TALKRADIO I Larry l77 Home Newspaper of Halton Hills THIRTY PAGES The fullsize paper reaching more than 12700 homes In Hills Picked up In passing Club raises The Georgetown Kinsmen and Klnclte Club donated as their share of the 187 Kinsmen and to the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation The cheque was presented to Kevin and Andrea Taylor of Toronto who both have cystic fibrosis and are members of District Kinsmen and Kinetics The presentation was made at the spring convention In Niagara Falls This year goal was 100 The Clubs have supported cystic fibrosis since 1971 and have presented close to Lechre series starts As the official closing day of public schools aws closer play days and graduation ceremonies have arranged by the schools In all schools throughout Ha on Hills groups will be travelling to different cities and several classes are going on camping trips The week following school closing teachers will be Involved In teacher professional days working out problems for classes In September The final day for classes is June Three win medals Sylvia Lee and Patricia Burns both of Georgetown and Raymond Cote from Acton will be awarded the Board of Governor Silver Medal for outstanding academic achievement during convocation ceremonies at Sheridan College June and 10 Patricia Burns is graduating from electronic engineering technology Sylvia Lee graduates from crafts and design Final classes June A June celebration of the Barber family will be held with lectures June and at Howard Wrigglesworth public school a walking tour near the old and dynamo on June 19 and a plaque unveiling June com menora ting the development of local hydro power a I Driver Drive The Barber family has made valuable contributions to the paper industry and was the first company to use hydroelectricity to drive the wheels of a Canadian factory Guide earns award Elaine Fen ton of Sixth Guide Company was awarded the second highest award In guides the all round cord at the mother and daughter banquet Monday In St Andrew a Church Commissioner of Georgetown East Pot Bartkowiak and Captain Penricc presented Elaine with the cord Rail presentation Ontario Rail Association made a slide presentation to council Monday seeking support for its million project to improve a seven mile section of Canadian National Railway track between Glen Williams and Cheltenham President Marvin Mooney said his group it preparing to speak with landowners along the rail way Efforts will be made to mend or replace existing fences along the track He explained that under the lease arrangement with CNR the Ontario Rail is responsible to provide the same level of service and maintenance to the trackage as the Crown corporation Parking study Council is seeking a completed study or off street parking needs in Acton Council learned the study will deal with over all parking needs and not specifically with the purchase of the Bakery property on Willow Street approved Monday New appointment JA Sandy MacKemie has been named to replace Bob Gougeon as a member of the Hills parking authority He was theonly applicant for the position library meet set Council Interested citizens will meet either June IS or to discuss the facility The date of the meeting has been set following the presentation last month of a petition urging he site selection In Cedarvale Park by reconsidered Acton group named George Elliott Louis Charlebois Alice Davidson Betty Eastwood Yvonne 1st Fred Allan Jr and Douglas have been named to the Acton restoration committee Involved in the study of the former Acton to wnhall With the exception of Mrs and Mrs Eastwood all members sit on a subcommittee to meet with council tire damage Firefighters worked hard to put out a fire started In the bam at George DeKIeer form on Seventh Line one mile north of Silver creek Monday night Working steadily the firefighters managed to save the bam and also saved farm equipment Estimated damage to the ham is and the cause of the fire Is under Investigation fire prevention officer Larry Brassard said on Tuesday Lay off af Twin Cee Thirty three employees of Ltd are on a one week layoff until Friday and will probably face more down time later this year Bun Hargrove spokesman for the United Auto Workers said lost week The plant will have four employees working In the shipping and stock departments during the layoff Twin Cee manufactures paper dispensers ashtrays and garbage containers widely used In the hotel industry Meanwhile Mr Hargrove stated at a press conference Friday that he expects a further layoff at Smith and Stone Inter this summer He said the plant has already had a two week layoff with several employees still on Indefinite layoff Both plants are represcnfedBy the United Auto Workers Wintarlo winner There