REED Legislature procedures changed the of the Fall Session the Ontario Legislature adopted some were produced by a Com of he bused upon research and mill rial and the many recommendations of the Ontario Commission on the Legislature This Commission as no doubt recall appointed in 1372 in of the tint it was Id Ihe role of Hit The Commission memlurs were Const r villi Dillon irquhai THt mil New some people m is consider new rules to be i major ire for Ihe mcisl of a minor or lioUMktep than petition eurrcnt rules which hue become of illy proposed legislation may not be called for second reading that is in prmiciple until it his been printed inablei Members to know what they arc debating This rule is repealed as if were new because the Government has often made a practice of pushing through bills before hi ire form The duly question is been lengthened to one hour winch me ins it more Members mil hue in op to ask during the addition fifteen mlnutts Puts lenders will Ik allowed two questions the the will in dialled lo Ihe Members if rotation nils the Men is dissatisfied hit is to force lull hour debate iefore the rises on Tuesd i nights popuhrly eillid the late show In fact written questions stay on the Order Piper until I prorogues If course i I simplv rule III it i Minister is not obliged lo I low ir ppro the problem in this Insleid the new rules prowde fir another lute on Thursday for dissilisfied with rtith for tilt I second and third reading these bills hive been debated or in hour and allowed die hut in future Iv these ills will be debated I Thursday of legislilion I lype tole there thai s iflernoon ehinges will enall the rile if the I I who will now have the sunt power is if net Minister to which may subsequently le passed under his name this will tome in responsibility As it is unlikely that i will have more than one opportunity submit he musl choose in issue ran item which lis to majority of tin house is of province wide impnrt inee The rules il it no bill of this type may involve the expenditure public money This is in wilh which only the oven mint the null impose taxes to spend taxpayers money I have mentioned that Members prcvtnt Hill from being voted upon This provision differs from Iht system which one member objection to prevent the vole and will ensure that each bill receives Ihe scrutiny it will prevent an erratic piece of legislation frombccommRhw Itwillnlso force those who oppose a bill to organize their opposition and to find serious reasons for their opposition Access to background material will given to Members for any government bill or polity A sign of greater value greater WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS MARVEL BRAND SLICED BUY LOAVES savings WHITE BREAD 00 SAVE 17 31 LOAF Something You Should Know About APs FAMILY OF FINE GROCERY PRODUCTS week we placed on ASP ware proud of these fine products each one repreienti good valuo for your dollar became Ihey low in price don think they Aran I high in quality We guarantee that you can the quality every lime we back It up an unconditional back guarantee START SA VING WITH ASP PRODUCTS POWDER DETERGENT FACIAL TISSUE 18 INCH FOOT FOIL WRAP ORANGE JUICE PEANUT BUTTER Chocolate Chip AOv I4J7 COOKIES SALAD SUNMIX CRYSTALS ACTION PRICED I TOMATO ACTION BOX OF SHEETS AP BRAND ACTION PR SOUPS ANN P KETCHUP FIG BARS SNACK ozpkg CRACKERS ANN PAGE 79 59- DRESSING AP POLY OF TEA BAGS TIN PEACHES CO ANN PAGE lOO BEAN J ACTION AP BRANDS peas PRICED CHOICE ACTION AA AP Oft TOMATOES Cream Style CORN 169 ANN PAGE action 69 socKEYESALMori2 FOR FRESHNESS SHOP THE GARDEN SPOT NO I GRADE LARGE SIZE VINE RIPENED TOMATOES Action Priced FBI ORANGE JUICE 1 LITRE CARTON 8 OCLOCK COFFEE 10 JAR 299 Apples 99 Grapefruit 499 SHI Avocado Pears Baking Potatoes 349 WHITE SWANJO TOWELS S77 JAM Potato Chips Serviettes Bundt Mixes l9 Cheerios OF JO CHOW MACARONI OR THIN Comfees Diapers 269 Romi Spaghetti 69 Cordon Bleu stews 85 Jelly Powders 89 Regular or All Beef WIENERS 1 LB VAC PAC 68 Chub 139 Pepperoni SUM BRAND Deluxe Pizza 299 Corned Beef 108 SHOP5YS SPECIAL BANDED DEAL Steak Pies 109 NEW ZEALAND IMPORTED WHOLE OR SHANK HALF Frozen Lamb Legs 129 NEW ZEALAND IMPORTED FROZEN SHOULDER Lamb Chops 88 PORK LOIN QUARTERS CUT INTO CHOPS IN A 2 Rib Chops 2 Loin End Chops 6 Centre Cut Chops PORK LOIN ROASTS RIB PORTION TENDERLOIN PORTION RIND ON BY THE PIECE WHOLE OR HALf BACON lb CENTRE CUTS LB 99 Centre Cut Chops FRESH Ground Pork 98 COUNTRY STYLE Spare Ribs 118 PICKLED BY THE PIECE CENTRE CUTS LB Back Bacon 148 PREVIOUSLY FROZEN Meaty Pork Hocks BURNS Sausages MAPLE LEAF Sliced Bologna