I feel compelled 10 write this letter in hopes it may prompt some people to stop and think Some may my story it appeared July 10 on the full front page of the Toronto Sun WIDOW S 000 NIGHTMARE Part of my problam stemmed from the builder most of it from the fact the Chief Building Inspector of this area overlooked thirteen Building Infractions and six t Hazards overlooked also was the fact a permit was secured with one set of and another set used to build a different house Only those who have actually penenced some such circumstances can fully appreciate the following 2Vi years nightmdres and agony which followed During that time I wrote to and telephoned every available department set up for just this purpose Consumer s Affairs Uniform Building By Laws Property Rights Ombudsman OMB Premier Davis Office the list is endless it also includes the Georgetown Council the area in which live I did contact my Member of Parliament Mr Julian Reed he did try but hampered by red tape Finally in desperation I called a Mr William Johnson a name I noticed on an election poster in my area Mr Johnson immediately answered my call he visited my house wrote letters arranged meetings which he attended on my behalf At one point I had 15000 gdltons of water yes 15 000 gallons flood my basement where all my fur niture was stored Mr Johnson arrived minutes after my Cdll and he and a friend another NDP member by the way baled water for nearly a day in up to their knees They both took time off work to do some of these deeds Not once did I hear Sorry it snot my jurisdiction Mr Johnson did his level best as a human being He did his utmost for me he would do his utmost for you he that kind of a person Which brings me to the point of this letter Mr Johnson is a member of the party Not once did I hear a word on politics nor a word of repayment From what have experienced these people seem to be more interested in the plight of the people and this country than most politicians whose main interest seems to be money and power If the first product you buy is unsatisfactory try another if it too fails go to a third even though you mdy not be too familiar with it Why NOT give the NDP a try You can vote them in you can vote them out too it you so desire Most people are not too concerned with politics until it touches their lives per All I can say if it had not been for Mr Johnson and his friends I honestly don think I could have survived this experience Today more than ever before people should stop and think about the real person they are voting in not just the name of the party Would your party give up a day s wages to bale by hand 1 gallons of water out of your basement Thank you Mr Johnson for all your time your efforts and on my behalf My only regret is that there are not more Bill Johnsons and his kind in this world Mrs Barrack

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