Indeed was a winner In Georgetown when camo to town for Its bonus draw May 26 Mary won I to when her bonus number was drawn during be event held to mark the reopening of the Georgetown Memorial Arena Sheplanstoshareherprlze with and their three children Street doting Council had approved the closing of Mill Street Acton between Fellow and Willow Streets and Willow Street from Mill to Bower Street Thursday Friday and Saturday June 30 July and July for Back to Acton Days sponsored by the Acton Business Association The closings will take effect from noon to m Thursday am toSpm Friday Saturday SCOn PAPER STUDIES PLANT Firm denies sale imminent Scott Paper Ltd has been revealed as the firm planning to buy he vacant Do tar plant in Georgetown but company officials have denied the sale is imminent as Mayor Tom Hill indicated last week We have no definite plans for a major expansion at this lime Bernard vice- president and general manager of eastern manufacturing told The Herald In a telephone In tervicw from Montreal Monday Nor have we con an of phasing out of our present facilities Paper Ltd has plants in Quebec and in British Columbia Mr Goulct said the firm is examining several locations throughout Canada for possible As regards Georgetown specifically the service of a consulting engineering firm has been retained to carry out a reusability study In order to determine whether this site fits in to the future plans of the This report has not been completed to date and when received will have to be evaluated along with similar studies on other locations Mr said Mayor Tom Hill announced at a press conference May 31 at the George Gray campaign headquarters that another paper company which he declined to name would be purchasing the plant The firm was reported prepared to install four paper machines and employ a maximum of within five years The mayor said the company would spend million to put the plant In shape said both candidates Mr Gray and Progressive Conservative Julian Reed incumbent Liberal candidate were aware of the negotiations but pledged to secrecy After making his an nounccment at Mr Gray headquarters Mr Hill made a simitar statement Mr Heed s campaign headquarters In an Interview Monday with The Herald Mr Gray said he had no knowledge of what he mayor was going to say at the May 31 press conference He said he had Invited the mayor to the press conference so that themayor could hear of two Industries Mr Gray was negotiating to bring to town Mr Gray said the mayor announcement has hurt his campaign and led to the New Democratic Party putting out a flyer accusing Mr Gray of building up false hopes of the unemployed In the area wish I hod him there Mr Gray said The first of the possible Jobs at the plant came May IB when Mr Gray announced at a Rotary Club Dinner a total of about I Jobs to come to Hills and Milton At the time Mr Gray said the deal was complete but for he actual sale of the plant Mr Goulct said that when the study Is com he will come to Georgetown to make an an on the results of the study He said the figure of jobs was taken out of context in a conversation between the own committee himself and Scott Paper Ltd of ficlal He said the Quebec plant of Scott Paper Ltd started years ago with 150 employees and now has BSD The size of Hie plant In Georgetown if purchased would depend on many factors the economy of them He stressed that then is no idea of phasing out the plant adding bat tilt company had recently spenl In capital funds that plant Mr said the question of meeting ministry of en vironmenl guidelines for the Continued Pages Reaction is mixed Contradictory statements about the purchase of the vacant Domtar plant and subsequent provision of jobs In Georgetown has met with a mixed reaction from some town councillors And the issue is one that may have a serious effect on the election campaign of Pro gressive Conservative George Gray On May lSat a Rotary Club dinner Mr Gray announced that about 850 jobs were only weeks away and thai for the sole of the plant almost But he declined to name the firm a normal practise in such proceeding Early in April had laid off the last of work era and closed the plant Then Mayor Hill in a press conference at Mr Gray s campaign headquarters May old reporters thai a recommendation to purchase the plant was being made that day by a president senior vice president met ting In Vancou I he also declined lo he firm The made a similar statement later at Julian Heed headquarters But last Wednesday George Leary president of Scolt Paper Ltd told he Star that for every one to create Impression a deal is bong made would be Continued on Page At Hills first recognition and honor awards Fiona Thlbldeau and and Olympic wrestler evening wrestler John left with Jaycettes Llewellyn enjoy a moment of camaraderie Town recognizes merit Donald Griggs a Centennial middle through his setting up on popular first aid school teacher receives a priory vole of course al his school for both students and thanks from Lieut Gov Pauline McGibbons teachers on behalf of St John Ambulance at a photo by Herald inTorontoSaturday He received It Toronto Bureau for rendered assistance to the Order THREE RESIDENTS HONORED FOR FIRST AID WORK TORONTO Three Georgetown residents The ancient ceremony which dates back were honored by the Order of St John at a to the Crusades was presided over by special ceremony at St Paul Anglican Lieut Gov Pauline McGlbbon Church here Saturday Richard was invested as an led Queen Elizabeth who officer of the order while Donald Griggs and Sovereign Head of The Most Venerable Order Donna received the priory vote of Hospital of St John of Jerusalem thanks which Is better known as St John Ambulance Labor council committee set to help unemployed Brampton and District Labor Council is seeking to help the unemployed help themselves The council announced formation of a full employment committee to work with area unemployed people to overcome problems they face seeking Jobs or retaining benefits from the federal government Spokesman Hargrove told a press conference that registered unemployed In Brampton Bramnlea and Georgetown Is a conservative figure Wc estimate there a at least per cent who do not file for benefits Immediate action by the council will be a grant of 000 to advertise through radio and newspapers for Ihe unem ployed In the area to come forward and speak with committee members Ultimately a brief will be presented to Manpower Minister Bud Cull en urging a relaxation of present federal regulations governing jobs search and qualifications for pi omen I benefits during a perl Ha ca crisis unemployment Hargrove said the brief may be prepared by August and In the interim members of the committee will speak with CANDIDATES MEETING Jobs not unity main local issue There is more to winning than coming first a professor of physical education told the first Hills recognition and honor awards evening Speaking an audience at Gordon arena that con talned about persons who had come first in heir lar endeavor Stuart Rob- bins professor at York and member of the recreation advisory board for sold that we can forget the pleasure and enjoy menl hat comes In compel activity And even in the mere ing for some goal a person can gain dedication and singleness of mind to get success Rob bins said A lot needs giving up but the giving up is a worthwhile act ho added He sold devotion to practice is a necessary item of the desire to reach a goal Much of the time practice Is not easiest and best thing do However practice makes champions Without It you can win Winners made by Just sitting and hoping but by getting out there and striving for that goal Competition provides friendship for teammates and foes alike and brings respect he said In a team game sense of unity that comes as a common goal Is for Is Indeed a meaningful hat lasts longer than the adulation of the fans He said that overcoming the desire at limes to quit leads to control of the emotions which also lasts for a long time Besides physical benefits achieved in a sporting pleasure is achieved before during and after the actual competition We can be a belter person n going nut and trying Mayor Tom Hill and Roy Booth presented about certificates and badges lo those of the tola 38 honored who were present Receiving the awards were Nancy Wong as the 1976 Ontario Basketball Free Throw Champion for 11 year old girls Mike Dixon as the 107a Ont aria Juvenile Cross Country Champion and as Ihe Two Mile Champion Robert Marchand and Ray Inglis as members or the 1976 Ontario Men Intcrmed iate AA Champion ship learn Rick as the 1976 Wrestling al pounds Nell Young as the 1976 Road Race Champion In GT Production Sport Cars Philip Noble as a member of the 1976 C1AU Championship Football Team Paul Thompson as the 1976 Junior Lawn Bowling Cham plon Lisa as Ihe 1976 Central Canadian Senior ore He Champion and Fiona Thl as the 1976 Canada Jaycettes Kris Barber as a member of he 1076 Canadian Novice Dance Championship Team Kevin Parker as the 1976 Central Cunadian Novice Mens Figure Skating Cham plon David Cox for taking first place In the first International Film Festival In Canada John and Brian for the 1976 OFSSA Wrestling championship In the pound pound weight class respectively Cine I as the National Wrestling Champion in the kg weight class All but three mi miners of the Georgetown legion Boy all were playing a game out of town and were ibl attend It was the winning of 1976 Ontario Juvenile A Women Softball title by butler Paul Caruso Barb Curry Gllson Debbie Hamilton San Kcrby Janet McKay Betty Mar shall Milton Maveal Smith Laura Wilkes and Joan Wright that led to the establishment or Ihe a arils evening Also honored absent Inn Clark as the 1976 Mldet Boys Cross Country Meredith McLaren an the 1976 Midget Girls metro hurdles champ- Ion William Bradley as he Ontario Summer ling Champion al pounds Martin for the 1976 Ontario Summer Games Champion ship at 165 pounds was picked up by his father Herald staff writer Jobs and not leadership or national unity emerged as the key election Issue at an all candidates meeting Monday in Georgetown Candidates Julian Reed Liberal George Grav Progressive Conservative BUI Johnson New Democratic Party faced over persons packed in Ihe Georgetown and district high school The lively crowd hissed cheered applauded booed or derided each candidate in turn during the lengthy question period Almost one- third of questions put to he candidates concerned jobs The first question put to Bill Johnson was from James Taylor of Glen Williams who asked position on raising the minimum wage In Ontario to per hour would increase inflation Mr Johnson denied that Idea was original with the NDP It came from Senator David Croll who came up with a formula that by 1B7B the minimum wage should be per cent of average in trial wage Mr Johnson explained and the NDP came up with a figure of per hour on that basis Corporation Income tax a In not risen equally with personal Income tax Mr Johnson said The million lax break the corporations have had since then has been used to get automated equipment rather than make jobs he said Employment Is created by small businesses he Mr Reed said he Liberal parly Is opposed to a per hour minimum wage while there was such serious unemployment don oppose minimum wage forever but we feel Ontario economy cannot stand an Increase which would compound the problem Mr Gray replied that the per hour minimum would problems for small businesses and for young people looking for work as well as contribute to a trade deficit Unemployment in the world market Due Rutherford of Georgetown asked the can dldnto which party would rente 100 jobs per and how Mr replied that Conservative government has created Jobs per for the pist five years thai in the first four months of Ihls year had created permanent jobs Wi need more than 100 Jobs a year Thl Liberal party would create the Jobs through small businesses Mr Reed said because less capital needed and small businesses are labor Intensive The Liberal Job program would cost million per year and be financed through an estimated local officials of Canada Manpower and Ihe ploy men t Insurance Com mission regarding their In volvement in helping the unemployed We want to stress that in no way are we attempting to discredit officials of Man power or Hargrove said Problems experienced with the unemployed will be documented to seek solutions Council President Terry Gorman of Local 1235 and a referee in ploy men insurance appeals said about per cent of disqualifications occur because the oppl cant has not carried out on adequate job search Hargrove said there have been cases where cd in Brampton ha been sent to Misslssauga reeking Jobs while unemployed in Mississauga been sent to Brampton seeking em This requirement serves no purpose frustrate the unemployed We are not saying unemployed ought not to be out looking for Jobs but that there a need to relax the rules during a period of crisis hesald Continued on Page eventually the full em ploymcnt committee tunc lion will be turned over lo the lo continue in imong themselves said The labor council role in establishing the committee la to show organized labor has some about the unem ployed He hopes to have a major roily of unemployed organized for late summer or early fall because that really where we are going But if the unemployed do not indicate they want this kind of demonstration plans will be dropped later he added The labor council full em ploymcnt committee can be reached by calling at the office of Local 1285 In Brampton SMALL SUPPORT IRKS ORGANIZER Past- president for Georgetown Senior Cllliens Association Norman Smith was annoyed after checking pel I Ions for nursing home beds la stores throughout Georgetown and at the Herald office that In some cases only I wo people had signed the petition Are people positive they want nursing home beds be because If they do It time they smartened up Mr Smith been work In J or years making several efforts to improve situation In the past few weeks be has been helped by six canvassers gathering name for the petitions and he said he Is pleased with results But mere names arc needed Anyone who ham aire ail signed the petit in is age IK wants nursing beds In the northern pel t of should contact him